(2013/11) November 2013

Baby bottles: i used avent for #1, most prob will use the same for #2... i have some small bottles which my #1 only used once and i kept them. Is it ok to re-use or not if I buy new teats?

BM storage bags: Any mummies can recommend a gd brand? I did not use any before, but always seen mummies with probs of the bags leaking in the freezer etc.

ankh, i think it's easier to buy for #1 because we know their character already so we know what types of clothes suit them. for #2, we are just buying based on what we want them to look. so it's slightly harder. haha.
Min-think Fuzzy had given a good over view of the No. of milk bttles to get.
I will not get extra bttles now.
Coz must c bb ok with which brand & whether I can latch bb on well or not.
DWP- My detailed scan also on 23/7, appt time at 1140hrs, hopefully will c U there.
Kayliz, i only use Lansinoh.. but still will leak when i defrost cos i very chor lor with my milk bags.. always dropping them when they are frozen, hence cracking them open.
They dun leak when the milk is not frozen though.

SN, Ankh, when ur #2 comes u will consciously count the number of stuff u buy so that both kids have the same number, and even better still, same design!
fuzzybear, brother and sister wear same design abit weird leh. haha. same gender wear same design then cute.

the avent bottles that leak, did you accidentally throw away the inner blue ring? all the white bottles require a blue ring to close it properly. the gold bottles dun need. i prefer the gold bottles, very lasting. was thinking can reuse my #1's bottles as well. just change the teats. haha.
sei, let me try and then post.

else I shall retake and post ok?

ankh, I cant rem... think ard 3min when bb in demand. but I on the heat to 2nd. for faster but wont be too hot since cold from chiller.

Fuzzy, those glass bottles that I have are from the milk sample from hospital. But I bought the tollyjoy cover so that I can just warm and change the teats. will try take pictures of the bottles.

Those are light weight and can hold a maximum of 130ml. so for a start newborn only drinks 60ml, I will try to store all in 60ml so that it's easier when I warm up the milk.

Usually I cant be bother what date the gynae or sonographer gives me. think they know their job well.
been with them since first pregnancy, feel safe with them...
Me just finished a customer meeting, wolfing down chee cheong fun (scallops) and tang yuan for lunch now. Sooo hungry!

Min81 - Its ok to get more bottles too coz can change once in 6 mths. No. of bottles depend on how often you want to wash and sterilize. Btw, newborn drinks lesser fm/bm and since you will latch often if bfg, maybe buy 2 to 3 smaller bottles and 4 to 5 bigger bottles to standby? And most brands match Pigeon kind of opening so even if you use no brand bottles, can change the teats to better brands. I rem doing tt with those brandless bottles fm gift hampers.

Fuzzybear, I rem some of my Avent bottles leaked water for#1 too! Dunno why! Tts why I used Avent for water only.

Btw, the glass milk bottles fm hospital can freeze ebm or not huh? I don't rem using milk bags often but rem freezing ebm in the medela plastic bottles.
SN, same series lor. There's brother and sister sets too. Even family sets! Hehehe. Like when I buy a tee with Big Brother, I have to buy one with Little Brother/ Sister!

Febie, Little Prince, hospitals no longer have the glass bottles already. This is because HPB no longer allow free samples to be given to newborn. Every bottle will be charged and will only be given if mommy has some medical reason not to bf. hence the bottle supply dropped tremendously. Yes can freeze in those bottles but I find it not as compact as milk bag. Can store abt 120-150ml only. I can store abt 240ml in milk bags.
SN, I guessed the stall correctly! But hubby and I found the food there ex, so seldom go there. We get our roast duck/char siew/siew yoke rice fix from tpy lor 7 blk 19 coffeeshop, their chilli also not bad. Been going there since 2006! Mmmmm, must go there again this sat.

Fuzzybear, think my girls' 6 yr age gap will be too big for jie jie to willingly wear what Mei Mei wears. I've never seen my friend's daughters with same age gap wearing same outfit. But friends whose kids are closer in age, yes, I keep seeing the kids in same stuff lol.

All this talk about milk bottles, ok, here's some stuff about the plastic stuff like sippee cups and cutlery we're going to use for our kids. Try to ensure they are made from pp (polypropylene) or HDPE (high density polyethylene), and stick to light colours. Dark colours mean more dye has been forced into the plastic, which in turn means more dye can leach out over time, especially if it's red. Same concept as poorly dyed clothes.

Milk bottles, I actually have no idea. I used Pigeon bottles, then came Pigeon BPA free bottles when my #1 was about six months old, so started using them and getting new ones every six months. Think general guideline is any of these baby items start showing wear and tear, time to change.
Fuzzybear, I tried not to freeze my bm... both mum and myself dun like it.

Using the glass bottles for the first 2 months ok. subsequent, has to pour two bottles etc into one depending on baby intake. I bought a lot from another mummy during #1 times. still keeping them. luckily, actually intend to sell away the other time but lazy to post. I use a lousy quality milk bag. no ziplock to seal, has to use rubber band to tie. hehehe... this time rd, will ask my sis to look for boots milkbag since she is gg bkk end of the mth.
ankh, oh! so you know the stall too. haha. i think one plate is $3.50. yesterday we ordered duck noodles, charsiew + shao rou fan, dumpling soup, together was $13 or so. quite ok. however, there was once we got "tricked" into ordering mixed meat for 2-person and it came up to be $18!!!!! moral of the story is, always order individual plate and never order to share. haha. ok, thanks for the detailed address of the other roast meat stall. will check it out during the weekend!

we finally decided to order tingkat...try for a month and see how. it's too tiring to be buying dinner every night after work. hopefully the tingkat food wont turn bad...my mom was saying my uncle's tingkat food was foul smelling once. wah lao. any mommy here also orders tingkat? I ordered from Neo Garden. I asked them about MSG as it wasnt mentioned in their website that their food has no MSG. (It was mentioned in the other company Empire something that their food has no MSG) The Neo Garden person just said that they do not purposely add MSG but some sauces like oyster sauce or what already has MSG so it cant be helped. hmm. oh well. at least they are honest about it. I happened to read from some forum that all tingkat food has some form of MSG even if they claimed that there is none.
SN, i oso tot of having tingkat cos having dinner outside everyday can b boring. Cos i always eat e same thing. But my hubby dun wan cos he said i will dislike e food and may not b able to eat e tingkat everyday. So didnt order tingkat. Do share ur food k~

re: bottles/teats
Really a noob here. So if i getting Medela pump, e bottles will b medela. I only can get e teats from Medela? Can i mixed other brand teats like Avent? Will tt fit?

I going to buy Avent Sterislizer so means i got another 2 free bottles from Avent.

I tink my bb will b super confuse w all e teats from different brand!

Val, yes!Im so excited & happy over e kicks. I can smile at myself in e midst of working! hope my coll didnt realise tt.. haah..At least it keeps me happy during e work.
Morning... really zombified.. my #2 kept waking up to play! my hb didn't help lor.. brought him toys to play. ended up he wanted to go out to the hall to play his toys.. when hb refused to let him, he wailed and wailed.. end up wanted us to carry him to slp cos hb carried him for a bit. didn't work and i ended up had to soothe him to slp.. after that i couldn't get back to bed and to make things worse, one of my neighbours triggered the lift alarm at 5am, making my dog bark!! AGHHHHHHHH..

Ankh, haha yes i guess the age gap btw ur gals is big so jie jie might not want to wear what mei mei wears. but in ur case, i m sure if u get something for mei mei, ur #1 will ask where's her present!

Febie, i dun like freezing my milk either. but i really got too much so after feeding my #1 i still had to freeze! i throw or give my FBM away cos if start giving FBM, i have to store 500ml of ebm daily! i think getting a gd milk bag will help with space management in the freezer too. need to stack them properly so it doesn't topple and crack.

SN, yes sometimes tinkat food does turn sour so do be careful when u eat it.
Pinky: i used a medela pump but avent bottles. I bought the avent converters from Amazon where u can put the converters on the avent bottles or VIA cups so that they can fit on medela pumps.
It also works on other pumps that expresses into narrow mouthed bottles. I thought it was a gd buy. Cant seem to find in SG last time, not sure for now.

morning mommies. poor fuzzybear. maybe you can catch a nap during lunch time.

for tingkat, i chose the 3 dishes + soup option. come to think of it, i should have chosent the 4 dishes without soup. cos at least cold dishes still can eat, but cold soup is gross. we don't have a microwave, but we have a steamer, maybe will heat up the food with the steamer. First day of tingkat today. hope it wont be too bad. Update you tomorrow, Pinky, about the food. haha.
SN, i did order tingkat food when #1 was a bb. i tried 4 different companies within 6mths but none fit our taste bud and budget. and i do get sour food every once awhile. considering that food are cooked ard 2pm, so by the time u eat them ard 7pm, it's not surprising that the food turn bad. plus the 'soup' taste more like water, the veg is usually undercooked, i heard that most of the time they will just blanch the veg with hot water and add sauce to it. and the fried food is always soggy. i have a friend using 'mom's cooking', they should be the most expensive tingkat ard but she loves what they provide.

bottles, for mummies who plan to breastfeed via latch, don't bother to buy any bottles for the 1st month. if you will to feed expressive milk every now and then, you will have to do it with syringe so that bb will not get nipple confusion and reject ur breast. after that when you start introducing bottle, just get one to let bb try. it can take a few try before bb decide which bottle he/she prefer.

freezing milk, i used milk tray to freeze them into 1oz ice cube. once frozen, i will pop them out and store in freezer safe bags. the milk tray can then be reused for another batch of freezing. this method works really well for me as i could just remove the amt needed so zero waste, compare to de-freezing a whole milk bag when bb might just need a little more.

xuan, i should really brush up my chinese. taobao stuff looks good and cheap. not sure if its just the photo lah. by the way, approximately how long does it take for them to ship?

fuzzybear, hugs... sometime guys just doesnt know how to help. take nap during lunch ba...
Morning mummies..

Yesterday was my first day back to work.. On a short term assignment now to earn some milk money.. Think I very long never work now can't adapt.. Last night really sleep so well that I almost didn't hear my alarm this morning... Hope today will be fine..

RE: tingkat
I m thinking of ordering for my confinement meals.. But dunno which is good.. I also scare later they add a lot of MSG... Not good for baby and me leh.. Anyone tried before?

Another question is there any specific period that we should start wearing wireless bra? Cos I realize recently my bu** seems to stop "growing".. I dunno if its because I m wearing wired and its abit tight now.. So it kinda block the growth.. Bought a few nursing bra wonder if I should wear it now.. Scare later the nursing bra cannot wear after giving birth leh... How ah?

Have a good day mummies! I try to check the forum during toilet breaks... :p
RE: tingkat
my mum used to order tingkat for me n siblings' dinner cos she's working (long ago we were still students then). subsequently, we always go out with friends here n there so decided to stop the tingkat cos alot of wastage. haha.. i did consider ordering tingkat again for me n hub's dinner but we sometimes last min have "cravings" to eat outside n i did a calculation, seems like more worth it if we cook ourselves, although more ma fan, so in the end nv order the tingkat.

mummychua: domestic shipping to their china warehouse usually take 1-3 days only. unless happens to be their china holiday then may take longer. from china to sg will depend on the type of shipping u choose. sea shipping (cheapest) will take the longest like 2wks? but my friends say that they usually manage to receive within 1wk. if air shipping (got various type also), then can be as fast as 3-5 days to reach sg, but cost more exp also lah. usually i just choose sea shipping since not in a rush to get the items also. haha..

i'm quite careful when making my purchase, will see if the seller has good reputation anot (more diamonds means better, crowns are better than diamonds). so far the items i bought during my wedding time, materials are all quite good i feel. even my hub (very very picky in terms of quality) is asking me to help him find stuffs on tb sometimes. haha..

linxiaober: confinement tingkat actually only have tt few options. i also still havent decided which 1 to get. they have trial meals maybe u can order to try before deciding. for me, i just keep proscrastinating, dunno waiting for wat. hahaha..

dun think there is a specific period as to when start wearing wireless bra. heard some mummies can wear wired bras thru out their whole pregnancy, as long as they feel comfy in it. if u feel more comfy in wireless bra or nursing bra now then just wear lor.. =)
mummychua, woah! I just googled Mom's Cooking. It's $428 for 20 meals!!!! Almost twice the price of Empire and Neo Garden! They better be good with the kind of price they charge. haha.
I'm here to whineeeeee......=(

Got a project to do..and there is this overseas conference call from UK. Arrange at 1pm-3pm UK time, which is 8-10pm SG time. Then, my boss ask me to stand-by for e call. Which means i gonna wait for e call at office? Abit dumb to wait for juz a call. And i dun see y i shld b inside e call since big boss n my boss is attending. Issit is sufficent? Why must drag me in? Preg no previlege at all...

Feeling blue.. =(
linxiaober, you could consider confinement food from TMC. my fren's sis used them and said it was good.
as for wireless undergarment, i agree with xuan that can start wearing wireless when you feel the wired ones uncomfortable. i started wearing at the start of tri 2. bought a bravado bxx (its suitable for maternity) from Qoo10 based on kayliz's recommendation. it's nice and comfy. last week bought another 2 normal wireless bxx from Sorella. v comfy too. you can check out.

re: tingkat meals
did some research after i tested positive as i was quite sian during 1st tri to cook (cooking smell makes me wanna puke). but read a lot abt food too much msg, spoil, etc. then procrastinate until i hit tri 2. then i was able to do some simple cooking again.
SN, hope your tingkat experience is good. then maybe i can csdr again after delivery.

fuzzybear, try to catch a short nap when you can!

mummychua, i like your idea of freezing bm into cubes! can reheat the nec amount. will consider doing the same next time!
Fuzzybear, how old is your #2? Ya la, see if you can slip in dome snooze time later. As for my #1 asking for presents, ha, she better use her own allowance la.

Mummychua, very sorry, can't join for the aqua aerobics. I'd better wait for my placenta to move up before doing anything more xiong than walking.

SN, any more places to recommend for tpy makan? I'll be there again this Sat, must try break out of eating same thing all the time.
milk trays, i get them from here: http://www.mumsfairy.com/product_info.php?products_id=36 this company sells alot of breastfeeding stuff which i frequent when im breastfeeding my #1.

ankh, no more aqua aerobics class. instructor on maternity leave. by the time she's back, it will too late for us to start.

sn, that's why i didnt order from them. it will cost me less if i will to cook on my own or i go tabao everyday.
ankh, have you tried the Omo steak at TPY lor 4? Dunno is it Omo or Omu etc. hahaha. but it's very famous. i think they open at night only. their logo is a cow with horns. hahaha. I cant rem which block liao. the steak is about $11. very nice!!!!! At the same coffee shop, there is this noodle stall that has a super long queue. by 11am or so, the mee pok and mee kia will be sold out, you have to make do with yellow mee or other types of mee. haha. Btw, your placenta is low too?
xuan, i didnt know tingkat delivery started so many years ago (unless it was just a few years ago that you were a student, *wink* young mommy eh!). cos most of our parents generation don't believe in tingkat delivery, they rather cook themselves or tabao if they are ftwm. my mom was discouraging me yesterday, said tingkat food so cold, might turn sour etc etc.

mawanab, let you know if my experience is good. then you can also consider.

mummychua, for $428, just add a bit more money, can get a full-time maid to cook and do housework liao. haha.
lol SN i'm not young already.. think the time my mum ordered the tingkat is perhaps my sec sch days.. she will cook rice in the morning before gg to work. night time my n siblings will serve our own rice n have the tingkat for dinner. everyday 3 dishes + 1 soup, quite a decent meal. haha.. i think maybe last time choices not as many as we have right now.

no choice cos my mum work retails hours, n my dad works overseas when we were young. there were 3 of us so more cost effective to order tingkat than dabao everyday.
i ordered Tingkat from various caterers before when we just moved to stay on our own.. coz we were sick of similar food, we changed caterers every 1-2 mths. We ordered the 4 dishes type but sometimes they give a dish of hotdogs as a meat dish.. some had very small portions. The best we tried so far is Neogarden. But, the prices kept increasing and they also started to charge extra for the disposable boxes. We only ordered for Mon-Thurs but calculated that the cost is about $10 per day. Then hubby and i decided to continue to tabao coz with $5 each, we can still get a decent meal from the food court.
mummychua, thanks for sharing the link on milk trays! didn't know there are dedicated trays to freeze milk. i think i need to get a notebook and start noting down these links.
i also want to complain abt work. i want to resign!!! argh!!! pple all seem very irritating n "onto" me today. pissed off.

Pinky: ur boss also 1 kind. stay in office till 10pm just to wait for a call? are u required to be in the conference also? like u said, the bosses are around y cant they wait for the call themselves since the call is for them??
kayliz, thanks for the feedback on Neogarden. I was getting worried, reading about the sour food! We ordered 4 days a week as well. Actually now, my mom will come over twice a week to bring us dinner and soup. but since tingkat has no 3 days option, my mom will only come once a week now. I think it might be better for her, less tiring. The price now is $192 for 16 days. that's about $6/pax/meal. Almost food court price and save the hassle and time of buying back everyday after work. but then, cannot "go along with cravings" now...haha.

you mean, they don't change the menu? how often do they repeat the dishes?
Enuff of whining...My boss told me call at home at 11pm to 1am..."How nice...."

Xuan - U r really a careful buyer which is good. But i find it tedious to browse thru e seller to see e comments or e diamonds. I simply jus ask ard what r e good seller. keke.. Maybe u can recomend us some good seller for bb clothes & maternity wear? hee

Thanks Kayliz for sharing. Like so many little things to buy even a converter. haha

xiaober - me oso noted tt my nei*** not growing le.. stop in 1st trim.. but i still wearing my wired bra cos i dun feel uncomfortable wit it n further more those bras i just got it during 1st trim. Waste of buying to buy new bras again.

Mummychua, i dunno whether my bb will latch anot. My sis told me my newphew loves to latch but e meimei dun like. So, looks like i gonna get e bottles ready jus in case my bb dun wan to latch. Seriously cant imagine e process of bf. I hope i wont b defeated. My sis said she got engorement until like 2 big stones and oso kanna infection before.
pinky, very inconsiderate lar, your bosses. How can they make a pregnant woman stay behind so late, especially when you dont need to be involved in the call at all.

mawanab, babies who have not tasted any beverage before, will not reject whatever is given to them. However, if you start off with giving FM for many months before giving BM, then baby might be so used to the FM sweet and strong taste that he might reject the BM. The reverse is true. A fully breastfed baby will reject FM the first time you feed him. you will have to slowly mix the FM in the BM to get him used to the taste.
xuan, i super blue after hearing tt i need to go for e call n summore they change e time to 11pm to 1am! Maybe for my infomation lo so asked me to attend e call.This morning totally no mood to work. My boss not "zi dong", wat can i say.

haha! Xuan dun resign!! For e sake of e 4 mth ML... need to REN REN REN!!
Pinky, i take alot of time to find the "best price" also.. cos some sellers pricing can be twice as high! i can share the links when i receive my items, if the material n quality is good. but hor, different pple have expectations on clothes quality leh.. if i think is ok but u think not ok then dun blame me pls.. haha..
I paisay to post my pic. Its a public forum here mah =)
U retake and wear clothes over ur undergarments la. Hehe.

Hahaha! Its ok. Nw u know must change every few mths. we all learn something along the way =)
I bought 6 small bottles for both my kids previously coz i use them to store chilled milk and i want to make sure i have sufficient milk for my kids. And it also motivate me to prep more milk for them. Lol!!

Re: glass bottle
Personally dun like to use glass bottle. Imagine we are tired and if we are careless we end up breaking them and still have to do the clean up. It happened to me before during my #1 time. And once break all milk will spilled. While if use plastic bottle the milk wldnt spill. So to save myself the trouble and heartache i prefer plastic bottle. Oh, and if u freeze milk in glass bottle, there may be a chance of the glass cracking and imagine the glass fragments in the milk!! I think the chance is low but why take the chance.

I paisay to post le. 

U reminded me; i shall go buy more clothes pegs. Lol.
Gd u arent spotting anymore. Hope it stays tt way. Hows ur blood cot? 
Oh. Yeast infection will have smell right? Better dbl chk with ur gynae during ur next aptment. I am having small red rashes, shall ask my gynae on my next aptment. 
Hopefully i can go back to my weight in the 40++ range aft delivery.
This rd i will latch fully and express for the older kids. 
How come ur #2 keep waking up at nite? Slp too much in the day? Or??

I always use pigeon milk bags. V gd alth abit ex but i usually buy when having sales.

I let my boy n gal wear matchy tops at times. Those more towards unisex designs la =)
Re: tingkat food
My friend is ordering from neo garden. She commented nt bad. I think sld be better than kim's kitchen. I tried both kim's and mom's cooking, still like the latter. If u dun mind, can take pic of ur dinner n post? I am considering to order tingkat aft confinement. Coz i duno if i can handle 3kids and still cook the dishes nt. so wanna try tingkat first till i get a hang of it then go back to cooking. And yes, pla warm up the food before eating.

Hahaha! Yes, the kicks keep u happy and brighten up any gloomy days =) even if ur colleagues saw, hope they will feel ur joy too =)
I used to attend concall weekly from 8-9pm or 10-11pm but we are allowed to do some from hm la and work from hm next day. Mayb u can bargain to work from home next day or go in 2hrs later??

I catered from mom's cooking too. Its really gd! I love their soups as well. Really got quality one. Expensive but worth la.

I used natal essentials during my last round of confinement. Its same company as mom's cooking. Its gd! Portion is big and food is yummy. Going back to them this round as i get disc from them.
Pinky.. i feel very no dignity sometimes. gotta put up with the nonsense n wei qu myself with a job that i no longer enjoy for the sake of my 4mths ML. =(

my hub always supportive even if i want to resign without a new job finalised, to him money is secondary. but i'm very practical n realistic. adults can eat bread for meals, but baby cant. argh... but i'm really hating work already. 4 more mth before ML. how to tahan! ='(
Oh dear, hope you can have a good rest at home tonight.. Maybe u can sneak in a nap during lunch hr
Thanks for the tips on clothes.. I'll prepare more clothes for bb.. I was initially paiseh to ask for hand me downs from my friends but i just did that yesterday and was so happy that they were all ready to pass me their bb clothes.. hehe.. Another friend of mine who's due in sept told me she can pass me every 3 mths! Another wants to pass me new clothes! She just gave birth recently and she said she bought too much.. haha.. Oh ya, i just saw you mentioned ur boy's weight.. The first thought that came into my mind was " Wow your BM really very bu!!"

Little prince,
Thanks! Looks like pigeon bottles will be a good choice since we can buy other brand teats to fit it on

Hehe thanks! Think i'll also get abt 5 small bottles for a start.. So i can just chill the milk in there, then when take out from fridge how to warm before giving bb? Hehe.. sorry sorry, i really very blur!

Re: tingkat
We tried Kim's Kitchen and City Gourmet before.. For the same price, felt City Gourmet was better in terms of portion, food and service.. but well, got sick of it after a couple of mths too.. haha.. Now we decided cai fan is actually more economical and fresher since we can pick those items that are freshly cooked.. Tingkat food is cooked wwwaayyy too early..
Xuan - ya now got one bb to feed. Must tink of e little one. Even wan to resign, oso need to find a job 1st. I feel you. Is horrible to go work if u r really unhappy w e work there. Just take it lightly. Dun b affected much. Is just a job, y shld we waste our energy on e anger. Tt is wat i telling myself n how i survive thru.

Val, need to check w boss lo
I use pigeon warmer to warm up the milk. Just pour some water in and set the temp to the one for warming milk and put the milk bottle in. Takes abt 15-20mins. Another method is conventional way- use bowl of hot/warm water. I prefer to use bottle warmer.
Ya. Better go chk with ur boss. Nv ask nv know. Hope he allows u to take time off or work from home the next day.
Pinky i wish i can bo chup, but my dept only got me. so if i bo chup, things dun move, the stress will just keep adding. but even if i try, also no results, so i also sian. cos bosses only want to see results. n since my dept only has me, all the eyes n fingers like point at me only. =(
SN: I can't rem, i think they repeat once every 2 weeks. I'm not sure was it Neogarden or another caterer, once a week they have "specials" like fried bee hoon or nasi lemak etc. It's better to get the 4 dishes than the one with soups. Coz the soup always turn cold and i find it oily..

1st month of tingkat was still ok. But over time, u just want to have something of your choice..
Val, ok, i will take a pic of my dinner tonight. haha. wow, you catered from mom's cooking. so expensive! but their food also cooked as early as 2pm right?

I use Avent digital warmer. It takes about 3-5minutes. I had a pigeon warmer for a short few weeks and sold it off cos i couldn't stand my son screaming for 20minutes while waiting for the milk to heat up. ha.
morning mummies, today is my last day to work from home. back to office to work tomorrow. :-(

fuzzybear, OMG! hospitals don't even give glass bottles anymore! i didn't even know!

SN - I ordered my tingkat from Kim's Kitchen in May when my #1 was having exams and i was too tired to coach him and cook dinner daily. their food was ok but will spoil around 8pm if not eaten lor. my hubby comes home usually after 8pm so we decided not to continue after 1 month. Now, i am back to trying to cook dinner again but only 3 days a week, eat out on other days.

linxiaober, you still can find job during pregnancy? not bad leh ...

pinky, i dial in from home if i have conference calls at night.

bfg, different babies react in different manners, all of us will have different experiences. so best to have some bottles and FM aside and see situation to react. i rem when i had my #1, i was very ambitious thinking i did enough research and ended up i was so unwell after delivering that i could not bf at all. #1 took fm during tt period but once i recovered in week 2, i started bfg again and #1 was ok. only expressing part, i had problems again and returned to the hospital to consult lactation nurse for help then it was fine after that. bfg is just part of our mothering process, good to give but don't overstress ourselves if really cannot. hvg said that, don't give up easily too and that's where we get/give support to each other here!
mummychua, for the milk trays, their lids are normal covered on lids or fastened on the trays tightly? i am just wondering if they are better than bottles or bags coz we have frozen meat and what not in the freezer, will the bm get contaminated or not?

SN>Avent Warmer is super lasting, I used it 13years ago when I had my #1, then #2, then my sister used it for her # 1, and now using it for her #2, after 13years, it is still in working condition!Mine's the old version, I think now the new design the top blue portion is slightly transparent, mine's opague, so not sure if the new version is as good!I think I paid $60+ for it
