(2013/09) September 2013

Hi Ladies!!! I am so happy to join this group and I had a great 20 mins reading through all the postings within 1 short week!

I am having my 1st baby too like a few of you here and I am super excited about it. Just broke the news to my mum yesterday and so far only 3 of us knows. She advised me not to announce until it has been confirmed and stablise. So I am relying on internet and pregnancy apps on my phone to understand more.

I have not been to gynae yet and I tested positive on Monday 14th Jan. Still super excited and feeling hungry every few hours and very tired every night. Been Sleeping earlier these few days. Drinking milk everyday since monday and already monitoring my diet to make sure I am getting the nutrients I need. Dare not eat seafood and junk food. Hehe I guess I am super excited and gan cheong. Happy to know all of you here!!! <3

according to LMP my due date should be 19 Sept

mummies!! we are getting more and more 'members'. As with my #1, the mummies started with a spreadsheet containing details so that we get to know each other better. then we moved on to creating a closed FB group.

i've started the ball rolling with a spreadsheet. pls visit this link and update details
more details will be added on as the pregnancy progresses (gender, real name, etc)
Hi Tangerine!!

erm.. I am not sure of rates and waitin time etc. Any good recommendations? My gynae at TPY Koh Cheng Huat has a very long waiting time I am not very keen to go back.

I want to share the good news with my close friends who are mummies too, but then they only disclosed when they reached 3 months. They say its better not to tell anyone even when its my turn. So I am trying to contain my excitement now.

I will go to Watsons / Guardian later to buy folic acid. Any good brands to recommend? Will be going lunch earlier cos I am already very hungry! I am so afraid I am going to be a fatty mama!! hahaha
candy, no brand for folic acid, just ask for the 'house brand'. i bought from watsons, 5 tabs for a few dollars only.

recommendations for gynae ah... i not sure leh... i preferred a lady gynae and my friend intro me to Dr Joycelyn Wong at TMC. I went for pre marital check up and really liked her gentleness and friendliness so i stayed with her.
Hi all, I have tested positive using HPT and will be going to GP to confirm later. It will be my #2. So far not much symptoms except for occasional slight nauseas feeling n getting hungry more. I'm so excited to see so many mummies preggy with #2 here.
Tangerine, the carpark parking at TMC is scary!! TMC was our first choice initially but now we are thinking maybe Mount A? But the carpark there is currently undergoing upgrades too. I am thinking maybe will go see a gynae next week, are the queues on saturdays very bad? Ya i think lady gynaes are more gentle and they understand us better.
Yah ferendipity, health is most important, so all preggy mummys must jiayou to take care of ourselves! Luckily most medical or developmental conditions can be helped nowadays.

Wow, welcome new first time mums!:) the thread is really becoming lively. Wow... Can remember the 1st time preggy was so exciting.... But now #2... Dunno why suddenly more bochup haha. It's like : nausea... Nvm. Crazy racing heart, also nvm. Fever... Just pop a panadol...But so happy to see so many second timers like me, must share tips how to cope with #2 and #1 @_@ . Sounds like logistics nightmare.

I will add to the list tonight hopefully after gynae visit, wish me luck!
Hi Mummies, are there any food to avoid during 1st trimester? Can please advise?

I just bought blackmore folate 90 tabs, just nice for first trimester. Has anyone tried obimin?
i decided to change gynae n hosp. delivered at tmc under dr lawrence ang. changing to mt a, dr kenneth edward lee. my first delivery was very short so i am worried dr ang cannot reach hospital on time. haha.
Candy- me took obimin for first pregnancy 3 months onwards

If u wanna buy then just buy the normal one will do. Dont buy obimin plus
do we have to stop folic acid once we finish 1st trimester? cos i'm already in 7th week. if i go buy from off the shelf, i wont be able to buy the amount that is just nice to be finished at end of 1st trimester.
ive also updated my details! Whats FTWM (full time working mum? - just guessing)?

This is exciting and I'm so happy to have so many mummies &amp; MTB sharing their experience here

not_superwoman &amp; tangerinez : you ladies are so strong! Jia you!
Hi mummies,

I have added my details in the spreadsheet.
My edd is 2 Sep 2013, same as some mummies here i think...

I am suppose to be in the Jan 2013 thread but I lost my baby girl @19 weeks in Aug 2012, so happy that my rainbow baby has come back to me so soon.

This time round I am def more careful and cautious of everything... still trying to cope with MS and spotting (usually brown, sometimes turn a little red).. trying to avoid taking jab again..

My last pregnancy i had to take the jab everyday while hospitalised, until my butt immune to it but i have phobia towards taking jab again.

Hopefully this pregnancy will be a smooth journey..

Hi Wendy, welcome here. Sorry to hear about your experience and happy that your rainbow has come back again. I am sure it must have been a difficult period for you and your hubby. Wishing everyone of us a smooth and healthy pregnancy journey for the next 9 months!!
Hi Madeleine / Candy,

Thanks for the warm welcome and ya I will. My gynae gave me one week of MC to rest at home last week.. back to work now but coz on medication (taking utrogestan, folid acid, obimin and also cardiprin) i am feeling sleepy and floating but still surviving..

My gynae is usually very easy with giving me MC to rest at home but unless necessary i rather come back to work coz really bored at home. plus my #1 is at the terro 2 stage and nowadays i get agitated more easily so better dont spend too much time at home for now. hahahah..

Anyone with #1 had a difficult time coping?

Am going to see my gynae tmr, so happy that I get to see my little beanie again...

oh wendy u shld rest more......i hv a friend gt pregnant after 10 yrs. immediately she takes 9-10months unpaid leave to stay home ensuring nothing happens to this precious pregnancy and beliving all sorts of no-nos. then take maternity leave about 2 months n back to work. not saying you should do the same, i myself will go crazy if i stay home too long. just rest more....slp early slp as much as you can.
confused - MS (morning sickness)

Madeleine - your friend has a super understanding boss. Most employers would be tempted to say goodbye when we apply for leaves and long mc. I havent told my bosses yet, dont know what would be their reaction.
@Candy: ahhh thanks. I'm bad with all the abbrev... LOL....

I havent told my boss yet and am thinking to tell only after 9wk check.... fingers crossed that he is supportive!
according to my friend, her boss have no choice, if the boss terminate her because she is pregnant, he will get it from the govt.
my friend was terminated when she was pregnant, they gave her 4 months of pay and thats it!

Gave a lousy reason that her sales volume dropped and performance was bad. I think sales ppl are like that

Well, she wasn't feeling very well during first trimester. Having lots of MS and was pale and weak. Stupid boss of hers. Now she is a SAHM
fer - it means many will be going on ML together!!! Can they take it?

I hope my bosses will be ok *pray hard*

I am waiting for 12 weeks before i break the news. My friends said before it is safer. Although there are many ppl whom I want to share the news with!!
magc, SAHM = stay at home mum

candy, what i meant was that we have alot of colleagues here with young kids.. so they have gone through the pregnancy process and maternity, so my boss and the company should be quite receptive to my good news.
Can't wait for gynae appt next week .. Seems so long away... Wanna see beanie on the screen To make sure everything is alright...

Who else haven seen gynae yet?
I just added my details.
by right company shouldn't dismiss staff becos of pregnancy.. Staff can write in to MOM to address the matter. But if the company is willing to compensate the months and maternity, that's a different saying.. but come to think of it, these kind of companies are not compassionate at all. When govt is talking about giving birth, companies are giving excuses to dismiss staff or even find ways to make them go.
I ever went to interview after i got married, not pregnant yet (4 years ago) and the HR manager asked me when is my planning. I told her off straight away. so angry. They are nto fit to be in HR line.
hi, for those mummies with TMC, did u gals sign up for the First Born Incentive (FBI) or Subsequent Born Incentive (SBI) programmes?

me is reading through TMC website and i saw this. membership is abit exp so i'm not sure if i should sign up.
hi fer, alot of benefits ah...better sign up. i think some stuffs you get to have discount. my friend highly recommend subscription. :p
welcome everyone!

fer/candy: folic acid can take thru out pregnancy. but perhaps ur gynae will give multi vits which already contain folic acid. in any case if u buy the house brand its very cheap so if waste also dun feel so bad

wendy must take good care of yourself!

my #1 is only 9 months old so its a bit tough having to wake up several times at night. but so far not that tired yet so still ok.
candy the predictor didnt work for #1.
i have another calendar that works for all the friends that i asked. but its a photo i dunno how to upload here
Just added to the spreadsheet. Doctor just says early sept or late aug EDD :p so happy to see my beanie's heartbeat! I miscalculated, looks like I was further along than 6+ weeks.

Tangerinz, you are brave! #1 only 9 mths old... At that time I still had phobia of newborns, now slowly forgetting.... And then.... Oops, pregnant.

Maybe thats why new mums are "blessed" with forgetful brains
So excited n looking forward to the Facebook private group for sept babies! What should we name it?

"Beautiful mummies of sept 2013 babies"
"Our wonderful 40 weeks journey together"
"Our September Angels"
"Bundle of Joy - Sept 2013"

Haha!! Lets think together !!!!
