(2013/11) November 2013

sei: yes yes! same... my husband also! i dunno why my machine very weird, if i use the soak function, it will fill up the entire tub with water no matter how little the clothes are! but on normal wash, the water will fill according to the wash load. so i nv use the machine's soak function. I just select the "wash" function only (without rinse & spin) so it will stir a while for about 15 mins and then turns off. So when i need to wash i just turn on and start the full process.

The TOP i use is transparent blue liquid.. not much foam but the clothes smell good so i assume is clean.. if i use Dynamo i find that the clothes got a smell if nv dry properly. So i buy those specially for Indoor drying. Breeze also not bad.

totorodino: haha... what to do... ever since i became a mum i also resorted to compare diaper prices by dividing the cost by no. of diapers per pack. Which is a bit auntie also :oops::oops:. hahaha

Kayliz.. yeah i also uses TOP.. last time when i use dynamo, it really stinks... softener also doesn't help.
But i am just curious, can we keep using TOP on baby clothes too?

Hahaha are we getting aunty or what?! hehehehe talking abt detergent now!

Re: washers
I use the European washers. I do notice that it is a bit violent! hahaha.. my normal wash cycles are 2hrs lor! can u imagine how long that is? my washer is for 8kg and uses like 55L of water at most.

Re: laundry detergents
Oh i tried liquid detergent for my baby's clothes before (kodomo) and it foamed! so what i did was to pre-soak my bb's clothes then just dump it into the machine for a full cycle. only add softener. that stopped it from foaming. If i wanna add soap into the washer then it has to be powder soap. I personally cannot anyhow use laundry detergents.. once my MIL insisted that we switch to Persil cos it is what she uses, i ended up developing rash. I can only use Fab. :(

Re: baby name
I think after naming 2 kids, i find it so hard naming this baby. My #1 was the easiest to name lor. my hb says must be unique, must be easy to spell and must rhyme with his surname and OH must be easy to pronounce.. zzzzzz. and I am just taking about english names. Chinese names definitely will go and count cos my hb wants to. i told him he wants, he pays for it lor.

Re: baby movement
Baby got move is better than no movement. She/he is training u to slp lesser in preparation of her/his arrival!

Yunzz, best to discuss with ur doc.. :) SN says she is doing her c-sec earlier as her risk of bleeding out will outweigh delivering her bb earlier at 37 wks.
Lol sorry my washing machine qns started all the topics on detergents.. Haha..

Baby names:
We've decided the eng name for our baby le! Quite happy with it, hope baby likes her name when she grows up. =) Chinese name we'll go count. Cos hub dunno Chinese so probably I'll decide with my mum. I'm not sure if counting name can give baby a "better" life but for me it's cos there's too many Chinese characters to choose from le.. Counting can help to narrow down my options. Hehe..
yes, i get very tired very easily too.
yesterday brought number 1 to the SEA aquarium.. went out for 4-5hrs only. i was soo tired. its as though i went to disneyland for the whole day liao..

i remember some mummies saying that they will be doing csec once reach 37weeks.
my doctor say can only do when reach 38 weeks coz baby's lungs will not be developed yet.
i went to calculate date and will probaby have csec on 37weeks and 5 days.
is that ok?

Yunzz.. when closer to the date, your gynae will be able to check for you if your baby's lung is mature enough or not. Hence no need to worry about whether its week 37 or 38.

Btw, why is yours C sec?
fuzzybear, oh i see.

no leh.. doctor say only way to check whether baby's lungs mature or not is via the amnio test..
we probably wun do tat. soooo scary!
planning to be during 20th oct week
kayliz, I recently calculated the cost of diaper per piece as well! wahahahahaha. I never thought i would come to this lor. And more recently i was calculating the cost of durian per seed to see which breed is the most worth it. hahaha.

Talking about smell, i recall that Top smells better than Persil. I'm surprised that so many of you are using Top. I used it cos my mom uses it too. But hb thinks Persil is the best for front loaders....>.< Actually, is there a standard guideline like how many scoops to put huh? I usually just put 1 scoop haha. the instruction on the box like not too clear.

yunzz, my dr says most likely 37 weeks for my case (placenta previa major), but most people can wait till 38 weeks if the issue is just cos of breech position etc.

for my first pregnancy i had very terrible sleep as well. Can only sleep like 3hrs or so per night. For #2, I sleep like a log. wahahaha. maybe cos im too tired from entertaining #1 plus the daily chores. I think being able to sleep is a bliss. I recall those insomnia days. really a nightmare. Or maybe it's hormones. If you have a baby boy, you will tend to have insomnia, baby girl - you can sleep like a log. lol.
Gd tat ur hb is supportive of ur decision. =)
Baby below 3kg is ok. So long as happy and healthy. There are alot of baby between 2.5kg - 3kg. If u wanna control ur weight, cut dwn on carbo, no carbo/food aft 8pm or if u can afford the time, go for a walk aft ur dinner. Cut dwn on sugarly drinks like soda, bubble tea etc and sweet stuffs.

Better to use baby detergent to wash baby clothes as chemicals in adult detergents may be too harsh on baby's skin. Also, no nd to use softener on baby's clothes.

Re: detergent
Am using kodomo detergent for my kids' clothes. However i handwash all their clothes n nt machine wash. Kodomo detergent foams alot!! I usually just add abit to the pail. So dun nd to add alot when using kodomo and it will still be foamy and smell nice.

U sld discuss whether its ok or nt to deliver ur baby at 37w5d with ur gynae as he will be the one helping u to deliver. If he doesnt allow, wat are u gonna do? If baby's lungs are nt mature u gonna take jab to help mature it.
For both my #1 and #2 (diff gender) i didnt slp in the last trimester. Probably the body's way of preparing us for the late nites aft baby's arrival? =p
kayliz, that's a good idea! Sometimes I feel soak 30min too long lol... shall try your method next time! My hb has a thing for lavender smell... detergent, toilet cleaner, floor cleaner, even handwash has to be lavender smell! So my dynamo also has lavender smell lol... or maybe becos I always hang my clothes outside, don't feel like got bad smell :p

xiaober, I had a lot of hard baby kicks the last few weeks, but not much after my appt the week before and baby's head is down. Maybe your baby is trying to turn around and knocking into all the walls? Now I only feel flutterings most of the time and BH :p I love the movements though!

yunzz, for my #1, I did csec at 35 wks. Usually they will give 2 steroid jabs to help baby's lungs to mature if unsure. Lucky my #1's lungs were ready to function at birth and she could breathe on her own without help. Have to weigh the pros and cons for an earlier delivery vs a premature baby with your gynae. So why is yours a planned csec?

Count chinese name: What my friend did was choose a few names that she likes, then go to the master and ask if they are ok and make changes as necessary. Then you won't end up with a strange name :p
That's what I got from Babycentre at 30 weeks
Good news! At this point your baby's lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature. Very few babies are born around now, but those that are usually do well. It's possible that your baby can actually see now, although no one knows exactly how much she can make out. She's also becoming more cramped in your uterus and less able to move so freely. When she does move, you'll notice it!
yes, i must go convince my gynae coz master already chose the date.

mine is optional csec. i had csec for numner 1..
i just cannot imagine myself going for natural birth..
maybe coz its optional, so doc wans me to wait till 38weeks..

anyone having planning csec too?
what time does your gynae perform csec.
my doctor say can only do before 9am or after work.
other timing have surcharge. are all gynaes the same?
Val, for #1, I didnt sleep since 1st trimester. hahahaha. I think it was also because i was staying at my in-laws place! I slept damn well over the weekends when i returned to my parents' place. Now at own house already, so everyday also can sleep. hahaha.
Yunzz, ah.. i see. erm best to wait till 38 wks lor.. seriously u gotta ask urself. ur bb comes out on an auspicious date, but might have compromise lung functions, is that really the best for ur bb? u can opt to take a steroid jab at 36 wks to mature ur bb lungs. Lungs and liver mature the latest. Yes, at 36 wks both organs are like 90% ready but still not 100% if u get what i mean.

As for timing for c-sec, i think it is only fair the gynae charges u more for work done outside hours when u have the choice of doing it within office hours. Barring an emergency c-sec, it think it is reasonable for them to charge u more. I m doing a c-sec but will ALWAYS put my gynae's advice first. my bb health is more impt than coming out at a certain timing. :D btw amnio shdn't be able to tell u lung function.

Val, my boys' chinese names all super weird sounding lor. Ironically after counting the strokes, my hb didn't like the names at all.. funny right? but die die still have to choose one from the list he gave us. I told him he chose to be in this situation so deal with it.

Sheepsdream, i think gynaes recently like making a lot of moms go through the GD tests when it is not needed. I was surprised when one of the moms said it was TMC's standard testing! why subject the mom to extra test when they have no probs passing their urine tests? if u are passing ur tests, i think it is fine not to go for the GD test. Dun be too emo ok? but that doesn't mean u can gorge on high sugar stuff! Actually i say so much for what? i also eat a lot of sweet stuff!
yunzz.. cannot ask ur master for another date? i personally feel baby's health n development is more impt then a good birth date leh...
yunzz, your #1's birthdate and time also calculated by master? Er, I think baby's health is most important. There's no point in planning for an auspicious date and time when your baby is not fully developed yet, unless it is a no-choice emergency situation.

Just curious, who is your gynae?
yogini: yeah.. i wash my girl's clothes together with mine leh, all using TOP. So far no problem. I used to wash her clothes separately, but i'm lazy to handwash & it will take 2 weeks' of dirty clothes to make up 1 machine load (her daytime clothes are washed by my mum).

totorodino: actually the back of the bottle did state hw much to use depending on the load. so i just estimate lor. for durians, do u mean u buy those packaged ones? i always buy the middle range one, then i will get 2 boxes and ask the uncle to give me free 1 box of the cheap range. Most of the time, he will give coz he sees i'm pregnant! hahahaha.. i'm super gian beng..
yunzz, given a choice, I will also opt for 38 weeks or later since there are no medical complications. For my case, I'm also having a csec and initially gynae's advice was at 37 weeks (i.e. earliest possible) but now things are progressing well and she said we can wait until 38 weeks and I'm glad! However, 2 days difference may be ok and if the date is important to you, see what your gynae recommends. On the timing, you mean your gynae have surcharge during office hours? Sounds like he's charging you extra for clashing with his clinic hours then... I only know private hospitals have surcharge on public holidays. I'm a subsidized patient at KKH so I don't think the charges are different for different timing.
talking about durians, is it coming to end of season now? I bought some last week from the same stall, previously was 1 for $5 for D24, last week 1 for $5 for some xyz species! But tastes quite good lar... although only 4 seeds lol...
hi all, it has been a long time since i logged in! kindda stressed at work. grrr and cant wait to pop.

Going for my check up tmw and finger cross! Hope its ok!

re GD:

actually i think i am the one that out on the most weight here! abt 14-15 kg todate. i was super greedy and this pregnancy makes me crave for all things fried/ sweet! But my gynae is ok nt to do gd test as baby size is average,my blood pressure is ok, urine test normal and no history of diabetes. So i think the rest of mummies can chill la!

re insurance:

I actually free look my axa plan ( the one transferrable to baby upon birth) because i really dun like ilp. however, my adviser is advising me to take up another hospital and outpatient plan for baby upon birth. According to him, premium is $1900 per year but cover ALL visits to docs except immunisation. claim limit is $10,000 per year. Experienced mummies, how much do you all spend on docs for babies in 1 year? I am rather tempted to take up cause i think as first time mummy, i will be running to the doc/pd for every single thing!

yunzz: are you doing c sec for auspicious timing reason? let me know cause i am also deciding!
Morning all!

My gf just delivered this morning! She delivered after 24 hrs! She admitted 12am yst and only started pushing at 9.50pm. Ended up bb stuck, in e end have to c sec. My gf oso 1st time mum, same as me. Really have to b strong to go thru all these. Salute all mummies. I dunno i can go thru it anot... feel so worried. There is no way to ensure a smooth & fast delivery right? Is really depend on individual right?

Sei, are u gg to JL sales?

re: Names
I also have a problem choosing the English name. Initially, boy will follow Dad's name which starts from A and vice versa for girl(in e future i hope! haha) follow Mum's name which starts from J. Then, searching thru all e names tt starts w A, not many to my liking. Now, gg to search all over from A - Z for a common alphabet for e silblings. Too many to chose. Headache!

For chinese name, same as some mummies, will see master to chose e chinese name cos we hav no preference w the chinese name.

re: Washing machine
Haha! We are at e stage of disscussing detergent/washing machine. Is normal i guess. Now i become more n more auntie until my coll bth me depsite tt i'm e youngest among them. I tink have to blame it on our mother nature! haha...

My FIL uses top load. So far so good. Have been using for many many years! Normally i jus auto set e maxi time which is 60 mins for a full load since i only does laundry once a week for myself. My FIL uses UIC detergent n i find it doesnt smell nice at all. Went to add softerner but the smell oso nt v nice smell. Seems like TOP is a brand tt has nice smell? Feel like changing it man but old ppl dunno will hab other comments anot... >.<

littleprince, hope u r recovering! next time be careful ya!
Good morning!
I think we can only pray for a smooth delivery, co-operative baby and no complications, so we can all give birth naturally!2 things I am very worried is I cannot give birth naturally and cannot breastfeed my newborn. I think I have taken things for granted in the past, that these will be the natural thing, until this #3, she was in breech position at 25weeks and got me worried. Also hearing sharing from mothers who have nipples too large for her newborn that she cannot latch directly, and have blocked ducts, she is suffering.

Did your gf use any painkiller at all? epidural? it is taking so long because she cannot dilate?
good morning mummies, thanks for all your concern. Bruises are lightening so now waiting for the wound on my knee to heal lor. was busy at work yesterday, then packed lunch home during lunchtime for hubby coz he came home to sleep a few hours before going back to work again (and I won't get to see him again :(), went back to work and then came home at night with #1, cooked dinner and got him to finish all his tuition HW, then i conked out with him and woke up earlier this am to prepare dinner for tonight! tutor coming to our place to give him tuition tonight so hopefully i can shake legs for an hour in peace. :p

fuzzybear, ex and I parted on amicable terms so we do still talk/sms on weekly arrgs for #1. during PTM sessions, both of us will still attend together if the timing is suitable for him. my boy is so far ok with our separate living arrg.

names - yar, chosen ang mo and chinese name already. not going to "suan" this time for #2 coz we already have a chinese name in mind and if go and suan, probably will need to change and another headache again. btw, are you all still going to put a dialect and "HYPY" name? i had that for #1 but don't think i will be doing that for #2 this time, just surname-christian name.

felval, #1 was 3.21kg at birth, not considered exactly small. his head was big though, if 1cm more I would have to go for c-sect. I am curious to know #2's current weight when I go for gynae checkup next week.

gelobean, the wall stickers are nice! are you buying? i am thinking of buying after i get the CCTV installed!

sheepsdream, since the GTT is so unbearable for you, just go according to what your instincts tell you. if you are really affected (touch wood!), I believe there will be other tell tale signs?

pinkyloving, thirdtimemum, mum's love is most noble so by the time you deliver, you will be able to weather through all obstacles! :)
Gd morning! so hard to turn in bed at nights now.. i keep moaning in pain when i do so, frightening my sons.. haha.. really hurts like hell.. sigh.. 9 more wks to go for me! plus the itching!!!

Happybaby, best milk is mother's milk, aka ur breast milk. easiest to digest and absorb. infant formula tends to lead to constipation. if u want the best for ur bb, then bf..

Pinky, don't worry about what other people have gone through.. u have no control over what will happen.. if u wanna prep urself for a short and easy labour, u shd start taking long slow walks now. :)

Little Prince, it's very very nice that u and ur ex behave like adults.. like i said, i have seen so many cases where one parent bitch abt the other one in front of the kiddo.. then play mind games with them. Wah u are really very busy with ur #1! going to primary sch really means we need to spend more time monitoring their homework. I will be putting both the Christian and hanyu pinyin name for my kids.. have done it for the past 2 so won't be changing.

Wah sey i had 2 frens who both delivered 3.86kg babies in the past wk.. one of them delivered her baby at, get this, 36wks+!!! amazing man.. the other delivered without epidural... said she tore very badly..
morning mummies!

littleprince> yeap! i am getting 2! the one with the row of sheep and the growth chart! can't wait to decorate her room! this is the cheapest deal i can find so far. the others are nice, but are damn expensive..some even goes up to $90!! *gasps*

all the wardrobe, cot, etc buying has come to a halt coz of the 7th mth..we will probably resume and do up as much as we can after that! :)
Good morning mummies...

Yunzz, like the rest suggested, maybe get another date from the shifu if you insist on choosing an auspicious date...

Agreed that breastmilk is the best...

yeah little prince and ex really think for #1... he sure is very xinfu....

naming wise i'm like fuzzybear, HYPY and angmo mia...

Wow Fuzzybear. At wk36+ baby weighs 3.86Kg? amazing. The gynae did not cut big enough that why torn badly... poor mummy... sure very painful.
I rem during my first one, as I pushed I kept reminding Gynae to remember to cut as I dun wan multiple tears... thinking back I feel like laughing...
kayliz, for durians, we normally buy those still in the shell and then ask the uncle to help pack into styrofoam box. but sometimes the uncle will be very pushy and hardsell those he has already pre-packed. I find those pre-packed durians already lose its smell.

I am also not counting the characters of the chinese name as we are Christians and believe that only God holds our destiny and knows the future, not any fortune-teller. So we just consult the chinese dictionary, make sure the characters we choose have good meaning and sound nice.
thanks all for the advice.

no leh... mine is not after office hours. its 11am-1pm.
duno why gynae wanna charge me extra

the master calculated. the other days not good...

yes, 1st one also calculated by master...
my gynae is TC Chang

yaa i also tink 2 days should be fine bah.. i tink my gynae is also ok.
i asked the nurse to check with him and he din raise any objections.
ya lor... i also tink if it public holidays, weekends or after office hours then have surcharge.
just wondering, for natural birth, if is happens during weekends or after office hours, is there surcharge?
not really... i decided on csec mainly becoz i am scared of natural birth...
since i am having csec and can choose the date, i went to a master to calculate.
wah! u rush here rush there, doo sooo many things, not tired??
i get tired sooo easily!
i am slowly packing my wardrobe and baby's stuff...
i already feel very tired after packing for 30mins-1hr, so can only pack abit each time..
i better finish packing soon. cannot imagine how i can pack when i get even bigger closer to delivery!
tequila_sunrise, good luck for your appt today! I put on 13kg le... at 30wks now... oops! Can't really advise you on medical costs for bb... My #1 went to polyclinics for immunization, which are mostly free. For fever/cough/flu, I send her to a GP near my place which costs about $25 per visit excluding medicine. So far I've only brought her once to a PD for a persistent cough that turned out to be mild bronchitis... after a few times, you will know how to handle the common ailments and be more relaxed about it :)

Any mummy did the glocose test at KKH? They are supposed to inform me of the results but so far haven't got any call... so no news means good news right?

pinkyloving, yah, hard to predict whether it will be a easy delivery... but some ppl said it's genetic? I.e. if your mum had an easy delivery, you will be the same provided baby is not breech...

Not sure if I will go JL sales yet... the locations quite far from my home/workplace :p I saw there's a pigeon bottle trade-in, so for mummies who missed the taka one, can go for this!

grr... need to go for fire drill now!
yes! that's the guy!
actually i was also seeing the same gynae as u...
then i switch to him..
coz the other gynae is really exp and i prefer TMC
yunzz, oh, you were seeing my gynae previously? My gynae refers his patients to TC Chang for detailed scan. Is that how you got to know of TC Chang?

I was just wondering why the other gynaes in the same clinic as TC Chang seems to be more popular than him (like LC Cheng, Ben Tham etc), if TC Chang is a specialist in detailed scans, i thought he should be more popular?

anyway, if you had stick to my gynae, he wouldnt have allowed you to choose optional C-sect as he is pro natural.
yes, that was how i got to know tc chang..
switched to him after my detailed scan.
no idea leh... i personally like tc chang... he's a no nonsense doctor and i feel assured under him

really? but i tink i told him i wan optional csec the first time i see him.
if he dun allow, i would not use him... i tink he does not encourage but if patient wans, he would still do it
Agree with fuzzybear, health more impt than auspicious date n time. Sorry to say tat ya.

Hahaha. I have my own place also cant slp well. Unless i am so super duper tired at most i slp early but nv slp straight thro the nite.

Yes. Calculated names arent always what u wan. For my kids we are lucky. Coz we have a fixed middle name and we tell the master what character we wld like for the last name. He will calculate and see if its a gd match and both kids ended up with names that both hb and myself like. =) Both my kids have classic eng names and easy to pronounce and write chinese names. =)

Both my kids have a dialect, hypy cum christian name in bc so will do the same for #3.
Hope this rd all our babies's heads wldnt be too big so we dun nd a bigger cut =p

I think its only fair tat gynae charge u surcharge for the date and time u wan. Unless its the date and time he specify according to his schedule then he cant charge u extra. For natural there is no surcharge coz we didnt request for specified date and time.

My gynae at kkh but he nv request me to do any glucose test for all my 3 pregnancies.
yunzz, for my #1, the thought of optional c sect came across my mind and i asked the nurse. she told me better not to even bring it up to my doctor as he will definitely not agree to it. Anyway, I was glad i gave birth to #1 naturally as the recovery time was really fast. If not for placenta previa this time round, I wouldnt even do a c-sect.
fuzzybear, yr gf that delivered at 36 weeks had contraction pains then delivered naturally or what?

fuzzybear, febie, my #1 is fortunate yes but of coz, it took a while to be in this mode and wasn't easy in between. and i do know of those people like what fuzzybear said, bitch about their ex-spouses to their kids etc. the kids end up suffering, especially when they love both parents dearly.

gelobean, oops! forgot abt 7th mth! anyway, need to install CCTV by this week coz helper may come end of this week or next week.

yunzz, tired of coz but no choice leh. its fortunate that I drive and my home is not too far away so I can pack lunch for my hb. as for preparing meals, i am so glad i bought my happycall pot, has been using it for the past few days and washing is very convenient. :)
fuzzybear, #1 stays with his father (my ex-husband) on Fri nights so he wasn't with me, hb was working overnight so no one to wake me up. And I could also still sleep on Sat if I wanted to, just that had to pick #1 up for tuition. :p

xu4n, you can go Best Denki or Courts those electrical stores to see the brands/models and then call up this Goh Ah Bee Shop at Hougang (can google for contact) to check out if his price is lower. usually they are cheaper than retail stores unless retail stores have special promo or you need 0% instalment plan. err, i can't remember my washer brand but maybe you want to buy one that can take bigger load since need to wash baby's clothes next time too.

lxb, i tripped and fell on my knees lor, then wrist cushioned the fall. i didn't walk fast but was looking for blk nbr and tripped on the gutter. its not really painful anymore, i just use my bare hands to tui lor.

littleprince: good good.. be careful ya... :) my baby movement is also getting more obvious! sometimes i just tell my hub to look at my stomach to see it vibrating or sudden jump.. haha he is so amazed and excited.. but i in pain.. =='

xian1304: must monitor ya! and talk more to baby.. be guai

RE: baby movement
hahaha i agree that got movement is better dan none.. but.. as day passed by.. its getting abit painful.. unless i lie on bed and dun move.. especially when i sitting on chair.. omg... i can only say.. it keeps me awake man.. i also hoping that its because he is moving down so he is "kicking" all things obstructing him.. haha but can be gentle de mah.. hahaah
Can any mother advise which infant milk is best for newborn?

As with the rest of the replies, breastmilk! But if necessary, enfagrow seems to be one of the preferred brand by mummies. I used similac. whether you are planning to breastfeed or not, no harm to standby some infant formula in case of emergency (problems with breastfeeding.. etc)
littleprince> oh, is it coz of the new Philippine ruling? My SIL is also bringing the maid over this week.

baby movements> i am so thrilled everytime i feel her movements! esp when i am dozing off in meetings. the kicks do help to keep me awake! hahahhaa...but do u guys experience "combo kicks"? i.e., non-stop kicking for a while...i was quite shocked when i felt it a few days ago..
lxb, my baby's movements get me very distracted especially when I am talking to someone else about work. :p

gelobean, not about the Philippines ruling, I confirmed my maid since July so its about time for her to come too. but due to the ruling, there is always a possibility they may change their mind at the last minute about coming. so, i hope she does come by this week or next week else i will have to start the hiring exercise all over again.
littleprince> oh, is it coz of the new Philippine ruling? My SIL is also bringing the maid over this week.

baby movements> i am so thrilled everytime i feel her movements! esp when i am dozing off in meetings. the kicks do help to keep me awake! hahahhaa...but do u guys experience "combo kicks"? i.e., non-stop kicking for a while...i was quite shocked when i felt it a few days ago..

lxb, my baby's movements get me very distracted especially when I am talking to someone else about work. :p

gelobean, not about the Philippines ruling, I confirmed my maid since July so its about time for her to come too. but due to the ruling, there is always a possibility they may change their mind at the last minute about coming. so, i hope she does come by this week or next week else i will have to start the hiring exercise all over again.

haha its quite fun but sometimes its abit too shocking.. to see my tummy suddenly one side higher or one side more protuding.. haha and i will move abit when he kick... so it looks like i m wringing..

gelobean as i m typing here.. he just give me his combo kicks.. haha recently increase to 4-5 times at one time.. same spot 4-5 times.. T.T
Re: GD

Thank you for all the tips! Will take my dog out for more & longer walks then! Will prob need to eat salad on certain days too. Hubby & i decided to have protein meal this weekend. Home grilled salmon with no carbo! :p hubby said i put on 8kg, he put on 5kg. HAHAH!! So he wants to diet too. Told him can't be i'm the only one putting on weight! Not fair! :D

tequila_sunrise>i also have cravings for sweet stuff! but that was abt 1-2mths ago. Now i don't have cravings anymore.
actually, i don't have much cravings at all. I don't wake up in the middle of the night craving for certain food..

fuzzybear> mm.. the urine test is the one done at every gynae visit right? It's 1 white strip with 2 coloured spots below? so far, they have never commented that my glucose level is too high... so i presumed i should be alright? :p

Baby Movement>
gelobean> mine is combo punch & kicks too! Feel very uncomfortable... especially at night when i'm trying to sleep on the side & he kicks me where i'm lying. So sometimes, i'll lie on my back for a while. anyway, i asked my gynae if it's ok for me to sleep on my back coz i woke up in horror a few nights to realize i'm lying on my back! She said it's ok coz anyway, i'll feel breathless after a while & auto sleep on the side.

Baby position>
Gynae said my baby is lying on the side, haven't turn down yet.. any mummies know by when should baby head turn down?
I just confirmed my maid last week, and i have no idea why my application was so fast... my new maid has to come in by 5 Sep as the training centre at Indonesia does not want to keep her for so long. This is my first time employing a maid and seriously i feel quite lost! i intended for the maid to come in Oct as now there is nothing much for her to do at home. Does any experienced mummy has any time table ??
thirdtimemum, my gf water bag burst so she was admitted at 12am yst. She told me she only dilate 1 cm after 12 hrs. I tot water bag burst must faster deliver else e bb not protected? But for her case, not lo, she was at labour ward till 9.50pm den start to push. Ya, lucky she take epidual else i cant imagine e pain for soooooo many hours! In the end, she has to go for c sec n bb is out 12.07am, e next day.

Ya now i can only pray n hope for a smooth delivery.

fuzzybear, ya i better start on e slow & long walk now..

Sei, i tot preg woman can escape from fire drill? Go before it rings n hav a tea break. That is why my coll does whenever got firedrill.

re: bb movement
Yst night my tummy became so hard & i cant really feel bb movement. Got so worried. This morning my tummy still hard. Maybe my tummy is expanding? Lucky he kicks this morning so i guess he is safe. phews!

Re: Glucose test
My gyne is at TMC. But so far, he nv mentioned abt glucose test. My next appt is next Monday. I hope he wont mentioned any thing abt this test. I dun wan to drink tt yucky drink + fasting!
i opted for C-section reason being that since young i'm those no strength and on weaker side type so opted to relax now and pain later method.
any mummies can share the experiences with me with regards to c-section?
happybaby2011, I agree with attigal, Enfa is one of the highly recommended brands. It has the highest DHA content if you compare across the different brands, but one of the most expensive as well. As much as I agree that breastfeeding is the best, it's still better to standby 1 tin of fm lar. Some mommies take longer to establish a good supply.

Kayliz, what's the salary that you are paying your maid? I heard Indo maids as expensive as fili now.

kayliz, go to singaporemaid.blogspot.sg. you can do up a list of house rules and what not with the references from there. got pros also if maid comes in early, can help to start cleaning the house first and at times, in case maid not suitable or what, you still have time to change before you deliver.

pinkyloving, my next gynae check up cum GTT is next Wed. :(
