(2013/06) June 2013

Mummies, ask ur hor, is week 9 n 10 the worst week? I spent weekend on bed, the moment I eat I vomit. No eat also vomit. Zzz..

I think it depends ba.. for me, my ms faded few days back and now i start feeling the ms is coming back..

Hi mommies
my nephew is having hand foot mouh disease. Will it danger to the pregnancy? I notice both my arm got some rashes. Am not sure if it is due to skin sensitive or what. But i dont feel ichy nor got any spot.

Pls advise.
Same with my hb! Although he didnt mention which gender he preferred, but he insisted to keep the baby girls hat when initially he bought for his fren's daughter as birthday gift, ended up he kept it and buy another one for his fren daughter.

Yea ms usually peaks after 8weeks.. For me i'm in my 11weeks n its fading.. Appetite seems better.. Last two weeks for me was horrible.. When u reach 12 weeks by then most ppl ms will fade..


Hfmd can be spread to adults also.. I think jus avoid contact with ur nephew for the time being.. If no choice have to must wash ur hands often..
My ms was better 2 weeks ago... But last week can back and it's worse. I puke more often. Dunno why. Now 11 weeks. Hopefully by 12 weeks ms will fade. Can't wait to enjoy food again.
Morning all
I realize I been eating like 2-3 hrs interval but seems weight remain unchanged ..
( Touchwood n fingers x) Usually my ms nv puke food out only those gassy bubbles)
I still can't have gd quality sleep at nite but over weekend I keep sleeping like a pig... I simply wake up jus to eat then rest awile bk to bed ..
zoe: i understand how u feel.. i been through it for my #1... now i ask hubby to fetch...i still get it occasionally in the morning n throw up... u feel so helpless right....
hi everyone..was sick last wk w tt dreaded cough so slp most of the time n this wkend v busy coz my boy's birthday..+ my ms really peak this wk..i cant eat anything...cant stomach much also..eat 1-2 spoons then dont feel like eating liao...n puke..much much worse than my #1...now sitting at work n jus had breakfast but feel like crap...sigh..lucky its PH tmr ya...in my 8th wk now...appt this sat n will be bringing my boy ahaha he wont understand im sure..lol

My boy was down with hfmd in feb when he was 10 Mth old.. I was e main care giver but my hb Kenna..2 weeks mc..he say it's torture..10 over ulcer in e mouth n throat..can't swallow at all..

One of my opp blk neighbour Kenna hfmd when she was 5-6 Mth preg..better see dr to confirm..

Happy gal

I always not enough sleep..lately my boy diarrhea again..just recover 1 week ago..Kenna again..


Today is week 11..last week ms starts to fade a bit..sometimes puke all meal..sometimes only 1 meal.. Hopefully will b over by end tri 1..1 more week..Jia you..
Take care mummies w #1

I feel my gums like got ucler at the hind..
sianz.. at times drink i also could feel the pain.. =(
yeah better to see the dr..altho no medication for hfmd...hubby n i kena when our son kena also but lucky ours was a mild case...

as for gender..we found out at ard 13-15 wks...yes our boy also not shy..chances are..if its a boy..can see earlier..haha
FL: Visit the gynae first, don't think too negatively. I still have slight spotting on and off for a week now even after taking duphaston. Am visiting the gynae again today, cross fingers everything's fine.
Hello....Glad to hear that alot of mummies MS starting to fade away. My MS also seems like fading, but still no appetite yet. My MS was worst at around 7 and 8 weeks. Now reaching week 10. Finally i can go and see my gynae this thur. Quite worry......
Welcome Zoe.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shan991</TD><TD>01/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angel Ho</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erica Tan</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sf8</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zoe Wang</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KIS</TD><TD>04/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessica Tham</TD><TD>05/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>nlimm</TD><TD>06/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Estherlss</TD><TD>08/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zaraa</TD><TD>09/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kome</TD><TD>12/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>FL</TD><TD>13/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mschia_mrslim </TD><TD>13/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen Luo</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KL84</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>rosellecz</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>missy</TD><TD>15/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummy_relle</TD><TD>16/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>16/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Layn</TD><TD>17/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xp</TD><TD>18/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummync</TD><TD>19/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chevelle</TD><TD>27/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BearBaby</TD><TD>30/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>gymie</TD><TD>27/06/2013</td></tr></table>
FL must remain positive!

Windy, same here. I ever puke while driving too. No choice have to stop by roadside to finish puking. Luckily not on express way.
Oicc then ur boy dont really understand yer.

The new breed of hfmd can spread to adults. U be fine, wait for ur gd new

I'm told generally shd peak ard wk 9-10. Mine tally. Worse last wk when I'm wk9-10&amp; puke in car for 2 days now everywhere i go put plastic bag in my pocket.

Not sure who ask abt this when to stop taking it. My Gynae said I can stop aldy I'm into wk 10+
My Angel is Back,

My gynae ask me to continue with the Utrogestan until i next visit her which is until 12 weeks. That medication make me really tired easily.
Hey mummies

My ms is starting to fade too. Week11 today, can't wait for my OSCAR next week so can see bb for a longer period of time
I had to move back to my parents' last week as we had to repair a small leak in the roof of our house. What great timing :p

Anyone has started getting indigestion? I feel like my food takes forever to digest and I cant sleep even 4-5 hours after dinner as I feel all the food stuck in my chest. Resorted to eating a light dinner at 6pm then maybe a snack later if i get hungry.
Hi all - glad that everything is fine. No fresh blood incurred. Just discharge some of the old blood clot that had seen in past 2 weeks. The old blood clot will still continue to discharge as there are still remain little bit around the sac.

Baby has grown up to 2.6cm with approx 160bpm hb. Currently in wk9+. Im so relieve...............

Thanks for all the encouragement and stay with me whenever ined support! Thanks for all!

Gynae has given me an option on Oscar. My hubby suggest not to but i'm still thinking.

Any advise?
Hi all,

anyone experience frequent visits to the toilet during night time? Recently, I have been going to the toilet abt 4-5 times within 2 hrs... until I am so tired... cannot sleep well at night...
FL - does ur hubby have any particular reason y he doesnt want to do the Oscars...personally we did for #1 so will be doing so for #2..at the end of the day we want to go in w our eyes open..even if it is not a yes/no answer..we will go in prepared if there is a chance..
I check with gynae js now, she said its common and not everyone will have this sympton. These few days only start to wake up at midnight for pee. So far one time, and usually btw 4-5am.

He js said not necessay but decision still liase to me. Mostly i will opt for it. At least to get ourselves prepared.
Good to know everything is ok!

It seems like some of you are having fading MS already? So envious! I'm only 7w4d today...so far been having nausea but didn't vomit out...but sometimes nausea can be quite bad until eat a bit only and dun feel like eating...there was one day when I didn't feel nausea at all and I was kinda worried actually! Is it normal to experience MS on some days and some days no MS?
gymie, yes i tink normal to have good days n bad...yeah same as u..i normally haf nausea n not vomitting..so far only vomitted twice..once coz gagged on pills n another time coz bad cough until throw up..sigh...

angel, hehe young mummy
Thks for sharing!

Dunno if you're the youngest or not but I could be the oldest haha...I'm almost 10 yrs older than you!
Oicc mine initially said till end of 1st trim then last sat when I asked her she said bb grows well can stop le

Ya same here so cannot eat full meal need eat small portion n more meals

glad everything fine for u &amp; bb

24!@-@ WAHHHH when ur #1 in pri 1 u only 29!

I think we same age :p
Glad to hear that everything is fine for you.

Haha......you really is young.

Gymie / Angel is back
I am just a year younger than your only.
Hi... can i join this thread? My EDD is June 21... currently in week 8-9 and MS seems to be peaking so far... anyone MS peak at this time? Feeling terrible daily and even though no puke but forever nauseous and giddy.
Hey-we are still young and good-to-go leh! We are always young at heart! :D

Welcome to the thread! Im in wk9 and ms starts fading but sometimes will come back.
Newbie mum here age 29 reporting, Edd 15 June!
Ms on and off, smell of exhaust pipe, cigarette, old people smell and coffee makes me puke. Love food smells though and craving for burger everyday! Gets hungry very fast but eat too full makes me wants to puke at times and it seems like the food is stuck in the chest and not going down. However, eating is wonderful still.... So I still eat a lot. Most of the time will burp with some water out but never throw up. I think not that bad heh? So far vomited twice, once with gastric juice and once with the drinks I drank.
Oh ya by the way My urine test was out 2 weeks ago and I was told that my sugar level is very high. I couldn't believe it so I did some research online. They say that urine test is not very accurate so it's better to go for blood test which I was told to do so too. But my gynae ask me not to consume any food 3 hours before the blood test. But in between I have switch to another gynae and was told tht I can consume food as per normal... Dono which is right! Any comments

Woke up at 5 am plus today again ..6 plus puke again. Think my ms came when I was 6 weeks. 7th week no puke. 8th week ms back again... Now 9th weeks still ms... Nowadays no difference between holiday n working day. My bb wants mi to wake up early.
