(2013/11) November 2013

Ankh, lol. Mil is the english speaking type, dunno if u consider tt "too" educated la. Her elder son recently passed her his old nokia E71 phone n taught her how to use it. Since then she has been v proud about her new phone n her ability to sms! Previously, she will call us but both me n hb will miss her calls. Now sms, cant escape! Grr.

Febie, yup, my gynae is known for his stitching skills. During #1's time, my episiotomy was only slightly sore and i could walk and sit normally on the first day. The nurse manager came to PR with us when we checked-in to the room on the day of the C Sect n she was saying my doc's needlework is fantastic n tt i dont have to worry. Haha, but my pain threshold damn low la, so first two days of c-sec really horrid compared to natural birth. But come third day, i felt like a miracle happened n i even had energy to pop by to visit fuzzybear. Lol.

I take turns with hb to do night duties. Last night, dearest princess woke up uncountable times from 9pm to 1am! Drank so much milk! Think she never had enough from the two latching sessions in the day again! Today, went back to PD for jaundice review n i asked pd how much milk per feed at this time, n he said 60-75ml for one week old baby n 75-90ml for two wks old. We've been giving 60ml these few days, will increase to 75 ml now.

Hmmm fuzzybear never report today.... Hope everything ok with her.

Lxb, exciting night for u, jia you!!

Xian, my company also dun give CCL for this yr, say I must finish my ML first. But for fathers they give 6 days..... Maybe can get hbby to call / write in to mom to confirm. For my case, MOM advised not mandatory for companies to give CCL based on actual delivery date, so unfortunately company can choose to give only after 16 weeks consumed.

Thirdtimemum, I'm due 13 nov, today jus went to see dr and did swab. Bb now 3.3kg.... If full term dr say could hit 4kg lo...
But said to wait and see how it works out in next check up. Dr didn't check cervix yet... Maybe next one ba. Do they start monitoring from week 37 normally?

Totorodino, wow, sound like c-section went well for you and bb growing really well.... Thinking about it also in case my girl gets too big, but dr say still ok since I'm big size, proportionate to bb, should be ok.

I think dr Tham will know how to agar-agar and not reach at last min. Otherwise he wouldn't agree to help u deliver at Mt A. When I asked him if I can deliver at Mt A, he said sure. But later on I still worry he can't reach on time. And becos his clinic is at TMC, I was thinking it will be more convenient for him. It's like if we are working, we will be happier if our "customer" make our job easier right? So I secretly hope he will be in happier mood if he just need to pop upstairs to visit me. I rem for my #1, I gave birth at 4+pm. Dr Tham came to visit me at 9+pm cos he said he was worried for me as I had some bleeding when my placenta didn't discharge on its own initially. Then he also apologized for the stitches which he said was a little messy as his priority was to sew me up asap. I tot that was quite funny cos I dun intend to parade my stitches down there for anyone to see anyway. Then next day morning 8+, he came by again. Like dun need to sleep like that. I had a good experience w him. :) dun worry, we are in safe hands.

Littleprince, my edd is 18 nov. yours is later than me right? If you give birth earlier, we will be neighbors. But I wonder how dr than is gonna cope if we both wanna deliver at same time!
Question: i think my waterbag burst and i have fluids trickling down. Should i admit myself now or wait till after 12
Lxb 加油 加油!!!! Feel so excited for you. Wishing you a smooth n fast delivery!!

Pinkyloving, when the shop seller (龙马) saw my tummy. They straight aaway gave me a list of items to buy for confinement. I didn't really follow exactly coz this is my 3rd confinement and they r some herbs that I really hate the smell... so I just got those necessary items lor.
Like they say boil the longan water to drink got to mix 红枣黑枣和蓝枣but my mum only use 黑枣。so I only buy what I need. I also bought a box of 人参 cost $34 for chix soup. Honestly their price is definately cheaper than HockHua.

Xian, most company dont giv CL for mummies who deliver towards year end bcoz maternity leave kicks in before we can even utilised CL as Mom rules say we must take 2 months block leaves. Unless u deliver in sep, then u will b in time to claim the six day CL before u utilised the flexible balance ML. However, all this arrangement still has to b agreeable between the employer n employee.
Question: i think my waterbag burst and i have fluids trickling down. Should i admit myself now or wait till after 12

I hv not had any water bag burst before but I think u shld get yourself ready to admit. I heard Some ppl take a shower n head down to hospital. I wish u smooth delivery
My gynae dun prescibe pills or creams. He will refer me to another dr, just like during confinement for my #1 time when i get it. Usually will need steriods based creams n med to totally control it and i am against the use of steriods so i just bear with it.

Thanks! Ya. I heard abt cetaphil too but i didnt use. Tried sebamed from my #2. Haha.

Aiyo. U also another sufferer of puppp. We are so "luck" to get it! Same, i also expose my tummy aft i slap moisturizer on it. Else the top just make it more itchy.
Hahaha. Its fri already! Go for a pedicure and manicure session tonite! =p

I scratched till some parts the skin broke lo =( i still avoid steriods as it thin the skin and if u notice it will cause skin discolouration. I had a friend whose baby had rashes and pd prescribe steriod based cream and guess wat happened? He developed steriod induced rashes coz the body is "addicted" to steriod!! So nw they have to remove the use of steriod and he has very very bad rashes. I saw his photo and i feel sooo sad....i tried sebamed from my #2 but mayb coz its for baby no use on me. Lol!

I think steriod med may help to control the hormonal change but if can dun take best nt to. I scratch la. Soooo itchy hw to tahan nt scratching...think i will choose morning sickness over puppp....i ever contemplate using ice cube to rub the rashes!

Gd to know u are well and about from ur csect. U quite strong ya?

How are u now?? Hope u r already in hosp? Coz aft waterbag burst, mummy and baby stand the chance of getting infection so try nt to delay too long ya. I will opt or a bathe and head to hosp.
bunnymummy, my edd is on 23 Nov! i think when its yr turn to go for delivery, i will start to panic that mine is coming soon! :p if we both go into labour together, our hbs can chit chat in the labour wards. LOL!

ankh, i have been going pedi since 8th mth pregnancy, cannot reach properly lor. even cutting nails for my #1 is not easy, i must ask him to come closer to me coz i cannot bend! i hope to go for one more pedi before i deliver! anyway, i am doing only cleaning, not putting on any nail polish since i can't clean it off myself so let my nails have a few months to breathe! :)

dunno how is lxb doing now hor after checking in last night ....

TGIF! i just need to coach #1 tomorrow for his last paper on Mon and i am going to shake legs! woo hoo! :)
Morning, mummies.
Lxb-Wish U a smooth delivery.
Littleprince-I like the shake legs part, haha..................
My EDD is 21 Nov, hopefully I k still tahan & work till 18 Nov.
littleprince, i oso dunno how gyne actually gauge esp those clinic is not in e same hospital. My coll told me her gyne arrived at the veryyyy last min to her labour ward cos midwife dint expect such a fast diliation at the end. Pray that my delivery would b match nicely with his timing.

bunnymummy, i noe is better to deliver in e same hospital. But i prefer Mt A. So wish me luck tt gyne will reach on time!

SN, ur MIL so atas one... msg sms like writing compo? haha... She muz b damn free to sms such a long comp man.

littleprince, e nurse informed u abt e result aldy? How come mine never ah? I nv rec any call yesterday. I have been having yellow discharge all along lei, dunno will pass e test anot.

fuzzybear, how are you?? Hope u r coping well.

mumsagain, i see. I oso dunno wat herbs to get. My CL nv tell me. Should b watver stuff i get, she will noe how to cook ba...

Re: nose bleed
This morning i was sneezing, and it come out all e blood. Few days ago, i noted got blood stain in my nose. Am i getting too heaty? Anyone experience it?
pinky-can be due to hormonal changes, t hat is why the nose bleed or even heaty, esp at 3rd tri.
I had dried blood kind in 2nd tri, but went off itself.
Actually k start drinking the coconut water from 36 weeks onwards, twice per week, don't overdo it also.
I just gotta say...... I need a pedicure. Cannot cut toenails properly!
I also super cannot tahan my toes nails, all the previously DIY colour faded and long nails, so yesterday I finally trimmed them, and put on a new coat of shattered white on matte gold!I thought I cannot reach them anymore, but I did it! Don't want to go to shop, as I am not sure if I will be asked to remove wheh I go into labour, will be waste of money!
Good morning mummies!!

Finally friday is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pinky, I have been getting this nose bleed and dried blood in my nose since 2nd trim. Gynae say is normal due to hormonal changes. Sometimes, my nose is so painful n after i rub, i will blow out dried blood..
bluenosebear, you starting ML fm 18 Nov? i indicated tentatively in my office calendar but am not sure yet. eh, i think i am more stressed than him during exams! his results can be very erratic wan coz it depends on his performance at point of taking his papers. if he feels bored, he will anyhow do kind. :mad: with his exams over, i then can heave a sigh of relief.

pinky, i am sure dr tham will manage his time to get to mt A in time for you when you are delivering la, its his responsibility to. don't worry abt the nurse not calling you yet, maybe they have many mummies to call. if still no call by Mon, then maybe you call to check? maybe no news is good news ma. :) i have dried nose muscus with some blood stains at times, also had a swollen lymph node at the back of my head earlier this week but it subsided already, think its heatiness lor.

coconut drink - i love it all along so recently, starting drinking once or twice a week if i pass by anywhere that sells it.
Littleprince-I suppose to start ML on 11 Nov when I last submit to my boss. But I was thinking if I k tahan till 18/11, will be good.
But it all also depends the scan today, coz will have to see k be natural or C-sec, due to low lying placenta.

Tahan, his exam will be over soon, then U k really shake legs, LOL.
Coconut drink-I heard that better drink the water & not eat the meat.
Good morning mummies!!

Another nua day for me, finally put the first bag of bb stuff out to dry :)
Jus found out fm fren my gynae gg holiday fm nov 1 ....... Stress!! But dun dare to call to ask who will be covering in case bb decides to make an early appearance.

Yho, should be delivering today ba... Jia you!!
I done my wk37 scan.. baby is 3.6kg... my godness.. i gain 1kg in 2 wks time and my girl gain 700g.. done the cervix check. i think my gynae Dr Chen Chern Yi is pretty gentle.. i do not feel any uncomfortable at all.. My cervix is not ripe yet, and baby not yet fully engaged.
I am trying hard to persuade my girl to come out.. :( if not i will go for induce next wed..
Hope LXB and Yho has a smooth delivery!!! :)
TGIF mummies!

littleprince & pinky - yes pls rem to bring your admission letter, i forgot to bring and the nurse "bird" me :( haha.. said we are supposed to bring everywhere we go!

pinky - i have yellow discharges all along too but the swab test is negative, so dun worry too much

priscilla - huh, when is ur edd? u not angry ah, i tink if is me i will be a bit piss off like kana abandon.. i tink is better to know who is the standby right?

for coconut drink, i love it too! i just started one ydae! i drink the green one, is that the correct one?
Hi littleprince and bunnymummy, my gnae is also Dr Tham n my edd is 19 nov but will be giving birth at tmc. Hopefully we will not give birth on the same day since our edd is so closed, if not dr will be so bz tat day.
The last checkup with Dr he say the baby have not turn ard, hopefully today checkup baby will haf turn ard cos I dun wan c-sec.
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good morning mummies...

Fuzzybear, coping well? Nv see you post etc...

SN, your threshold for pain not high I guess so that why need 3 days... but at least you dun feel pain...
I see some friends pain till cant move for days....
Your MIL likes to tell story huh... let your hb entertain her bah... you just dun bother...

Val, must see where's the torn skin I guess...
I know steroid will thin the skin that why I din rely on that... unless I saw the torn skin really bad...
cos my boy has it on his ear lobe... the area sticking to the face and I worry he rub and tear it further...
it was always bleeding with those clear pus water coming out... so poor thing...

think nose bleed during pregnancy is pretty normal...

Little prince you reminded me of having coconut water...
think my mum going to start me next week...

ah dale u also delivering at NUH?? another NUH mummies beside a few of us...
who is your gynae?? and you planned your baby to arrive in Nov so share the same birthday month? :p

flogal yes the green coconut... big big not sweet type...

LXB, hope your dilation is fast and bb can pop by today..
yho have you given birth?
coconut drink
anyone know where to get? I stay at sengkang & went Kovan last week. All they had is the brown old coconut & the seller keeps insisting that this is the type pregnant women drink. It's so sour & siap lor. Not sweet at all. Feel kena conned.
good morning mummies...

Fuzzybear, coping well? Nv see you post etc...

SN, your threshold for pain not high I guess so that why need 3 days... but at least you dun feel pain...
I see some friends pain till cant move for days....
Your MIL likes to tell story huh... let your hb entertain her bah... you just dun bother...

Val, must see where's the torn skin I guess...
I know steroid will thin the skin that why I din rely on that... unless I saw the torn skin really bad...
cos my boy has it on his ear lobe... the area sticking to the face and I worry he rub and tear it further...
it was always bleeding with those clear pus water coming out... so poor thing...

think nose bleed during pregnancy is pretty normal...

Little prince you reminded me of having coconut water...
think my mum going to start me next week...

ah dale u also delivering at NUH?? another NUH mummies beside a few of us...
who is your gynae?? and you planned your baby to arrive in Nov so share the same birthday month? :p

flogal yes the green coconut... big big not sweet type...

LXB, hope your dilation is fast and bb can pop by today..
yho have you given birth?

Febie, I didn't planned for nov bb la, since happen dat edd is 7 Nov & ppl always quote 1st time mostly will be earlier than edd mah. So thinking "psycho" Bb to wait till Nov cuz it will be fun to have the same birth mth together lor. I didn't specified any gynae, quite trust Nuh doc cuz my sil used to deliver her 2 girls there & convi for me to take mrt for my checkup. Juz see whoever is available lor 听天由命. I juz completed their antenatal course conducted by their LC, midwife & physiotherapist. Quite exp & informative. I dun want stress like some mummies here worry their gynae go on leave since yr end is peak travel period.
Febie, I didn't planned for nov bb la, since happen dat edd is 7 Nov & ppl always quote 1st time mostly will be earlier than edd mah. So thinking "psycho" Bb to wait till Nov cuz it will be fun to have the same birth mth together lor. I didn't specified any gynae, quite trust Nuh doc cuz my sil used to deliver her 2 girls there & convi for me to take mrt for my checkup. Juz see whoever is available lor 听天由命. I juz completed their antenatal course conducted by their LC, midwife & physiotherapist. Quite exp & informative. I dun want stress like some mummies here worry their gynae go on leave since yr end is peak travel period.
It's not true for my case that first child will be earlier, my #1 was overdue for 9 days and still no signs of coming out, then gynae induced me. #2 came on EDD, now #3, again people say each pregnancy will get earlier, I am now 38w4days and still waiting.
It's not true for my case that first child will be earlier, my #1 was overdue for 9 days and still no signs of coming out, then gynae induced me. #2 came on EDD, now #3, again people say each pregnancy will get earlier, I am now 38w4days and still waiting.

your womb is too comfortable liao.. thats why... and womb service first class haha.. thats why your babies reluctant to check out mah..

I used to joke with my friends that baby first trimester is in first class, 2nd trimester business class... last trimester economy class thats why buay tahan wanna get out liao..
coconut drink
anyone know where to get? I stay at sengkang & went Kovan last week. All they had is the brown old coconut & the seller keeps insisting that this is the type pregnant women drink. It's so sour & siap lor. Not sweet at all. Feel kena conned.

I'm looking for it as well... previous pregnancy I was lucky to get them at hawkers that sell them... now no luck though my mum says ntuc got sell.
For my #2, my gynae didnt make it back in time to deliver for me. It was midwife who delivered for me. We waited for gynae to came back before ny hb cut the umbilical cord and gynae sew me up.

My torn skin is everywhere! Tts how badly i scratch myself. Sobsob!

Ya. No truth abt 1st time mummy will pop earlier than edd. It teally depends on baby and individual body.
Flogal, I got ostrich syndrome.... Hiding my head in the sand and fingers crossed that She will b back for my delivery....
I jus went to see her yesterday and she didn't mention about her gg on leave :s but I will have another appt with her on 31oct, so mb I will ask her ba.....

I thought if we do pre-admission, then no need to bring anything
I'm looking for it as well... previous pregnancy I was lucky to get them at hawkers that sell them... now no luck though my mum says ntuc got sell.
So far I only drink those botak thai coconut I got from ntuc, $0.80 each, those with white husk I think is green coconut, but super hard to hack open, so I did not buy, and there is no hawker centre near my place, I work from home, so no chance to get those green ones from hawker which they can open.
Flogal, I got ostrich syndrome.... Hiding my head in the sand and fingers crossed that She will b back for my delivery....
I jus went to see her yesterday and she didn't mention about her gg on leave :s but I will have another appt with her on 31oct, so mb I will ask her ba.....

I thought if we do pre-admission, then no need to bring anything
You need your admission letter from gynae with you, all the time, in case you need to go hospital from where you are
sheepsdream & attigal, i bout the coconuts from ntuc, i think is the one third3timemum mentioned, i think is green coconut yes is super hard! my hubby has to use the chopper to chop off hahha..

maybe can try lor ah soo hawker centre.
fairyland, different playpen different dimensions. you need to take down the dimensions and check out dept stores to find which one has the mattress cover size you need. i bought my playpen mattress and covers from BabySafe via Spring Maternity.

thirdtimemum, i received call fm clinic earlier and they mentioned my swab test showed a little bacteria too. nurse said nothing major, they will prescribe me with oral antibiotics in next visit and to also bring along the pre-admission letter so that they can indicate in it. oh, nurse also reminded me to let the nurses know when i am admitted for labor. so don't worry la, you are not alone. :)

lxb, have a smooth delivery tonight! jia you!

Thanks littleprince! Noted on the size of playpen mattress and where to get the cover.
Hi fairyland! I'm getting excited nowadays. Kept telling bb to wait till Nov to share the same birth mth as me & hubby..
Today juz went for my wk38 checkup at Nuh, did cervix check, not yet dilating.
I am getting excited too! And my gynae is at NUH too! :D. So coincidence! My last check up was on Wednesday.
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Littleprince-I suppose to start ML on 11 Nov when I last submit to my boss. But I was thinking if I k tahan till 18/11, will be good.
But it all also depends the scan today, coz will have to see k be natural or C-sec, due to low lying placenta.

Tahan, his exam will be over soon, then U k really shake legs, LOL.
Coconut drink-I heard that better drink the water & not eat the meat.
Bluenosebear, what is the reason not to eat the meat?
Coconut, i started drinking it last week. Bought it from Giant. But yes, it's really very hard to chop open lol...

LXB, hope you have a smooth delivery!
Hey mummies! Yes I popped! Thank you for the wishes and support! The nurses keep telling me that for #1 my labour is consider fast because I dilated from 2-3cm to 10 cm within 4 hours.. With the help of epi of cos.. Hahaha the moment I had epi I told my hub that it is the best invention ever... He rolled his eyes..
After labour tried to latch bb on, but I think I having same problem as fuzzybear.. Nipple too big for bb mouth.. He keep using his tongue to push out.. Managed to latch on once but PD came and had to unlatch him.. So sad.. Hopefully later can latch him on again..
Now waiting for dinner because I m super hungry!!!!!!!!
great job lxb! baby Eden is very cute!!

hearing all your birthing stories make me excited to give birth too! i just wanna go on maternity cos i can't stand working with my new boss!!
jo10, nice to know we have same gynae, close edd and delivering in TMC! hope your baby has kuai kuai turned down today! mine is head down but not yet engaged during my checkup on Mon. you will be doing swab test today also yeah.

coconut drink - i buy the rounded ones fm NTUC so tt its easier to open and drink, else fm hawker centres. i don't really look for preferred type of coconuts, just drink what they have.

sheepsdream, you know Lor Ah Soo market? there is a fruit stall near the open carpark gantry and they do sell the Thai green coconut. they can chop open the head for you, you can pack home to drink. :)

lxb, congrats! eh, you took epidural first or gynae burst yr water bag first?
great job lxb! baby Eden is very cute!!

hearing all your birthing stories make me excited to give birth too! i just wanna go on maternity cos i can't stand working with my new boss!!
mawanab, i cant wait to go on maternity co zi hate covering pple's a** and clearing other pple's sh*t when they go on leave

congrats lxb!!! :)

is there really a difference between those green husk coconut and those thai coconut?
some pple are saying shld drink the green husk one..but the green husk one chop already, isnt it botak like those thai ones??
I just gotta say...... I need a pedicure. Cannot cut toenails properly!
:D i just did a pedi and medi without coloring togrtger with a haircut yday! l feel shiok when they scrub my foot as i hv been feeling very dirty as not able to touch n wash it properly since 2nd tri. pls hv It done.

Sheepdream, I just bought It from kovan hawker. there r 2 fruits juice stalls selling the green coconut. U may want to try there.

Congratulation LXB! u r consider fast liao. Great job.
Lxb, Congrats
Updates about me- Prof say tht I can try natural as placenta not blocking cervix.
He nvr say the agar bb weight, only that bb weight at right track
Done the GBS swab also
:D i just did a pedi and medi without coloring togrtger with a haircut yday! l feel shiok when they scrub my foot as i hv been feeling very dirty as not able to touch n wash it properly since 2nd tri. pls hv It done.

Sheepdream, I just bought It from kovan hawker. there r 2 fruits juice stalls selling the green coconut. U may want to try there.

Congratulation LXB! u r consider fast liao. Great job.
I chopped off 12 inches from my long hair about a weeks ago, going to donate to www.locksoflove.org for them to make into wigs for children cancer patients. 2 years ago I heard from my colleaque that I do not need to shave my hair, but only need 10 inches in ponytail, so I donated + another ponytail which I've kept since before the birth of my #1, the amount of hair left , after 2 childbirth is half !
Cut my hair short, as I worried I may take too long time to dry my hair during confinement, and baby crying for milk etc.
3xmum, between both of us, don't know who will deliver first. Went to see gynae today and she can tell me cervix not dilated. Now just a waiting game for contractions to start cos bb in position. Aiyo, sometimes I don't know whether to topple to the front or the back, feel so unbalanced nowadays.

Attigal, think my womb is upgraded economy class. Baby still enjoying her movements inside (mummy zzzzzzzzz.......)

Mumagain, Val, sadly today no slots available for pedi. Booked for Sunday, but who knows, maybe I'll be in hospital by then!

Sheepsdream, ive tried both coconut stalls at kovan, think generally the big coconuts are not sweet. Small precut ones from ntuc are much sweeter. I've seen the same precut ones at cold storage before, but super expensive.

Val, apparently my rash considered mild. Gynae said puppp is in discrete patches, so I think I got off lucky cos mine hasn't hit that stage. She did recommend applying calamine lotion and taking antihistamines. Hope your skin can quickly heal itself in between the scratching. My skin also getting painful :(

Lxb, I thought your hubby was the one who encouraged you to take epi? Both of you funny la. Hope you enjoying your time with baby.

Just now saw dr Tham rushing off to Mt A to deliver baby, so one couple had to wait for him to come back to complete appointment. Yeah leh, how do such gynaes do it if they deliver between two hospitals?
Little prince, baby have not turn down today. Dr say chances of turning down is low so ask us to decide date for c-sec before my due date if baby last min turn ard can cancel the c-sec. Mummies any idea how to make baby turn down.

your womb is too comfortable liao.. thats why... and womb service first class haha.. thats why your babies reluctant to check out mah..

I used to joke with my friends that baby first trimester is in first class, 2nd trimester business class... last trimester economy class thats why buay tahan wanna get out liao..

I juz hope bb will 乖乖 patiently wait for nov.... This sun My Mil &Sil r coming from Msia to stdby for my confinement... Bless us all who not yet pop to have a smooth delivery....

Fairyland, my appt is every thurs...
