(2013/09) September 2013

i dunno lehh.. doc just told me needa test for down syndrome next appt.. whats the diff between oscar and triple blood?

tangerinez- yeap. I think so too... Will be going to see him again tonight.... hope can see heartbeat and ask him whether i can stop that or not. Really feel tiring and unable to concentrate on my work...
Hi pris, welcome

Some gynae will routinely prescribe urtogestan to all pregnant mummies. Its actually progesterone to support early pregnancywhen the hormones r not so sstable yet.

My previous pregnancy during the Early months I saw Dr Heng TL at east shore she also prescribe that to me. But my gynae at sgh dont give anything except folic acid for first three months.
fel, yes amnio is invasive. my #1 has a heart condition which was linked to a syndrome so i went thru amnio to rule it out. #2 has a chance of getting the same condition so will test for peace of mind.

oscars tend to give false positives which can be disturbing but then most mummies go for that so mummies just follow your doctor's advice.
Tracy,my apptment date is 28/1..still quite far away..yet to c gynae..i will b 7th wk by the time i c gynae.

Ya,hope i wouldnt hv MS all d way bah..
Tangerine- what heart condition your son have? Can share?

Angelic- result will be out in few days to a weeks time. Doc will call and inform. No news means good news ba
transposition of great arteries. his 2 main arteries are swopped. means he cannot breathe on his own. requires surgery to switch them to the right position. had surgery a few days after he was born. in NICU for 3.5 weeks. now on the small side (partly cos mummy daddy both small size) but otherwise very playful and healthy.
Welcome Pinkpig... I'm new here too.. First time mum. Doctor ask me to go back next Friday.. So hopefulyl can see a bit.

Cecilia, are you excited about it? slowly seeing the growth of baby in you.

I've got mixed feelings. My in laws and parents doesn't show any excitment at all. My boss is more excited than I think when I shared with him this afternoon.
How are your in laws and parents reaction when they heard the news?
tracy, my in laws and parents were very calm, not excited at all. my friends n colleagues were more excited than i am and even offered info and websites and the dos and donts. haha.

my in laws were more concerned the hospital i'm to deliver even tho i'm only 7 weeks now and also the donts. my mom were more concerned in the food i eat. friends best as they advise me more than i need to know. they take care of me more. haha.
my gynae gave me dupbaston and vit B6. dont know what is it for. i'm a first time mum so i assume whatever the gynae gives me will be good for me.
tracy, my parents and parent in law also very calm and my mil still ask me why i never use protection? I think she scared we want her to take care of my #2. I don't care, although the baby come out of sudden and we never plan of it, I still feel very excited....
my parents super excited bcos they are longing for a grandchild. my baby will be the 1st grandchild in my familly.

my in-laws are super cool abt it although this is also the first grandchild. i guess this is where my hubby gets his genes from. super cool people that dont show emotions easily.

my close friends are very excited for me. they also offer me alot of info.
magc, my gynae also told me its an tai yao. but my gfs are more concerned, asking me why the gynae gave me this med. cos i dont have any MS, spotting or anything bad.
Madeleine, at least they show concern to you. My in laws no reaction, my mum still ask me whether is it confirm anot. Their first grandchild but shows no excitment.
My boss so funny, shared with me about the food to take, supplements, what to do etc...
ferendipity, B6 is to ease MS. duphaston increases MS, B6 will help with the MS. pls also take folic acid.

all, when i had #1, all my dad said was "good, i waited for this day for a long time" then he seldom talk abt it.

my in laws, were totally cool. never show happiness. but once the baby is born, they treat like gem. i guess old folks are like this. they need to see the baby in order to evoke emotions.
fer, my gynae found a small fybroid in my womb beside the waterbag so he give the an tai yao first to avoid unnecessary spotting or bleeding and cause me panic.

tracy, haha. my mom even say 3mths later then go see gynae! lol
DupHaston or urtogeston both also r progesterone hormones used to help stabilize the pregnancy... Aka an tai Yao...

Just take lo.. If that is what gynae prescribe.
magc, i also have a small fybroid but its quite far away cos gynae says it shouldnt affect me.

tang, i'm taking folic acid too. one of my gf passed to me cos she no longer needs it. i will go buy off the shelf once i finish them.

my parents are still excited abt it. when my dad bought me lunch one weekend afternoon, he says "the rice is for you, and the fruits are for my grandchild".. hahaha.. he is soooo funny.
my doc nvr prescribe anything for me and just ask me to take folic. Is that sufficient for my baby?

I'm into 7 weeks and havent told anyone yet (only mt husband).

Have you all told your parents and in-laws and boss and colleagues?

Thought of only sharing after my next visit at 9 weeks?

Thought we shouldnt mention anything before 3mths? hehehe.... not sure what to do also though im very excited about it.....
fer, my gynae oso say shldnt affect the pregnancy lar but give an tai yao anyway. so perhaps that's the reason why ur gynae give u an tai yao. :p and i like the way your dad says "the fruits are for his grandchild" LOL
Tangerine- must have been hard on you for #1. Amino can detect the heart condition?? I think you're very brave!!!!

Telling parent/in laws- I haven inform them yet. Wait till see doc next Thursday first...my #1 is first grandson/ grandchild in both side and first great grand child too...

Besides my weird mil, everyone else dote on my son a lot...

This time round maybe cos it's #2 maybe might not be so excited Liao??? I am the super excited one
confused, i only told our immediate families, my close friends (abt 5-6 of them), my team mates at work.

my hubby wanted to keep it hush hush until after 3 mths, but i think it should be alrite to tell our immediate families bah. its good to tell ur lunch kakis or close friends at work so that they can watch out for you. just my thoughts.

thanks magc. i think my dad cant wait to see his grandchild.
prob my in laws are one of the emotionless singaporeans. lolz...
I told my colleagues and close friends about it. must tell my boss, so i can get to go off on dot everyday. hahaha
Confused - folic acid is enough for first three month. Mainly to prevent neural tube defects.

Different gynae have different practice. Some r kiasu that's why give urtogeston or duphaston to support the pregnancy. Also to prevent spotting or bleeding and also for those who's already experiencing spotting n bleeding...

This way they can earn more money also ...

Like after three months- some gynae only give multivitamin nia.

Some will flood u with multivitamin, calcium, fish oil and etc...

Have a healthy n baLanced diet n positive outlook is the best!!!!
haha. my mil wanted to wait 3 months then announce to relatives but but but i oredi announce to friends n my mom, my hub announce to half of the relatives so my mil announce to the rest of the relatives. lol.....

agree with fel to have have a healthy, balance diet and positive outlook!
fel, my gynae says only folic acid is good enough. vit c and multivitmin is not necessary.
Anyway the gynae whom i went for periodic check, he already start giving me 3 mths supply of folic acid, multivitamin and vitamin c, so i continue to eat them.
I think most important is to have balanced diet and eat lots of green veggies.
fel, the heart condition is linked to a syndrome call di-george syndrome. i can live with a physical defect but not syndrome so decided to check to rule out. it was a horrible time though, super roller coaster ride. many others gave opinions to abort the baby but i already carried him in my tummy for 23 weeks, how can bear to??

he is also 1st grandson/child, 1st great grandson/child, same as your boy!

my husband also super bo chap with #2 now.
oh yes, if you are eating any other supplements, pls show your gynae and get clearance. last time i was taking fish oil and my gynae stopped me from taking that brand/composition cos will cause bleeding.
Fish oil can take neurogain S!

Tracy - your gynae very smart, one shot sell u three months supply!!! Haha

Earn your money
i vomited suddenly n put on weight.

i have told a few friends, some gave birth to #1 the same time i did and are expecting now too. told my younger sis as well so she can watch out for me. and 2 other friends cos they are inviting me to their weddings but not sure if they are pantang so decided to tell them.

cant wait for the next appointment! hopefully can see heartbeat by then
My parents n sisters n even my little niece n nephew r v excited..my in laws also..hb also v v hapi..mine is our 1st child bt nt 1st grand child at both side..

My best pal even mre excited,she watsapp me since day 1 i tested +ve..she gave me lots of advices coz she is a mother of 2 nw..
Fel, he was preparing me for pregnancy so I thought just eat lo... But who knows I was already expecting one to two weeks.
Hi kitkat, my appetite increase and always feel hungry. When I had heavy dinner at night, my weight tend to shoot up the next day but surprisingly, my weight maintains.. And usually I had constipation but for the past weeks, I've been running toilet every morning. So I feel weird and my chest a bit sore, and I did the test even before my menses was due.
Cecilia, that's was great for you. When they feel happy for you, u see their reaction, you also feel good.
Only my boss, colleagues and good friends were happy and excited..
Tangerinz> was the TGA detected during the detailed scan? Coz that is quite a serious condition. My #1 also had heart condition, jour detected until 1 wk old when admitted to kkh. Till now quite angry why the neonate doctors never detected it. Maybe it was too small to see during detailed scan as well.

Sighz, I feel like I keep wasting food nowadays, always hungry but take a bit then cannot finish even half.
not superwoman, i will try to share food with hub n friends. if i lunch with colleagues i will buy soup meals so i can finish the food. i get full easily too....
not superwoman - Neurogain S. fish oil... Can take from 3 months onwards or even from now if u want... n during breastfeeding also...
not superwoman: oh dear, hope yours is a minor issue. no need for surgery, i hope? may i know what condition is it?

if it's hole in the heart, maybe it was too small to see during detailed scan. and really, some sonographers are not that good too.

yes mine was detected during 20 week scan. world came crashing down. my gynae hasn't encountered it before and told us to prepare for the worst (abortion). next few days scheduled urgent appt with 3 diff doctors (sonography, cardio, heart surgeon). did amnio and had to wait exceptionally long for the results.

after tat we had to switch gynae, new gynae detected i also have heart murmur so i had to visit a cardio myself. and the worse part is, everytime i go for fetal scan i feel like an exhibition cos other sonographers will be invited to come see my scans. "hey you got to come see this, seldom get chance to see this"
Oh great, will go get the fish oil. Want the best this time. Very watchful of my diet this time. Tangerinz, my #1 had a 2 holes in the heart, and was operated after 2. He was such a spirited baby that he often cried till he turned dark red, holding his breath., making us so kancheong. His is not a complex condition, but considering the heart murmur was so loud (loudest possible on a scale of 6) that you didn't need a stethoscope to hear it, I was not happy that the neonate doctors did not hear it at the hospital he was born. But TGA is a very serious condition, and I am so happy for you that your child is now doing well. Was the operation done at KKH? The team there is excellent.
not superwoman, good to hear all is well and is minor issue. yes TGA is serious and unfortunately has become a pretty common condition. in our 3.5 weeks stay there we encountered at least 4 babies with same problem. now we have a mini support group of at least 7 members.

op was done at NUH cos the renowned Dr shankar has moved from KKH to NUH.

fel, i think i paid $60.
Tangerine- $60 is damn ex!!! Your gynae really earning a lot.. haha... u bought from gynae?

Outside guardian selling $39.90 only..

I work in sgh, can get 15% staff discount.. so that makes it around $33 plus for a bottle of 30 tablets...
sorry gals to hear the problems you have with your children. health is really important. now to me, as long as the baby is healthy, i wont ask for more.
