(2013/12) December 2013

Hi piggy & chyi, think we around the same...8w+..my edd 20/12/13...where is ur last memes date? Mine was 4/3 but based on my first scan at 5week n bb size, i was told my edd 20/12. So i use app n found my conceived date was 15/3.

Chyi, thanks for sharing the recipe, my colleague has been telling mi abt making essence of chicken, but i cannot visualise the whole process. The blog u provide has the pic n its easy to understand. But i dun hv a chinese soup pot, so i think i need to go buy one. Heehee!
Elizis: I also had spotting during the early weeks. I think that was just after I conceived because I drank a lot of Chinese tea.

So I rushed to the KKH 24 hr O&G clinic. But it was so traumatic. First visit because my hormone level was not enough, they had to draw blood. The doctor could not draw any blood after poking me 3 times. And so suggested to draw blood from my pulse. Imagine my horrified face.

They also didn't tell me what to take note or be careful of, neither did they prescribe hormone pills.

Until my 2nd visit, we walked in to see a doctor with a black face, and impatient tone as we asked further questions. She made me worried for weeks if this could be an ectopic pregnancy.

I would say give KKH a miss, and go to other private doctors if budget allows. A peace of mind beats everything during pregnancy
Hi Faithe,

My impression of A/P Han is that he's quite rushed. Perhaps it's because he got a lot of patients, that's why we normally only spend 15 mins or so with him.

I think he's quite a receptive doc cos when I went for my 2nd appt with him, I told him I wouldn't want a V-scan again and he was nice enough to try with abdomen scan first when I insisted. Lucky BB was cooperative and managed to do a abdomen scan instead.

My hb find him a bit gan jeong and wondered if he'll be like this when I eventually give birth. But think cos both my hb and I are the more relaxed kind, might be good to have a doc who's more gan jeong ba.

He's also quite humourous and would crack jokes when he has the luxury of time.

Think just relax and see how your first appt is like on Wed first?
Oh my god! My 1st pregnancy is in KKH and everything is fine.

Actually I thinking of going to private for 2nd but this case I dunno want to continue with KKH or private. Please advise me. Is both charges roughly the same?
I worry got complicated pregnancy.
Hi Faithe,

You're most welcome
My last menses was 8/3 and my EDD is 1 day after yours.

This is also my first pregnancy...I'm new and kind of nervous
Hi mummies, sorry to disturb. I have one good condition wooden Rocio baby cot with Fibre Lux mattress to let go at $120 (UP: $399) as my baby prefers to sleep with mummy instead..Self collect at Admiralty. If need transport, additional $10. Interested please pm me. Thx!
@cherie: I share your sentiment. My first preggy is with KKH. But this place just fails me this time as I finally experience the screw up of the O&G my self! (I never went O&G during my last preggy).

@Jos_Jos: What makes you think that your preggy will be complicated? Unless you opt for subsidized class, the rate differences betwn private KKH and private practicing OB will be only slight (Just done my research). There are many gd private OBs charging reasonable rates. But their queues are longer. Well KKH queues are neither better. I bet u experienced it before.
Hi faithe,

I don't have a chinese pot but bought a huge chinese bowl, overturn a rice bowl inside and cling wrap the bowl and steam in normal pan. Works fine so far.

I was feeling tiredness for the past few weeks and think the pure chicken helps to cope with that. It's worth the effort.
Hi Mummies,

I was told to start searching for infant care centre as soon as my pregnancy is stable. Will that be too early?
Rurukimi...ya. I m looking fwd to seeing Dr Han... Hope bb is growing fine & well.
Chyi, ya...i m also nervous & worried most of the time. Hope everything smooth & fine for us! And all mtb here.

Cher, oh ya, your method oso can hor. Hmm. I shall tried it. I do hv big chinese bowl.

By the way, do u all feel like peeping always? Before preggie, i alrdy find my bladder is v small cc one. If drink too much water, will want peep 1-2hr. Now that i preggy n know we need drink lotsa fluid, i hv not hv a single nite sleeping thruout. Always need to peep at least 2-3x throu out the nite.

Also hvg constipation... Even though hv been eating lotsa fruits n fibre..., really duno wat to do.
Good morning mummies,
Any of u suffering from allergic rhinitis b4 preggy and worsen now after preggy? Been having blocked nose and kept sneezing last 2 nights, kept me awake for a few hrs of precious sleep having to breathe thru my nose.

I also have pregnacy rhinitis during 1st pregnancy, but started later I think. This time round can feel the sypmtoms alot faster!
Hi All mummies!

I'm new here, 9 weeks preggy now. Heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time last week, so touched.

I look forward to knowing all mummies and sharing as we go along.

My fb email is [email protected] Please add me into the group. Thanks!
Hi mommies,
I haven't been active in this forum as I am feeling tired and still vomiting.
Visited my Gynae last sat and told him about my lost of appetite and vomit. He prescribed me with a different folic acid and iron pills. It actually helped a little. For mommies who are suffering too, might want to check out with your Gynae.

My mense came 7/3 but Gynae said my due date is 18th Dec. I will be delivering at GlenE since I had my first there.

Can anyone add me in FB? [email protected]

Hi Mummies,
I've a Combi Stroller Super Mechacal TM359
Condition: 8/10 to let go @$120

Product feature
- 3 different reclining angles of the backrest -Full coverage canopy with window
-Canopy with mesh window for better ventilation, and can be closed in windy days
-Movable mesh top window to let you feel secured while seeing the face of the baby.
-Front guard cover can be detached and washed
-Detachable and washable seat cushion
-Detachable front guard
-Front swivel wheels

Interested pls pm me or email me at [email protected], tks!
Hi All mummies & mummies to be! My name is Qian Dai, Singaporean, Chinese, grew up from Kampong. Soon to be mum with 2nd child after 11 years apart from my first princess! Age really matters. Last 2 weeks I had very bad vomitting and unable to eat and retain fluids.

My gf recommends me a CL at $2.3K for Dec 2013. I be looking for nanny to look after my baby once my maternity leave used up for next year March 2014. Any body knows any good nanny in Yew Tee area can pm me please. Hear from you all and share all experiences & stuffs to buy/use soon! Take care ya ^^
Hi Qian Dai! Welcome! It's my 2nd one too but age gap 2 yrs plus. Urs 11 years! But it's also good la at least you don't have to look after the 1st like look after bb. Guess more stress on the studies right?

I am having vomit whole day too. Terrible.
Hopefully it's only the 1st trimester.

Jia you wor!
Oh no... the sac n waterbag is still there but not growing since the last visit...no baby found.... ask me wanna wait for a week and I say ok.... if not may be miscarriage....
Oh no jos jos.... pray hard n hopefully it's just late ovulation. ... baby might be on the way growing ... jus 1week only. Sometimes need 2 weeks time to see differences. Take care
Hi Sweetbaby
I have enrolled my unborn baby into Cherie Hearts Infant care for next year Feb. The cost is 1380 but with working mother subsidy we pay 780 per month.
Hi Piggy
Yeah we enrolled the moment I knew abt the pregnancy because we were quite concerned abt the logistics after bb is born so we quickly scouted for an infant care and visited the place as well. We liked what we saw and we paid the deposit on the spot. The subsidy we will apply through some forms when bb is born.
Hi Mummies! Have not came in for awhile.. been soo busy with #1.. anyway I just had my Wk10 scan we saw the gender already! Thou the gynae says its not confirmed as it is pretty early.. but it really looks so obvious I dunno how it can possibly change.. LOL

Can i Pm anyone to join the FB grp pls? Not quite comfortable to put me email here cos with my #1, i received so many junk emails from sellers after I posted the email addy.
Audrey, the nearest branch will be at Westlake Ave (Thomson Road). I will schedule a visit probably next month when I hit 12 weeks as the hubby said it's too early to enrol now
Hi Chyi
we were worried we couldnt get a place thats y we were super kiasu:p but you can visit the place first, talk to the P about the ratio of teachers to infants, ask about the trained teachers' ratio and turnover rates of the teachers, observe how the infants and toddlers look (whether they look clean and well changed and happy) and decide when you reach 12 weeks
Hi Chyi
My EDD is supposed to be 12th Dec but cos my two older ones were born through C section, my third will have to be C sect too. My gynae says have to do it two weeks earlier in case I wait till last minute and my water bag breaks, I have contractions and bb is ready to come out natural, then if the stitches split there will be more complications.
How are you holding up so far?
Hi Audrey, I've been having morning sickness at night (weird) for the past few weeks, before/after dinner.

I was told to opt for C section as it will be less painful....what do you think?
Hello mummies to be....i am gg to end my 1st trimester this coming week... 1st time mum to be...excited but a bit worried as gg for ds test on friday. Anyone haf gone thru ds test yet? It makes me worried and hopefully goes smooth...pls share your 3xperience.
chyi, c-sec if not less pain. in fact it is more pain! the recovery rate is slower than natural. for my first kid, i did normal birth, the second kid i did c-sec. normal birth, u can be up and walking by the next hour, but c-sec, i had to walk like a grandmother with an arched back
