(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hope, to stop BM, u can either take med or just gradually stop expressing milk. Ur milk will eventually reduce n stop over time if there's no demand. But do think twice cos there's almost no turning back if u change ur mind. The first weeks r the hardest n things do get easier. Jiayou! Ultimately decide on the choice that wld make u a happier mummy. Happier mummy = happier baby

Luv I gt to pump almost every 2hrs, if nt will feel pain , very tired, I no energy le.
really pondering to gv up or not. Coz FM also Gd , felt that giving FM I will be happier... Very hard decision, if only I can turn off the milk supply...this 2days I ve stop giving BM becoz baby jaundice still not yet recover, I just kept pumping n freezer already gt almost 20 pkt of 80ml BM...I tired le.
Depends on how well ur bb suckles. Gets easier with time. May range from 15min to 1h. But u save time washing n sterilizing. Fewer things to bring when u go out too. Older bbs can nurse for just ten to fifteen min n done!
Bbshower don't need to pump every 2 hrs. do it every 4hrs instead. do manual hand pump in toilet when u feel full. supply equal demand. cos the more u pump at such short interval the faster bm will be produced. squeeze of some n discard in toilet.
Bb shower, its the pumping session that makes you tired, or cos you still have to do the sterilisation and other chores so alladd up n make you so tired? Mayb see if you can get help in other areas. But then again... if really feel tired and stressful then slowly drag the pump timing to reduce. Cos some says not so gd to stop using medication. Jiayou!!!!

Luv, for avent pump, what are the parts that cannot sterilise? Those avent storage cups, can sterilise right? The blue lids and adaptor too?

Eskimobaby, sade, Luv, from experience, dun need bring pumps to hospital? Chances milk wont flow in so soon so can just latch to stimulate? If realli engorge then can bring in pumpnxt day? Will tmc help to sterilise? So far anyone of you nees to pump at hospital? Seems like most of you have good latching experience.
Hope, congratulations on motherhood! Take care and remember to take it as easy as you can where possible. Have a speedy recovery and enjoy bondingtimewith baby!
Reikibaby, hmm epidural is ok... Perhaps I was using laughing gas when I had the epi. C sec I'm not scared coz I know no pain plus I already had my epidural so it's ok for me. Have you decided what to do? Induce or C?

Lil Ponyo, thanks for the encouragement! Hope I can do a good job!
Reiki, I brought my manual pump along. I did use the pump cos I had sore nipple after latching so the nurse told me to stimulate by pumping instead of latching. The nurse did sterilise for me a few time, the rest of the time I use hot water to sterilise.
Good morning sisters!

Congrats, Hope! I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondered if you've popped. Didn't come online over the weekend and delighted to hear that you and bb are doing well!

Reikibaby, I'm still here. Haven't popped yet! Feeling heavy lately and wondering when bb's gonna come out!

Btw, ladies, I haven't washed my breast pump. They say don't need to bring to hospital cos hospital will have right?
ReikiB, can sterilise all parts of pump except the tubings (for dual pump) and the motor.

I didn't bring a pump to the hospital for #1 and just latched. For #2, I had to ask my hubby to bring it down subsequently cos bb was too sleepy to latch well and I needed to stimulate my breasts more. Can always stand by at home and bring if necessary.
Eskimobaby, Luv, thanks. Think i will just sterilise one round of the pump and bring to hospital bah.

Just wondering when we go into delivery ward, be it natural or csect, we can bring our bag in? Possible to inform the nurse that we want to use own sanitary pad? Cos really dun like thick loop pad...lols.

Luv, so even the lid of the cups can sterlise hor?

Precious baby, if GA, then hubby cannot go into the delivery ward and witness the birth of baby. Heard with epidural, will not feel pain....just feeling pressure at tummy area
Eskimo...oh..heee... tot can wear.
So the hospital bag can bring into the delivery ward too?

Hope, hows latching? Any milk flow?
I will be opting for csect. Will be this week
Eskimo, why no underwear?

Reikibaby, so when are you going for your c-sect? Looks like I'm the last one among the three of us!
Koirc, thanks! You going for natural right?

Precious baby, Reiki is right you won't feel pain and will only feel pressure. DH can go in with you and you can hear bb's first cry plus hold her!

Reiki, trying to find the right position for latching but getting better abit I think. I brought pump and start pumping just to stimulate faster milk flow after bb latch. But bb has mild jaundice so we agree to supplement with FM to prevent dehydration. Oh C with epi? Can share which day. You will see your bb soon!!! Hmm prince or princess? Sorry I forgot Hee.
Finally touch my last lap (3rd tri). Another 10wks more to pop but these few days can feel my tummy stretching n tight tight
Babysmurf : me too now I felt so tired after walking 1-2 hrs . Lucky I did the shopping of baby stuffs starting of my 6 th months
Hope, yes, I am going for natural. Still waiting for the sign!

Babysmurf, congrats! Another milestone!
I believe the protocol for any surgery or procedure is that the patient can't wear anything just in case if there's any complications they dun have to waste time cutting away ur bra or underwear so likewise for delivery.
Babysmurf and Dian Tang, me too! Tummy very tight too and can't eat much anymore. Feel full very easily. Now part of me can't wait for time to fly so that we get to see our baby soon! Hee hee!
when u check in hospital for delivery, u will be asked to change into their gown, all clothing including bra n panty r removed.

Reikibaby can know that u r v anxious now! all the best for your delivery.
Koirc, OMG! And just one hour ago you were saying you are still waiting for the sign! And that you could be the last among the March mummy
Wish you a super safe delivery! Jia you!!
Precious baby: I manage to get my big items at taka fair. Gd buy for graco playpen, combi strollers n also get avent sterilizers package. Can ask ur hubby go help u buy. If not upcoming bb fair at expo on 22-24march.

Now I looking for small small things like diaper, nail clipper
Jiayou, Koirc.
I just went for routine gynae check this morning, so far so good. No signs of delivery. I am glad I did all my shopping, nowadays I feel tired just by walking.
Koirc, jia you and have a smooth delivery!

Eskimobaby, Sade and Whiteclover, can I ask if u all can sleep on the side after discharge? Haha silly question hor but I scared will hurt the wound.
Hi koric, congrats and jiayou! I'm waiting for my turn.

Don't know when will it be and what sign I'll get. But fr afternoon I've been feeling pulling on my tummy not painful and not like mensus cramp wonder if this is contraction?
Went for routine checkup Doctor said baby's head is close to cervix, anytime will pop.
Hope, I did slept on my left side aft removing the urine bag. Dont worry too much, just be careful n don't exert force on your body, wlk slowly, n do all things slowly.
yes i do sleep sideways... everything do slowly, the reason they want u to get down of the bed and walk is so that u know the level of pain and know how to manage the pain before u can go home.
hope Ya get out of the bed like heavily pregnant. do adjust the bed level before u get out of bed at the ward. have u started bf your bb?
Ladies my water bag burst abt 5pm. I was sleeping soundly and wondering y wet wet... lolx
Anyway i had csect and my baby boy is born.
Nurse said bp high so suggested i sleep thru the night and bf tml onwards. But they allowed me to bf once. The latching feeling simply cannot describe.
Rekibaby: u n koirc both also with dr Loh. Abt the same time. U r fast. Congrate. Welcome to motherhood. Have a gd rest tonite
Congrats Reikibaby wow 2mummy giving birth on the same day.! Ve a speedy recovery n once again congrats to you n your families .
Thanks babysmurf, sade, bb shower, znatasha & luv.

Sade, bb at 3.89kg.
Ask you, the wound of csect, will oni feel pain if we walk? When lying dwn will?

Znatasha, soon soon.. once bb weight is there, your turn soon.

Reikibaby first day won't feel pain for me cos been lying down n also due to med. I felt the pain when walking on 2nd day. partly due to my drug allergy. I was only given mild painkillers.
ur bb is big size. so yours is schedule or emergency c sec?
