(2013/11) November 2013

ankh, you want to compare your tummy size with mine? our EDD quite close. LOL. you post yours first lar. hahaha. im at work, cannot take picture. haha.

Mawanab / fuzzy: i haven sign up with them..only attended the trial class ytd.. so shun bian called up True Yoga and i got a shock...so exp!!!
Dear mummies, 75kg is really my weight, I am 1.65m, eventhough I am on the heavy, big built, my tummy has almost always been flat, maybe that's why now still not so big. For mummies who are smaller, weighing around 50kg, maybe you all are slim, so now it is more obvious
SN, I took a photo but can't seem to upload haha! Me electronic media noob la.

Third3timemum, I'm small height, small build, just not so small weight, but tummy jutted out so early on in this pregnancy. Few weeks ago i accidentally bumped into my kitchen cabinet. Tummy got in the way. Just on Tue I was trying to squeeze past someone at supermarket cashier, which is my usual practice. I couldn't cos of my tummy. I realized my brain hasn't caught up with the reality that is my tummy yet lol.
Hi ladies, TGIF! Finally can rest over the weekend liao. next week gotta chiong at work!!

Yup, i agree, bb healthy and growing well can liao.

I cannot resist buying rompers cos they r so cute! have been buying neutral colours like green, yellow, white, orange.

Anyone have advice on using Pigeon breast pump? hubby says seems not bad cos he believes products made in Japan. he asked me ask in forum whether anybody got any reviews on it onot..

Xuan> dun feel grumpy, eat a piece of kitkat! ytd i oso kanna nagged at my boss till i almost wanted to cry when i was venting out to my mgr.
Just want to share, i was in the train ytd & was standing near priority seat. everybody was sleeping, but to me its normal la, cos pple tend to b more tired in the morning. den got one uncle seating in the middle alighted one stop later, den got one lady held the seat for me and asked me to go over and sit. while reaching the seat, the train jerked and the kind lady even held on to me. i believe tat there are still kind souls in singapore, but not many la. hubby say this kind lady will have good karma.

xiaober, dun feel sad about the incident u met. we will meet good and ugly pple. but of cos, taiwanese have better civic mindedness then us. Cheer up!

Thank you!
You'll be so excited at delivery cos dunno boy or gal.. hehe.. We also considered not asking for gender since most of the things we need to buy are not gender-specific.. When the sonographer asked, we just said see bb wants to show anot.. When she scan that part, bb straightaway open legs big big show us clear view.. haha..We said our gal hinting at us to buy pretty dresses already!


Ooo we're preggy buddies! Hehe.. We had already chosen a boy and gal's name early on, so after the scan we know which name to use now.. I think it's a gd time to start thinking of names if you've not started


Good to hear you're not vomitting already
I actually stopped for more than a wk but still nauseous.. Think the brake-stop movement during the 30 min stuck in jam aggravated it.. My doc says he wants an earlier detailed scan so i just went ahead.. He said for my FA scan at wk 22, he'll be getting the sonographer to do a v-scan for me too cos he wants to check cervical length which can help him assess my risk for pre-term labour.. Guess he's being careful.. My jabs now reduced to 1 ampoule once a wk.. If your butt now has a lot of hard spots, will be good to put a warm compress everyday and massage lightly to help spread the med, it'll help.. Hope u can stop the jabs soon!
bless my tummy looks exactly like u.. the bump seems to grow very fast over the past 3 weeks...i can't fit into all my shorts any more...
Woo!! Finally e day ended!! So happy!

Talking abt choco, my mgr told me she read a article saying tt preg shld eat more chocolate so u will hab a happy bb!! Cos choco makes us happy n so bb oso happy! =D

Ankh u v cute le.. still trying to squeeze thru e cashier. . Dun forget u r carrying e precious bb! Later bb protest kanna squeeze! Hehe. .

Re: bb bump pic
Haha... everyone posting pics! Who's Edd ard 24 Nov? Let's compare oso! Haha

Winkle, I went for aqua aerobic before preg. It was fun! Really tone my fats.. doing e workout under e water is tedious! Not sure hows e work out for preg classes.

Xuan&sei, really? I nv rec e email notifications le.. or I overlook it? Gonna check again..

Val, yup I enrolled IFC cos nobody looking after my bb. Wa.. so envy to start off e preg w a slim body. So when after delivery, u will v fast go back to pre preg weight. Ya e cough is really v irritating cos it disturb my sleep!!!! End up like zombie to work. I tink I will go TCM to cure my cough if it didn't get better.

Fuzzybear- now I noe y daddy always dote daughter more... keke
Kitkat: ya I got over it already.. Told myself I dun want it to affect my baby.. Must get it over and done with.. Hahaha

Hahahaa I shall upload my tummy.. My weight gain is not alot probably about 1kg.. But my tummy looks like I gain so much weight.. Hahaha

RE: aqua aerobics
I m keen too! My hubby keep pushing me to go for the yoga but I really not very keen leh.. Haha I more keen towards the aqua aerobics... But any recommendation?
Pinky, just be careful with Chinese herbs. This week online news reports state greenpeace claimed these herbs have high levels of pesticides. Most of our tcm herbs should be from China?
Seems like our EDD is the same
My next detailed scan is on 26/7 but I had changed to 23/7.
As for mothercare rompers, maybe k get 0-3 & 3-6months.
Looking at the weight range, 0-3 size is ok.
But the design is getting quite limited, when I last bought.
I also will go Waterloo & look c coz sil say material cannot make it.
I quite like kiddy palace rompers coz they have side buttons kind of rompers.
Coz my mum claim that with the side buttons is easier to put on for newborns.
What to pack for you (Mom-To-Be Hospital Bag):

•Hospital notes and your Birth Plan
•(1)Disposable cotton maternity panties (5 pairs)
•Maternity sanitary pads (one pack of 10 or 12)
•Two to three (2)hospital gowns to wear for labour and hospital stay (front opening is a good idea so you can feed your baby without fuss but may not be discreet enough when you get too many visitors) -
•Socks (cold feet are a common complaint)
•Lip balm to prevent dry lips in labour (another common complaint)
•(3)Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
•Cartons of juice or bottles of water
•Healthy snacks
•Toiletries – (4)No Rinse Shampoo & (5)No Rinse Body Wash
•Toothbrush and toothpaste
•Make-up and remover
•(6)Nursing bra and breast pads (The Camisole bra is a great option as a comfortable sleep nursing bra)
•Laundry bag for dirty clothes
•(7)Going home nursing dress
•(8)A Baby Sling Carrier - A wonderful and essential tool for baby bonding and breastfeeding!
•A camera and spare batteries
•A camcorder (if allowed) and film/batteries
•CDs if you want them for the birth (Most labour wards has a CD player – do check first)
•An MP3 player

Things to pack for your baby:
•A pack of newborn nappies
•1 to 2 Sleepsuit
•1 to 2 newborn romper
•1 newborn bonnet/cap
•2 sets of mittens & booties
•1 baby swaddle
Eh can I ask how come everyone is buying from mothercare?

Carter seems a lot cheaper but need to ship over.

Also need advice from experienced mummy, should I get those side snap rompers and tie in the front kind for baby in the first few days before the cord detached?
Wow everyone is busy shopping! Fuzzybear says its strange that im not excited at all to shop! Haha. Dunno leh, im not a daily shopaholic, but once i start buying, i will buy alot alot.... Trying not to start. Hahaha.

Ankh, i will take my tummy photo mayve tom, today my top is too loose, cant see the bump. Hahaha.
Ankh, thanks for telling me. Ya e herbs shld b from China. Mayb delay visiting e tcm 1st. Initially wanted to see e tcm this Sunday whom I seen her last mth becos of cough too. Cos at night after e tough cough, I can hear wheezing sissy noise from my throat n nose. Seems like asthma symptoms. So I kinda worried to get my cough treated. Maybe I cough 2 week so my respiratory got problem? =(

Xiaober- ur tummy looks big n round! And u only gain 1 kg!! My tummy smaller den urs... but I gained 3 kgs. Tsk!!

Angie, wat e Carter website? Didn't heard of it.. is cheaper but good quality as well?

SN - post ur tummy! Keke

Quiet quiet weekend... everyone out at town?
Third3timemum, thanks for sharing e things to bring!

I tot e hospital got provide e pads n diapers? I read somewhere said must request for e leftover when discharge.

E red Raspberry leaf tea is for confinement purpose?

Then e toiletries for no rinse shampoo n no rinse body wash means we dry wash?? Where to get those no rinse stuff?

I cant v bother to put make up ba... think so tired le..bo chap le ba.. so no need make up remover. Hehe

Inexperienced mtb here... asked alot qns.. hehe
Pinky>you are welcome.
I think if you use hospital's pads, you will be billed. I remembered I brought my own. Baby's diapers hospital did provide a starter pack, and also need to pay for it. the tea I am not sure, maybe its more ang mo country, we mostly drink longan, red dates & wolfberry drink. the no rinse shampoo, is actually like body powder, you put on your hair, and comb it , no rinse body wash I have not use before. I also will not bring make up, the most is my contact lens & lip gloss

I just got this Philips Comfort Double Electric Breast Pump from this mummy who asked her friend to order from the US, I paid $350, Philips retail at $779, it also has the 2 year warranty from date of purchase(what the mummy told me, I need to check with Philips again)

After much consideration, I still decided on Avent as I have used Avent Manual and the petal massage pad suits me, can really empty the breast, unlike Ameda electric dual which doesn't suit me. So I was thinking electric Avent should works faster and feelings(function) should be the same

If you are interested , can contact Jamela(if not wrong) at 90024705 to check prices.
Pinky, could be time to check with GP. Make sure at least your lungs are clear. Do you also have any difficulty breathing? Wheezing probably due to mucus present. Pls don't let your cough turn into bronchitis.

SN, nope, don't find your non-shopping mood strange cos I'm also like that too haha. I'll be like you too lor, once I shop, it'll be whole lot of stuff within a short time. I wanted to shop this June but what with the haze and me having a flu now, really no mood. Some more my #1 P1 preparation more important right now than getting stuff for #2. (Oops, sayang sayang #2, mummy loves you too ;p)
Wahahahaha, confirm my tummy bigger than normal. Your tummy so small la!
Pinky: actually I check again I gain about 2kg from the date I first start tracking my weight till now.. But ya my tummy is quite round.. Even my hubby also comment that.. Duno leh.. Round is good thing? Haha maybe my fats pre pregnant is now cushions to my baby so is rounder...
Just wan to ask u mummies, do u all wear contact lens while in labour so u can see clearly or go without lenses?? I was thinking to go without so tat not so scared while pushing! Hohoho!
Hi Mummies! Good Sunday to all!

I had my detailed scan on Fri & it's confirmed a boy! Time to start shopping~!

On the other hand, I feel kinda depressed & guilty that I can't really enjoy my 2nd tri as I'm still vomiting on & off. I just hit 20th week & after breakfast this morning, I just suddenly threw up. I have no idea what triggers it! Why!!! Can't the MS just go away for good?!? Any one still vomiting at 2nd tri like me too?

Re: tummy growth
My tummy also quite small. I think I put on like 3kgs & tummy still quite small, not so rounded & nice like some of the pics u mummies have posted. Quite sad when mil told me I look more bahbah now on my face & arms.. =_(
Sheep: congrats!! Ya time to go shopping!! Hahaha can start buying cute rompers for your baby.. I have not much idea if MS will go out but I read that second tri MS should more or less be reduced because the baby is more settled in.. Maybe you can check with your gynae? I only know MS might come in 1st or 3rd tri.. Maybe see if its certain food that trigger you to feel sick? As for your tummy, dun worry.. It will definitely grow to the same size.. Every mum is different as the baby grows differently.. As long as the baby is healthy everything will be fine..
Third3timemum- u will bring contact lense oso? I jus wear my spec ba.. Oh so muz tell e nurse tt I brought e pads n diapers before hand so tt they wont charge. Btw.. do u all bring ur own breast pump to e hospital? Will they teach u how to use?

Angie, jus buy abit here n there from e range.. 0-3mth, 3-6mths n so on... dun buy too much on a range so wont overbuy

SN, ur tummy like mine... nt v obvious. .yst I had dinner w my nieces n she asked me y my tummy so small? =.= Dunno how to ans her... sob...

Ankh, ya now seeing doctor. . Hope will faster recover. Cos my sil said tt time she always sick during pregnancy. Den end up e bb came oso v weak. . Always fall ill. I v worried abt mine. Pray my bb will b strong n healthy.

Oya.. P1 reg starts 3 july or something rite... did u do volunteering work for e pri sch?

Xiaober, tummy round round got "fu qi"? Keke.. I tink my fats went to my thighs. . So like pig leg! Feel like working out lo.. cant stand my pig leg..

Kitkat- cannot wear spec in?
Wear specs better bah. After delivery, dont think u want to get down the bed so soon to wash ur hands so as to take out your contact lense.

For primary one registeration, any experienced mommy know if daddy is in alumni and son gets into daddy's school, will the sister be able to get into the affiliated girls school cos brother is in the boys school? Yesterday my sil said it's possible but sounds too good to be true.
SN, I don't think school affiliation for siblings works across primary sister/brother schools. Only primary to secondary to JC. Think MOE's rationale is siblings go to same school for ease of transport. You can read up aaaallllll about it in kiasuparents.com. Info overload there lol. You don't like your old school? Or old school knocked down already?

Pinky, I'm under phase 2A2, so my gal (wow, my GALS in future!) should be able to get in without balloting.
I read online that even when we are sick, must still eat well and keep ourselves hydrated. I guess this is to ensure our babies still get enough nutrients.

Sheep, even though you still vomiting, but can still put on 3 kg, quite good leh. My vomiting stopped at week 14 or 16, but I only recovered to my pre-preg weight at week 20 detailed scan. That was only about ten days ago. It's also perfectly fine for tummy to be small, so long as baby is growing well. Size of tummy does not run exactly parallel to size of baby. Wait till we all hit end 3rd trimester............ cannot see toes anymore when standing! Now that would be really the time for tummies to be big!
Pinky>If I didn't remember wrongly, I went in my contact lens, because I don't remember having to adjust my specs, because my specs will keep falling out of space. I am not sure about other hospital, so far both my deliveries in Mt Alvernia, I brought my own pad, but used the hospital's diapers.

Until today, my church(small church) members still doesn't know I am pregnant!

And I was shopping with my 5year old in THomson Plaza and there is a road show by Herbalife's representative, and they hand their name card to me, I think they are thinking I am FAT! Where did you get your T-shirt,ankh??Need to get 1
Good grief, sorry everybody, I didn't know my tummy pic would come out so huge!! It looked so small on the iPhone just now. Tried to delete but can't already. Oops oops!! Very very de paiseh!

Third3timemum, my t-shirt is from Zara, received as a gift 6 yrs ago.
Ankh, nice bump!! Ur t-shirt wording v cute! Maybe I shall post my bump as well! Come on lets share our proud bump! =P

third3timemum, u went in w contact lens? Wa.. I think im nt gg to do tt ba... 10 over hrs at e labour ward den deliver. . Wear my contact lens v uncomfortable. U noe e xiaxue.. famous Blogger. . Went deliver w make up..
Hey mummies, my girl is 15 months old and I have alot of things to clear.
convertible cot - $100 (new cost $499!!!) Need to clear for space.
Lamaze hanging mobile - $10
Lamaze soft books - $8 each. have many
Fisher price hanging mobile - $10
Just too many to list. I stay at bukit panjang. If you want to drop by and have a look feel free. All in tip top great condition.
Gd morning! So active over the wkend ah!

Min, ah i see. is the 18 wks scan a standard for IVF patients at NUH? Are u at risk of preterm labour? hope ur FA scan will be all gd too! u can start shopping already!

Bluenosebear, the material at the Waterloo St is not really fab but i think it is serviceable for the initial 1-2 mths. after that they would have outgrown the tops already. So far after 2 kids, the tops have not been stretched out of shape but material wise, it is a bit rougher.

Angie, i like Mothercare romper cos the material is very very gd. usually for the Mothercare ones, I buy the sleeveless rompers and the long sleeves long pants body suits (PJs). Do note that Carters cutting is tight fitting and long so it will be rather body hugging. I get the normal short sleeves rompers from Carters. Material wise, Mothercare one is thicker and softer. Collars tend to go out of shape for their multi pack rompers too. U shd get some front tie/ button (abt 1 dozen) for the initial mth. U won't be putting ur baby on the tummy to slp so whether side or front tie has no diff.

Hey Kitkat, u have been MIA for awhile! haha.. hope everything's gd with u. the reviews for the Pigeon breast pumps i have aren't gd. no suction and noisy. Didn't empty boobs. they are not well known for their pumps. really recommend Medela or Ameda.
u shd be the one deciding lor. not ur hb!!

Re: pads, diapers and contact lens in hospital
I think i used hospital pads cos that's what was stuck on me after delivery. but once i can change pads myself i used my own. Still had to pay for the opened pack of pads which i nv use. For diapers, just use that they provide cos they will slap one on ur bb's butt at birth and u would have to pay the whole pack!!

For contacts, i think they will ask u if u are wearing them. I personally would wear glasses because u dunno how long or how ur labour would turn out. If u need emergency c-sec u have to remove ur contacts. Also if u wanna do it without epidural, u will be scrunching ur eyes all the time.. not sure if ur contacts will move.. haha..

Sheep, awwww poor thing u.. i think Winkle and I were puking till abt 19 wks. i haven't puke since 2 Sats ago but my appetite still sucks, easily nauseated. congrats on clearing ur detailed scan!

SN, yes yes.. but u went crazy and stuff a lot of clothes into ur Carters cart right? hahaha.. ur bump very small leh..

Ankh, i love ur tee! i always wanted to buy something like that but nv got down to it. :p
lol ankh, yes, your bump defintely bigger than mine! haha.

My primary school is in Clementi and I stay in TPY lor haha, so it's impossible to send them there. Plus, it's not any ming xiao or wat la, so no point sending all the way to clementi.
haha fuzzybear, i stuff alot of clothes in my Carters cart but havent bought them yet. i wanted to buy some rompers but my hb said our #1 got so many rompers. hmmm...but i thought should at least get a few pink ones for mei mei mah. haha. then i went crazy over the dresses! they are so pretty! and im trying to think CNY and Christmas, whether she can still wear 3m or shoudl i get 6m. haha. i was at vivo yesterday and the carters shop was selling the 3 set rompers at $49 or something. wah lao! online is sooooooooooo much cheaper. then i was also tempted to buy from mothercare but i kept comparing to the low prices on carters.com. hahaha. in the end, never buy anything. >.<
morning ladies, blue blue Monday. just monday i ran out of clothes to wear liao. my bump is really getting too big for my comfort. went shopping over the wkend but cant seems to find any maternity pants suitable for work. most of those maternity pants looked very much like yoga pants or they look floppy. i look so auntie in them.

mothercare, tried to buy something from mothercare on sat but i only got a pk of romper for bb boy. but for my #1 i got her some tops, some bottoms and a sunglasses. boys stuff are seriously boring. no mood to shop for boy.
SN, u delay here and there, wait sales all over liao!! then prices all go up again. haahah get some lah.. Just get one pack from Mothercare first and the rest from Carters. As for the dresses, i can't help u! wahahah..

Mummychua, gd mah.. then u won't go crazy buying boys stuff..
i like very classic stuff for boys.. the ones in SG very garish.. was telling SN that i find it hard to buy pjs for my boys cos more often than not, they come in EYE BLINDING colours with cartoon characters!!! i see liao eye also pain man.. so bulk of my kids clothes are shipped in lor.
SN, for gal, u got lots to buy. enjoy shopping k. rmb to clear wardrobe space for your gal. at first it will be u buying for her. later on she will be choosing stuff for herself.

fuzzybear, i did realise that alot of boys clothes have cartoon characters. i cant imagine dressing him up like that. maybe i got pick up online shopping.

where do you all buy maternity bottom? i want something professional for work, hopefully not too expensive, since im just going to wear it for 5months.
Hi fuzzybear &amp; all, *wave wave*! have been busy with work. these two weeks more busy cos of closing accounts, qtr &amp; yr-end.

Fuzzybear> i m busy with work, so got hubby to research on the different breast pumps. haha. now he will move on to the different types of breastpumps on medela and update me.

Happy shopping ladies! Carters seems not bad, cute &amp; cheap! I have to wait two more weeks for my detailed scan to really really confirm the gender...

I alreadi got a santa romper for bb's full mth, by then, its nearing christmas liao!
mummychua: i saw some on qoo10 if u're comfortable with buying online. they have measurements so shld be quite accurate. i've recently bought 2 pairs from taobao. wait till i receive it then i share on the quality.
Morning mummies!

These few days I keep feeling itchiness on my legs... And end up my legs are having red spots like sand fly bites.. Anyone encounter the same problem? It's really itchy that I can't bear with it n keep scratching.. He keep saying next time baby will be like me..
but its really unbearable itchy..

Hello Mummies.. went for trial prenatal yoga yesterday at True Yoga.. kinda like it there compared to Inspire Mum &amp; Baby..hehehe.. more interactions with the instructor..she gave clear instructions and explained to us what are the benefits of the poses we made etc.. gave us notes as well to read up.. they charged me $401 incl of GST for 11 lessons (incl trial) and for Inspire..theirs is $280 for 10 lessons (incl trial) so after calculation, True is about $8 more but they have all the facilities there..
