(2013/09) September 2013

Charmayne, 400mcg is actually 400 "micrograms".

5mg as prescribed by gynae is the same as 500mcg, so it's only slightly higher, nothing much to worry about.

I've been taking folic acid Blackmores brand since August 2012, 500mcg per day.

Hi viiv, what is ewcm? I didn't get any discharge except light spotting brownish on Friday n Saturday. I pray hard yours is a big fat positive!! Actually I only checked via hpt, I tested 3 times all double line and until now my period haven't come, my appetite increase n keep burping. So I guessed mine is positive, but I'll need to scan to double confirm when I see the heart beat. I'm both scared n excited!

Hi Ann, I haven't told my ang mo bosses yet. I doubt they will be supportive as mine is a very small company. I'm kinda prepared to lose my job once I get pregnant.

Let's pray hard!

Just found out that I'm 5 weeks pregnant. Edd 19/9/13.

This is my #3. Totally unexpected and caught us by surprise. Will have to start all over again after 8yrs. Haha
Candy, EWCM stands for "egg white cervical mucus". It's a common term used in forums when they refer to the discharge observed during our fertile part of menstrual cycle, thin and stretchy slippery clear discharge.

When was your last menstrual period and when is your gynae appt scheduled? Think I will call and make appt during start of week 6.

All the best to your gynae visit and do report what you see to us! Excited for you too!
Viiv, charmayne, actually 5mg is 5000mcg. But it's ok to take 5mg. Any excess will be passed out in urine. Furthermore folic acid isn't that easily absorbed by body. If u take 400mcg your body may not absorb all 400mcg. Some doctors recommend 800mcg as minimum. No harm taking 5mg dun worry.

Candy ya i just tested again. The test line become darker than the control line. I didn't even know that's possible. Haha.
Think MS starting soon for me. Super no appetite at night.
Morning! Just tested with Clearblue digital and it's a positive result with the conception indicator showing 2-3 weeks since conception! Excited for my #1 and hope to learn from everyone here!

First question: any do's and donts in terms of our diet?

Thank you gals and hopefully a strong and safe journey for all of us ahead!
Hi viiv, congrats. Don't eat raw or undercooked food (except fruits). Take folic acid. No running, jumping or carrying heavy stuff ( such as other children) . Thats according to the doctors... Don't take unapproved medicine or herbs.

The old folks list is much longer
dear mummies, please advise me which option is better?

Option 1 : hire confinement lady and after 2 months send my baby to infant care

Option 2 : do confinement myself and order confinement food and after 2 months send my baby to infant care

Option 3 : hire a maid
madeleine, if you hire a maid, will there be someone else at home to help u supervise the maid? if not, i think it's not very 'safe' to get a maid.

then between option 1 & 2, i prefer option 1. while having a confinement lady, you can learn to take care of baby too.

infactcare is fine. yes the babies do fall sick slightly more often but this also build up their immune system in a sense. also babies in infantcare tend to grow up more independent. and they learn things that maid cant teach.
How many weeks did you all first see gynae for scan? I just called clinic and was given 8Feb appt date which is exactly 7weeks since my last menses 22Dec. Wondering if its abit late? Thought first appt can be at 6weeks but nurse said if I go too early, may not be able to scan and then end up "need to do alot of tests". I guess I am just too anxious!
My hubby also complained that I'm getting stupid. Think this is something we will all face.

My gynae is at Gleneagles, Dr John Yam. Recommended by my family doc. He is pretty nice and detailed. As this is my #1, don't know what to ask, he wrote all the common asked and the Dos and Donts for me. Nurse is good and offered to bring me to delivery suite tour for my consideration of what kind of suite I would like.

Still thinking if I should tell my boss before cny or after cny (12wks). My tummy is already showing. Gynae says its normal and also due to my bloated ness.

I'm also thinking of getting a CL, any good recommendation?
Wanted to get a maid as well as my mil is quite old, don't think she can help look after bb.
viiv, i go to my gynae at 6.5 weeks. with #1 we heard the heartbeat at the same timing too.

do you know when you ovulated? calculating EDD based on conception is more accurate than LMP. if you ovulated late then may not be able to see heartbeat that soon and you will be worried.

ann, if you want to get a maid, consider getting one when you have not delivered. so that you have time to train her.
tangerine, thank you soo much for your advise!

viiv, ya if go see gynae earlier 6 weeks oso cannot see coz your baby is small as sesame seed. i see gynae at 6 weeks plus almost cannot see heartbeat.
wow.. there are so many msgs and new members since my last entry on fri... a big welcome and congrats to all new members!!!!

saw an earlier post regarding herbal soup. damn my dad just bought me turtle soup over the weekend. not sure what herbs they use. i hope it didnt cause any harm to my baby.

viiv, i went for my 1st appt when i was 6w. can already see the heartbeat. i think one week wont make much diff.
Hi Vivi/ Tangerinez,

Thanks for ur advise. I was also taking Blackmores folic acid 500mcg before I consulted the gynae. Have surfed the Internet and found this dosage was ok so was surprised when gynae said the dosage is too small. But if the 5mg tablet won't cause harm to foetus, I'm ok with the 5mg since I already bought them from gynae.
Madeleine>> You should hire a confinement lady to help you during the first month. I presume this will be your #1? There's lots of things for first time mummy to learn, not to mention deal with the hormonal changes that occur post delivery -- these changing hormones can make you quite emo, easy to cry, frustrated etc. So having a CL will definitely help, as long as your CL is good.

For me, both my #1 and #2 were taken care of by my helper, without anyone to supervise. Back then, I sent my #1 to infant care at around 3 mths old. I withdrew him after less than a week because I felt that infant care wasn't suitable for young infants. Then I hired a babysitter who told me 2 days before I was due to return to work from maternity leave that she didn't wanna take care of my #1 anymore. So in a sense, you can say I was forced by circumstances to resort to let my helper take care of my #1 full time. But for me, it wasn't so bad. Cos my helper also helped my CL to take care of my #1, and even after CL left, she also helped me to take care of #1. So I extended my maternity leave by 1 week to see if she could handle my #1 all on her own. And there was no looking back thereafter. After I delivered #2, the same helper helped to take care of #2. My #1 went to childcare at 18mths old, my #2 will turn 18 mths old very soon, so she too will start childcare.

If you cannot find a reliable helper, then infant care will be the next best alternative.
Anastasia, so your #1 is helper and CL. my mil dont want a stay in CL and request us get helper to look after baby, somemore ask for myanmar helper. of course helper can help do alot of things around the house but half the time no one at home, i scared.
Wow took me half an hr to go thru all the postings/updates since Friday! 

genice: oh cool I shall go check out the shop in TPY. Most urgently now I need new bra/panties. I can still fit into my blouses and tights for now…. :D As for travelling, did you consult your doctor prior to booking your trip? I plan to travel during week 16-18.

Ann Chua / Kakumi : congrats and welcome!

Priscilla: oh yes same gynae! I did my 1st scan with him 2 weeks back and will be seeing him again next week for 2nd scan/consultation. How far along are you?

Tangerinez: is there a reason why ginseng (is American ginseng the same) is a no-no? I read Dang Gui is ok though? I’m confused and my doc said can take anything but in light moderation…. *blur* And what does Essence of chix help in? Im thinking I need more ‘bu’ for the body but duno what to take…..

Viiv: I saw a gynae @ 5w5d as I had abit of spotting but everything was fine I could see the water sac and heartbeat!  Only thing was I had to do a vaginal scan to see the heartbeat as ultrascan couldn’t catch it  But all’s good so far…. I think 7 weeks is just to be sure the doc can see everything so don’t worry 

Anastasia: how early should we start looking for a CL? And what is infant care? I’m expecting my 1st one and I’m clueless as to what I should be doing now except for eating and resting….
confused: sorry but i am not sure why ginseng is not recommended during pregnancy. i have often heard that in 1st trimester, dun take any tonics but not sure why. as for ginseng, i just came back from Taiwan and was at a restaurant where they serve ginseng tea and they warn all customers that this tea should not be taken if pregnant.

if i ask my gynae she will say dun take ANY herbs because there is not enough studies to show they are safe. she dun even let me drink pi pa gao!
Viiv>> If you wanna see the heart beat during your 1st visit, you should schedule 1st visit at 6 wks. This is the timeline set by my gynae.

If you go before 6 wks, usually cannot see heart beat. But from the size of the baby and the size of the sac, your gynae should be able to tell you whether everything is ok or not.
Confused - I will be going for my second scan today. I am currently 6 weeks 4 days. I first went to him when I was 5 weeks and he took a very long time to find the gestational sac. I think the first scan was too early to even hear the heartbeat. You can ask Dr Cheng for a list of "foods to avoid". I think ginseng (all types) is on the list.

madeleine - I also think you should get a CL. As a first time mummy, you will need help in nursing your baby as well as taking good care of yourself. I had a daytime CL when doing confinement for my first child. She came only on weekdays from 9am-5pm. You will need adult supervision if you get a helper.

viiv - I had a miscarriage last June, so I had to see the gynae earlier (at 5 weeks) to protect the pregnancy. The usual first visit should be 6-7 weeks.
madeleine, very hard to get CL recommendations from this thread cos all need the CL around the same timing! hahaha just joking.

if you really need to get a helper, get one early and train her. if really no good can send back before she start to give you more headache when the baby arrives. if really no choice, install a CCTV at home to monitor the maid. But you would have around 4 months (if singaporean) to monitor and trust her.

there is also an option to get babysitter. harder to find but maybe you will be lucky and find someone you like.
Hi everyone... So many new members join us over the weekend..

Welcome all new and experienced mummies...

Madeleine - If i were you, i will choose a CL and send baby to infant care... As for hiring maid, its how lucky you are to get a good and competent maid... For me, no suck luck...

My #1 went to infant care at 3.5 months old.. No issues except falling sick. he adapted well and transited to toddler class at 18months and still there now at 22 months... He is happy there with lots of friends and learn a lot of things...

Confused first timer - if you know of a good CL that is high raved by others and good recommendation by other mummy. i advise u to book her now if she is still available. cos good ones are all snapped up very fast...

I didnt hire one for my #1 and regret it... Not going to regret this time... haha... die die also hiring.... =)
Madeleine - My CL is $2600... a bit more expensive but i think she's worth the price.. i've heard good reviews about her from my #1 thread.. She can cook very well also... that is the most important thing...

Like what tangerine said - is true... difficult to recommend CL to here as all of us due around same timing.. and the CL will be with a family for 28 days...
eh i overlooked the fact we need CL around the same timing. :p thanks for the suggestions! greatly appreciated!
Madeleine - It's a pity my previous CL does not do confinement anymore. She has to look after a number of grandchildren, so her kids do not want her to take up confinement assignments. So, I am also on the lookout....sigh. I personally prefer local CL, because I only need her to help out in the day. I prefer to do the night feeding on my own - more bonding time with my baby, although it can be really tough!!! It means waking up every 2-3 hours, especially if you are breastfeeding. You literally do not need any alarm clock cause your baby will wake you up for milk!
tangerinez : no problem just checking coz I am not sure too but I'll stay away from all herbs just to be safe!

fel: how long do we need a CL for? the full 4 mths maternity leave?
pris, sadly i'm a sound sleeper. haha. i think my hub is the one that need maternity leave. :p
Hi Medeleine

I can recommand you my CN.
You may want to PM me for her contacts.
I am a very fussy person.. so get a good CN is very impt.
Importantly, she is not calculative.
Hi all, thanks for all the reassuring advice! So I will just wait patiently till 8 feb appt when I reach 7 weeks then!

Now I have another problem though. Have a upcoming business trip the week before CNY where that should be my 6th week and obviously now I don't feel like going. But what reason should I give to my boss since normally we will not announce pregnancy until first trimester ends?

Oh but I have a short holiday booked in mid-March but I think by then it's around week 13 which is end of first trimester, should be safer to go by then?
Confused first timer>> Actually, you can start asking around for referrals of good CL. But for me, I will only approach the CL once I'm into my 2nd trimester. I will be using the same CL that I used for #2.

Btw, ginseng and dang gui are both NOT ok during pregnancy. I cannot remember the reason why though. I think I saw an article in Young Parents -- let me go home and check for the details.

My gynae always tells me to eat everything in moderation (except for raw / uncooked food which is no-no). She also mentioned that no herbs. So I follow this instructions for all my pregnancies.

Infant care is somewhat like childcare, the difference is that infant care is for younger children from 2/3m to 17mth. Childcare is for 18mths up till 6 years old.
Viiv>> With regard to travels, it really depends on yourself. For me, I'm the type that will not travel by air during the whole pregnancy. Usually, gynaes will advise not to travel by air during the first trimester, so if I were you, I will just tell my boss about my pregnancy. Infact, for my #2, I told my boss when I was about 6 wks pregnant. Cos I had spotting and was ordered bedrest at home. Under such circumstances, I had no choice but to inform my boss. As for your holiday during your second trimester, as long as you're ok with it, I think it's fine to go.
viiv, yes pls tell your boss. it's not worth to travel for work, esp during 1st trimester. if your boss upset, just get gynae to certify you are not fit for travel. it's ok to tell your boss before 12 weeks. for #1 i told my boss around 8 weeks cos i can no longer take the horrible smells coming from the renovation in the office so i ask to work from home.

after 1st trimester it is safe to travel. just take care if you are going to less developed countries (food poisoning etc)
Confused first timer- CL typically work for a family for 28 days or four weeks. If u have extra cash to spare u can always hire her longer. Not cheap either. $2k ++ depending on individual CL or agency one
hi all, if you gals got any notes from your gynae on what to eat/what not to eat, or what to do/what not to do, etc, pls share them here so that we can all benefit.

i intend to ask my gynae these qns when i see him on thurs. will post whatever material or notes i can get him here, for the benefit of all of us
Confused first timer- CL typically work for a family for 28 days or four weeks. If u have extra cash to spare u can always hire her longer. Not cheap either. $2k ++ depending on individual CL or agency one
Fel>> Aiyah, just realised that I saw wrongly. My #2 was born in 2011, not 2012! Obviously, my mind is still in 2012, not 2013. So the new incentives don't apply to her
actually the more i read on the internet, the more food we have to avoid. sometimes it makes u wonder why these are true or not.

for example,

the last para states that the following may encourage miscarriage:
Basil, Caraway seeds, Celery seeds, Ginger, fresh Horseradish, Savory, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Rosemary,
Saffron, Sage, Parsley, Tarragon, Thyme, Watercress.

but these things are so common. so sometimes i will wonder whether it is good that i read up more or i should read less. it makes u more paranoid when u have more info.
so now i know why i'm strictly to avoid ginger....but what about those who drink ginger with lemon to control morning sickness? hmm...

that's why we actually don't know how true are these info. different people have different sayings and beliefs.

i have friends who are not super strict in their diets and yet they have a smooth delivery.
