(2013/12) December 2013

rurukumi, now preggie, better slp early every nite... from experience, during preg, slp late, bb wun want to slp at nite!

now i following my kids slping habit and slp at 10.30pm sharp! hope next time i have a good rest in the night....

wimt, yesh! massage lady is good! normally I will do massage 5 days after normal delivery. But for c-sec, massage cant be done so soon...

if you want to do massage delivery, it will be pre-natal massage...

Hi Mummies,

I'm selling the following BN items, pls PM me if interested. Thanks.

1) Lansinoh HPA lanolin Nipple Cream 1.41oz - $10 (original price $16)

2) Thomson care Nipple Cream 30ml - $14 (original price $22)
rurukumi, not to scare u, but i had no CL for my first child, i almost went into depression!!! no time for rest at all. maybe because it was the first baby, everything i want to handle myself. carry baby, change diapers, pump milk, wash bottles. no time to rest. that i went into post natal blues, so my second child i told my hub i NEED a cl. and yes, i had great time, a good rest. of cos the cl u hire must be good so that u can rest at ease too. So this is my 3rd, i m gonna use back the same CL. thankfully she is available.
i not only need post natal massage. i m so tired that i need prenatal massage. not easy handling 2 monkeys at home. but understand that can only start prenatal massage after 16 weeks. so i have booked my prenatal massage at bella luna the moment i turn 16 weeks, (3rd week of June)
cljl: Waaah, never knew my sleeping pattern would affect the BB's sleeping habit too.
Would definately sleep earlier from now on! If not next time 2 night owls at home~

momma3kids: How did you manage to destress yourself when you are taking care of BB#1? I believe you must be a very involved and committed mummy that's why you want to give your best attention to #1 at that time.

I totally agree with momma3kids must get a good cl, unless your have good support group. My 1st was initially without a cl and it was torture , my support group under estimated their capability, thinking they were able to take care of my twins. And me. i even have to go out during confinement to get milk for my babies etc.. and do most of my stuffs.. In the end we have to look for a cl when I am in mid of my confinement .. Luckily managed to find one in a nick of time. This time I told my hubby no matter must get me in Cl and helper to look after on standby. Confinement very impt for us ladies, else we suffer later part which I am.
I agree that we have to take care of ourselves esp during confinement. Rest if you can. For my no. 1, night feeds are done by my cl. I do wake up to pump milk but that is done within 30 mins and i go back to sleep. Then CL will feed baby when baby wakes up. I find it better.
Hi mommies,
Here's my details:

Edd: 18 dec
Dr John Yam

When I had my first, my CL fed my girl for night feed but she will feed her FM if my BM is insufficient. She encouraged me to rest more. But I do wake up to pump. It's very tiring.
As it was my first time, CL actually taught me alot on how to take care of baby and she is very steady. Like baby cry she wouldn't freak out like me. Heehee...

Now that I am having my 2nd, I still opt for a CL as she can really help out in alot of daily stuff and looking after baby.
My other friends who did not engage one regretted.
So for those who are still considering, must really give it a good thought.
Btw, can anyone advise me, 1st trimester is till week 12 or week 13? I use a few iphone apps. Most indicate 1st trimester stop at wk13day6, meaning start of wk14 is consider 2nd trimester. But some china apps states wk13 is 2nd trimester. A bit confused as first time MTB.

I guess i will wait for my oscar scan test nxt wed n see how. Abit lack of confidence due to first m/c last time. So i havent officially announced to my family & frds, excepr those bo bian pple like direct superior & boss. Cos i hv been absent fr work due to MC or MA..
Ximi, we had the same EDD. My first scan show edd 20/12 but 2nd scan become 21/12. But guess all of us Dec moms will make it to celebrate CNY in time.

Our bb will arrive to welcome the cny ;)
Hey ladies, my edd initially was 6 Jan then later become 2 Jan. Doc says I might deliver in Dec. Can I join u ladies and chat here?

Faithe, I'm also confused on the first n second trimester. Doing my test in 2 Weeks time. Seems scary.
My details:
#1, EDD 22 Dec, Dr. Benjamin Tham, TMC. So who volunteer to do the table?? I have no idea hw to do it.

Think i will stick to thinking of 12 weeks on the 1st trimester. Must tell my MIL soon if not she will be angry.

Think CL very impt.. Coz I heard a confinement not well done will make the mother aged alot.. No play, play, ladies
Morning Ladies!

Welcome Nidellia~

Actually, my mother was a babysitter before in Malaysia so I'm quite confident that she could help me well. But I also quite worried that she'll tire out. That's why HB and I are thinking of attending the babycraft courses too to prepare ourselves. Hee Hee

But I'll make sure not to tire myself out. So no worries! Thanks for your concern!
Hi mng mummies!!

Its me whose doing the table! I volunteered! I am still trying to figure out how to get it done! Hahha!!.. ok I go to other threads to ask for help.. and will get it done by today.
For those who want to join the fb group and still cant seem to be able to, can you provide your email addresses again, I can help to invite you in.
AR! ME! can add me? [email protected]. Apparently I m being added n can't resend e invite again. boo hoo hoo.

Thanks AR for e table!
my details are:

Age: 29
EDD: 23 Dec
OB: Dr Geraldine Tan
Hospital: TMC
Baby #2
AR, thanks for doing up the table! It looks nice. ;)
Nidellia, welcome aboard. Actually i think our EDD will keep changing abit here n there, mayb depending on size of our bb? I also not sure. Hee!
Thanks ladies!

Faithe, me also same age as you. Going to kkh tps. But under dr tan heng hao. They measure size of bb. I also not sure.

AR, your chart looks beautiful!
Thanks mummies..

I will update the chart on a daily basis so that I dont do it so often in a day.. So those mummies who give me today, I upate tmrw. Hope you are ok with that.

Kris, pls chk ur email. Maybe its in the spam box or smtg. I cant re ivite you bec it states you are already invited.
Ya I also confused. Is it 12 or 14 wks?

Thanks AR for the nice table
pls add me:
Edd: 17 dec
Dr Benjamin Tham
Hello mummies to be!
Finally decided to join this dec thread, cos previously was wondering whether edd will shift to nov.. haha but aft my 12wk scan last fri, edd only shifted fwd by 1 day to 8 dec 2013, so here I am!
did my oscar scan n bld test last fri n clinic called on tue to tell me low risk! Whew..
Wa the thread is moving fast it was so quiet before that I suppose everyone is dealing with MS. I thought my MS n weird sense of smell will improve as I am approaching 12wks but I have not

Does anyone get hip pain or soreness?

Btw my edd is 22 dec, OB: Dr Goh, hospital: Raffles
Thanks AR for adding me in
I do not have hip pain or soreness. Only bloating, naseous, burping and vomiting from noon onwards.
Guess everyone's symptoms are different.. Hoping our symptoms will change as we adv to 2nd tri..

Just to check gals, when is the best time to start the stretch mark cream application?? I bought BIO OIL but it written to apply from 2nd trimester. But I realised my tummy grown since im preggy. Dunno it is due to the bloating at night. Anybody same as me??
Hi AR, we park at Paragon (still a killer) but paying once a month for the monthly visit is still affordable.

Hi Wimt, I'm 12 weeks and I've just started to apply Elancyl stretch mark cream every night after shower.
It is the measurement of the measurement of the fluid under the skin at the back of a baby's neck, not the measurement of the neck.
The thicker the fluid, the higher chance of DS.

I have already started on it when i was 10weeks.
hehe. 2nd time mummy, tummy already showing!
Thanks Kris for clarifying
I am a first time mum so very blur on everything. I'm going for the test next week hope everything will be fine.

Does anyone know how to find a good CL? I haven't break the news of my pregnancy to my friends so I can't ask them for advice yet. In fact my mum n mil just got to know abt the news.
usually thru friend's recommendation. But sometimes might still fail by your own standard cos everyone has diff expectations.

another way is thru agency.
Here's my info.
Thanks AR for doing up the table and updating it.

EDD: 7 Dec 2013
Age: 32 YO
Dr Han How Chuan
Iamnewmummy: yup they used the measurements of the fluid thickness at the neck n also the nose bone (or something like that) to calculate the DS risk tgt with the bld test result. N ya I guess cn get your frens to recommend gd CL, cn find out more fr them abt their own experience with the CL too.. I also havent decided to get a CL anot

Wimt: actually shd start the application of stretch mark cream as early as possible, b4 the tummy even start stretching!

Chyi: your gynae at mt E? U cn try parking at The Elizabeth Hotel, although its nt as near as paragon its parking rate is I think 1 of the more reasonable ones ard that area..
Oh no!! I shall start tonight. Kiasu a bit! APply twice, AM & PM!!

iamnewmummy: I also haven start looking for CL. Coz plan to do it after 12 weeks. Guess I will ask my friends who recently just given birth on their feedback on their CL. Best is to get those recent reviews coz u nv know CL may change their svc over time. :p
wimt: a point to note, if ever u call a CL then the CL recommends another CL who is her friend, better not to get cos won't know whether her friend is good or not.

My friend case was the CL's recommendation turned out that the CL actually has no experience. -__-

Try finding once u hit 12 weeks!
Hey mummies! TGIF!

It was a busy day for me! here is the updated chart. I will update again only on Tuesday as I am cmg down to Sgp this weekend. Will not access internet till then. Have a great weekend ladies!

Thanks AR for updating the chart.

I don't know how to look for CL, and don't know which CL agencies are good. I tried calling a CL once, but I don't know what questions to ask so end up the CL interviewed me! haha... She asked me how many kids I have, where I am staying, if I am staying with my in-laws etc.
Hi Mummies,
I am new in this thread. I wish to join in this chat and walk through this motherhood journey with u all! I am a 2nd time mummy, EDD 23/12/13, hospital SGH, under Dr Devendra. Hope to be added to facebook too!!!

Hi mummies,
I've 5 packs of Huggies NB 24pcs to let go at $5 each as my boy had outgrown to small size now, am willing to let go at cheaper amount if mummy buying 5 packs at one go. Interested mummies can contact me via 98191546.


Hi all,

Wow this thread is moving really really fast.

Bernice, we had the same doc!!

My details

EDD: 12Dec
Doc: Dr Yu Su Ling
Hospital: SGH
Baby #1

Heard from most ppl 1st trimester ends on week 13.

CL must quickly book now cos according to my CL, most MTBs book once they learnt about their pregnancy.

Most of us shd be approaching our 2nd trimester soon.

Jia you mummies!!
