(2013/11) November 2013

this is abit embarassing
but any other mummies experience leaking of pee especially when you sneeze?

i just sneezed and felt trickling down my thighs..wipe with tissue and smell, smell abit like pee..
then i sneeze again and felt something dripping out again =___=

is there some kind of pads that we need to wear for such leakage? pantyliner seems too thin to absorb...and i dun wana smell of pee leh..

No prob =) u totally nt taking any maternity ps or u going for others?
Glad to hear its just tha minor and ur baby is healthy =)

Same here; i tend to stick to 1 brand (i am a brand loyal person) if i am ok with the product. Personally dun like huggies wet wipes. Alth big piece but tear easily and too soapy. I prefer pigeon. I have alot of friends who use kodomo tho and they stock up whenever watsons having it on sales.

Hahaha. Ya. Baby stuborn, like mummy =p

Ya. Somemore 3rd one liao so must create some sort of element for excitement. Lol!
Hahaha! Ur gal very cute la. Looks like she cant wait to make u and ur hb start getting her nice pretty stuffs to doll up esp its gss nw =p

Mayb nw they cant cfm a slot till towards end of the yr when some of the infants are promoted to the next level and there will be slot availability. Sometimes just have to keep calling n going dwn to let them know how urgent u need the space. 
I do hope i can slim dwn fast enuff but nt affect my bm quality n quantity. Esp when its festive seasons!! I wanna look gd le. Haha.
Hmmm...tcm must be careful. U can try brewing nan sin bei sin. Helps to sooth the cough. Preggie can take but try nt to take too much. 
The maternity pads n diapers given are actually charged to ur hosp bill =p

The material of the clothes at the waterloo shop is nt cant make it kind but nt v v v soft either. Of coz cant compare with those mothercare materials but its passable for home wear for the initial mths. Those clothes have serve their purpose well from my #1 to my #2 and will cont to let my #3 wear. Well valued for $$ =p

Mothercare on sales nw and material is gd.Some kids retail shops do stock carters, u can go take a look n compare.
1st few mths baby's neck is still nt very strong n stable so i wld prefer front button or tie. I only let my kids wear romper when their heads are more stable.

Mayb ur clothes loose. Retake!! Haha.

Congras on a healthy baby boy =) mayb u ate something tat didnt cldnt agree with u hence the vomitting. I have friends who vomitted thro out all their 3 trimesters...

Nice round bump =)

I have the same prob. It started during the haze days. I think cld be the legs expanding also. So it causes the skin to stretch and hence the itchiness.

Carters dun ship direct to sg. U have to use 3rd party company with states address to help u shio back. Example, vpost, comgateway, borderlink.
Mummychua, haha yes.. i hate the pjs i find in SG.. even in dept stores, all so ugly.. I bought 1 pants from Spring Maternity. I usually buy pants locally cos i wanna know the fit (length is always a concern for me). dun wanna ship in only to find it doesn't fit me well. Otherwise i buy leggings to go with longer tunics.

Kitkat! time for u to take a break too! hahah santa rompers! so cute..
ya ask him to research on end users' feedback too.. that's the most impt.

Xiaober, i have that too.. prob due hormonal changes.. itchy.. u can apply more moisturizer.. in bad cases, can apply thinly, some corticosteroid.

Lynn, u need a Vpost or Comgateway.. they will provide u with a US shipping address then ship it over to SG once u paid for shipping from US to SG.

Winkle, then go for True Yoga!

Silver, u need to do kelger exercises!
mummychua, you can check out H&M for maternity pants. got a couple some weeks back and wore it over the weekend. quite comfy and nice. only $40 each.

i must check out Carters for bb clothes too! went shopping for bb stuff over the weekend, and i must agree with you all that stuff for boys are boring. hahaa... girls' stuff are lovely!! so in the end, didn't get anything.
Val, i will raise the topic of maternity ps with hubby at a later stage. he keeps saying we can decide later, buy later, etc.

btw, mummies, can you describe how bb kicks feel like? i'm 18 weeks plus and I'm not sure if i feel anything. occasionally i get this tingly feeling and i think i need to pee. but no pee... so i'm quite puzzled if it's bb kicking.
kitkat: i ordered a piece of xmas design romper also for baby le! lol.. not easy to find cos i'm only looking for those button in front 1 considering baby is only 1mth plus to 2mths old by xmas time.

Lynn: must have vpost acct in US if wanna buy from Carter. they dun ship directly to sg.. alternatively u can just join sprees n share the shipping cost with other mummies. smh has carter sprees very often i think. my friend helped me order previously cos she had a vpost acct.

silver: think u need to start doing the kegel exercise le.. if not after u deliver may have more leakage. i've been wanting to start doing the kegel exercise but so far only talk n no action yet. =x

RE: maternity pants
those i bought from taobao are less than S$10 each. haha.. length usually not an issue for me cos i'm a shortie. lol.. but i'm more concern abt the quality (aka make sure that it's work pants material n not jeans material cos my office dress code quite strict).

RE: baby's clothes
i think i'm the opposite from most mummies. i feel that boys' clothes are nicer n easier to buy compared to girls'. perhaps cos i'm not a very girly person n all the girls' clothes look too girly for my liking. lol..
Morning, sistas.
Fuzzy-over the weekend, I had spent alot lol.
Robinson selling carters but exp, I bought liao then heartache, sob sob. But Carters website also no size for the design that I bought.
If I buy form the website, should I buy as 6 months one? Coz I bought from Robinson one is 3months which the sale pple say k wear till 3 months.
Also got Avent sterilizer, coz member has discount.
Silver-can try tis brand 'Pose', think is spelled like that.
K get from watson, or NTUC. Abit thicker version.
My friend having this same prob also wearing this.
xuan, mummychua, i actually find boys clothes easier to buy. as i was stocking up my Carter's shopping cart over the weekend, within one seating i could decide what to buy for my #1 hehe. but for #2, i find that there are too many variations like dress, two-pieces, rompers etc. haha. i went through the website thrice and still cant decide loh! i think i will just submit my cart tonight. else like what fuzzybear said, really sales end liao. haha. i really wanna buy those items i aim-ed for #1 hehe. oops.
@Fuzzy, Yup. I think my water retention is due to sitting too long too. I will do the lifting up of legs on the wall for 20mins everyday to get the blood circulation on-goin. I had a terrible water retention problem during my 1st, so definately want to avoid it for this round.

@Arissa,Yup. Especially pants. can't button liao too. I got 1 short with those waist wrap kind of short from e-style and have been happilly wearing it :D

@linxiaober, can see your bump! R you expecting gal? looks like you carry higher and rounder than mine :D Surprise U so far only gain 2kgs ley. I'm already 3.7kgs liao
muz ctrl...ctrl...

@angie, I personally don't like the tie at the side kind of top for new born. Prefer front button for first few mths and I used mostly rompers from 3 mths onwards after bb double their size... not sure abt other mummies though.

@SN, your outfit is loose. Can't really tell how big but can see protruding out :D

@3xMum, I'm interested too cause had been very happy with my Avent single manual pump donkey years ago. Is this reliable? You know the person?

@sheep, Congrats! just hang on there! M/S will slowly go away. They say eat little but more meals help. Have you tried?

@ankh, your bump is big & round :D and I like your shirt's print! so cute!

@Silver, I think some pantyliner is thinker kind. You may want to search for it. Plus, U shld practise your kegel more often now ley. I'm practising it everyday. :D

Specs definately better than lense during delivery coz you'll be dead tired after the hard push. Don't think you want to doze off with lense in your eye.

Reg. mothercare romper. I personally like it very very much too due to the soft materials. will be getting it. some1 mentioned mothercare having sales right? till when?
good morning mummies!

i went to mothercare yesterday but could not decide which design to buy because am waiting for detailed scan to confirm if baby is a boy or girl! ended up not buying anything.

btw, mothercare's sale was 15% off for body suits and sleep suits. is this their best discount usually? sale ends 28th July.

pinky - raspberry tea is for aiding to increase bm supply. but if you are sticking with confinement practice, then can only drink red dates drink usually unless you are the "modern" type.

kitkat - some hospitals do not allow you to wear contact lenses into labour ward. but they may not check lor, i wore my contact lenses in when i delivered #1. but i did bring my specs there on standby in case they don't allow. i have done lasik so no need to worry about lenses this time.
Wow cute t-shirt and a pretty round bump!

Think I'll be wearing my specs too.. haha.. Don't think I even wanna bring my contact lens to hospital.. Want a compact hospital bag, think I'll just use the toiletries and hospital gowns provided..

Not sure if the detailed scan is standard but I see that the 3 of us here at NUH, snake bb, bluenosebear and me have had it.. Think my gynae is being cautious about the pre-term labour thing cos of my previous case.. Hehe.. Nvm la, being careful is better.. Hubby and I cannot tahan and started shopping over the weekend! Haha.. You can start very soon too after your detailed scan
Btw, should I get short or long sleeved tops for newborn sizes?

Oh dear, that sounds uncomfortable.. My antenatal class was on the physio segment last wk and we were taught how to do pelvic floor muscle exercises.. The physiotherapist encouraged us to do it at any time of the day whenever we can so as to strengthen the muscles to prevent leakage issues.. It's convenient cos can do while standing, sitting or lying down.. Think you can look for videos on youtube to learn.. Will be good to start now..

Same here! Started our shopping over the weekend and already became a member at Mothercare.. Haha.. Ordered the cot and bought breast pump.. And couldn't resist a pack of rompers.. Hehe.. I bought the 0-3 mths, think should be ok as it states up to 6.5 kg.. My niece 7 kg at 8 mths so using her a guide.. Still quite a lot available, will drop by again before the sale ends.. I heard newborns need to go thru a few change of clothes a day so I'll try to get more from waterloo st.. Was thinking separates could be better cos if diaper leaks, hopefully only dirty the bottom then only change the bottom..
Xuan, u are so cute.. for gals there are simply more pcs of clothing to buy.. nvm lah.. soon u will start sourcing for more boys clothes esp when u see them wearing the same stuff daily.

Manawab, flutterings feel like gas to me initially.
no zappy, tingling feelings..

Aiyoh Bluenosebear, very ex to buy carters from here leh.. don't forget they have new collections rolling out every 1-2 wks. so really no point buying the same design for different sizes. :p i think u shd focus on 3-6 mths and 6mths onwards for now.
there always be something nicer coming along.. haha.. I nv bought from Mothercare UK, partly cos no direct shipping via Vpost (not sure abt VPost Europe).. u need to find out if they ship to SG or if other providers ship it over. UK pounds tend to be more ex than Euros so it might cost a lot more compared to US's goods.

Little Prince, i can't wait to start shopping.. Waiting long long for my detailed scan!

Bless, i tried to sit with my legs raised. ended up i cut off circulation to my brains.. ended up dizzy.. :p

Min, that's what i noticed too.. all u NUH gals had the 18 wks scan!
may be that's a new norm. haha.. gd thinking abt the separates. sometimes i so sick of waiting for bottoms to dry that i just dress my boys in tops.. bottom just wear diaper. :p cos initially their poo very watery + if their diaper already full it leaks everywhere.

eh u shdn't use ur niece as a gauge ya? my son was 7+kg at 2 mths.. by the time he was 6 mths he was already near 10kg!
Mawanab: dunno how to describe the kicking feeling, it's quite obvious that it's baby kicking actually, tho i'm a 1st time mum. haha.. only the initial fluttery feeling can be confusing but the kicking is quite obvious. maybe ur tingly feeling is the fluttery feeling of baby's movement?

SN: ya i agree, girls have too much variations. i'm consoling myself tt next time can just buy 1 pc dresses to save trouble when baby girl grows up. haha..

i am feeling so sian at work. seriously dunno how to tahan until nov. sigh.. 4mths dun seem very long but doesnt feel very short also leh. bleh.
silver: i encounter that before... once when i was outside somemore.. lucky i wear dark color shorts at least cant be seen but super paiseh.. another time was when i go to toliet just before i get to sit down i sneeze and thats it.. abit scary sometimes..

val/fuzzybear: i m thinking if its homo changes.. cos now i see my leg i also find it abit horrible.. i have marks all over because i keep scratching.. need to be more diligent with moisturer i think...

bless:haha ya its actually at a cannot-be-not-seen size now.. mine is baby boy not baby girl.. ya cos my hubby control my diet very strict.. he limit my sugar intake, my meals intake and the kind of food that i eat.. so maybe thats why my weight gain not alot.. but he keep telling me last tri will have alot of chance.. so now he strict on me..

RE:contact lenses
i dun think i will wear in.. cos i scare have to wear for long hours and after that i scare i probably wun even want to step out of bed.. after seeing so much friends giving birth they look uber tired after giving birth.. hahaha i will probably just wear my specs thru out.. easier also..
@fuz, haha.. funny sia. in that case u better put down your feet. Having water retention is way better than become an idiot :D :D

linxiaober, oh.. yours a boy too huh! My hb too will say things like dun eat this, dun climb... blah blah blah... but I got irritated pretty quickly these days ley.. I told him i will do what i think is OK for the bb. Ask him not to worry & nag too much. A bit impatient these days.

Er... for those spree-regular. Can tell me how did you predict your shipping costs har? sorry abt suah ku here. I have not spree b4 ley.
is kegels just tightening of there? if so i did leh..just that i never do it religiously, sometimes forget..now as far as i remember i'll do a few times at my desk...haha..

Re: baby's movements
mine is like strong pulsing movements, sometimes it's fluttery sometimes it's more pulse like but doesnt last very long...and especially if i happen to press on her or press lie against my tummy, the pulsing movements will start...

oh btw just to share, went baby kingdom last sat and bought the sterilizer, wanted to wait for taka fair initially but i see the deal there also not bad so bought it.

think its at $138, sterilizer with 3 avent bottles - 2 small one and 1 medium one..
Wah, Monday and everyone's back in action

Thanks for comments about my er, bumpity bump haha, but I wish it was smaller now. I'm scared later hit 3rd trimester grow too big then I'll have so few clothes to wear liao. Really don't want to spend anymore money to buy clothes for only few months wear hehe. I also like my t-shirt! Must wear on MRT!

Re: baby kicks, I only felt them obviously from week 20 onwards. Before that just felt like gas. But I think this time I feel the kicks sooner than during #1 pregnancy. Dunno if placenta position plays a part.

Xuan, treasure these four months leh. Once kid comes, time flies by so fast. Sometimes hubby and I marvel how 5 years have gone past since #1 was a baby.

Fuzzybear, 6 months and your boy was hitting 10kg?! My girl at 12 months was still 9+kg, faint!

Hehe, so many preparing to buy clothes already. I'm still shaking leg over this zzzzzzzzz. ;p. The Waterloo clothes should be quite ok for end year cool weather. Material not as nice feel as more ex clothes, but are generally thicker. Just run together with adult clothes for a few washes to soften it a little, then final wash with bb detergent. When weather gets hotter in Feb/Mar, can switch over to the holey tops.
Fuzzy-I saw from Vpost, k use under Vpost Europe.
I will think about it then.
Min-Wah U are fast to start getting the big items liao.
Lunch time, what to eat................
Bless: ya.. hahaha maybe my hubby already like that when we got married.. so its the same to me.. nowadays i just add in "but is baby want to do/eat one... " and he will roll his eye on me and just let me do it.. wahahahahahha my friend taught me this.. lol! i try to keep my temper down cos i scare my baby next time bad tempered like me.. old woman's tale.. but recently i just breakdown.. had to apologize to baby for that..
now trying to keep my mood stable.. but i believe your hubby will understand if you go into short temper..
Bless>I don't know her, got her contact on Gumtree, and I told her I pay her only when I get the pump,she's ok, but she also worried I don't want when she ordered. You may contact her and judge for yourself, no guarantee from me, I have not check with Singapore Philips on the warranty issue yet.

I am going for my detail scan at 2.15pm apt, pray that everything will be fine, baby normal and healthy and growing well, 'she's' been kicking a lot these days, even in the day.
Thank you all for the advices! Hope i dont need to puke thru out! >.< hope it ends soon! i wana enjoy my pregnancy!

Silver> i have similar problem as you.. sometimes when i puke, the gagging is quite bad &amp; i leak pee too! so embarrassing!

All these talk about shopping for rompers &amp; stuff is getting me excited! i've not bought a single piece of clothing yet! Anyone know when is the taka fair? i remember someone posted it but i forgot to take down the dates.
Thanks for all the advice!

Waiting for my detailed scan on thurs to confirm gender.

I cant wait to start shoppinh but I think I will take hand me downs too so can buy more stuffs hahha

Have you ladies decide on c sec or natural or is it too early?
Wow, a lot of activity this weekend on the thread!

I finally couldn't resist and sent a list of carters orders to my sis since she's ordering stuff! So tempting to buy matching wear for my 4yo girl and bb as so cheap and nice but trying to control myself haha...

I'm planning to get clothes from waterloo for first 3 mths for home wear too since will be going there bai bai with my mum b4 delivery. Not sure if this bb will be a preemie, so I haven't gotten the full month suit yet... so far only bought 3m and 6m clothes from carters.

third3timemum, all the best for your detailed scan! I'm interested to know if the philips waranty is valid locally too. Most prob will also be getting an avent dual as I really love the petal cushion and hb don't mind paying since there is 2 yrs waranty and the savings from fm will more than cover the initial investment :p

I just weighed myself this morning and I already gained 7kg!!! Gosh... and hb keep telling me to eat and eat
All the shoppaholics emerge liao! for those shopping at Carters, don't forget to check out Oshkosh.. they combine both brands to ship to one place. And while u are shopping in US, check out gymboree.com too. u can then consolidate ur shipping at Vpost so that u don't pay more shipping twice!

Third3timemum, all the best to ur detailed scan!

Bless, i don't bother predicting my shipping.. this VPost uses volumetric weight meaning how big the box is more impt than how heavy the box is. Usually clothing shd cost abt $20-30 for shipping. the most ex i ever paid was $110 for books.

Silver, ya Kegel is contraction of ur pelvic floor. if u dunno what it is, try hold ur urine back in mid pee. that's the muscle u are supposed to target.

Ankh, ya my 2nd boy is big! at 9 mths he was wearing Carters's 1 yr rompers. now i m waiting for the detailed scan to buy 18 mths rompers cos his rompers are too tight already. his percentile for weight and height are always in the 90-110% range lor..

Winkle, u need to set up an account with VPost or Comgateway to ship stuff from Carters over. We mentioned it this morning already.
need help can ask here.

Angie, too early to think abt delivery mode. haha.. there was an article in Mind Your Body last thurs on delivery and they stated very clearly the best for both moms and babies is natural. Just go with the flow ba.

Bluenosebear, i went to Mothercare UK to look.. aiyoh saw a very nice dress there..
ok. so fluttering feels pulse-like, gas-like... interesting. hopefully can feel sth more strongly soon.

third3timemum, update us on your detailed scan. have fun!!
Fuzzy-hehe, I tempt U lol.
They have more range in UK website.
But from the price, like not very worth leh. Coz also need to consider the shipping cost, esp Europe one not cheap.
Winkle, very easy one.. go to Vpost, set up an account.. they will then give u a USA address to send ur shopping to. Once they receive ur shopping, they will weigh it and tell u how much it cost to ship back from US to SG. u pay the shipping amt (do check the different credit card promotions) and ur items will be sent to u usually within 5-7 working days.

Bluenosebear, ya not really worth it.. the thing abt me is i don't have to die die want a certain item. i m sure i m able to find something similar lor..
True la. Maternity ps can slowly decides. Still got time =)

I did chk our mothercare uk website but dun find the things particularly cheaper aft conversion n shipping. With the current 15% mothercare sales per piece of romper only $6+

Taking too much salt will also causes water retention. 
I cap at usd $230 for per spree. Have nt kena gst so far *touch wood*

Actually boys also gt things to buy de....beanie, sunhat, cap, polo top, tee, singlet, long sleeve shirt, jumper, jean, cargo pants, denim shorts. Of coz gals more things to buy la.

Yes. Must apply moisturizer n try nt to scratch. I v lazy to apply anything.

Re: Tiredness aft delivery
For me i feel too overwhelmed for both previous deliveries to fall slp at nite. I ended up chatting till pretty late. Haha.
Val, was i mistaken? i'm trying to say i prefer buying things for boys. but mine turns out to be a girl. lol..

i am falling aslp at my desk! omg. -.-
Xuan, can give me the site u get ur maternity pants from?

Aqua aerobics, any idea if we can form a class and get the instructor to go to a specific pool for lesson? I used to see a group of neighbour doing yoga downstairs with a instructor but not sure if it will apply to aqua aerobics too. Anyone got lobang or contacts for instructor? Time for me to start working out, getting very flabby.

Sheep, u are not the only one. I'm still throwing up too. But I only started vomiting during 2nd trimester. I just thrown up my breakfast this morning. Had my lunch but feel like throwing up now. Haiz... Hope that this phase will pass soon.
I just ordered Carters and Osh Kosh too. Very pretty clothes.. but dont dare to buy so much coz i havent unpack #1's stash and i have many baby nieces so their mummies are going to pass me their clothes too. Bought a new 6 chest drawer last weekend, hopefully the space is enough for everything.
kayliz where did u buy ur 6 chest drawer? i'm looking for a 3-4 chest drawer. did u see any at the place u went?
Dear mummies,i left gynae's clinic.it's a girl.everything's normal but gynae still say FA scan still doesn't say it's not a DS bb,so we have to pray about it,bcos we didn't do amnio.bb weighs 465g at 22weeks.based on all measurements,bb seems smaller than 22week though,+/-11days.i put on 5.8kg in total so far, but just 1months 9days and i put on 3.1kg,blame on the buffet in desaru.gynae said average 1kg/month, 2kg consider a lot, but he's not too concern as i do not have diabetes problem.have to tell myself not to overeat now,hope to keep weight gain to +/-10-13kg. My ger is very very active,keep moving during scan n waves at us, and showed us her thumb, gynae said she's telling us everything's GOOD!
i got one of the MALM drawers! it's nice! good choice kayliz.

third3timemum, will continue to pray with you that baby girl is fine. stay positive!
Posted on Monday, July 01, 2013 - 5:24 pm:       
Hello new mummies to be,

I have a set of Medela swing single breast pump.use only 2weeks as I have stopped breast feeding due to low supply.condition 9.5
Very new.
Bought $350,selling at $300.

Plus giveaway a box of pigeon and medala breast pads .
Interested parties,pls pm me .

Hello new mummies to be,

I have a set of Medela swing single breast pump.use only 2weeks as I have stopped breast feeding due to low supply.condition 9.5
Very new.
Bought $350,selling at $300.

Plus giveaway a box of pigeon and medala breast pads .
Interested parties,pls pm me .

kayliz: orh the ikea 1 ah.. we saw that one also but still looking to see if there are others that fit our space better. thanks anw! =)
Mawanab: yes, i like it! had it in my mum's place before i got married, bought again when i moved to stay with in laws.. and again for my baby room now. quite roomy and also price is reasonable.

Xuan: oic.. no prob~!

Xuan, have u got the pants u ordered from the site? How's the material? Both site look good. But how to buy from taobao? My Chinese cmi one. Keke...

Aqua aerobics, any northeast mummy interested? Inspiremumbaby need 6 to form a group.
