(2013/06) June 2013

there is this maternity shop at united sq..they selling maternity clothes with matchy girls dress...

last pregnancy I was super pregnant during CNY..so I got matchy with my son..but not as nice as girl dresses for sure..

this time got chance to buy matchy with my girl but the bump not obvious...don't have to wear maternity clothes yet...sigh...

for those with elder girl can check it out
I have multi vit and fish oil from the doc. I just finished the folic acid too, 1 week go. I have a friend who is with the same hospital, different doctor, and she got calcium tablets as well.
morning mummies!

regarding weight:
i think it's nt abt how much u eat/snack (though it may influence abit), but more on indiv bodies...maybe u put on now and later the increase will be slower, and vice versa for those who have nt gained much yet.

i got all multi-vit, fish oil and calcium from gynae, but cost quite a bit..then i ask gynae she said we can get on our own outside if we prefer, so i got the Blackmores Pregnancy Gold, which comes with multi-vit + fishoil, so i only take the calcium at night separately...

maternity clothes:
thanks jaime...for me i dont know gender yet and def not really time for me to wear maternity clothes yet..still on babydoll dresses...hehe


it's FRIDAY!! YAY!
Morning mummies..

Kome > Congrats! Can buy pretty dresses and accessories to doll the baby girl!

hapieger > I am given multi vits & fish oil..
Morning.....waiting for weekend to come so that i can rest.

Initially gynae gave me folic acid, fish oil and muti vits but now no more folic acid. The nurse told me that the muti vits already got folic acid in it.
I am given multi vitamin. Cos I can't make it a point to take a glass of milk everyday so when days I not drinking milk I will take the calcium pill.
Finally can confirm that I feel my baby kicks. This morning she was quite active and I put my hand on the tummy can feel the movements!! Currently at Week 18 Day 5. :)
happymok: congrats! is it the first time u're feeling the kicks? i'm 18wks 1day today....can't feel anything yet..

Kome: hehe..i guess can dote abit, but must restrain!
congrats on having a girl!
i was prescribed the multi-vit, dha (same as fish oil?) and calcium; 3 pills a day.

i like to drink milk, besides drinking two glasses of formula milk (in the morning and before going to bed), i also drink a glass of magnolia fresh milk (high calcium, low fat) in the office.

actually it's more to curb the hunger. i was relieved from the hunger pangs for about a week after i cross over to the 2nd trimester. now the insatiable appetite seem to return. o_O
My mum really scare that we will over dote on this girl coz the only girl and we had been hoping for 1 so long. My mom said if everytime get pretty pretty clothes for her later she will be too vain and difficult to teach.

Haha.....thanks. finally i can get some girlish items. Am so excited to start shopping but need t control and do the shopping only after CNY.

Thanks for the info. Thought have some things to see see look look
for me i can't take much formula milk...was ok in 1st trim but now i just dont want to take it..haha

so i take cheese and yoghurt daily + calcium supplement at night.

as to curb hunger...on contrary i dont feel so hungry now as compared to 1st trim...so i just snack on cranberries + nuts. got them from a shop near fu lu shou there...quite cheap
morning mommies!
i am at 19weeks 5 days and hv gained 2kg. Feel nauseated again these few days. Hope it is not coming back

hapieger: i am given multivitamin, fish oil and calcium supplements fm my gynae

kome: congrats!

mabel: where did u buy the babydoll dresses from? have been looking around but cant seem to find any. ended up buying some loose chiffon dress from moonriver. hope they can still fit me by CNY
I'm given multi vits, fish oil and calcium pills, same as my previous gynae but diff brands only. Have been feeling guilty coz i have not been drinking milk regularly whereas for my no.1, i everyday will take a cup of the milk powder for preg mummies since 1st trimester...
Nowadays i drink fresh milk once every few days only coz i'm not a milk person..
May: i got them from certain pushcarts..got one from a pushcart at Suntec City. There are some dress-shops at Suntec (level 3, around the place where GROUPON is located) that has pretty nice dresses too...for me coz i work in Suntec...hehe

I can also wear some of my previous buys from LJ, such as from Love Bonito. I havent seen their latest range yet though. My friend used to buy from Bugis Village too, and those are cheaper, only abt $25 each
happy friday!

i'm taking doubleX, VitB, omega caps from nutrilite.
i take protien and milk powder around 2am, i was told it's best hour your body to absorb protien.
Malbeths: I started to feel some bubbles movements I think starting from 16 weeks but can't confirm whether its my baby who kicks me. This morning she more active that I put hand on the tummy can feel the movements! It's really wonderful!!! Don't worry they say normally will feel from week 18 to 22. My mum told me she felt the movements from her first child at 8 months!! Always stay positive!
Hi mummies
My edd on 1-jun, can I join this thread too.
My tummy also quite obvious already, I guess cos this is my no 2 so showing pretty fast.
Can't seem to find anything for cny
happymok: congrats on feeling your baby's movements! =) Hopefully I can feel mine next week at 18 weeks too.

Hmm. I'm only given calcium, folic acid and multi-vitamins. No fish oil. I can't really take much fish these days. Get turned off by the smell and taste. Wonder if I should ask my gynae for fish oil too?
thanks mummies.. seems like im not given enough pills... guess its time to get the calcium and fish oil from the gynae.. @#$%@$#

@ girl girl: me too.. me and my elder daughter are having flu n fever n cough for the past few days.. esp my lil one.. seen two doc already but still cannot recover.. sigh... so heartpain to see her coughing day and night.. )=
i think its the virus season now, everyone, please take good care!
hapieger> haiz..earlier this mth i got a bad flu. 2 days MC, but i dun want to take medicial. So is zzz at home and drink lots of water and vit c. Then it got better and ok liao.

then dunnoe y last night coughing
.... $#$##$
@girlgirl> me too.. was given 3 days mc and i took the flu and fever pills.. really feeling terrible.. but till now still havent recover.. )=
I was given calcium pills and multi-vit. On my last visit, they added in the fish oil as well. So 3 types to eat now.. i remember i was only given multi-vit on my first pregnancy in 2010..

I went to thetenmonth.com and saw 2 pairs of jeans that i like. I am wondering which part of the thigh i should measure???
Ms E: for thigh is measure just below your hips area , at the big thigh there. i had 2 piece of jeans also.. but i buy from my frens and i went to her house to try. for bottom dare not buy from online cos i got big hip and thigh. hehe!
Mummies, u can try TCM for the cough. I was coughing v badly for 2 weeks and the cough mixture was useless. Gave up and went EYS. Took those powder medicine (yucks) for 10 days and finally, the cough is gone. And I always 'leak' when i cough and sneeze nowadays. So sianz..
Hi mommies finally its fri!! Been reading silently these days cos bz with work.

Rem 1 of the mommies mentioned abt some old folks tradition on using a thread n ring to determine the bb gender. My colleague was trying out on mi but got different results. Haha.. guess that's just for fun.
yay! it's more than half the day gone!
just came back from my seminar...phew...

was running around and finally some pple ask me 'are u pregnant'? ahaha....maybe my dressing helped today too

happymok: thanks! i'm excited to start feeling my baby's movement..hope they will come soon

SHARON: i'm staying in the east too! but i chose Mt A coz I like the hospital..haha...and my gynae is there too...i guess which hosp also depends on where your gynae delivers? u may want to check?

Girl^Girl: take care! btw i heard of this remedy, not sure if it works...apparently u take an orange and bake it in the oven for 10min...then consume the baked orange. U can use the baked orange peel to soak in hot water and drink it too. It's supposed to relieve cough.

Lilac: welcome!

ling: haha..so cute...maybe u can take overall probability for now..hehe...
Just went to the baby fair at expo, it's a waste of time.
I can feel baby movement everyday ESP at night. Currently 20weeks plus
Girl^Girl & hapieger > Take care! There is a virus going ard.. My husband caught it from his colleague last wk. He had high fever from sun and only start to subside yesterday.. Mummies, let's drink more water!

Girl^Girl > You can try to take manuka honey with warm water? I think it will sooth the throat..
wy_june> ok...at home i got honey. Will try. Now is warm water and nothing else. Not sure if chamomile tea helps....

ya man...year end always have virus. Sigh.

malbeths> Heard of the orange remedy but sounds cheeem....

my cough is like no cough still can call customer talk on the phone, but cough will be like KNS...

Zoers> i do agree with you. BB active at night especially after my shower and resting at sofa. I tink probably BB wants to be rocked when we walked around...
There's also a stomach bug going around for those with kids... my 2 girls have been taking turns vomitting every night lor. Then earlier this morning when I went to doc cos got conjunctivitis (sore eyes) there was also 2 other kids there with fever and vomitting. The receptionist said its going around very fast... take care everyone!
mabelths: my gynae deliver at quite a number of hospital so i am deciding between Mt A and Parkway east....

Zoers: what's at the baby expo fair?
Oh btw I just went to take a look at the clothes available on thetenmonth website...

Those free-size maternity or nursing wear is similar to what a lot of other mothers are selling over at the BP forum. They are quite big; I bought 3 pieces and luckily the seller allowed me to return them for refund... just in case anyone thinking of ordering, do check to see if they accept returns.
Girl^Girl: do take care! Yea...praying for divine protection
i guess we're taking multi-vits already so have to just drink more water like what wy_june said

absentmama: oh dear...my boss' 2 girls also took turns to get sick recently..then my boss got sick...u may want to get those chewy multi-vits for kids? My sis gives her kids that and they seem quite immune to viruses although they go to childcare...

SHARON: *this is purely my personal opinion* but i would go for Mt A...the nurses there are REALLY nice...i stayed there for my past MC and they were really nice and caring. But i think Eastshore is slightly cheaper in terms of total package? I'm nt too sure though...
absentmama: if u're on the smaller built, i think babydoll dresses do the trick for now...until my bump gets bigger..haha

i got 2 pants from ASOS maternity, but the sizes are too large unfortunately..i'm wondering how big I will get and will i be able to wear them...haha
Hi Windy,

Here you go! But I have not chose which hosp...
Nick: Cel109
EDD: 3rd June 2013
Gynae: Dr Choo WL
Baby: #1
Hospital: GlenEagles or Mt A
Location: NorthEast
Gender: Girl

Hey mummies... any preference between GlenE or Mt A?
absentmama > Thanks for your post! I saw a few casual dresses but am doubtful to purchase since it is free size..

mabelths > The maternity pants you bought are of the smallest size? Have you also bought their maternity tops / dresses? How does the sizing goes? Sorry for asking so many questions as I am thinking of buying a few items from there..

Enjoy ur weekend mummies!

Ha ha those free size I usually dont trust de because I am afraid I wont be able to fit into it ....

Ask you all I have a good friend just gave birth and will be holding a gathering at the same time like a mini celebration for the baby... I wonder if can go or not
