(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Chevy Ya allergic to jeans. Cos no circulation. Haha.

Luv maternity jeans? Is it expensive? Where to buy?
Setup another acc for fb? Hmmm. Let me think abt it.

Fat chicken better to heed doc advise. Or do u wan to seek another opinion?

Reikibaby can boil cordyceps even during first trimester. I did drank 2 - 3 times during first trimester.

He says e water bag size grow a bit but he said a bit small for 6 weeks 5 days... Moreover, he says e size of e water doesn't matter.. As long as can see heart beat...

Sade/ white clover and luv
Thanks for yr concern . Doc is ok with me going back see him on sat. To me if still can't see on tuesday I scare he will ask me stop n wash e bb... I thought of drag till sat give bb more time to grow... Have a better chance...

I know I am deceiving myself a bit... Dun want to accept the reality. I just hope it bb grow slow.. Slow better than nothing...
Fat chicken - don't lose hope. Here's a little prayer that I have been reciting daily till now:
It helps me calmer. I hope it can help u too.

"You know my deep desire for a child -- a little one to love and to hold, to care for, to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in Your holy image. Guide me in all my choices so that this conception, my pregnancy and my baby's birth are in line with Your will. Heavenly Father, hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit. Please grant my baby supernatural protection and blessings. Amen!"
Fat chicken I understand and know what u r thinking. Keep the faith! Rest well and think positively.

Btw, whr or whose is your gynae?
eskimo, Bbjourney can add you to the FB group. You wanna PM her?

sade, I bought my maternity jeans from Spring. Think there are other stores and online sites selling m. jeans too. But for jeans I prefer to try out for myself so prefer a physical store.
So far, I find the m. jeans quite ex, so i just buy one to tong for as long as i can lor. Got mine from Spring at $62 or so after 10% discount. Cheaper than some online sites surprisingly!

whiteclover, i also have this little rhyme that I made up myself which I'll chant to baby once in a while. Will ask baby to grow strong and healthy. Did it for #1 and doing the same for #2. Hee... helps me feel more connected to baby.
Sade, cordycep quite ex...lol so save it when bb can also absorb. So when in trim 2, weekly can alternate birdnest & cordyceps.

Today eating every 2 hrs since breakfast. Eat till so tired and dumo what to eat...
White clove
Thanks for yr prayer.. Will try to pray.. Though I am not a christian.. I believe there is god
Sometimes I wonder is it that I am not fated to be a mother, after trying to conceive for almost 4 yrs.. Finally did e first ivf and tested positive... But now still see no heart beat.. Is it that I am not meant to be a mum? That why doing 'man-made' bb also may give me false hope??

To the rest, hope you can include me in part of your prayer... I think beside weeping and praying nothing much I can do..until I see dr again next week.

I read from another forum, saw a lady only found heart beat at 12 weeks and she was schedule to do D&C. Hope I am as lucky as her...

Sorry for being so emotion here... Thanks for listening my problem...
Fat chicken Dr foong yang is my ex gynae.

Luv Ya quite expensive. Went to spring few weeks back n din buy cos no disc except for nursing wear. Din look at maternity jeans thou.
Ya it's better to try out than buy online.

Reikibaby me too. Me eating non stop sin week 6 or 8 till now. Yesterday I ate 2 hardboiled eggs without yolks, 1bowl of noodles, 2 pcs guava, 1 apple, chicken chop, rice with fish, veggies, eggs n soup, chocolate ice cream with waffle n instant noodles.

Ya cordyceps is exp, I only put 4pcs when double boiled. N then have to eat the cordyceps aft that. Your mum do it for u?
Fat chicken, don't think of it this way. I know it's nt easy now. Stay strong n positive. Nothing u can do now except to eat n rest well.
Fat chicken, it may really just be too early. Dun give up hope yet okay?

sade, u even eat the cordycep?? Eeww.. i wouldn't dare. Hahah...
Fat chicken maybe you wanna try n eat more so bb will grow bigger to beable to detect the hb. Be strong for your bb okay, keep talking to bb n ask bb to hold on to u thightly. Jiayou!

Sade same like u I ate alot too very scared bb overweight or gt diabetic. Middle of the nite surely will wake up to eat too. Bb luv to eat n eat but not slp. Dun like to slp! I wan to slp also cannot. So active scared my bb is hyperactive!
Whiteclover no lah. As breakfast, lunch, tea break, dinner, desert n supper. Really eat until don't know eat what. Also eat junk food.

Ya luv, the store assistant told me that hv to eat it. Haha. Sometimes I ate it sometimes my hb ate it.

Bbshower I ate before I sleep. I sleep ar 1am. Had alrdy put on 5kg. Luckily I m slightly underweight before bfp. What time do u sleep?
Sade I slpt ard 11plus to 12plus. Woke up ard 3am to eat sometime woke up 2times to eat. I m week 11 now so far already put on 1.5kg. My weight was 50 kg now 51.5 le.
Bb shower my weight is abt 48.5kg be4 bfp. R u working? I can't imagine eating at 3am.

I woke up for pee only. Haha.
Sade I m going bk to work nx week. Guess I m slowly getting use to it because even not working I woke up 8plus. N also beside waking up to eat I woke up to pee too. Lots of disturb slp, that's y I get frequent headache. But no choice coz bb dun wanna slP I can't force myself too n if I dun wake up to eat I can't slp too. ..Tats y I m wondering is my bb hyperactive.
By shower I had insomnia too, but I still lay on bed. I don't eat at 3am. Luckily not hungry at that hr.
The takashimaya moon cake fair is back! This year, almost all the usual vendors r back except for hang heung.

Bot the Mao Shan Wang durian moon cake and almond biscuits (Macau) yesterday. Got 20% off.
Sade, im on the heavy side. So i try not munch much. Let's see what i down yesterday.
Sandwich, wanton mee, 4 pcs chwee kueh, milo w oats, red bean soup, beehoon w potatoes, milo and bread, milo w oats again.
All these are what i pop in since 9.30am yesterday at interval of 2hrs.

Yah my mum will cook the soup for me weekly when i go over on weekends. I also will finish up the cordyceps n every single stuff in the soup. Wahaha.
Whiteclover thks for informing. I love macau almonds biscuits. Will go n buy soon. Wow u only put on 2.5kg?

Reikibaby, u r eating more healthy food than me. Stay that way for first trimester. U drank 3 cups of Milo a day? Milo also contain v small amt of caffeine.

Fat chicken saw Dr fong yang in yr 2007. Recommend by my friend. Lapo done by him. He removed my cyst n found endometriosis n right block tube. Aft that he gave me lupron depot to stop my menses for 3months. Aft that 5cycles of Clomid to try for bb. Aft 5 unsuccessful tries, he asked me to try iui. I asked him to test if my right tube was unblocked, n found out still block. So I was rather unhappy that y din he advised me to test earlier n kept on asking me to take Clomid.
But taTs many yrs back. I find him nt a good fertility gynae. Cos he made me wasted few months.I know He's busy with preggers n quite popular among them.
Sade actually clomid is not advisable to be taken more then 3times. Lucky u change gynae le imagine the amt of $ spend, time wasted n health affected.
Yah, Milo contains bit bit of caffeine...but i cant think of other hot beverages i can swallow. Milk and horlick is out for me cos my tummy cannot take it. Haiz..... Each time i will take half cup milo.
Before I see dr Fong yang I saw dr H.k Ho at mt A...
He also quite popular and got to wait very long.
That time my hubby diagnose with low sperm count n quality.. So he recommend an urologist to see.. But he also says low sperm count doesn't mean cannot try.. He ask me to try few clomid cycles even with my hubby low sperm count problem not solved.
I think all gynae will say you try this try that... Cos to them it's a gamble... Low dosent mean No...still got hope...
So after a few cycle of clomid with dr Ho I decided to stop... Waiting time too long... And hubby feel that he is too
Busy to remember each paitients.. And e way he give treatment quite similar... Hubby feel he is like a factory worker...

While dr Fong .. May be when we see him we sound desperate and told him we want see result fast...
So he try 1 cycle of clomid , failed. Straight away try iui. Also failed.. So we try So-iui... But end up too many eggs produced.. So finally to ivf...

So I will see him next week to see how.. If successful think will continue.. But if no good news then see how...
Sade, yours also dr loh from tmc??

A lot of u are under him.., any good feed back??
Bb shower, Clomid no more than 6 times. Ya lor I visited him every month then. Luckily had claim insurance for my lapo.

Reikibaby oic. Thou u drank 3 cups daily.

Fat chicken I understand that gynae will ask to try this n that. I trusted him n din do much research then. But was disappointed that he should suggest I did a hsg test instead of me telling him that I should do it.
He's popular n had to wait 1 hr to see him.

What I learnt aft all these yrs is that have to do own research n ask questions.

Ya under Dr loh. He's a v experience gynae. Highly recommended.
Sade, u might wan to check if the almond biscuit got green bean powder...... i remembered have when i last bought......
But yeah, me, my sis & mom are great fans of this biscuit too!
Chevy hehe I took green bean dessert during first trimester as I was heaty.

So for that almond biscuits even with green beans should be little. Really v nice.

But nt too much, as it's quite heaty.
I know it's hard but try to keep your spirits high fat chicken. Have faith. Don't give up until the verdict is out!

Ladies, I will be resting for the next 5 weeks tol end of 1st trimester. The scan yesterday at 7 weeks is gd. Bb is now 11mm. I'm experiencing cramps n sharp pain n have been told the uterus is growing. Nausea is still bad but surprisingly better today. Maybe vit b really helps as I started that this morning.

Wish us all the best !!
Fat chicken, talk to bb and try to stay positive? No harm going for early visit I feel.

Sade, when did u start booking WBB class? I'm thinking If I should book when I go for next gynae visit which will be week 15 or now? Heard she's very popular lei.

Bb galore, will PM you my email. Pls add me to FB group. Thx!
Hi tutu Chevy,
Thanks for ur encouragement... This morning suddenly got a lot water discharge.. So much so it soak my whole under n nearly wet my skirt...
Call clinic nurse ask me to see dr now...
Now waiting... Hope its not e water bag burst or leak...
Tutu, I am about same week as you.. So glad ur bb growing well...
Hope I can get good news to share later ....
Hope I booked online during week 12 or 13. Ya she's v popular so book early. Was told to finish the class 2months before delivery.

Tutu, so u applied NPL. good for u to rest well and eat well.
As long hubby and company supports, it's good to take some rest during this period of time.
tutu : you are about same week as me.. me now on 7.2 weeks as at 28/8.. baby size is 10mm.. going for my blood test on 13/9 and 1/10 will be the scan....
BabyG, the detailed scan checks that the organs and main anatomy of baby is fine. Also can confirm gender too usually.

bbshower, usually baby bump is more obvious only by 5mths, esp for first time mummies.

Tutu, some cramps and isolated pain is common. But do check with ur doc if it's unbearable pain or accompanied by spotting. Yeah, I found Vitamin B helps curb the nausea too.

Hope, it's BabyJourney that you should PM, not BabyGalore, lol.

Fatchicken, why dun u go down straight to clinic to have a check? Jiayou!
Hi cocolee, my edd is 16 apr. u?

Luv, did u take vit b? Did it help? So I should not worry if I feel less nausea from now on?

Give us gd news fat chic.

Tutu, yeah, i took Vit B Complex previously n it seemed to ease my nausea. So long as ur scans show baby's doing well, dun get too worried abt the presence or lack of MS. Of course, I know it's easier said than done lah. Lol.
