(2013/11) November 2013

Febie, my gf who just got discharged fm tmc said tts what her gynae told her.

Hikaru, my #1's name was picked via you long zi. He will give a range of 2nd and 3rd name for you to mix and match.

Lxb, epidural first or later depends on yr threshold. If you think you are ok to give a try then maybe go without epi first. Coz too early epi may not be good too as you may not be able to feel when to push or you may finish up one epi and need another (pay extra). Can always opt for epi later if you can try to go without first. Who knows if you may dilate so quickly tt you don't need epi at all?

Sunning: The pamphlet from KKH mentioned that sunning doesn't help... but having baby drink more definitely helps to flush out the bilirubin, so I'm waking up baby every 3 hrs whether she cries for milk or not to make her latch both sides for at least 40min. Result is a lot of pee and poop lol... but I think it helps as her level went down. We went back to the polyclinic today to check her jaundice level, it went up slightly from Sunday but still in the safe region, so will check again in 2 days time.

clothes for discharge: For both #1 and #2, they went home with a new vest and a hand-me-down blanket... I was joking with the nurse on how if we forget to bring clothes for baby to change into, and she gave me this horrified look and replied "must buy!" lol... #2 will be wearing mainly hand-me-downs for quite some time, as the new clothes I bought for her are all 3mths and above and she's such a small baby :)

For mummies who are determined to latch, perseverance is the key... my #1 stayed in NICU for 2 weeks, so she was bottle-fed with ebm+fm for 2 weeks... after she came home, I tried to latch on and it took some time before we both got used to it but I managed to latch on only for the rest of my maternity leave, and then whenever I was home after I went back to work. So jiayou!

PLFM, my gf also had a csec and they gave her the baby to latch on right after they cleaned her up... for my case, baby had to be sent to special care nursery, so I only latched on after about 12 hrs. So it's actually ok if you don't latch on straightaway as the milk won't come in so soon...
Fuzzybear, i only started pumping on the 3rd day, not the day after delivery. The day after delivery i was still limping in pain, where got mood to pump. Lol. The first pump was abt 20ml as well n then it increases with each pump. So far, i havent woken up in the middle of the night to pump cos I figured that i would rather sleep later n wake up earlier to pump than to sleep early n wake up middle of night to pump as i might have difficulty going back to sleep after that. By the time i re-fall asleep, either of the two kids would wake up already. But i know tt eventually in order to up supply, i will have to do a middle of the night pump.....still too tired to do tt.
Hi mummies, i am expecting a baby boy with an edd 17 nov. gynae is dr chan k.h from glenE. This is my second pregnancy,, n i can totally visualise the sleepless nights and breastfeeding challenges awaiting ahead :p and add on, the challenge of managing a #1 and #2.

appreciate if someone could add me to the fb group too. my email add is [email protected]

for those first-time mummies who are considering pumping, i was also an exclusive pumper with my #1. Was determined to bf but couldn't achieve a good latch with my son. and coupled with sore / bleeding nipples n feeding every hr.. I eventually relented to pump on the 5th/6th day after delivery. (And to add on.. the confinement lady really pissed me off. she kept making comments abt milk supply not coming in yet.. baby feeling hungry.. shld give fm. and they ll say the same thing to your in-laws/ mothers. These confinement ladies should be scolded! :( ) anyway, i supp with fm for about 2 days. And started pumping to let my sore nipples rest. But once my supply came in, i ditched the fm and just gave my son ebm. My exclusive pumping journey lasted for a year.

i can totally understand the frustration of not being able to latch properly.. And baby kept feeling hungry despite being at the breast for so long. But i oso looking fwd to the convenience of being able to latch n not pump. Well still deciding how to go abt it. But one thing i learn, u cannot really plan too far ahead for bf. every baby is different. juz go whatever u n your baby is comfy.. Else u ll end up with unnecessary stress. Juz my 2 cents worth :)
Hi bao22, im with the same gynae too for both of my kids. Just delivered on 16th. Dr Chan's stitching skill is fantastic.
Morning ladies. Another day closer to edd for those yet to pop. For those who have popped, u have survived another night =)

My method is, if baby is slping on my left, i will offer the left boob. If baby is on the right, i give my right boob. Prop baby to the side facing u with a bolster behind baby's back. Ur arm can be under ur head. Nt sure u can get wat i mean. Haha.

Haha. Dun worries, i am sure once u get use to her patterns and schedule u will nt feel so helpless anymore. Jia you!
90mins is very long. Is she suckling or just comfort latching?
Jiayou! Hope ur boobs will get use to the puming soon and letdwn comes in fast. I can feel tinkering sensation in my boobs and sometimes they feel slightly fuller than usual.

Re: induce
I realised tat alot of gynaes like to induce babies nwadays. Personally i dun like to be induce unless baby overdue or there is some dangers to baby and/or the mummy. Even 1cm or 2cm dilated, some mummies take days or weeks to deliver. If u dun feel comfortable to be induce u can always make ur preference known. I rejected my gynae to induce my #2 and she came out on her own exactly on edd, safe and sound, pretty and healthy.

Hope ur gal's jaundice remains low and will be gone soon. Cont to latch her regularly as bm really help flush bilirubin out and lower jaundice. Jia you!

Welcome to the thread.
Thanks all, i will go for my appt to check e lump at my underarm. Hope is jus some breast issue and will b cleared after breastfeeding!

Fuzzybear, glad u r back to ur home sweet home. Take ur time and rest well 1st. As for the jaundice, the prenatal class i attended told us to sun tan e baby from 9.30 to 11am. This period is where the sun not strong. Jus sun tan awhile only, maybe 10mins daily? No harm giving it a try.

Sei, yes!! I saw ur little one who hand boxing pic. So cute. Wanna box box! U let bb latch 40 mins for both breast or one? If is one, like v long hor.. Im worried tt my nipples will b sore n painful.

Val, ya, those handwash clothes takes ages to dry when the sun is not hot enuff...

Littleprince, i heard of the myth that bb muz pass down clothes will b easier to bring up. But must it be wore at the very 1st day? Cos the pass down clothes i got are all rompers! And i dun wan my newborn bb wear rompers cos like so diff to wear and take out. So those i bought 2 separate pcs are brand new. My bb will b wearing 2 pcs clothes till his full month. After tt, den wear those pass down rompers. Does tt count? haha...

re: Induced birth
When i was choosing gyne, i read those forum abt review of gyne. Some gyne do hav e practice to induce mummy becos of their tight schedules. They may have alot of mummies who are gg to deliver, so to match n plan his/her schedule. Gyne suggested to induce mummy. Cant rem who are those gyne. Anyway i didnt choose those of cos. And yes, induce is not a safe method oso, it jus like forcing ur bb to come out. Might ended up emergency c-sec. If the reason behind induce birth was becos of the danger of bb like cord over bb neck or bb not growing well, then i would suggest to induce. If bb is fine, why go for induce unless u r overdue.
Morning ladies!! Clearing my leave and taking maternity from this week!
Work had been too much and haven't been in for a looooong time :)

Congrats to all the mummies that have popped! Hope that you are enjoying your new bb as much as possible.

I'm looking forward to my first, edd 13nov. Having a girl and we've decided to name her Amanda.

Jus wondering, are there anything else I need to get besides the basic essentials for bb first month?
morning, mummies! i spent some time last night running through which are the items that need washing! going to start washing some day by day! also decided on another helper and getting agency to quickly arrange to bring her over for me.

mummies who have delivered, if you intend to TBF, do you still inform the nurse during admission for delivery? after baby is delivered and basic checks are done, do the nurse still carry baby back to mummy to latch on for a few minutes? this was what happened when i gave birth to #1, would like to know if it is the same now as my gfs who just delivered apparently didn't experience this (not sure if its coz they didn't state they want to TBF or what).

jaundice - glad to hear how we can fix jaundice issue from the mummies who have delivered, will give more confidence to rest of the mummies on how to solve this issue if it happens to us later.

pinky, i really can't recall and thats why i am asking lor. am referring to the first set of clothes baby wear during discharge (during hosp stay will wear hosp clothes ma). errr, take it with a pinch of salt ok? like what rest of mummies say, they gave a new set of clothes to baby and also ok. :)

induced birth - i also think so some gynaes suggest induce to suit their timings coz they can't possibly wait for random deliveries to happen? (btw pinky, dr tham's nurse told me dr tham only needs 30 to 45min to attend to a delivery and he will be back to the clinic again to see patients, very fast horrr?)
still stressing over ss.. i know its the still the early days yet but keep wondering why i m not producing enough.. i hate giving FM.. keep comparing what happened with my #2, where i think i only started mooing at Day 5 or 6.. but ss kicked in very fast.. this time like not enough letdown trigger.. pathetically 20ml per pump.. no increase in sight. i wonder if there are cases where mommies have plentiful of ss for #1 and 2 but not for #3? grah stress.. my hb kept reminding me that my full flow came in abtt Day 7... my boobs feel really heavy and hot but not hard yet.. haizz..

Bao22, like u, i had prob latching on my #1 and since then i chose to be an exclusively pumping mom even when i had #2. now with #3, the thought of latching nv crossed my mind. i hate the uncertainty of latching, not knowing if it is comfort latching or what. i had more than enough when i pumped previously but i must have forgotten the initial stages when ss hasn't came in.

Val, i dunno if it is comfort latching or what.. that's why i hate latching!! anyway i m gonna try latching her later to stimulate letdown.
morning, mummies! i spent some time last night running through which are the items that need washing! going to start washing some day by day! also decided on another helper and getting agency to quickly arrange to bring her over for me.

mummies who have delivered, if you intend to TBF, do you still inform the nurse during admission for delivery? after baby is delivered and basic checks are done, do the nurse still carry baby back to mummy to latch on for a few minutes? this was what happened when i gave birth to #1, would like to know if it is the same now as my gfs who just delivered apparently didn't experience this (not sure if its coz they didn't state they want to TBF or what).

jaundice - glad to hear how we can fix jaundice issue from the mummies who have delivered, will give more confidence to rest of the mummies on how to solve this issue if it happens to us later.

pinky, i really can't recall and thats why i am asking lor. am referring to the first set of clothes baby wear during discharge (during hosp stay will wear hosp clothes ma). errr, take it with a pinch of salt ok? like what rest of mummies say, they gave a new set of clothes to baby and also ok. :)

induced birth - i also think so some gynaes suggest induce to suit their timings coz they can't possibly wait for random deliveries to happen? (btw pinky, dr tham's nurse told me dr tham only needs 30 to 45min to attend to a delivery and he will be back to the clinic again to see patients, very fast horrr?)
Littleprince, I can't remember if I had told the midwives I would like to TBF, but as both were delivered naturally w epidural, they will pass babies to me to try latching, once cleaned, most advise to do it within 1 hour from birth. I think it also depends on the different hospital, I delivered at Mt Alvernia
still stressing over ss.. i know its the still the early days yet but keep wondering why i m not producing enough.. i hate giving FM.. keep comparing what happened with my #2, where i think i only started mooing at Day 5 or 6.. but ss kicked in very fast.. this time like not enough letdown trigger.. pathetically 20ml per pump.. no increase in sight. i wonder if there are cases where mommies have plentiful of ss for #1 and 2 but not for #3? grah stress.. my hb kept reminding me that my full flow came in abtt Day 7... my boobs feel really heavy and hot but not hard yet.. haizz..

Bao22, like u, i had prob latching on my #1 and since then i chose to be an exclusively pumping mom even when i had #2. now with #3, the thought of latching nv crossed my mind. i hate the uncertainty of latching, not knowing if it is comfort latching or what. i had more than enough when i pumped previously but i must have forgotten the initial stages when ss hasn't came in.

Val, i dunno if it is comfort latching or what.. that's why i hate latching!! anyway i m gonna try latching her later to stimulate letdown.
Keep trying, don't give in to FM, you have done a great job encouraging other new mummies before, so this is nothing new to you. I heard massaging the breasts will help stimulate milk flow, but best is to latch, supply = demand, always remember that! The more you feed, the more milk you will produce. During #2, I remember I woke up middle of the night to pump, to increase milk supply, tiring but worth it, I successfully BF my #2 for 2 years! Of course, after 6 months, I also started giving solids.
Enjoy ur leave. How do u intend to spend it?

In the delivery suite, the nurse/midwife will ask me if i wan to tbf. if yes, once baby has been checked, they pass the baby to me to nurse while still in the suite.

Dun stress. Mayb coz u didnt rest enuff? Rem to have plently of fluid.
Yes, pls try latching again coz these few days latching will really help to stimulate ss. I know ur nipples are sore but coz its nt used to the intensity yet. Once its is used to it, it sld be fine. My nipples were sore for a few days previously but were fine aft they were used. I read an article tat nb may latch for comfort initially thus taking so long at the boobs and once u unlatched they will fuss again. Coz they are nt used to the world outside of womb. So when u latch, they feel secure.
good morning mummies....

Sei, so both you and #2 coping well at home now?

SN, MIL just wouldn't leave us alone I believe... but you so nice still reply to her...
How's princess doing?

Fuzzybear, dun stress yourself unnecessary... Usually follow will kick in slowly...
20ml isn't bad liao... today will be better...
I rem you are very persistent and help a lot of mummies to BF... no stress...
Think abt supplying BM to all 3 kids... :) let down will come real soon...

Thanks LXB and littleprince on the evening sun....
I rem bringing #1 for tanning on my own... hahaha...
always in the morning, sit under the sun with #1 eyes covered... and think of the unnecessary...
But I rem due to we did not burp him properly, he has so much phlegm that we brought him to polyclinic and then to NUH since he's only a week old...
the nurse at polyclinic wanted to check his jaundice level but I do not allow...
Sei: thanks. your friend is really strong. latch on immediately after C section. In most cases, mummys will still be weak and recovering from the surgery.
still stressing over ss.. i know its the still the early days yet but keep wondering why i m not producing enough.. i hate giving FM.. keep comparing what happened with my #2, where i think i only started mooing at Day 5 or 6.. but ss kicked in very fast.. this time like not enough letdown trigger.. pathetically 20ml per pump.. no increase in sight. i wonder if there are cases where mommies have plentiful of ss for #1 and 2 but not for #3? grah stress.. my hb kept reminding me that my full flow came in abtt Day 7... my boobs feel really heavy and hot but not hard yet.. haizz..

Bao22, like u, i had prob latching on my #1 and since then i chose to be an exclusively pumping mom even when i had #2. now with #3, the thought of latching nv crossed my mind. i hate the uncertainty of latching, not knowing if it is comfort latching or what. i had more than enough when i pumped previously but i must have forgotten the initial stages when ss hasn't came in.

Val, i dunno if it is comfort latching or what.. that's why i hate latching!! anyway i m gonna try latching her later to stimulate letdown.

Fuzzybear: hang on there! Ya you encouraged us to fb previously so now our turn to cheer you on! I might not have experience but maybe this time your bb was earlier before edd that's why affected ur supply? Take things slowly at a time n I believe your ss will kick in soon.. Must think positive okay?

Littleprince: I also think maybe by inducing it is easier for the doc to manage their time.. But in a way at least I know wat is going to happen then to every night wait for contraction or water bag burst.. Hahha I m trying to take it positively..
thxs little prince for sharing your induce experience.

Has anyone get 游龙子 to calculate bb's name? Would like to know will he be giving u a few full name to choose or character to mix and match..

my frd used him. $100. u can call him and tell him the ba zi and can collect the next day. He will give you the Chinese characters to mix and match, i heard is 144 combination of names.
fuzzybear, maybe u can try cold compression. since u mention that your boob is hot, perhaps there's alot of swelling so milk difficult to come out? this delivery is quite tough on you. pump full of medication then c-sec. relax k... milk will kick in soon. how's ur bb jaundice?
thanks all for sharing inducing experience. i have mixed feeling abt inducing oso but i guess got to listen to gynae bah, i mean we supposed to trust them right.

fuzzybear: jia you jia you! did u take additional supplements for milk supplies? i heard from my frd that dr tham gave her tons supplements upon discharge and it helps alot.
pinkyloving, 40min total for both sides, so about 20min per side. Sometimes if 1 side is not empty, I let let her suck longer and the other side will be half feed. If the latch is correct, won't be painful, just a bit ticklish... when she doesn't latch correctly, I will unlatch and try again. If you let the baby latch uncorrectly for long, that's when it gets sore and painful!

fuzzybear, try to relax... maybe you're too stressed? First few days I also felt terrible, can feel the hardness but no letdown even with baby latching, so first few pumps also about 20ml only... after I cleared most of the hardness with the manual pump, I got 80ml! I also let baby latch in different positions. Cradle to clear insides of boobs, football to clear outsides, lying down sideways to clear the underside.

febie, we've more or less settled. Lucky #1 loves her meimei and is ok that I spent so much time feeding her. Sometimes, I will play puzzles or read to her when I'm latching #2 too!
I'm back from gynae visit and had my stitches removed! No pain! Amazing! hehe...i was so scared of stitch removal cos some friends said it hurts.

Brought #1 and #2 there for a picture with my doc. haha. #1 saw his picture on the wall of the clinic n said, "meimei!" then I told him, "that's u!" and he started looking high n low for meimei's pic n asked where's meimei. lol.

i think milk supply is directly related to rest n water consumption. I recall those nights that i had to wake up multiple times, my ss was really poor the next morning. Latching really helps to boost supply initially....so im still trying to latch 1-2 times a day but i really prefer the certainty and time management that comes with pumping.

Val, the LC taught me how to latch lying down but i just couldnt do it haha.
Wow Sei, you steady leh... outside also can football hold and can clear so many sides of boobs...:)

so nice to hear #1 loves her meimei... I hope my #1 will also love his didi when he see him next mth... hahaha....
fuzzybear, jiayou!! can't give much advice since i haven't bf before...

pinky, i also got lumps in my underarm. always tot it's cos of pregnancy and boobies preparing for bf... update us after your mt. e visit. hopefully it's nth serious.

what's swab test btw?

took a day's leave ytd to enjoy some alone time with hubby. did a PS at home on our own. it was pretty fun. then we went for a movie... detective dee... goodness! i conclude that preggies can't go for long movies. i was so tired i dozed off a few times during the movie.

baby's cot came ytd too. just need to buy a few more daily necessities and i think we are ready.

haven't been sleeping well too. kept waking to pee. last night, i felt breathless and was awake for more than an hour... sighs...
I know it takes awhile to come in lah.. i also know i m doing the right things.. haha.. but i hate the waiting time... and there's always the fear that i m not gonna have enough milk.. my hb thinks i m nuts and worrying over nothing.. i tried latching just now. still no letdown though milk come out when baby is near (just not two breasts at the same time). gonna latch more today first..

i think i m also more hormonal w this baby.. kept tearing too.. feel really overwhelmed and not prepared.. i wasn't like that with my #2..
Welcome all new mummies & Congrats to all that have given birth!!

This forum and FB is getting more & more happening!!

Sei, u r good at bf n clearing ur boobs!! Must consult u when my time comes!!

Fuzzybear, jiayou... Take things one step at a time ba.. Maybe coz this time round is a princess so u more emotional.. hugs!

LXB: wow! You gonna deliver this thurs! Have a good rest today and bonding with ur hub..

SN, you very gd leh, still can reply ur MIL sms.. If me, maybe i will just ignore and if she comment i will say overlook coz busy w nb :p I hope my MIL won't drop by my mum place when i'm doing confinement, now i'm beginning to worry..

mawanab, very long din see u ard liao.. hopefully u can take things slower now that ur event is over :)
felval, thks for your reply...I downloaded the contraction timer app le! will start to practice how to use first...kekeke

yogini, fairyland, deliriousdreams, just keep up with your diet (more milk and meat) and talk to bb to gain bb weight! I just came back from checkup, I gained 1.5kg in 2 weeks, lucky 0.5kg got to bb....Dr Tham almost wanted to nag me on my weight gain :D. BB is now a reasonable weight of 2.5kg at 38 weeks.
Hahaha. Nvm. Just try and practise when u feels like it. Practise make perfect =)

Swab test to test for grp b streptococcus (gbs). Its a kind of bacteria. If tested positive, there may be a chance if passing it to the baby during delivery henxe need to be treated with antibiotics during labour.

Just relax ya. This preg hasnt be easy for u and the unexpected early arrival of G means u feel overwhelmed. Try to cheer up.

Welcome =) jia you on our last lap =)

Welcome to the thread.
fuzzybear, jiayou!! can't give much advice since i haven't bf before...

pinky, i also got lumps in my underarm. always tot it's cos of pregnancy and boobies preparing for bf... update us after your mt. e visit. hopefully it's nth serious.

what's swab test btw?

took a day's leave ytd to enjoy some alone time with hubby. did a PS at home on our own. it was pretty fun. then we went for a movie... detective dee... goodness! i conclude that preggies can't go for long movies. i was so tired i dozed off a few times during the movie.

baby's cot came ytd too. just need to buy a few more daily necessities and i think we are ready.

haven't been sleeping well too. kept waking to pee. last night, i felt breathless and was awake for more than an hour... sighs...
Swab test is also know as GBS, Group B Strep test for bacteria in Virginal, google on it.
hello xian1304, yea... long time haven't logged onto Forum. just check FB for updates. now that my event is over, i shall try to report every weekday. lots to learn from our mummies who have delivered.

tks felval and third3timemum on enlightening me abt the swab test. guess i shld be doing it at my next gynae visit.

hello coffeetruffles, i'm with dr tham too. u r graduating soon so prob no chance to meet u at the clinic. i'm only hitting 35wks this fri.
mawanab, swab test is done on 35th week. pinky and i did ours on Monday. results will be notified by nurse calling us or by next appt in 37th week. :) come in and chat everyday leh since our edd all so near and same gynae.
Thanking the 3mummies for sending the up n down after giving birth. It kinds of prepare me what to expect as its been too long after my 2nd delivery.

Jiayou fuzzybear! Thanks Sei n toto for the informationon bfg. U gals r super!

I just got back from si ma lu this morning. Bought all the necessary herbs for confinement. Indeed overhere is so much cheaper than FuHua.l spent abt 200 and bought the da feng ai tooo. Im finally all ready for confinement. Done my wk38 chk yday. Everything normal n gynea didnt do any cervic check. She only asked me to monitor clossely bb movement n contraction. hv been experiencing stronger n longer one but still bearable so I guess bb is not ready to come out as yet. Hows you ladies doing?
The swab test compulsory for all mummies at 35 weeks?
I am seeing Prof this Fri at 36 weeks 1 day, 2 weeks before that, he nvr mention need this swab test.
Bluenosebear, I did mine at week 30.. I think u can check with Prof ba.. Think it's more for v birth coz when bb come out from v might get infected if we are positive.
Fuzzybear, you didn't have enough sleep prior to and after delivery, no wonder can feel more hormonal this round. But all here have faith in your mooing ability, so hold on. Do u still have puppp?

Sigh, my mil so clebber. Can tell me she will take out #1's old car seat in Oct to wash and sun. Only today ask if should take it out now or wait till next week after she's back from a trip. I like duh...... Good thing i already got a new car seat.

Xu4n, perhaps your gynae did the swab test together with a cervix check?
Hi to all mummies here!! I'm been quietly following this thread and decided to sign up for an account today.

My EDD is on 14 Nov and I'm with Dr Chan KH from Gleneagles. Am expecting my first boy. =) Can anyone add me in the Nov facebook group? My email is [email protected]. Thanks!!!
Bluenosebear, Doc Su did mine last week at week 34...
Maybe you will wanna check with Prof on this?
Febie & Xian- maybe for me is KIV natural, that is why Prof on hold the swab test bah.
Anyway this fri, he will do a V-scan to see placenta had move up, if confirm k natural birth, I will check with him the swab test bah.
For group B strep, I have experience it with my boy. you just need to remind your doctor to make sure you have your jab, your baby will be safe. my baby is born in 30/11/11. It is better to get a swap test. I didn't know i get it until my doctor asked me to take a swab test.

When I was having my boy, I have researched that if you are infected and give birth without taking anti biotic jab, baby will have high chance getting infected. If the baby get infected, bb will need to stay in hospital for 2 weeks +- depends on condition. I had my jab and my son is 100% healthy.
