(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

bb shower my pd told me to sun bb n also nurse at Tmc also said to sun bb. timing is 9am-10am n 5pm. 10min front n back. n must cover eyes. should be ok to do it. don't know y the polyclinic doc said not good.

Sade yalor the doc at polyclinic still say y hosp have the phototherapy for... N my hubby just told him to make $ lar...

Ladies r u all taking care of ur baby on your own after confinement nanny go bk? I very scared that 28days confinement over becoz I dunnoe if I can handle...
Bb shower, jiayou. Even though I haven give birth but my colleague who had c section did not hire confinement lady and she is doing very well so far. My mum too. She had all 3 c sections and no CL but look we are ok! Don't worry. If need help, ask your family.

Did you all experience water retention at fingers? Last night, when I woke to pee, my right index finger was swollen, I thought was insect bite but this morning I couldn't see any bite. The remaining possibility is Oedema? Hope it will reduce swelling soon. Otherwise, tml I am seeing my gynae for week 35 check.
Hi ladies, need some advices.... When do we start cutting bb nails? Also i notice my bb nasal slightly congested. Wat can i do?
Bbshower, cos there's limited time that we can sun bb safely n sometimes if the weather is bad there's no sun at all! With cases on the brink of going near to potentially causing brain damage, every second counts. Phototherapy allows us to treat bb round the clock n bring down the level rapidly. My boy's jaundice went from 17 to 8 after two days of phototherapy.
Luv becoz our girl level is not to the extend of needing phototherapy , so we just sun tanning her at 8am plus sun so that can bring her level down slightly, instead not doing anythg, we felt this is the least we can do.

Chevy I was told that after a mth then can cut the nails but my nanny already help to cut le, becoz too long wil scratch her face.
bb shower try to learn from ur cl on taking care of bb such as how to bath bb etc.. maybe during last few days of confinement u do hand on. I don't have cl n also manage it. not easy but still manageable. at least ask ur hb to help out or ur mum or mil for few days aft cl leaves if u r worried. it's just a matter of time. u can handle your bb. having a bb is a life time commitment n rem our bb don't come easy. at least ur delivery is natural, can recover faster.

Chevy I cut her nails on full month. as for her nose I will use pigeon plastic tweezer to pick it out. those obvious nose dirt..
Sade, ur bb is drinking up to 110ml per feed? Wow! Good appetite leh! Mine taking only 42ml nia..... But maybe cos she's preterm so need smaller feeds.
Hi gals, I have delivered! Went for induce on Sat AM but dilate too slow, bb head too high and waterbag break Liao. Ended up C with epi.

Ladies who did C, how do you take care of the wound? Do you bathe after that and use the Thomson maternity pad all the way till discharge? I'm abit lost Hee.
Sade - abt the same amts. Iam getting really miserable amts from my pump. Most obtained by hand express. Got any tips?

Chevy,I am using nasal spray for my gal. After spraying then use tissue to take out.
Chevy no lah. not every time she drank 110ml. only bottle feed once per day. latch on for rest of feed so don't know how much she drinks. hehe.
Hope - congrats!

Didnt do anything to the wound area at all. I use baby wipes during hospital stay. I used the Thomson pads for first 2 days when the tube was still attached. After removal, then I use my own adhesive pads.
Whiteclover,Thanks! Then at home do u bathe once u get bk? I'm scared of the wound area don't want to get infected. Hmm meaning u use your own sanitary pad.... The long ones?
Bbshower - will u be taking care of baby alone after CL leaves? I extended my CL for another mth and I still hv the same fears. She's leaving next week and I am also apprehensive if can handle. My baby's very attached to the CL.
Congrats Hope!

Bb shower, yeah, best if dun need phototherapy. Think my boy became tanned after the therapy! I was actually responding to the doc's remark abt why the need for phototherapy. I'm actually amused that this remark can come from a doctor!
Hope - yes I bathe and wash hair. Was worried abt infection so I bathe in stages eg bathe lower part of body, then arms. For upper torso, I use wet towel n soap and do slowly, so will not touch wound. Even when I wash hair, I cover my wound area and just bend head to wash.

Yes, I use the laurier or sofy long ones with wings.
Thanks ladies for ur advice. Which kinda nail cutters wld be most suitable cos I saw the scissor n normal nail cutter type. Also for nasal aspirator, any recommendation? Brand n type?
Congratz Hope! For me, I din shower until I remove the bandage. Up to ur own comfort level I guess but most imptly must keep wound dry.
hope congrats! did guess that u wen for delivery cos din see u ar here. as the wound is covered with a tape, I din wash it. gynae said don't put water pressure on the wound n just let water flow down. I only started bathing from day 6. I used their pads during hospital stay.
hmm our doc always like to induce n c sec hor. Haiz.

whiteclover I always massage before pumping. n also the red date tea with that paper rith herb can inc flow.
Why did u go induce? Did u feel any contractions prior to that? Dr loh said it's ok to bathe n I did bathe when I went home. However my dressing did get wet i dunno why. Didnt happen for my no. 1 so I just back to dr loh to change dressing. Actually the wound is closed after a week already n dr loh said that if there's infection there'll be liquid coming out from inside the wound.
luv n whiteclover maybe I had been latching on sin my bb girl is born hence the milk supply is there. n also pump once to twice per day.

Whiteclover don't worry too much. u sure can take care of ur bb when cl leaves. got to do it. jia you.
That's why even tho I'm very tempted to extend my CL's stay I didn't do it cos I know I'll become over reliant on the nanny. Have to feel the crunch sooner or later.... Kekeke
Hope, congrats!!! Was thinking if you've popped since din hear from you.... can share if bb weight same as scan weight?

Koirc, znatasha popped liao?

Sade, lolz....seems like many of us are induced and csect under him...Heee either bb late or bb too big.
Hi ladies, thanks for the wishes! I went for induce coz was having really bad heartburn, back pain and vomitting. Couldn't wait till full term coz it happens everyday. In the end C coz hb head not coming down, I wasn't dilating fast enough and also waterbag burst. So ended up C. I guess it's no point waiting either. Bb is 3.23 kg though last scan was 3.5.
Hope, can understand hw u feeling. The vomitting realli not fun. Lately watever i eat i will vomit. Plain water makes me worse. N on top of tat dh doesnt allow sweet cold drinks. I feeling terrible till sometimes i rather nt drink or eat. Try to eat less.... nw bb is out... enjoy!!!! Bb weight also good!! So you ve staying 3 days?
Ladies, not sure issit due to baby.. but i realised if i sit or walk or stand..i cant seems to pee and clear my bladder. So to clear bladder in the day its torturing. But at night in sleeping position cos lying down, my bladder will be filled every hour. I can pee frm 11pm - 5am hourly. Anyone experience the same?
Reiki I was like you need to pee every hrs some times half an hr, very frustrating but I guess it's normal so not to worry ya.
Hope, congrats!

Reikibaby, I usually feel the urge to urinate but nothing comes out and private part feels like very heavily swollen and going to burst.

Will be seeing my doc tmr don't know if he'll suggest induce...
Znatasha, yes.. feeling swollen below too... like urine kena stuck... then water retention n feet swollen..

Bb shower, yah bad..esp when i wan sleep. Then day time can drag hours no need pee....
Reikbb, actually for me the back pain was worse than the vomit coz I can't sit or lay down and it lasted for hours. But glad everything is ok. Yup staying for 3 nights.

Ladies thanks again! Those who are going to pop soon, jia you!!! See who will be the next one Hee
Hope, so the tmc nurse change you to the binder? Let me know if you know the price of the binder... Thx
You managed to get out of bed and walk?
Reikibaby, my Gf passed me her binder so I didn't get fr TMC. Just got down the bed and walk.... Hmm 1st baby step is quite hard to be honest but anyway must try. Will try to walk more tml!

Mofmm, yes all stopped! And I'm quite lucky only abit of shiver from the side effect of epidural.

Previous baby, take care yah!
