(2013/09) September 2013

Oh you girls so excited to have the Facebook group already? I was thinking of setting it up after 12 weeks. But anyone wants it now? Show of hands and I can set up if you mummies dun mind.

Not superwoman, ya a lot of pple say we crazy want to try for #2 so quickly. But I rather suffer all at once. If #1 older le, me relax le then have to look after newborn all over again I'll go crazy. Faster finish childbirthing can close shop earlier. Also do it while help is fresh (helper remembers and MIL still young and healthy)

Fel for #1 I paid deposit for confinement lady but didn't use her cos baby will be in hospital for 3 weeks. So I negotiated to keep the deposit for #2. So in a way means I will get a confinement lady for #2. It's with an agency so still can choose other CL.
Hi fel, my #1 just over 3.... In the terrible three stage @_@ . People always talk about terrible twos, mine finished with it and started terrrible threes.

Facebook sounds good, maybe after all of our little bun the oven turn 12 wks and out of danger?

Btw, did anyone have high blood pressure during pregnancy? Mine measured yesterday was high.... Shocking, as I never had that problem.
I prefer forum for chatting.. More open and everyone can share. Fb is a closed group and some silent reader may feel neglected lei... My two cents la...

Fb more of photo sharing and etc... Whereas forum more for chit chat among like minded mummies and exchange tips and support one another...

Not superwoman - didn't know got terrible three... Haha

High blood pressure usually occur towards end of pregnancy and that is symptoms of pre eclampsia or eclampsia...

Could u have developed high blood pressure unknowingly? Any family history? Were you very anxious or nervous when the doc measure your blood pressure? Maybe can measure again when relax and see the readings?

How high was your high?? Care to share?
fel, the April 2012 FB group is super fun! it was easier to share tips and lobangs there cos can reply by the topics. but agree that silent readers will feel left out because once we have the FB group we sort of ditched this forum.

let's see how things go.

not superwoman, i didn't encounter high blood pressure. like what fel said maybe it's a once off for you. do monitor and take care.

qiqi, no worries. i hope my boy will be clingy! he is happy with everyone and anyone. i get a warm welcome when i reach home from work but that's about it. after that he is happy to play with everyone.

i have just sorted the spreadsheet by EDD for ease of reference
tangerine - fb good cos i can access anytime anyday!! hahaha i cannot access forum unless i am on pc. :p (i am kind of addicted to the chats here learning from everyone here! hehe and also since havent 12 weeks cannot announce so cannot ask around for info, except here)

fel - I think i need to decide soon whether to find a new gynae or go back to mine at tpy the q is super long and waiting time and $ too.

Can anyone advise the average breakdown of $ for consultation, scan, medication, tests etc?
magc, thanks for the advice. i will read up more on the membership and decide with hubby when he is back next week. he has been away since 4 jan.

candy, its on the TMC website. u can go read up.

tang, thanks for the info on folic acid. i will go buy during this weekend. i left only 4 pills left.
i also agree with you that we should faster have #2 so that we can suffer all at once. hahaha

fel, is it too early to book confinement lady now? anyway i was finding out from my colleagues on the confinement lady that they used. also, TMC also provide confinement lady. u can refer to parentcraft at TMC.

not superwoman, i have low blood pressure, that's why i get giddy easily.

all, i'm ok with either FB or forum. both work for me. maybe we should wait till the later stage that we start the FB. now its still early. maybe we will have more mummies joining us.
candy, the breakdown of my bill for the 1st appt is:
vit B6 = $6
duphaston = $21
urine test = $5
consultation = $90
ultrascan = $50
Fer- TMC provide those live in confinement lady?

I only know good confinement lady r snapped up very fast. Really good ones are booked by mummies the moment they know they r pregnant...

From my experience in my previous thread la... =)
Welcome wendy n candy..
I juz went to c a gynae yest..my bb is 5wks n 5 days old..cant c much,juz waterbag n a tinny dot..my EDD will b 14Sept..will update my info into spreadsheet in a moment..
i like fb cos can share more personal issues esp when we start breastfeeding! lol.. some issues are too private to discuss on open forum. but agree to wait till we have more sep moms and after first trimester
Qiqi. Talking about breastfeeding. This time I hope can bf #2 a longer time.

#1 fully bf till 11th month and my chest freezer had enough febm supply to last him till almost 13 months old.

This time really want to be determined to bf longer.
fel : i like forum chatting more coz its feels more like a community and everyone learns abit from everyone else

qiqi: agree that FB is better for more private topics hehehe....

candy: i spent $80 on consultation and $50 on ultrascan on my 1st visit.

BTW not sure about confinement lady but I think i will look for one maybe after 12 weeks? Do you think its too late?

Also, can anyone advise if they have started to buy job bras/maternity bras and bottoms? my clothes are getting tight and im only into 7weeks!
Any suggestions where I can get affordable ones?

I've got another questions, is anyone planning to travel? I thought of travelling at abt 4mths, do you think that is possible/advisable?

confused: 4 months will be 2nd trimester, that is the BEST time to travel. 2nd trimester is usually the honeymoon period - no MS, pregnancy is stable, tummy not big enough to cause physical discomfort.

i went to perth when 4 months and just recovering from MS. then europe when 6 months.
confused, i also planning to travel. i checked the handbook and also asked the gynae. it is ok to travel except the last few weeks. gynae told me that the pressure in the plane will not cause any harm to the baby. it's a myth only.
thanks fer

cecilia - i think mine around the same as you so meaning if i go scan i also wont see much hor??

qiqi - wow breastfeeding!!! i am excited too!! hehe i experience tenderness and sore last week i thought my period coming.. hahaha in the end it was because i am expecting!!

confused - thank you for the info, i guess the range is somewhere there for consultations and scans hor?? I am also feeling bloated and my clothes are getting tight. Why so fast ah?? My friends tummy still flat at 2-3 months. I seem to be ballooning very fast and I am not really eating a lot, i get full easily after half a meal. So i keep drinking fruit juice and i take milk n yogurt cos i read up it is very good for my baby's bones at this stage of growth.
Hi ladies,

Would like to join this thread. Tested positive on HPT yesterday. This will be my #3. #1 is a boy who's now 38 mths old, #2 is a girl who's now 16 mths old

Made appointment to see my gynae 2 weeks later. Based on online calendar, my EDD should be around 25 Sept.
Hi gers,

Expecting my #3 too! Hi 5 Anastasia. My edd shld be 7 sept based on LMP but I suspect I will deliver in late aug.

My #1 is turning 5 in feb and #2 is 2 yrs 8 mths. Busy with the 2 kids day in and day out .. Very siong.. Keke. I booked my cl already! Lol coz #2 confinement done by mil ended up I still need to do so much things so decided to have a gd rest for my last baby!

Feel free to ask any questions for 1st time mummies, even though its my #3 but i can be quite blur too maybe need help from u all too.Hope to meet up with u all soon!
tangerinez / ferendipity: cool, thank kew! so glad to hear that coz was thinking of putting my trips on hold due to bb but after giving birth, chances of travelling and even slimmer :p

candy: ya i reckon so coz I was wondering if we'll be overcharged. But think depends on how long is consultation, mine is up to $120 but 1st visit think not necessary yet. I eat alot now though I heard bb dont really need nutrients from us yet... so odd....

anastasia / genice : congrats! Wow #3!!! must be very busy for u mummies~~~ :D
There is a shop on Tpy selling maternity workwear pretty cheap, ave $20-30 plus compared to spring maternity. If u are not particular abt brands , u may want to consider that shop, it's opp bata that stretch, walking towards courts. Think the shop name is careno. I bought my wrk clothes n casual shorts there previously.

Abt travelling, I am going Perth in June for 2 weeks already booked n planned.and after that going Bkk with My gfs... Will be in 2 nd trim then shld be fine. But I wld advise still get a clearance letter from ur gynae, some airlines quite particular. When I was expecting #2 I went Tokyo too that time I was almost 30 weeks. It was ok actually, felt quite energetic in 2nd trim.. 1st trim is bad for me n 3rd trim 好辛苦!towards the end..
Genice>> High5! Quite hard to find mummies who are preggies with the #3 or more. Some would say we'll crazy to have so many kids. But I feel that having one kid is a joy and blessing, with 2, you double that, and with 3, you triple that!
Wow..this thread is moving so fast! So hard to catch up! Just booked my gynae appt for 2 weeks later. Updated spreadsheet

Anastasia: Base on online calculator, my EDD is 25-Sep too.

Kudos to those having #3!
Hi fel and tangerinez, no, I never had high blood pressure, and in fact all the long mine was on the low side! But I was not feeling well that day, headaches and vomiting, and the doctors office was super cold... So I hope it was just that. Bcos I know someone who lost a baby in third trimester due to high blood pressure, so will b extra careful.
Wow, genice, #3, hats off to you, how do you do it? Managing toddlers is such a difficult job.

Confused and candy, some people get bloating, just like pms x2 so look like tummy showing... Like me too. But if bum getting big means putting on weight :*)
yay, there are 3rd time mummies! can give precious advice to 2nd time mummies, esp on how to handle #1. congrats and welcome!

talking about bloating and tummy...
married: 43kg
2 months later pregnant: 45kg
and then i put on 16kg!

now i'm 40kg and tummy already starting to show. hope to keep the weight gain to a minimum...
wow 3rd kid already!!! salute you!! I like many kids and would love to have 3-4 too, but all my friends tell me to think about it after my first child. Cos they are having problem coping.

I hope i keep my weight gain to a minimum too! Would like to remain secretive until 3 months stabilise.
Tangerinez>> 40kg??!! You're so skinny! I've never been that weight, except maybe when I was in Pri school. My current weight is around 60kg, and this is the weight that I was before I got pregnant with #1. So for each of my pregnancies, I lose all the weight gain via breastfeeding in about 3-4 mths post delivery. Always go back to square one

winter79>> Such a coincidence that our EDDs are the same. And my gynae appointment is also 2 wks later. Who are you seeing? Maybe the same gynae. Mine is Dr Sim Lee Ngor at TMC. I've been with her since my 1st pregnancy.

Candy>> I don't burp alot, but I'm suffering quite bad wind flatulence now. It gets a little painful at times, but I'm staying off the medication although there are some that are pregnancy safe. I've been having this wind flatulence since a wk ago.
Anastasia - I have bad motion sickness and am anaemic. I always burp cos unable to puke when I am having dizzyness from motion sickness. I have been burping even more since I found out about my pregnancy. Is ginger tea safe for us?

Like you, I was never 40 except when i was in my school days. I am hoping I wont be an obese mummmy.

Any tips to avoid being overweight especially when we are constantly hungry every 3-4 hours? Fruits + milk + yoghurt?

I am avoiding caffeine and seafood at the moment just to be on the safe side. I guess even my favourite salmon sashimi will be missed for the next 9 months!
candy, ginger can help with MS. i took a lot the last time. but dun drink those with real tea eg teh halia... just drink the ginger itself (halia-o). or just drop ginger slices into water and boil then add sugar to taste.
Thanks Tangerine! I will go to the market to buy old ginger tomorrow!! I think its a good time to make sweet potato soup with some ginger too!! *burps* :p
oh my, pregnancy brain happening very quickly.

Anastatia! you have a BFP!!!! took me so long to realize you are from the TTC #2 thread. when i first saw your post here i was thinking to myself eh, your nick sounds familiar.

now then i realize. congrats again!

which dpo did you finally first use your first response test kit?
tang, OMG.. 40kg seemed like a long way back for me. i'm 46.5kg at my 6w.

candy, i think my gynae is quite modern. he says we can still eat oysters, sashimi and all that... but the handbook states to avoid all raw food even raw veg so i'm not taking any risks.
the logic behind not taking raw stuff is fear of food poisoning. especially in US, their eggs are from small farms, not controlled environment hence the worry for bacteria is higher.

in SG, food sources are quite established so should be fine. if during normal times sashimi doesn't give you diarrhea it should be quite safe to eat during pregnancy.

having said that i myself avoid raw food in 1st trimester. 2nd trimester onwards i do take sashimi occasionally. i know raw oysters give me the runs at times so i don't take chances with that.
BFP = big fat positive (on the pregnancy test kit). it's a term used in forums where people are trying to conceive. lots and lots of acronyms there hahaha...
Tangerine - in that case i better guai guai drink ginger with sugar instead of sweet potato.
what is the abbrev you are using? Sorry I am new here. What is BFP? Breast Feed Program? TTC - Thread To Chat? I saw that thread but havent go in yet.

Fer - I know some GP even say cold drinks are fine etc, but I am more cautious. Oysters and sashimi gotta wait until we pop.

How about durian and coconut? My mum says coconut is fine towards the end when giving birth. For now, I am taking Avocado milk shake, Apple+Beetroot+Carrot Juice and Fresh Strawberry blended with yoghurt.
candy, sorry for the many acronyms. TTC = trying to conceive. some try very hard to conceive hence the support group. a lot of knowledge involved as well for TTC

candy, yes try to avoid cold drinks. GP are westernized they dun believe in cooling of the body. drinking too much cold drinks may weaken the respiratory system of baby (prone to coughs etc).

durian should be ok but again i say eat after 1st trimester (in case too heaty and fall sick). i ate a lot of durian in order to have a fat baby (fat baby good for his heart surgery). baby was born 3.7kg. avoid too much durian if you dun wan a fat baby (fat baby equal harder natural birth).

coconut can only take in the last few weeks before delivering. that was the best thing i've drank in 9 months! hahahaha...

avocado milk shake is good. i drink it every week. otherwise it's ginger or tomato+carrot fruit juice.

after 1st trimester im going to drink tea every alternate day. i love black tea but too cooling now!
zzzz feeling sleeppyyyy~ and TGIF mood!

feeling so bloated, trying hard to hide my tummy in office.. haha went shopping for clothes.. but cant seems to find anything suitable!! now is like bu 3 bu 4! geez...

omggg.. cannot eat those yakun eggs?? they are my fav!!
oh, if your body is not easily prone to heatiness, drink longan red date tea to warm the womb.

some take home-brewed chicken essence to stable the pregnancy. let me know if you need recipe.

i havent announce to in laws so cannot home brew. so i take brands chicken essence everyday.
winter - yes I am always thirsty and despite drinking a lot, my lips are still dry. And I keep running to the loo and cannot hold my bladder. Oh Dear...
Hi all,

I'm a new mummy and is in week 6.. so excited with all the chit chatting here.. i will be going for my first visit to the gynae next friday. hopefully can hear bb heartbeat. ;)

been having back aches lately... like when i'm having my menses.. that's normal right?
Fer - thanks. Just asking about the tmc confinement thingy. Find it very interesting

Like genice- I booked my CL already. Learned to be kiasu already. Didnt do proper confinement for #1. This time wannan compensate back for myself and bu back...

Tangerine- can pm me the home brewed chicken essence recipe?
Winter79- me feel thirsty too all time... Always carry a water bottle with me when I go out...Even at night, I will wake up and drink water...=>
Dun remember drinking so much water for my nbr 1 too...

tangerinez: can drink chicken essence?? what will it does? hm.. sorry i'm super new to this preggy thingy n i might as stupid qns all the time.. please bear w me..
