(2013/12) December 2013

Hi MTBs,

Sorry to intrude the conversation. I am a March mummy.

If any of you is interested in getting a preloved Babyplus to start your baby for prenatal education, please pm me. I saw at recent Taka Baby Fair selling at $300+. Letting go at $200 (neg).

More info on Babyplus at http://babyplus.com.sg/

loveeveryday: I feel quite bloated. Hubby was shocked when he touched my tummy
I sometimes look like 3 months pregnant at the end of the day. Wonder why..

Anyone else has got craving to eat savoury food in the morning? I have been craving for McD's sausage mcmuffin and old chang kee stuff lol. But I am not sure if it's ok to eat those fried stuff.
loveeveryday: I think my yoga instructor is not 100% sure , so to play safe i will stop during 1st trim then see how

Yea, me having craving for tasty food, ALL THE TIME, lol! last night tried very hard to not eat cup noodle. The day b4, kept thinking abt eating roast duck noodle
ec13 - i just had crabs for dinner. 2nd time having it since preggie. i think it's more like a myth that cannot eat crab. my mil told me can't eat crabs tho. i eat behind her back. :p

love everyday - im 1-2kg heavier. cuz i intentionally eat more for bb. know it's not necessary during 1st tri but still.

jenn - i also having cough since tue. but so far only drank syrup once. don't wanna take too much.

btw mummies, any of u going kk women's clinic (satellite of kkh at amk)? thinking of going there. after doing 1 day's research and talking to preggie friends, seem like clinic c at kkh is really cui. prolly need pay more for better service and shorter waiting hrs?
Thanks HanaHuiyi :)

Any mummies take metoclopramide before for nausea? As I have nausea and no appetite so my gynae give this med for stand by. Dunno have any side effect?
Hi ec13, I'm taking that...it makes me sleepy so I take it at night. It helps a bit.

I hope I can eat just like some of the mummies, but my ms is very bad...really no appetite.
Hi everyone! First time posting here and 1st time MTB! Pretty exciting but I feel horrible with the nausea on and off. Sometimes I feel headache and makes the nausea even worse. Is it normal? Read that I can take panadol but I'm afraid to take it because of baby. =S

I'm around 8 weeks now and edd is 8 dec. Anyone sees Dr Tham Kok Fun in Gleneagles?
For those having nausea, i read from a book, that preggies that feel nauseas tend to have smarter babies than those who don't. So it may not be that bad after all
Already: thanks for the detailed explaination! It's nice to know why we are feeling this way cos most webpages din mention that

Anyone with Dr Tham from WC Cheng? I'm not sure if his package price had increased...
Hi ladies, justed tested positive on Thursday. Deciding between Dr Gordon Lim from Gleneagles or Dr Douglas Ong from Mt E.
Anyone with them? Any reviews?
Hi moms!
I'm new here and is about 7 weeks
I've got #1 who is 3yo so it's nice to be preggers again.

The multivitamins I'm taking is making me a little nauseous each time I take it, any suggestions for other types? I'm taking prenaforte.

Hi mummies, I'm first time mum to be. I'm ard 7weeks plus. Feeling tired, nausea abit only.. My edd sld be ard 9dec.. Very excited n worried as I ms before.. Can add me the fb group? My email add is [email protected]
Congrats to all mummies..
Thanks Cherie for the reply! I rem I sign up for it from wk12, and it would cover all consultation n urine tests in the clinic. Is it the same as what was listed in ur package list? If so then his fees had increased
creamdonut: yup! that includes all consultation, urine tests and ultrasound pics.. from week 12 onwards

But I feel that Dr Tham is quite worth the consultation fees and package pricing ;P
@wonderpets, you gotta check your gmail acct for the invite, cuz the invite is via email, not fb msg. let me know if you still dont have it.
@Cherie - for dr Tham, does he deliver at MT A? or only at TMC? i read that he will advice patients to deliver at TMC?
Congrats all!!

My first time trying this forum thingy and looking forward to making more friends, get to know about more sales and have more playdates too.

Currently preggers with #2 and keeping a 3yo boy busy as well :x

Stay well mommies and mommies to be!
Hi mummies, i am a oct 2013 mtb.
i have the following for sale.

UTROGESTAN 15 Tabs $15
In original box purchased from TMC
Free normal mail
Can throw in free folic acid if you are keen.

pelase PM me if keen
Hello All MTB!

I am a new MTB too..
Already about 8weeks. and I'm seeing Dr Devendra at SGH (near my workplace).
EDD should be around 7Dec. Can't wait for my 2nd appointment next week! =)

Please add me to the secret FB group.
My email is [email protected]


Still searching for good references for gynae. Previous gynae was Dr John Tee. Thinking of another gynae this time.
Congrats Cherie, at least half of your worry is gone, the other half is to clear the oscar scan, and full detail scan at 20 weeks. Me going to go scan for hb this saturday. And i am worried sick like hell. Insomnia and everything lol.

Another question for mtb here. Does anyone know that it safe to use facial sheet mask during pregnancy? cause i have a lot, and i really want to finish it . And i also have some left over facial ampoule that i really want to finish it as well. Don't know can wait for 9 months or more to use it.

Hi mommies!
Can you add me in fb too? [email protected]

I should be 7 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. My first is 18mths now.
Indeed not easy to be taking care if toddler, work full time and more problems coming up. But I'm taking things one at a time.

Hi cleodux, I don't see an issue with using masks as I used to do that when I had my first child.
Sweet baby - are u referring to the private suite? I'm going tps. But my gynae not very popular tho. Just going with him cuz he my ivf doc.

Cherie - we ve same edd!
have u chosen ur hospital 2 deliver? Kinda early tho I noe :p
Btw, anyone of you know the rate of confinement lady now?
I would suggest you start looking for one now. Confinement ladies are hard to find.
cleodux: thanks! don't worry, it will be ok!

Hanahuiyi: same edd! haha
I should be going to TMC since my gynae is there.

Anyone knows if it is better to get a confinement lady or to get confinement tingkat?
Hi Cherie, I actually prefer confinement lady as my first will do all the housework, cook for myself and family and wash the diaper cloths, wash clothes for me and baby. But the rate was 2.2k 2 years 18 mths back.

Please look for your confinement ladies now.

Heard from my CL that a lot of them are not taking dec business cos they are waiting for jan ones as they pay more due to CNY.

Better go check out now.

Cheers!! ^^
I got my CL @ $2.6k!! she was recommended by my gd friend. She will help me with housework, cook for my hubby as well. i think thats the highest rate i ever came across.
