(2013/11) November 2013

Hello everyone!!

Have not been posting here for a long long time. This third time pregnancy was really very stressful for me. And to add on, things like my girl's P1 registration, my 16 years doggie passing on, my girl's graduation and p1 orientation, my #2 birthday celebration... The list just goes on.

Luckily, now most cleared and am waiting for my little girl to decide on when she wanna come out and join us.

I am in my week 36 but I have a feeling that little girl will not be so nice to stay in there for long. If she can stay in the tummy till week 39, that will be the best as both my monsters will start their school holiday.

My #1 popped the water bag at 38 weeks 3 days, so no choice got to let her out,
and my #2 threatened us by trying to strangle himself with the umbilical cord when I went for my 37 week check up, so no choice got to induce him that very day.

So, now waiting for mei mei to show us her trick. :)

Good morning,

It's sleepless in Spore...

Pinky, do the check as soon will be better, it can give u a peace of mind else, the thought of anything will be lingering. Hmm.. And just a note to all mums, even if u r breast feeding, if u feel any persistent lump, do consult a doc and not take it too easily. I have a friend who had lumps while breast feeding, she just took it that it might be due to engorgement or so but when she finally went for a check with the doc, she was at stage 4 breast cancer... Sigh... I was really sadden by that news and found it hard to accept especially when this happened while she just had a baby and was still bfing.. The ignorant me always tot that bfing is one of the good ways to prevent b cancer..

Ok, if there is any consolation to those weight gaining mommies, I am proud and sad to announce that I have hit the total gain of 21 kg at 34 weeks & 3 days! Argghhh!!!! Seriously feel like crying...

Talk again later, lemme go try count some sheeps... Tata
Morning ladies, been v lazy to login here. Reaching my 38w soon! Another 2 more weeks to hang on before i gonna miss pregnancy for the rest of my life!

Welcome to all new mummies!

Hahaha. Coz i am used to it already mah. Started handwashing when my #1 arrived, so i am well trained since then. Hahahaha! Somemore u preg nw tats why its more tiring. I get breathless at time aft i am done with the handwash too. Have u finished washing all the clothes or are there more to go?

Hmm..how did u do bed bathe?! My friend had big boobs n areola too. Try this: chin tucked in nose away from boobs for the baby and see if it works for u.

Re: bm
Yes. Bm do kick in earlier for subsequent babies. For my #2, my supply came way earlier and lots more than my #1 time. This rd i will latch n pump as i wan to feed my #2 with bm again.

Nbs duno hw to differentiate between day and nite so mayb she more sleepy in the day thus more awake at nite ba.
I latched my #2 till 25th mth when i was preg and in my 2nd trimester. She adapted to weaning off my boobs better than my #1 when i weaned him off at 24mths le.

I like to latch coz fuss free when outside. All i need is a piece of cloth to cover myself, lift my clothes and offer my boob =P

My gynae wanna chk my during my 36w scan but i told him no i dun wan so he nv insist. I wan it au natural rather than disturbing my cervix.
My gynae joked tat hope my baby dun choose this sun to come out as he has a marathon to run! Hahaha.

Induce if unsuccessful to dilate means u have to go for csect. Aft all ur baby may nt be ready to come out. Of coz there are cases of successful induce.

Dun worry. I am sure ur gal will be fine coz u are in gd hands of ur gynae =)
I am nt done with packing the baby's clothes n stuffs for hosp bag BUT i have already packed my facial products! Lol! I went to the clarins counter tat i frequent and ask them for travel/sample packs for my hosp stay so they gave me =p so all my serum, day/nite gel and facial wash are all in! Haha. Funny me right? Hahaha.

Each contractions at 10mins apart u sld head to hosp.
Sei, ya u nv posted in fb group and i didnt get to see your little cute one. =(

Val, tell you i gave up. I only handwash those 2 pcs bb clothes to be wore on e 1st month, mittens/booties and face towels. All the rompers i decided to throw into washing machine! Is so much faster now the progress of the clothes. I just left one compartment! yeah.

fleefly, oh dear your fren got cancer during brestfeeding? Tt time she still breastfeed her bb right. So issit not safe to let bb drink e milk when u actually have cancer cell? You make me worried. Gosh, i better jus go to Mount E and check and stop thinking abt e monies.

littleprince, my next appt is on 4 Nov, 4pm! How abt you? I hope i can make it on time cos i arrange the breast surgeon appt at 2.30 on the same day which is at Orchard. Oops, i didnt ask abt the swap test result. After reading what you all posted, now den i noe tt the swap test is meant for the GBS and hav to take antibotic. Such a dumb mummy here. I oso didnt asked Dr on the cervix test. So he wont help you check if u dun wan?

Our bb seem to b ard e same weight. Mine is 2.1kg. I was so worried tt my bb is underweight cos my sister babies, both r at 2.5kg at week 35. I planning to eat more this round and hope can increase bb weight in case if bb pop earlier and it wont be underweight. I guess exercise helps! I went swimming once a week den this may have caused my weight to decrease 500grams. Maybe you can try exercising?

xiaober, i heard induce is not easy oso lei. Some babies take very long to come despite inducing. Then ended up c sec. Heard cases like not dilating or bb stuck there or labour took too long and all these ended up w emergency c sec. We muz talk to bb everyday to ask bb cooperate so tt we can hab a smooth delivery.
Pray tt all of us get a smooth delivery!
pinky, sei posted in fb just now liao. :) i also heard before someone like fleefly's friend who got cancer shortly after giving birth, very poor thing. my next appt is on 5 Nov at 10am, nurse had 4 Nov slots but timings very off and its a sch holiday (don't know yet if have plans for kids). dr tham said he usually don't do cervix check unless there are pre-labour symptoms or past 40wks. :D dr tham said baby's weight is pretty perfect at 2.2kg (he did comment 2.1kg is a little low during initial measurement but after he measured again, he said mine is at 2.2kg which is good). anyway, we still have 4 weeks to go so i think should hit 3kg by then (like what you said, too big also no good leh coz if kenna induce and not successful, then need to csect). dr tham warned again that its better for baby to be born smaller and we feed later to bah bah than the other way round. my gf who went for induced mode yesterday ended up in csect coz she could not dilate further than 6cm and baby was 3.69kg. i rather induce successfully then undergo another round of op if i can, somemore double costs.

btw, my gfs who delivered at TMC said baby clothings (including receiving blankets) are provided even for discharge. any mummies here changed babies into own home clothes despite hospitals providing the clothes for babies? my gf said she brought her own for baby to change into for good luck but i somehow recalled a myth tt its even better for baby to wear his/her first set of own clothes fm hand me downs coz they will be "easier" to raise. anyone knows? :) i think i brought a hand me down set for #1 back then during discharge and fortunately as a baby, he was easy to take care ...
Sei, ya u nv posted in fb group and i didnt get to see your little cute one. =(

Val, tell you i gave up. I only handwash those 2 pcs bb clothes to be wore on e 1st month, mittens/booties and face towels. All the rompers i decided to throw into washing machine! Is so much faster now the progress of the clothes. I just left one compartment! yeah.

fleefly, oh dear your fren got cancer during brestfeeding? Tt time she still breastfeed her bb right. So issit not safe to let bb drink e milk when u actually have cancer cell? You make me worried. Gosh, i better jus go to Mount E and check and stop thinking abt e monies.

littleprince, my next appt is on 4 Nov, 4pm! How abt you? I hope i can make it on time cos i arrange the breast surgeon appt at 2.30 on the same day which is at Orchard. Oops, i didnt ask abt the swap test result. After reading what you all posted, now den i noe tt the swap test is meant for the GBS and hav to take antibotic. Such a dumb mummy here. I oso didnt asked Dr on the cervix test. So he wont help you check if u dun wan?

Our bb seem to b ard e same weight. Mine is 2.1kg. I was so worried tt my bb is underweight cos my sister babies, both r at 2.5kg at week 35. I planning to eat more this round and hope can increase bb weight in case if bb pop earlier and it wont be underweight. I guess exercise helps! I went swimming once a week den this may have caused my weight to decrease 500grams. Maybe you can try exercising?

xiaober, i heard induce is not easy oso lei. Some babies take very long to come despite inducing. Then ended up c sec. Heard cases like not dilating or bb stuck there or labour took too long and all these ended up w emergency c sec. We muz talk to bb everyday to ask bb cooperate so tt we can hab a smooth delivery.
Pray tt all of us get a smooth delivery!
Hey pinky,

Didn't mean to make u worry but I just tot it will be better to check early since already spotted.. Ya, that friend was bfing for quite some time before discovering being at fourth stage. The baby is ok.
Hehehe. Yes. Washing machine is faster. And u can use dryer if rainy days to dry the clothes faster. Handwash clothes really gonna sun dry. Look at today's rainy cold weather dun think can sun my bamboos of clothes anymore.
Woke up early and am sooo sleepy nw.

lxb, best to have bb comes naturally at their own time. sometime i feel that inducing is like interfering with bb fate, you change bb 'ba zi' if the birth date and time is controlled by you. but anyway, unsuccessful induce will mean c-sec. my #1 was induced as she passes her edd with no sign of labour. so bo pian.

pinky, dont get too worry abt the lump. just have it check and dont over think. and dont hand wash bb clothes lah. so tiring. with a big tummy i find it very difficult to squat. when i get a bigger place, i make sure i build a deep sink at the yard area for handwashing and soaking.

cervix check, yup best not to disturb the cervix. can reject check if there's no sign of labour or you are still early. my gynae only check my when im at 40wk without sign of labour. i have friends who go into labour immediately after their gynae check their cervix.

littleprince, is it true? i tok it will be better to bring new bb hm with new clothes. i probably reconsider then. new clothes for full mth, hand me down for discharge.
Re: use of hand me downs for baby
Yes, there is such a myth. Personally I believe it's because hand me downs have been washed so many times they are much more comfy to wear than new clothes. So one less discomfort to bother newborn bb. Anyway I gave away my #1 clothes to my cousin's #1. My aunt complained this grandchild still very naughty lol.

Littleprince my #1 came back home decked in TMC stuff. This round I'm bringing own newborn clothes just for the fun of it.
good morning mummies...

SN, how's your princess? drinking every hr again?
Maybe you try to bottle feed in the day and latch at night?

I'm ok with hands me down...
but ankh, I also hear this myth... hahaha...
muz ask your aunt if they over pamper the grandchild....

i'm so sleepy... been having too frequent toilet break in the night...
morning mummies!

little prince - yup yup i was guessing. and yup he nv do cervix check at wk 37, next appt at wk 38. ya he said the same thing lo baby too big no gd and this got me so worried. ok so the risk of induce is might run into c sec and double cost too? now i m really controlling my diet but i dun eat alot in the first place. so i really dunno what else to cut. i so envy u! 2.2kg at wk 35 haha.. when i was at wk 35 bb was 2.3-2.6 kg le.

febie - me too! like every 2 hrs i will wake up to go pee. cant zzz well oso, bump will be like hard and sometimes will have backache.
pinky, sei posted in fb just now liao. :) i also heard before someone like fleefly's friend who got cancer shortly after giving birth, very poor thing. my next appt is on 5 Nov at 10am, nurse had 4 Nov slots but timings very off and its a sch holiday (don't know yet if have plans for kids). dr tham said he usually don't do cervix check unless there are pre-labour symptoms or past 40wks. :D dr tham said baby's weight is pretty perfect at 2.2kg (he did comment 2.1kg is a little low during initial measurement but after he measured again, he said mine is at 2.2kg which is good). anyway, we still have 4 weeks to go so i think should hit 3kg by then (like what you said, too big also no good leh coz if kenna induce and not successful, then need to csect). dr tham warned again that its better for baby to be born smaller and we feed later to bah bah than the other way round. my gf who went for induced mode yesterday ended up in csect coz she could not dilate further than 6cm and baby was 3.69kg. i rather induce successfully then undergo another round of op if i can, somemore double costs.

btw, my gfs who delivered at TMC said baby clothings (including receiving blankets) are provided even for discharge. any mummies here changed babies into own home clothes despite hospitals providing the clothes for babies? my gf said she brought her own for baby to change into for good luck but i somehow recalled a myth tt its even better for baby to wear his/her first set of own clothes fm hand me downs coz they will be "easier" to raise. anyone knows? :) i think i brought a hand me down set for #1 back then during discharge and fortunately as a baby, he was easy to take care ...
I brought brand new clothes for both #1 & #2, and both are quite easy babies!
thirdtimemum, dun worry abt GBS, i was positive too during #1's time. I had a swap test during 1st trim n my doc gave me oral antibiotics to clear it up. A second swap was done upon completion of the oral antibiotics n GBS was gone. Doc gave me a second course of oral antibiotics at wk 35, just in case. If you r worried, maybe u can ask ur doc if it's better for u to start oral antibiotics now instead of waiting till labour then administer drip?
Thanks for your sharing, I will ask gynae about oral antibiotics when I next see him.
good morning mummies...

SN, how's your princess? drinking every hr again?
Maybe you try to bottle feed in the day and latch at night?

I'm ok with hands me down...
but ankh, I also hear this myth... hahaha...
muz ask your aunt if they over pamper the grandchild....

i'm so sleepy... been having too frequent toilet break in the night...
I also woke up like every 1-2hours, eventhough not much pee, still feel like going, and slept on left side, numb after some time, so hard to turn to tummy up, have to support my back to turn, sigh...
About hand me down bb clothes, I didn't know the 1st set must be hand be down. Still thought that just wear hand be down one anytime also can?
I also awake few times to pee last night. Maybe drank to much water in the evening, hehe
pinky, sei posted in fb just now liao. :) i also heard before someone like fleefly's friend who got cancer shortly after giving birth, very poor thing. my next appt is on 5 Nov at 10am, nurse had 4 Nov slots but timings very off and its a sch holiday (don't know yet if have plans for kids). dr tham said he usually don't do cervix check unless there are pre-labour symptoms or past 40wks. :D dr tham said baby's weight is pretty perfect at 2.2kg (he did comment 2.1kg is a little low during initial measurement but after he measured again, he said mine is at 2.2kg which is good). anyway, we still have 4 weeks to go so i think should hit 3kg by then (like what you said, too big also no good leh coz if kenna induce and not successful, then need to csect). dr tham warned again that its better for baby to be born smaller and we feed later to bah bah than the other way round. my gf who went for induced mode yesterday ended up in csect coz she could not dilate further than 6cm and baby was 3.69kg. i rather induce successfully then undergo another round of op if i can, somemore double costs.

btw, my gfs who delivered at TMC said baby clothings (including receiving blankets) are provided even for discharge. any mummies here changed babies into own home clothes despite hospitals providing the clothes for babies? my gf said she brought her own for baby to change into for good luck but i somehow recalled a myth tt its even better for baby to wear his/her first set of own clothes fm hand me downs coz they will be "easier" to raise. anyone knows? :) i think i brought a hand me down set for #1 back then during discharge and fortunately as a baby, he was easy to take care ...

Yeap tmc will provide blanket, nb shirt and mittens but no booties. This time round I'm bringing my own except the blanket. Letting #2 wear new clothes since so many other things he will inherit from my #1... andno lack of hand me downs too.

I hand wash all the baby clothing at the sink, I never squat down to do it... just add washing powder, rub rub abit coz they are not really dirty in the first place, then rinse twice n hang dry.... if you have a lot like me, wash a few items everyday so you dun tire yourself out.
For drinking water n getting up to pee, I find it better to drink more in the day, and empty your bladder as soon as it is full at night before you sleep... don't tahan when bladder is full as new pee can't go in...if that makes sense. I managed to avoid getting up to pee altogether this way at night.
Re: clothes
1st set of clothes i always get new one. Coz personally i believe new set symbolish new start for the baby to the world.
So far both #1 and #2 wore new sets. Baby easy or nt i feel depends on individual baby character. I dun like hands me down from others unless its my own kids' clothes due to hygiene purpose.
morning mummies.. feeling so tired these few days.. whenever i wake up its like near noon time.. hahaha

pinky: if by going for the checkup puts your heart at ease i think you should go? sometimes cannot just consider the $ spend but also if it will put you at ease..

ya i heard that induce is not easy.. thats why i m hoping that i dun have to be induce.. maybe later i go and ask my gynae.. he might not be pro induce also.. wahahaha

felval: ya i also more keen to latch on cos of the fuss free.. but i guess its still back to bb preference.. haha if he doesnt want to latch its diffcult for me to force him also.. lol~

littleprince: i intend to bring my own clothes those hand down ones to let him change before coming back.. hahaha though abit ma fan.. but i dun really want him to come back in the hospital clothes leh.. lol~

mummychuaS: ya i also agree with that.. but i kinda worried cos i dun really feel BH even at this point when i m turning 39wk soon.. hahaha experienced friends say no BH means still got to wait.. the signs abit mixed up also.. so duno if i should go for induce anot.. shall let the gynae decide later...
morning mummies.. feeling so tired these few days.. whenever i wake up its like near noon time.. hahaha

pinky: if by going for the checkup puts your heart at ease i think you should go? sometimes cannot just consider the $ spend but also if it will put you at ease..

ya i heard that induce is not easy.. thats why i m hoping that i dun have to be induce.. maybe later i go and ask my gynae.. he might not be pro induce also.. wahahaha

felval: ya i also more keen to latch on cos of the fuss free.. but i guess its still back to bb preference.. haha if he doesnt want to latch its diffcult for me to force him also.. lol~

littleprince: i intend to bring my own clothes those hand down ones to let him change before coming back.. hahaha though abit ma fan.. but i dun really want him to come back in the hospital clothes leh.. lol~

mummychuaS: ya i also agree with that.. but i kinda worried cos i dun really feel BH even at this point when i m turning 39wk soon.. hahaha experienced friends say no BH means still got to wait.. the signs abit mixed up also.. so duno if i should go for induce anot.. shall let the gynae decide later...
Unless it's too many days past EDD, if not, no need to induce I think. My #1 overdue 9 days, no signs, so gynae arrange for induce. The moment contractions come, I asked for epidural, and I slept through for dilation, and only woke up when 10cm, and ready to push. Guessed when I fell sleep, I am very relaxed, so dilation was fast, all within about 7 hours, from reached hospital to bb born. Only when you are relax, the cervix can dilate, if you are very tensed( like in contractions pain), it's hard to dilate
mummychuas, flogal - eh, i am not sure if i recalled correctly abt wearing hand me down clothes at discharge will raise an easier baby or not. was trying to recall if there is such a myth so i asked .. hehe. but seems like wear brand new clothes better (for good luck) since the more than 1st time mummies all gave their babies brand new clothes instead? :)

ankh, febie - you mean you heard abt wearing hand me downs at point of discharge to go home and not normal day to day wearing at home right?

inducing - gynae will usually induce only when there are some pre-labor symptoms appearing before edd or past edd and baby is getting too big for natural delivery. like my #1, he was induced at 40wks 3 days coz his head was getting a bit too big for natural delivery. there will be different reasons for different mummies, we worry now also no use. just listen to gynae's advice and monitor week by week lor.
Lxb, Don't need to think about inducing unless ur bb over 40 weeks. Let bb stay in as long as possible before due date. Even if need c sec, See if also can till EDD. Actually I also don't know if I'm having BH contractions at times. Furthermore this is bb no. 2.

Littleprince, never heard any implications about wearing new or old clothes at point of discharge leh, just about wearing old clothes in general means more obedient bb.
little prince, the myth is wearing hands me down for the first time heading back hm for a more obedient bb...
hahaha... I see many friends wear new ones also ok... so dun worry too much abt the myth... :)
hi mummies, feeling bored at work. now waiting for a colleague to help me dabao lunch cos feeling giddy today. dunno y but not feeling right today. keep having stomachache feeling on n off but no s*** so far. this morning suddenly feel cold even though recently i keep feeling super hot. move abit faster feel giddy n breathless liao. dunno wat's wrong with me, but i dun feel sick.
xu4n - me too! keep having stomachache and i dunno is it contraction pain or what. this morning woke up feeling bump hard and got this mo ming qi miao stomachache :confused: then i try to zzzz away the pain lo. in the morning was okay. i oso keep feeling super hot, i am dripping sweat like a mad woman until i oso feel pai seh.

i tink is coz we are nearing so more heavy so will feel super hot. but i more concern on the stomachache, i dunno if it is contraction pain or wat. then i see no discharge or water gushing so i really dunno what to do.
hi mummies, feeling bored at work. now waiting for a colleague to help me dabao lunch cos feeling giddy today. dunno y but not feeling right today. keep having stomachache feeling on n off but no s*** so far. this morning suddenly feel cold even though recently i keep feeling super hot. move abit faster feel giddy n breathless liao. dunno wat's wrong with me, but i dun feel sick.

xuan: you monitor your case.. cos for my friend she had the same feeling also.. after that she timed herself and its actually contraction.. shortly after that she went toliet and saw "show".. so might be the same for your case also!!! Be careful ah...

xu4n - me too! keep having stomachache and i dunno is it contraction pain or what. this morning woke up feeling bump hard and got this mo ming qi miao stomachache :confused: then i try to zzzz away the pain lo. in the morning was okay. i oso keep feeling super hot, i am dripping sweat like a mad woman until i oso feel pai seh.

i tink is coz we are nearing so more heavy so will feel super hot. but i more concern on the stomachache, i dunno if it is contraction pain or wat. then i see no discharge or water gushing so i really dunno what to do.

flogal: you too!!! Be careful ah.. monitor and see how..
hello mommies,

febie, yesterday i bottle-fed ebm throughout the day. She still woke up a few times at night but it was slightly better than the previous two days. So, it's partly due to all newborns being nocturnal n her not drinking enough in the day from direct latch.

Brought her for PD routine check today n had to do a blood test for jaundice. i didnt expect to have to do blood test since she didnt have jaundice at all since birth. and so i didnt prepare any ebm as i thought we could go home pretty soon as PD will see newborns first n wont have to wait long....in the end, we waited 15min for a carpark lot and another 30min for the blood test result. I had to latch her when it was nearing her next feeding time. i was very glad she was still willing to latch. It's during times like this that latching is really convenient. But only managed to latched one side and end up still got to pump the other side otherwise too many hours would have passed since i last "release the milk" from that side, and would affect supply.....

pinky, i think you just go and have the lump checked. at least you wont have to worry about it and can fully enjoy your newborn when you deliver.
flogal: ya lor been feeling very hot which is normal. but suddenly this morning having chills even after i covered myself with blanket, so i find it weird.

xiaober: ya i hear pple sometimes say they feel like it's stomachache but end up it's contractions. haha.. so i feeling abit careful also, move slower, n continue to count my baby movements to be sure. i hope it's just false alarm tho...
Oh wow, another FB mummy popped last night. I always thought I'd be one of the first ones to pop cos EDD early Nov. Mummychua, I'm beginning to understand how u feel when u see everyone around u popping, n your baby still swimming around inside you.

SN, hope your baby is the type who can manage both latch and bottle. That is most ideal! Be careful u don't become the pacifier though lol!
Hi everyone, I will be delivering at Mount A. Any mummies delivering there can advise if I should bring my own breast pump or rent from Mount A? Will the nurse help to sterilize my own breast pump at the hospital?

And also how do i get added into the FB for NOV EDD? please PM me. thanks!
Hi guys! back home already.. back to pumping but i think my boobs still not use to pumping.. can feel the milk but cannot achieve let down.. need a day or two for boobs to get used to the pump. my gal really latch until i m super sore! pump also pain. at first PD said she might not be able to go home cos she is jaundiced but luckily level not very high. I never encountered jaundiced for baby so i dunno what to do.

freaking exhausted cos my room mate was a big snorer.. whole night snoring away.. i couldn't slp.. plus our babies were being pushed in at different times of the night so i barely slp. then when i got home, there's so many things to teach the new maid. i m falling aslp now..
Hi everyone, I will be delivering at Mount A. Any mummies delivering there can advise if I should bring my own breast pump or rent from Mount A? Will the nurse help to sterilize my own breast pump at the hospital?

And also how do i get added into the FB for NOV EDD? please PM me. thanks!
Hi, I will be delivering at Mount Alvernia, for my last 2 babies, also delivered there, I never bring my pump, I latched directly. Is there special reason why you choose not to latch directly? Latching is the best in the early stage, especially right after baby is born. Maybe you can call the hospital to check on their pumps?
Fuzzybear-good to hear that U are discharged with Bb.
Aiyoh must be stress with the new maid & getting into routine with Bb also.
Take care
fuzzybear, try to sun baby at home if there is any sun for the next few days just in case jaundice stays on. my gf said her gynae told her evening sun also ok if no sun in the morning, better than none. rest well! :)
Fuzzybear try to sun baby before 9.30am in the morning.
I rem I brought my #1 to sun for the first few days...
take wet cotton pad cover bb's eyes... :)
True. I have friends who commented tat their babies just refused to be latched on. So they either gave up breastfeeding totally or resort to pumping. Some persist and baby gradually learn to latch with no prob. See how u wanna solve the prob also.

For me yes. All my kids go hm jn brand new clothes =P just my personally preference la. Also like a gift to my baby. Esp #2 and #3 wld have more than enuff chance to wear hands me dwn at hm =P

Ur gal premmie so more likely to have jaundice as liver is nt fully mature to break dwn bilirubin. Dun worry, just cont to bfeed her on demand. Bm will flush out the bilirubin and gradually reduce jaundice. My boy had jaundice for 2 weeks and i didnt sun him at all. I just bfeed on demand and it gradually went off.
Its nv easy with a nb, a moo moo career and having to teach a new maid. Hope u can manage some rest inbetween.
thxs little prince for sharing your induce experience.

Has anyone get 游龙子 to calculate bb's name? Would like to know will he be giving u a few full name to choose or character to mix and match..
My boobs finally feel soft after latching /pumping today....this is the 7th day after delivery. It was so annoying to feel full with milk but nothing much comes out after pumping or latching. Very soon boobs will reach the deflated state after expressing milk. Lol.

Febie, i dun like to latch at night cos it takes too long and i dunno how to latch lying down. N if baby doesnt get a full feed after latching, she could wake up hungry after just an hr.

Actually, i think it really depends how much u want to persevere to train both baby n yourself to latch correctly and feed efficiently. If u never give bottle at all, baby will have no choice but to latch. However, sore nipples, lack of time, exhaustion etc, will just tempt u to pump instead. We will all have to experiment n see wat works best loh...

So far, mil visited me once in the hospital n once at home. I hope she doesnt visit me until full mth... She recently learned how to sms and sent me and hb long smses before my delivery.... I know she meant well but i would rather b left alone! So i gave her v short replies and she has stopped smsing me n is smsing my hb every SINGLE day! Asking how are we, she cooked this n asked if we want, said she is ALWAYS available to offer her help..... I was like.......all i want is for u to leave me ALONE!
I did read that sunning doesn't really help except to give a sunburn.. anyway she is drinking quite regularly for now, though not as much as my boys.. everytime i have a newborn i feel so helpless again. :p like i can't rem what to do.

Val, no more latching for me. i really hate latching. in the hospital the nurses were trying to help me to latch baby until they drop sweat.. cos my areola is so big and bb mouth so small. she keeps clamping on the nipple and she can latch for 90 mins! after unlatching her she can cry for more.. i carry her until now my arms are trembling and aching.. zzzz.. pumping is the way to go for me though it will take awhile for my boobs to get used to the pump. hopefully i can get my letdown soon.

SN, i dunno how u managed to produce 30ml the day after delivery man.. i m doing abt 20ml per pump now but can feel the milk inside my boobs.. i think its a mix of colostrum and milk cos milk looks really yellow. boobs also heavy.. although i know i will have milk, there's always this fear that i won't have enough milk. :p ignore ur MIL ba.. i won't even answer her smses.
Just now during my checkup.. i was informed by my gynae that if by thurs i have no signs of labor he tell me to checkin hospital on thus night to be induce... but he did cervix check and mention that i am dilating cos he could put 1 finger in and feel that bb's head is quite low.. super stun by the news that until now me and hub still trying to digest the news...

currently i m into 39wk already.. and bb weight abt 3kg previously from the last scan.. so maybe like wat littleprince said.. he scare bb too big cant come out by natural or he dun want the bb to be overdue so he rather i induce by this week.. now i m considering if i should take epi when they induce me or wait till they burst the waterbag then ask for epi? any advice?

flogal: ya lor been feeling very hot which is normal. but suddenly this morning having chills even after i covered myself with blanket, so i find it weird.

xiaober: ya i hear pple sometimes say they feel like it's stomachache but end up it's contractions. haha.. so i feeling abit careful also, move slower, n continue to count my baby movements to be sure. i hope it's just false alarm tho...
xu4n: ya it can also be you are dilating.. cos i had this tighting feeling at the womb area and tummy area on friday night.. and on saturday night I had sharp pain at V area.. today i went to check, my gynae say i m dilating.. abt 1 cm.. so i believe that can be symptoms of dilation as well.. just take note ya..

little prince, evening also can??
hmmm... I muz take note too...

febie: ya i read that after 5.30pm also can.. when the sun is not so harsh.. remember to cover the bb's eyes..

I'll take epidural before breaking of water bag cos I know I wan to take epidural. no point torturing myself. That's what I did when I induced previously.
