(2013/09) September 2013

Morning! Hi Claud, I went to doc cos of fainting, and found out about pregnancy... Abt 5wks that time. I heard its not a big problem, unless accompanied by other worrying signs. It happened a few times. But luckily my MS was not too bad. Omg, can't imagine MS till delivery and hospitalised. qiqi, was your #1 ok after birth? Must take care. Maybe ask the doc for drugs to manage the Ms.

Ur MS is scary. My cousin in law also vomited until she dehydrate and hospitalize. I see liao, also scared..
Tangerinez, I can't differentiate if I'm having cramps, stomachache or hungry.. Or 3 in 1. Lolz
i'm into my 7th week pregnancy and on and off having nauseous...not very bad....surviving...trying to be as relax as possible. :p
Hi Claud, im into my 5th weeks too..

qiqi, hope ur #2 is better... ur MS sounds v scary though..

im fine so far, dun hv much pregnancy symptons.. juz tat on n off, i hv cramps at my stomach, nt servere type... juz slight cramp...

n i put on weight.. sooo fast rite.. scary...
geez i must be the only one without symptoms except for mood swings. boobs still as small hahaha... must remind myself to enjoy this while it lasts.

for #1, i had MS till week 16 (only vomit once but the nausea was horrible and everything smelled bad)

week 24 i learnt i had a heart murmur
week 35 i'm diagnosed with pubic symphysis (a specific type of pelvic pain) that requires me to minimize walking

this pubic symphysis will come back much earlier in subsequent pregnancies. oh i'm so not looking forward to that

Just back from my little short trip to KL. As for MS, as long as i eat sour and spicy food I will be ok. Others than that, i will feel tired easily and i will feel giddy sometime if the ventilation is not good...

Madeleine- That is always the case and last time I waited until i fall asleep and wake up but it is still not my turn yet.
hapeverafter, yea i fell aslp a few times and its still not my turn yet. but becoz he's cheaper so we r hanginging on. also counting the cost between other gynae who can deliver at mount a and sticking to dr. lim and deliver at tmc.
tangerinez- I do carry my baby but for a short while. My toddler is now 3 1/2 years old and about 14kg. Nowadays he always feel very insecure, always think that i will not love him anymore. So i have to carry him a while and tell him that i love him.
Madeleine- If I do not need to go for class, I think i will stick on Dr. Lim also. But if i want to go to him I can only sacrifice either my work or my study. I now have classes on Saturday so i cannot go there to queue for such a long time. The other choice is to take leave but i also scare if i keep on taking leave my boss will not happy. Sigh.... no choice.... have to go to the other doctor... more expensive...
Madeleine- 12-3pm and 3.30pm to 6.30pm... These classes are planned before my pregnancy thus cannot change. Sigh....

Tangerinez- Sigh... MC taking too much boss will also not happy....Somemore my company is those "ang moh" company....always talk about "productivity".
hapeverafter - orh....then no choice loh. u seeing which gynae now? ur #1 deliver at which hospital? TMC?
hi everyone, im new in this forum.

Congrats mummies-to-be!

I'm expecting my 1st one and am at 7 weeks now. Wanted to ask do you all feel hungry all the time and out of breath/tired easily? Thought that would come later in the 2nd trimester? *puzzled*
confused_firsttimer - congrats to you! i feel hungry about every 2 - 3 hours. gets tired at 10pm need to slp or else cranky. as for EDD, check out www.babycentre.com. they will tell you your edd.
fel: nope! i lost weight. lol. i was lighter than pre-pregnancy even when i gave birth. i depended alot of maternity milk - think that helped. i had abundant breastmilk but i stopped now already.

not superwoman: baby was a healthy 2.95kg. she thrived very very well. she was 8kg by 3rd month lol. and now 1 year old, think she's at least 12kg already. thank goodness!

confused first-timer: calculate using last menses period. but by 8 weeks or so, gynae will be ready to tell you edd. some earlier if you are sure of your menses date.
Madeleine- Dr. Tan Poh Kok from PK Woman Specialist. My first boy deliver in TMC. #2 i think will be at Mount A cause my this doctor prefer Mount A.
tangerinez > what is HPT? why do u need it to darken? please pardon me for my ignorance.

seems like we have quite a few 2nd time mummies here. good for 1st time mummies like me. can seek advice.

i dont have much symptons at the moment. No MS. only loss of appetite sometimes. i also tend to get hungry very fast, every 2-3 hours.

fatigue just set in ytd. felt sleepy and tired ytd and today.
tangerinez- I believe what you say is Home Pregnancy Test right? I do it in the first 2 days then after that I straight away go and buy the electronic pregnancy test which can show how many weeks I have pregnant. Never go and do any HPT after that... It's like I have get a confirmation already....
thanks magc. so its ok to buy off the shelves right? the pregnancy handbook says we need 400 micrograms. but the unity is selling 5mg.

did anyone of u got ur folic acid from ur gynae? which is the one that ur gynae is giving u?
Madalene: Thanks! Yea its crazy how hungry i get nowadays and I cant help but eat else i get cranky LOL.

Qiqi: Thank you! Got my date and its 1st week Sept. Will check w Gynae on my next visit too

ferendipity: You can take the off-the-counter pills for folic acid. I'm currently taking the one from blackmore. Gynae said ok also...
congrates confused.. im new too n also a 1st time mum..

im into my 5th week nw.. ive no much symptoms.. except for feeling tired n slpy v easily n putting on weight.. other than tat, im ok..

ive started taking folic acid 2 mths ago le.. i got it from unity those 5mg ones.. show to GP who cmf im preggy, he says is ok...
Yes hpt is home pregnancy test kit. Cheap cheap can test everyday. It measures the level of hcg. If it darkens it means the hcg is increasing. So I test everyday to make sure it darkens everyday. If it doesn't darken it may mean the pregnancy not stable. Then can faster go see Gynae to stabilize the pregnancy.

Folic acid can buy from guardian or watsons. Cheap cheap also. A few dollars only. 5mg.

But mummies, dun be paranoid like me. I'm just a worry wart. Cos I dun have any symptoms, different from
#1 so I very gan Cheong.
Fel, that's consider normal range? Lola, I never check out the price. Anyway I change to Dr Wong at bukit gombak.. Just went to see him cos diarrhea and cramps.. Can't see anything from scan, so next Friday going to see him again..
tangerinez > i went back to read the history. u were in ur 4th/5th now.. no wonder u test everyday... now i understand already....
Hi confused first timer, congrats. Yes, I get completely out of breath after climbing stairs, and my heart races for no reason, only when pregnant of course. Exactly the same with #1. I am reasonably fit b4 pregnant! My gp wanted to refer me to heart doctor after a fainting episode, but my gynae says its normal so I decided not to see a heart doctor.

Wa qiqi, your #1 really thriving leh.... My boy also born 2.9 kg, and now at 3 he weighs 14kg tall and slim and looks like a sporty surfer boy... Everyone thinks he should eat more, but of course he is healthy and very very active. I am so afraid that I cannot keep up with him when preggy.
I take sweet drinks and eat light food when giddy, as some of itwas due to low sugar. Once it got v bad, I sat down and put my head down so I don't pass out. I also avoid standing too long or sudden movements like bus or train jerking as it would trigger vomiting or even fainting. So I would get off the train/bus once it got too much and change to taxi.... Cost me a bomb
Folic acid - if the internet recommend 400mcg per day.. Taking 5mg per day also can. Just that excess will be passed out in urine lo...
Tangerinez,i also got no symptoms leh..bt i nv do any mre test after using d self test kit as well as test by GP..
Tracy,ur bb hw many wks nw??
Hi Cecilia, doctor cannot scan anything yet. Got to wait another ten days. He said probably too early to see anything yet.
How about u?
i went to see gynae ytd to get hormone pills. last pregnancy i had some bleeding in the uterus so wanted to confirm pregnancy and start on my pills in advance this time. saw a miniature sac and a ball of cells

not superwoman, ya! she was super chubby. lost weight now but still considered heavyweight among her batch of babies.
Hi everyone! I'm new here. Due 6 Sep. Saw heartbeat flicker at my scan this week.

qiqi - what was the ball of cells? so interesting!

tracy - good time for scan is about 6.5 weeks onwards, then can surely see fetal pole and heartbeat.

cecilia and tangerinez - you girls are so lucky to not have symptoms. I get pretty bad headaches and have slight nausea.
Pinkpig- I think what qiqi referring might be blastocyst... Very early pregnancy when all the cells r still dividing
pinkpig - i think what shes referring to is blastocyst... Hope i didnt make mistake... haha... Anyway still its our little beanie!!!!
tangerinez- thanks for your advice. I will try it later on... I think it related to the Utrogestan that i took also... Wondering why my gynae gave me that. I don't remember i eat that for my first baby.
that's to support the pregnancy esp for those who are spotting. otherwise is just to play safe. are you seeing a different gynae? this medicine typically increases MS for most mummies. hope you feeling better!
hapeverafter - I have also been prescribed utrogestan, together with aspirin. It's meant to support the pregnancy. I had a miscarriage last June, so the doctor is more cautious this time round. I have also been given 2 weeks of MC to protect the pregnancy.
tangerinez- Yeap. Different gynae. The thing is I do not have spotting at all so i scratch my head and wonder why he gave me that. As for the MS,I always feel giddy and want to vomit especially in the afternoon.

Priscilla- In this case you must rest well and take good care of yourself. I think it will be better after your second and third trimester.
Hi ladies..

went scan ydae and saw heartbeat at week 7! =))

and doc say next appt - 1 mth later will have to do down syndrome test.. did your doc say the same too? me is 30 this year..

and so far, doc only prescribed me with folic acid, and say the rest will follow later..

hapeverafter: guess your gynae is just kiasu haha. since he give, just take ba... rest more...

priscilla: sticky baby!

angelic: is it the oscar test or triple blood test? i'll skip the oscar test and go straight to amnio at week 16.

yup first trimester baby doesnt need any nutrients from mummy, so no need for supplements other than folic acid.
