(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hi tutu, me din take rest for first trimester. Just a few days for my spotting. It's good if able to take leave n rest at home if ur co allows.

R u feeling tired? Y u wanna take rest for whole first trimester? Is ur job demanding?

Hi bb shower, me nt yet. still can't tell during my last visit.

Ya I agreed with bb shower. At least u have to keep yourself occupied at home or else it's better to work if u r nt tired or stress.
I have been with the co for 11 yrs. Will not hv issue going on leave. I hv been advised by several people to rest til 1st trimester is over. My spotting has stopped but not coping MS very well. I hv been thinking very hard. This bb hasnt come easy n i just thought i should do what i could to keep it..
Tutu, this time round my gynae could also tell that I'm more gan cheong, after waiting for so long and going thru so much to have this baby. If you can afford to, then rest for the first trimester.

bbshower, not yet. Hoping to find out soon!
Tutu Yes v true. So long your co allows and supports your decision to rest, then can go ahead.
No worries we r here to share each other views.

Bb shower u r anxious to know bb gender too?
HI Ladies,

My gynae gave me enough duphaston and utrogestan (V- insert) for 2 weeks but my visit was scheduled a few days later, is it ok to miss the drugs completely for a few days? I will be in week 12 then.

Hi bbshower,
I've been munching on chips and twisties since BFP. I am a junk food lover...

HI Tutu,

Like what the rest suggested, if can afford and co supportive, you should take a rest.

As for me, I quit my job as NPL is not a choice.
Now so bored at home... wanted to get back to workforce to pass time but it's difficult as which boss will want to hire a pregnant worker?
Shower I din. Usually I shave or trim only. Don't dare to do it even before bfp. Afraid of pain n pai seh abt it.
do you know if it's ok to take "yang-sheng" or pao- sheng" now (me in week 11)? My MIL wants to double boiled some of these for me, she said can take but I'm not sure. My TCM doc said can only start to "bu" from 4th mth onwards...
Sade now I only trim too because dun like to shave as will cause ingrown then will be very itchy. I got wax before very clean, actually dun need to be paisay, now I felt go c gynae or nurse being hairy down there more paisay. Dunnoe if now wax will be more sensitive n more pain a not.
Znatasha act dif ppl dif views on the tonics. For me I took some double boiled pao sheng during first trimester as I was told by an auntie that it's to bu mum on first trimester. Then for2nd trimester, helps to bu bb.

Bb shower Ya I don't dare to shave now. Just trim. I think if u r used to wax then should be ok. But think will slightly be more painful sin more sensitive now. Read that other ladies do wax during last few weeks before giving birth.
bbshower, the nurses and gynaes have seen it all lah. No need to be paiseh. Lol.
Anyway, once u start doing tummy scan, u won't need to "reveal" until delivery time.

For delivery, the nurses will help shave a little if you didn't.
whiteclover, do u have any fav seller when buying from gmark? I tend to get overwhelmed by the site hahahahaaa.......
Whiteclover do u have ms during first trimester? Cos u told us Dr loh guess bb girl. So I wanted to compare our first trimester symptoms n see any clue for myself. Haha. My logic again!
hhmm....I have been trimming. never done any wax b4. scared it's gona be pain
imagine ripping out a chunk of hair hahahahahaaa....
Hi Chevy, u wanna try mummysecret.com.sg or asos.com for cheaper maternity wear? N also bt timah shopping centre also have affordable maternity clothing. Range 20plus to 40plus.

I am also overwhelmed by q10oo website. Can share with us Whiteclover?
sade, i heard the saying goes......if u r carrying a boy, tummy will not be obvious when seen from behind. If girl, then both sides of tum can be seen. Also, carrying boy, tum seems to be sharper than girl, which is round. not sure how true lah.....
My mum double boils paosheng+red dates+goji+chicken for me weekly. Im in first trim. Her intention is to bu me now cos she feels i need to bu qi n blood else if im weak, how to support my preg. But my mum did say must use better grade herbs.

I feel up to individual. When bu from 5th mth onwards is more for baby. My mum say from 2nd trim onwards she say i will need bird nest and also can take cordyceps. Most for baby.

Everything in moderation. I started with a small bowl, cos i told my mum i wan to see how my body reacts to it. Took for 3 times and so far i felt ok.
sade, i did check out asos but has yet to make any purchase. have u tried from both sites?
dh keep asking me to stop wearing my jeans. but i told him mine's all low waist ones
Chevy, I go check. I think pants - I bot from this seller manuiru. I post the link later.

Sade - didn't puke at all. Only nausea and indigestion. Is there symptoms of a girl? My hubby though nvr say, I know he's hoping for a boy. My inlaws I also think so.

Does yr inlaws favor boys over girls?
Haha Chevy ya initially is painful but endure a while it's over n clean hee. Actually I don't do it often only wax when I travel. Guess i will just trim for now maybe wax when nearer to delivery as tummy will be big n harder to trim cos cant c haha.I m also looking for maternity wear n also more comfy shoes to wear. Wanna get cheap n good one coz only wear it for now.
chevy, ya i bought from the 2 website and also bt timah shopping center. haha. i was like u wearing jeans, but i kena itchy v, so in the end, i didnt wear jeans. now mostly wore pants or 3 quarter pants. Its really more comfty. As my friends also told me to stop wearing jeans so that it's won't affect the bb growth. I am a jeans lover.

My suggestion is to buy once hit week 12 or 13 cos can wear a bit more longer.

Ya chevy i heard of that too. But now still can't see mah, cos only 19 weeks. So only guessing.

whiteclover oic, me only nausea no vomitting. n v good appetite. I thou normally for girl will have stronger ms. Cos most of my friends don't have strong ms when carring boys.

My hubby is ok with boy or girl, but my PIL is hoping for boy. Sin no grandson yet in the family. But if bb is a girl, he will be disappointed but still happy at least we have a bb.

Ya mostly drink double boiled soup in a rice bowl. Once or twice a week. I felt that aft drinking, i won't feel so tired easily.
reikibaby that's good to hear that. I drank too but not much pao sheng during first trimester. More on homemade chicken essence. Energy level also up. But only for 2-3 days. After that, felt tired again for first trimester. Haha.

Luv, me not joining in yet. hehe. still wish to remain anonymous.
Sade, i was taking homemade chicken essence since ET daily for 2ww then subsequently weekly. But my mum still feel too plain so add in paosheng. Lolz
Sade, bukit timah shopping centre is the one oppositethe stretch of food places where mrt construction going on is it? I Thot that place only hv agencies and gaming. Which shop u buy from? Or do u mean bukit timah plaza?

I know bukit timah plaza has a children shop that sells a lot of comfy baby and kids clothing and pajamas. Quality quite good.
reikibaby that's a lot of homemade chicken essence. daily? Heard that 1 bowl of homemade chicken essence equals to 8 bottles of chicken essence. Your mum dotes on you a lot.

ya whiteclover, yes that's the one. It's level 3. It's a v big shop with old lighting and next to the escalator. Selling normal clothing, bras and under garments, n maternity clothings. Maternity clothings is placed opp to the bras section.

The auntie is v friendly and recommends a lot of items. In the end, i only bought 2 3-quarter pants and a top. There is dresses too but i don't like. It's cheaper than other place.
Hi ladies....
Got something to share...just did my 2nd scan.. Today is 6 week 5 days... BUT still cannot hear heart beat...
Doc say either bb growing a bit slow.. If not it might be just water bag...doc cannot see e yolk yet.... And he says water bad a bit small for 6 week 5 days...
Feeling very sad and disappointed....
He suggested I go back see him on coming tuesday. But I told him I prefer next sat... Cos by then I am exactly week 8...
Do you think I should go on Tuesday??
Fat chicken, why wait till Week 8? No harm going back for closer observation unless u feel it's more stressful that way. Dun worry too much for now. Continue to eat well and rest well. Take care!
I thought let e bb grow longer will have a better chance...
I scare go back on tues a week 7 day 3 still not good enough to detect..
I read in those ang mo forums some only detect at 8 to 10 weeks... But those cases are below they have irregular cycle... Thus it affect their conceive date... But mine is ET confirm won't wrong lor...
Chevy, why not in fashion? Think denim is evergreen, heheh... I bought a pair of maternity jeans recently n I'm loving it! I had one bought few years back but realise i dun like the style liao, lol.
Chevy, oh, u mean the maternity wear in general!
Shld be okay lah, hahah.. Can try to get those that u can still wear after preg. More value for $$.
Cocolee, I'm in week 18 this week.

Fat chicken, my opinion, if u r comfortable with your doctor, just trust him and see him on tue. Unless he says ok that u visit on sat. It may be that he wants to monitor more closely.

Keep happy thoughts.
