(2013/06) June 2013

Jess i'm also with female gynae with ur first dr irene chua..

Hi mummies,
I read fr this forum that quite a no of you are seeing gynae at KKH. Would you be able to share more info with me?
- why choose KKH?
- do you have a fixed doc to see you thr the process?
- how much do they charge for each consultation and scan?
- how much is their package for private suite?
- are there subsidy if we choose govt hospital?

Sorry to ask so many qsn. Am deciding to go private or KKH. Thank you
Hi ling,

for subsidy patient at kkh u need to get a refferal letter from poly clinic which usually the appt is schduele a month later..

When u r a sub patient u wun have fix gynae.. N if not wrong its a midwife tat help u deliver not gynae..

There is diff class for subsidy patient class a,b,c i think got d also.. The further the alphabet eg class d the cheaper the charges but service not very good n long appt interval..

I have frenz in the class d type they pay ard $40 for consultation n scanning.. For the lowest class at times they dun even scan for u.. N for lowest class my fren was in labour n the labour wards were full she had to wait outside painfully to wait for vacancy at labour ward
As for me we chose kkh because if any medical emergencies were to crop up for either the mother or baby kkh is the best place to be in. The kk midwife also told me that if the private hospitals are unable to deal with the emergency they will you back to kkh but at private rates. Ie one of my friends is a diabetic when she conceived, her gynae didn't even want to attend to her but told her to go kk straightaway.

Another friend has lupus and also goes to kk for her prenatal checkups cos private gynaes tend not to handle complicated cases, they are in it for money..

Although at the kk the private suite (tps) I pay even more than what most mummies pay for private gynaes as the consultation charges are higher and there is no package available, so we normally pay around 140 each time for consultation, scan and tests etc. Can amount to quite a sum.

Think if you see the doctors at clinic A/B etc its cheaper.. Mostly the same docs anyway just that they run diff clinics on different days.
Oh, and also if the baby were to be born premature (touchwood) the neonatal units at private hospital can only give standard care; for complicated cases they still send to kk too as that's where all the specialists are. I guess I tend to worry too much

When my 2nd girl was born (not in Sg) the nicu at the city hospital wasn't able to treat her breathing problems cos they are only accustomed to dealing with premature babies but not a full term baby with other conditions. So they had to transfer her in the mobile incubator by ambulance to the children's hospital (their equivalent of kk). That's why we feel more assured to be in an environment where all the specialists are on hand. I think NUH is another hospital with excellent neonatal care. But difficult to say the same for private.

But then again 99% of the time most pregnancies proceed normally and babies at most delivered via emergency c-sect without any further problems to the mother or baby.. So it's really up to individual lah. I believe if you ask around almost everyone had unproblematic pregnancies/deliveries/healthy babies. Only in the worst case scenario will one require specialist aid.

When I was in Europe the births were all handled by midwives, gynaes only do c-sections that's all..
Gd Morni all mummies!

Have an appt wif gynae for e scan today @ 8wks...so excited!
Hopefully bby is doing well.

Is there anything or any food I should avoid doing or eating before the scan?
Morning mummies... i also agree that kkh can handle most emergencies... my frens with complications all being ask to go kkh. personally i choose the gynae nearer to my place also so dont have to travel too far for appointments.

Doing Oscar on 20 Nov... hope everything will be okay. pray hard
Mummies: I experienced lower backaches especially when I woke up in the morning... Any one knows the reasons n how to reduce it?
Thanks xp for the advice. Mine quite early appt slot.. 830 must do the scan then see doc at 930

I choose to stick w kkh aside of the gynae n also becos I heard of the complication also go bk to kkh so might as well.
Thanks Shan & XP for the advice....

MS seems better wif an empty stomach...which make me dun feel like eating anything at all.

Anyone share the same experience?
Hazel my ms is worse with empty stomach.. but can only eat a bit. If eat normal portion also will feel like puking. So every meal i eat half portion.. and snack in between...

XP, isit cos you sleep on your back? maybe can try to sleep on your side?

My gynae say dun need to have full bladder..

I must puke until empty tummy..a bit of food in e tummy make mi bloated..super run out of ideas on Wat to eat..sometimes super no appetite

I like tps Kkh but too far for mi..I chose pte bcos nearby to my place..hb can go night clinic..dun need to take leave..


I m doing Oscar on 21 nov..8am..super early..only slot of e week
I experience lower backache also. Last week i took 1 day leave and almost whole day laying down than was better, but now starting to pain again.

I also run out of ideas as what to eat. Super sian and tired.
my staff benefits so good bec I work in a restructured hospital. Thus, I hv to go to a restructured hospital to enjoy the benefits. Baby will also enjoy the same benefits.

Angel Ho
So u are delivery at Mt E with Dr Irene Chua? I wld hv followed her if not for my benefits. hee~
xp: I am also experiencing it.. Went for checkup yesterday so checked with gyane and he says its due to pregnancy so its normal.
Hi Mommies
Last week i had blood clot surround the sac and had bed rest for a week. No spotting. This week, i have spotting, which is like one spot then no more. Few days later another one spot. Is this normal? Could it be due to clearing the old blood clot?

Has anyone experience similar case?
Mummies with lower backache can try doing pelvic tilt exercise. It helps even more during the 3rd trimester bec the back will ache more. Learnt it in antenatal class during my first pregnancy. You can watch it on youtube too.
Fl - I also had a big blood clot next to the water bag and was given 2 wks hospitalisation leave. Went back to work this week but am now at home cos oldest kid having high fever. But so far no spotting. I think if you are really worried just go back and see your gynae bah. Maybe he needs to increase hormone dose?
My gynae say if got spotting and abdominal pain then it could be a concern. Otherwise, if just a bit of spotting, should be ok one. On and off i still get a bit of spotting, like 1 or 2 drops that kind. Think it's alright.
Gymie, absentmama & Shan:
Thanks for the advise. Being monitoring since the incident until now, no further spotting. But today on pulling sensation cramp. But i think this is more on uterine expansion.
Thanks for the advise.
I keep talking to baby and build a good and positive thinking. Next week is the checkup. I would continue hear good news
Hello mummies,

Am having watery kind of brown spotting or discharge. But my gynae is closed tonight, can i walk in to KKH to check instead?
Hi Rosellecz,

Thanks Thanks.. my Auntie told me it's okay but I am still worried.

You experience this too? Did you see the doc?
I do have brown discharge, but not v v watery. Didn't go see doc, but went once to kkh (as the discharge was quite alot suddenly) as gynae not available. Baby is ok, and had jab. The dr at kkh also says its normal.

If u worried just go, it's 24hrs anyway. Monitor for a while. I paid about $120 for the scan, consult n jab.

Take care. ;)
I went to the 24h o&g last week when I suddenly had the brown spotting again. If you're really worried, then just go and check. It's very cold there. Bring a sweater.
I've been having some dull cramps on and off too. Think it's quite normal ba. Don't worry too much. Yes, think positive!! I'm sure all our babies will be healthy and fine! I'm 7 weeks today! *struggle struggle*
Shan: I think I'm like u... Cannot empty stomach... Must eat small meals.

So a lot of mummies are having lower backaches in 1st trimester... At least I m not alone..
Hi Rosellecz and gymie,

Am sitting in the O&G clinic now... it's really quite cold here.
I was having spotting last Thurs, and was given bed rest and just went back to work today. But the spotting came again this afternoon.
Don't worry. I believe your baby will be fine. When I started work beginning of this week, my spotting came back too, but my gynae checked and he said it's ok. Maybe it's the back-to-work syndrome haha. Hey get some warm water to drink while waiting. I waited for quite a while that time. Was damn hungry then and a guy in front of me was eating McDonald's!
Gymie , I am hungry too... if everything is okay then I shall go for mac meal to reward myself for working so hard today.
Hiyo morning mummies, hope everyone is fine. Mia for a few days , busy work schedule plus nauseousness get really bad n vommitted even when I'm driving ,now everywhere I go I have plastic bag in my pocket.

Anyone appt this wk? I'm really looking forward to this sat appt.

Alot of nightmares these few days of my baby, hope this sat scan can give me a peace of mind . Any of u have?

Dangerous Child Product recall list:
Happened to stumble upon this list, gd to take as precaution list when purchasing=>
Hello Mummies!

TGIF! had been a real busy week for me too.. Now MS is really Morning Sickness for me.. every morning i feel so sick.. even with the help of anti Nauseous pill from gynae.. it doesnt seem to work. So i gave up of taking that.

My Angel Is Back, tml is your 2nd appointment?
my angel is back
I just have a bad night mare. Dream that i have lost this baby again and was so upset. My first appointment only on next Thursday.
Is anyone here taking cold drink? i cant really take plain water now.. and i love taking Root beer.. i know its not healthy.. but seem like the only drink i will take.. if the water is tasteless i cant drink.
Most of the days i taking bubble tea......same as you know that its not healthy but i got difficulty resisting cold drink.
Feel so guilty
