(2013/11) November 2013

Puking, I just thrown up again.
don't know why today I'm in a super puky mood. A little dehydrated I think lips cracked, pee very yellow. Tried drinking water but puked too. Sian...

mummychua i'm still waiting to receive the pants. let u know when i received mine. mayb i can help u order if i'm ordering again. i usually place my orders thru agent. last time i used peeka (service is good), but this time changed to 65daigou (trying them for the 1st time) cos heard from friends that their shipping is cheaper.
mummychua, where is the location of the aqua aerobics?

medela service centre (Toh Guan) - anyone knows if we need to make an appt prior to going down or simply just walk in?
Mummychua where's the aquaerobics? Poor u. Seems like u have 2nd trim MS. Hang in there ok?

Third3timemom, did ur gynae say the risk of having a DS gal is lower after the FA then? Kinda pointless to do it if he can't assess if the bb is healthy. Congrats on ur gal!! Can start shopping liao.

Little prince, think can walk in. Call them to ask?

Here's my tummy!
RE: ikea drawer
I bought ikea drawers two years ago.. But hor after 6 months my drawer base sunk down.. So now every time when I open drawer there will a screeching sound.. Maybe I put too heavy things, but just 6 months the base sunk down abit disappointed with it.. So maybe just avoid putting heavy things?

RE: aqua aerobics
I wish I can join! But I check the location it's abit too far for me..if not I m keen to join also...

RE: baby clothes at bugis
Erm can someone post the address again? I went this afternoon but I can't find.. I think it's fated that I need to go with my hubby.. Hahaha he needs to be there to pay for it..
Fuzzybear, u look slim oso!

Re: online shopping
Wow.. u ladies really noe where n how to shop! Okay shall explore e vpost to create a account. I saw online selling carter romper set (5pcs) for $15. Is a local seller. Cheap?

Newborn to 4 mths... how many set of clothes bb will wear a day? Jus estimate how many to buy.. keke.. scare overbuy denwaste money

Re: bb kicking
Im in my 19 weeks n I finally feel something at my womb area popping. .. on n off... even during day time. . I guess tt is my bb kicking! So happy!

Mummychua, northeast is purple line? Sengkang?

Val, I enrolled 2 location are on waiting list. Now thinking to try other centres as well...
angie: 65daigou helps us to order the things we want from taobao.com n taobao seller will mail our items to the warehouse owned by 65daigou. after that 65daigou will mail our things from their warehouse to sg. 65daigou in china is like vpost in US. haha..
Xuan, so we will be ordering from 65daigou instead of taobao? So 65daigou will be charging us for the freight and exchange? Actually I very worry abt buying from China website coz I worry credit card kana fraud.

Aqua aerobic, I will call inspiremumbaby tmr to check details And to seek agreement with condo management. It will be at kovan melody. Just above kovan mrt, very convenient.
Thirdtimemum, usually ds baby will have some indicators like flat nasal bone, smaller kidneys, out of range feet etc etc, if dont have then should be all ok mah. Continue to pray n trust God.

Fuzzybear, yr bump is also considered small loh. Hahaha. N i didnt buy my mr bean tangyuan just now...
was too full from the wonderful duck noodles n dumpling soup at tpy central. Hehe.
Ankh, by the way, i started my shopping spree liao. Wahaha. But i ended up buying more for my son than #2. Keep thinking that small newborn no need so many nice clothes but toddler needs to look presentable! Ahhhh evil unfair mommy!
Mummychua, how many lessons? And roughly how much per pax?

SN, cannot~~! There so much to buy for bb girl! She oso need to b doll up when u bring her out right...buy dresses... hair band...cute mittens..

U r opposite of my sister. My sister brought ALOT for meimei.. like 5-6 hairhands for her..went to buy e Hello Kitty necklace for meimei... v ex lo.. it was $600++ from Poh Heng. She got ask korkor whether he wan mickey mouse necklaces but korkor rejected. Korkor rather wan his batman/superman toy rather than a necklace rite.. haha
Gd morning!

Ha, my bump is huge lah.. i think it is as big as Ankh's but may be the dress i m wearing doesn't show it. Still my normal clothes though. Haven't gained a single gram for this pregnancy yet.

Mummychua, can't join u for aquaerobics! just realised i m not allowed to swim cos of my previous bleeding case.

SN, ya lor i think u need to buy more for mei mei too.. :p but i think ur shopping for her will catch up later as she grows older.

Re: i got the ikea drawer unit too.. the 6 drawers unit when i had my #1. still working very well for me though i do have the sagging (cos i was squeezing cot bumpers in) at the last drawer. Can't really complain cos it is so much cheaper than customising a chest of drawers!
Mawanab (mawanab) >Thanks for praying for my girl.

Fuzzybear> gynae said the FA scan is good, everything is normal, but that doesn't confirm a normal baby(which is not DS),DS can only be confirm with Amnio. Guess she will be normal, since everything else is normal, no abnormalities so far, for all other tests/scans.Will continue to pray for her.Btw, your bump is small!you are very slim.

SN>Thank you for your prayers!Yes, we have faith that she will be normal, her name is FAITH btw, this is the name we wanted for our daughter years back, even before we know if we will have a girl, guess that's faith
Thirdtimemum, nice and meaningful name! I love names that are meaningful.

Fuzzybear, yes, i think the shopping will catch up when meimei grows older. no point buying so many things now.

pinky, haha i'm not a hairband or hair accessories type of person. Also not a hello kitty fan. haha. I find it very poor thing to put a hair band over a baby's head. so uncomfortable! hairbands only suitable for bigger kids. haha.
mummychua, I'm interested in the aqua aerobics too! Kovan is good for me, but have to see timing.

For #1, she hated putting things on her head so I didn't buy much head accessories haha...

pinky, you have to be careful if it's 5pcs for $15, there's quite a lot of carters imitations around. However, if you don't mind that it's non-authentic (designs are quite nice too!) then cheapest I've seen from SMH BP is 5pcs (1 set) for $10, can go see

xuan, did you happen to see any nice maternity shorts from taobao? I don't like those with the big panels, prefer under-belly type. Thinking if I should buy from old navy.
aqua aerobics, called inspiremumbaby, the instructor is currently on maternity leave. she will only be back conducting class 1st of sept. a but too late for us rite. so disappointing. anyone else know where we could find instructor?

3xmum, good to know that you bb is health. for hair accessories, it depend on bb. my gal got alot of hair but she hate putting things on her head when she's young. now older what to look pretty so she will ask me to buy hair accessories for her when we go shopping. very qiao...
SN, where to get the duck noodles at tpy central? Every Sat I'll be at tpy, so need to hunt for makan place. You got other makan places to recommend in tpy? And er, er, aiyoh, ur daughter also needs pretty clothes lah. If first year don't grow enough hair, and ppl keep thinking ur girl is a boy, you'll be getting all the cutesy stuff. Cos that's what happened to my gal haha!

Mummychua, looking at fuzzybear's post I realized I'd better check with my gynae if I can do aqua aerobics. So far her advice is for me to do slow exercises.

3xmum, Faith is a beautiful name
. I know a primary school going Faith, and she's a pretty nice kid.
Hi and congrats to all mummies-to-be

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Membership is by admin approval. Do read the T&Cs before posting.
Fuzzy-U are slim, yr bump not very obvious.
Some more still k wear yr normal clothes, compare to mine.
I did not zz well last night.
So very zombie tis morning
mummychua: yup, we provide 65daigou with the website of the item that we want to buy then they will help us order. if the item that we want is not available, they will refund us the money. 65daigou will charge us for shipping from China to SG. there's also a small amt of agent fee also, guess that's where they earn from. most of the time it's not really worth it to do exchange, cos the cost of shipping item back to china n to sg again sometimes cost more than the item itself. haha..

angie: wat u buy? so fast 6 items already! lol... i usually try to find a few items to buy from 1 seller to maximise the domestic shipping. some sellers also provide free domestic shipping, can look out for that.

sei: those shorts i saw are all with the elastic bands 1 leh..
xuan: for 65 daigou, will they inform u the shipping charges before u pay the final amt? cos my friend ever ordered a soft toy using Peeka, and they placed it in a large box. End up she paid a lot of shipping coz of the volumetric weight... i'm worried i happily add items into my cart and buy and the shipping costs more than my purchase~!
kayliz: 65daigou charge by weight, they have a calculator on their website where we can estimate the shipping charges. but actual shipping charge will only know when the items reached their china warehouse...
Third3timemum, well if doc says baby looks healthy, then she WILL be healthy. I like the name Faith! u had faith after 2 boys! now u are rewarded with a gal!

SN, yeah where's the duck noodles? share share! now i wanna eat duck noodles for lunch but my canteen nv sell!

Ankh, i didn't mean to say u have a big tummy hor. only when i reread my post 1hr later did it dawn on me that i might have sounded really rude! sorry! no offense meant.

Bluenosebear, Third3timemom, i haven't gained weight.. may be that's why i look slim but i tell u my tummy is huge for someone who hasn't gained anything!

Bluenosebear, i also didn't slp well.. #2 kept waking up last night.. zzzz #1 kept shoving his legs in my face and #3 was doing some tap dance in my tummy.
I'm sure your bb gal will be very healthy since scan showed all good.. Have Faith!

Thanks for the tips on separates
I'll get ready more bottoms for bb then in case of leakages from diaper..

Ya lor we control so long never buy anything, then once we buy, it's the big ticket item.. haha.. Are you planning to get more bb clothes too from mothercare before the sale ends?

Experienced mummies,
Actually what does a bb kick feel like? From abt wk 18, i would like get an occasional twitch in my belly.. Feel it slightly more now.. Hmm dunno how to describe, like a quick pinch? But not painful la.. Could that be a kick?

Hubby was thinking we should start getting milk bottles at taka fair if there are good deals.. But we're totally clueless about which brand to get, what sizes and exactly how many bottles we will need.. Any advice? TIA!!
Third3timemum, Faith is a lovely name. Excellent choice!

min81, now that you mention milk bottles, i also think i need to do some research. so many different brands and types... headache man! hahaa...
Fuzzybear, Aiya dun worry la, no offense taken. Anyway after looking at all the pics taken here and in FB, I've accepted my tummy is beeeeeeg. Bigger than the mummy having triplets ok! But it's fine, I'm sure everyone's tummy will catch up hehehehehehe *rub hands with glee*

Min81, for tops try to stick to those front opening types, especially if you're going to bf. My girl used to have watery poo, usual for BM drinking babies, and it could leak onto the ends of her tops. Xiong man, changing diaper in public and finding out I had to change her out of whole outfit. Way easier with front opening tops.

Just went to kiddy palace. Sigh, no more sale there
Min-If I get to c the designs that I like in mothercare, if not then will look in carters website. Will have to stop looking at clothes & focus to buy other items lol.
As for bottles, coz I bought Avent sterilizer, the package came with Avent natural version of bttles, 2 big one & 2 small one, with 1 small FOC. So I will let bb use Avent.
But I also bought 1 NUK premium choice bttle to standby incase bb refuse Avent.
min81, its like pulse beats but stronger, you can see your tummy move like heart beat when they happen. at later stage, you can really see movements on your tummy. the twitch or quick pinch is more of ligaments pulling coz your tummy is stretching.

milk bottles - i used Pigeon bottles for bm/fm when i had #1, Avent bottles (free fm sterilizer) for water. did not have any issues and i enjoyed using Pigeon coz they are not expensive and the covers and teats can also be used on Medela bottles (when i expressed my bm, no need to transfer bottles here and there). i intend to use back the same brands, if baby is not picky, will be very convenient compared to odd shapes.
i like the meaning in the name... FAITH
i am still looking for a good name for my baby...

i am going 19 weeks, only felt movements once or twice... kinda paranoid...

my bump is showing, and everyone seems to be asking... but my boss hvnt start asking... think he is waiting for me to break the news to him...
my detailed scan will be on the 23 jul... a long way to go for me...
Mummies with girls, got cute dresses on sale at isetan nex. $12.90 and $14.90. Maybe same as other isetans? Perfect for CNY
can't upload the pics I took of the dresses cos dimensions too big
Thirdtimemum- Faith is a nice name! And meaningful as well!

DPW - how come ur detailed scan so late? Im 19 weeks.. my detailed scan is on 8 July, next Monday. Cant wait for it to come but at the same time worried abt e bb. Hope he is healthy & doing fine.

I only started to feel e movement on my 19weeks. Once or twice a day..Dont be paranoid k...

re: milk bottles
I have no idea wat to go for. My fren say gg to pass me brand new 2 bottle from tommpie something..cant rem e name.. I just take tt ba...Is tt brand good?

sei - i dunno whether issit authentic anot cos tt seller jus put carter romper for sales. haha..

fuzzybear - poor u... disturb by #1 to #3... they gang up bully u issit... Try to sleep early today! Ask ur hubby to take care #1 & 2.. keke
Pinky (pinkyloving)
no idea leh... my edd is on the 28 Nov...
nuh schedule me on 23 Jul..
this is my #3... by right i should feel movements much earlier... my #2 i felt it in like 15 to 16 weeks...
DPW, dun worry. my EDD on 25 Nov and i'm also at NUH. my DS just one day earlier than you.
as long as done within the period ok. They check the date and told me 22nd ok... not too late.

Fuzzybear, you are so fair and skinny... Nice little bump too...
mummychua, too bad the instructor is not available
My girl also like to dress up now with accessories, thankfully she finally understood that less is more and stopped putting as many clips/hairbands as she can on her head!

xuan, no prob. I like to buy those that don't look so maternity so I can still wear it after delivery without a lot of loose fabric. Think I will get the ones from oldnavy. Also got sale now!

third3timemum, my hb wanted the name faith too! Haha... it's a very nice and meaningful name

On bottles, I like avent because it's wider at the opening and easy to wash. However, avent only have silicon teats and no latex teats and some ppl find it too hard for their babies... my girl was ok with it though, as she was a strong sucker and not fussy on teats.
3rdtimemum, nice name for your princess.
I like the name too...

seeing you all talk abt shopping so nice. I'm too lazy to start plus baby gender still unknown. cant shop much too for my Taipei trip 2 weeks later.
Congras on baby gal and she is so cute. Still gives the thumb up sign. Hehe. Dun worth, like ur gynae suggest, everything sld be fine =)
Can eat is gd. Hehe. Mayb try to control ur diet? I am trying nt to take unhealthy food so wldnt put on too much weight too.
Nice name for a gal =)

Mayb try adding a slice of lemon to add abit of taste. Or go for slightly flavoured drink. If u are already pukey, plain water is harder to stomach.

Woohoo!! U still look v slim =) wear a tighter piece of top n take pic le. Current pic looks ok, nt v huge. U havent gained a single gram? Wah! U gonna have a very easy time slimming dwn aft u pop. I hope ur spotting sld be gone by now??

Est abt 5-6sets per day. And dun forget its yr end so clothes will be harder to dry if it rains daily.
Congras! Finally u feel ur baby's kicks. Tts a wonderful feeling ya? I always miss the kicks and movements aft i delivered my kids.
Ya. Gd time to look aft now and put on waitlist. Better start early as  u nv know if u can get a place when u really need it.

Can get the soft hairbands for ur gal. V stretchable.

For initial few mths, i use pigeon wide teats small bottles (150ml). Coz baby nt drinking alot so if get too big a bottle there was be alot of air inside n baby may end up suckling more air. Aft tat when they increase intake can upgrade to a bigger bottle (300ml). Also, u gonna change bottles n teats every few mths.

I havent posted my pic. Lol.
Mawanab, silicon is harder than latex...
latex is soft but need to change every month.
Silicon can last 6 mths.

I used glass bottle when I was breast feeding then. it's heavy. but easier to warm up those cold bm...
I still gag or vomit during shower time and teeth brushing time now. only meal I can finish is lunch. both breakfast and dinner super light.

Val, post your pic leh.
I took but cant post here.... hahaha... cos in undergarment.
Thank you so much for the advice on feeding bottles
Taking down everything diligently.. haha.. Hubby and i just felt so lost looking at the wide range available..

Little prince,
Oh looks like Pigeon will be a good choice for me then since i bought a Medela breast pump.. Think i should look out for those bundle sets for better price.. Will 4 bottles in the beginning be enough?

Ahh silly me.. And i thought buying bigger bottles means i can use them longer! Haha.. I honestly didn't know the teats and bottles have to be changed often..

Haha.. Ya cos big ticket items are more exp, so gotta compare and budget here and there so will be good to start taking a look now.. Clothes-wise easier to get.. I'm asking for some from friends too.. Hehe.. Hmm seems like Avent bottles also not bad hor.. The set sounds gd too.. Maybe i'll do a price comparison.. So you will have 6 bottles? Planning to get more?
mawanab, like what febie said, silicon is harder than latex, so I feel it's better for babies that tend to suck very hard or bite the teats. The latex ones tend to flatten when they suck too hard and then can't get the milk. However, there are also babies that don't suck very well from bottles and in that case, latex will be more suitable.

I was also using glass bottles for ebm, what I usually do is warm up the ebm in the glass bottles, then transfer to avent bottle for feeding. This is because when you keep ebm in the fridge, the fats will move to the top and water content to the bottom so better to warm it up first and mix before feeding.

There are glass feeding bottles in the market, but note that glass is breakable so you can't let the baby hold the bottle and do self-feeding

febie, you can xxx out the sensitive parts lol...

Maybe I should also take a pic of my bump and post here... I'm carrying quite high so I look quite big when I wear something loose... duhz...
Min81, six bottles is a good start. If need more, ask hubby to quickly run out and buy some more. For teats, I remember the latex NUK teats were good cos the shape is similar to what the nipple looks like after it's been attacked (ok fine, sucked) by baby. Stick to smaller bottles good too cos when going out, you'll have so much stuff to pack, smaller bottles will take up less space.

Febie, how fast did it take to warm EBM with glass bottles?

SN, just now saw some dresses meant for #2, end up I got more for #1! I'm like you, buy more for older one, oh no ;p

Hehe, only now I realize, no need to worry if what I buy is too small for #1 since #2 is same gender, can wear all her sis clothes in a few years.

Val, your bump is big too? Show show haha!
Woah u all come out already!

Min, yeah i concur with Val, u need abt 5-6 change of clothes on standby at any time.
sometimes i just change my boys' clothes cos of poo and they unload another huge dump on me.. or when i change their top and they pee again all over. haha.. so just get more esp if u have no help with laundry. for poo stained clothes u need to wash it off ASAP and soak it to remove the stain. then there's the endless pegging of small items like socks and mittens.. after that gotta unpeg and keep them. super a lot of things to do.

Ankh, i really do think my tummy is as big as urs.. haha may be i have to wear something more form fitting like what Val says to see the huge ball. :p

Febie, DWP, for NUH's detailed scan u have to be 21 wks min... My detailed scan will be at 22 wks exact. so dun worry abt it. Just NUH's policy plus their machine resolution.

Val, yes no spotting for awhile but i think i might have yeast infection.. a lot of discharge but not smelly.. a bit itchy but not at my vagina leh.. weird. Ya i usually dun have a prob losing weight.

Re: bottles
Again, it really depends if u want to die die latch. if u do want to latch, there's no need to buy any bottles. Latching babies are fussier abt the teats because they want it to be like mommy's nipple. so u gotta play around. But if u are like me, pumping full time, it really doesn't matter what type of bottle u use, so long u use the same ones consistently. I used Avent for #1 and Pigeon for #2. reason for the switch was that at one period, Avent bottles kept leaking. I could lose like 20% of my ebm because of the leaks and no matter how i close it, it will still leak. Frustrated the hell out of me.

As to how many bottles u shd get, if u wanna feed FM, then u shd get 4 bottles (on average bb takes 8 feeds a day). in this way u just need to sterilise twice a day. for me i prepare 8 bottles (small ones) because i prepare a full day's feeds of my ebm.

Febie, i have this paranoid fear of dropping the glass bottles and breaking it. what brand of glass bottles do u use?

ankh, fuzzybear, the duck noodles is from this stall that sells char siew, shao ruo, duck meat etc. If you know where KOI is, it's the row of shops behind KOI. they have a few shops there including Gongcha. The roast meat stall is the first stall at the corner. very crowded and alot of people will be waiting there.
