(2013/06) June 2013

Kome, ya lo.. this whole week i really hate plain water.. ppl tell me i think too much.. but not true leh.. i just throw out when i drink.. then i realise there is no caffeine in Root Beer.. so i try to leave it a little less chill b4 drinking. And i took whole day to finish 1 can just to lesser the sugar intake. haha!

Good morning all mummies...

Gymie & Rosellecz, the checkup shows that the bb is okay and manage to see the blinking heartbeat.

But the doc found a small tiny growth but assure that its still okay at this moment.

I didnt get to eat mac last night cos hubby says should go eat a proper meal..
so I had mac breakfast this morning..

However, my lower back pain is still there... and I am having difficulty standing up after sitting down for a long time.
Chevelle, glad to hear that! did doc give u a jab? are u on bed rest again ? Do take care and lessen your movement as much as possible.
Hi all,

The thread is so active! =)

I'm currently about 10 weeks plus with my #2. My #1 is a girl, 11mths old. They will be 18mths apart. We didn't exactly plan for them to be so close but ok la, one shot finish then close factory!

Anyone knows where to get simple and inexpensive maternity wear? With my #1 I had trouble finding simple tops. All like sleeveless, halter, and so flowery! Ended up just kept rotating those few I had, macham uniform. I just need plain tshirts and some office wear. Tried gmarket but unsure of size.

Those who are not first time moms, do you find that your stomach gets very big very fast? I look like I'm already 4 mths preg! My friend say coz now like lau hong balloon already. =(
Urs only am , mine whole day! I feel so dehydrated n feverish, forcing myself to drink more fluid. This wk really bad my ms, I heard worse in wk9-10 really worse for me.
Tomm is my 3rd appt. 2nd appt during wk 8 can't see limbs n baby shape yet. According to the milestone , by wk9 can see the baby shape whole human body plus limbs Im so lOoking forward.

Nightmare/ Kome/ Windy/ happy gal:
Me too!! Praying dream nvr happen.
1 night I dream of I suddenly wake up bed full of blood! 2nd night dream of my baby gone. Then 3rd day my boy suddenly tell me he wan to be without hand n leg ahhhh then wan me to google to show him video of it and I gotta tell him how unfortunate those kids r and he's fortunate so don't say tt .

Y ur 1st appt so late? U into which wk le?

Cold drink :
Windy, I took some last wk when it's really hot! U try get mug rootbeer it's stated big big on the can ' No Caffeine' but even so I only had half a cup last wk coz really crave for soft drink. Beside tt I been having orange juice fr fridge without ice la
My Angel is back
Thinking of saving money and i find it no point for me to go so early for my appointment as i can actually see nothing. Since everything is smoothly for me (except bad MS), i only book my first appointment at my 10 weeks. 100% can see heart beat.
My Angel is back:
your appointment so close? wk 8 u went and now wk 9 u going back again? i went on Tue when i was week 8, 2 days.. see 19mm kidney bean-like only and my next appointment will be in 12 weeks for Oscar Test.

Ya.. i saw rootbeer is no caffeine haha i drink 3 days straight but today.. i didnt take.. now everyday i must have honeydew. Its help my MS and i feel so refreshing after having it. hehe!
Oicc. Mine coz of previous mc, my Gynae wan see me every 2 wks.

Nope nope it's every 2 wks. Now I wk10 le. We feel more assured to see bb every fortnightly too so stick to Gynae plan. Usually in 2nd n 3rd trim then once in 3wks . I like honeydew n hami melon too, but so ex lor when I go giant see. I only eat at workplc per slice 50cents.
ccs : Congrats!! i am showing too, but i can still hide it with loose clothes.. =P i only showed like when i was 4mths, for my #1..

windy : i now crave for root beer, though i should stop taking cold drinks.. i took a lot of cold drinks when in my first preganncy, and bb came out to have gastric problems and colic.. my then confinement lady said that it was due to the cold drinks during preganncy..
Wah this treat is so active....haven't log in for a few weeks already so many new mommies!

Hi Nacho, you can try H & M. I got plain tees and maternity jeans from there.....not too sure if the sale ended but it was quite good buy....$20 for maternity jeans and $10 for tops. The maternity dept is at level 3 near to the baby clothes section...you can try your luck to see if there are any suitable pcs ;)

Im also having my #2 and #1 is now 10mths old ;) Ya as you say...chop chop give birth then can close shop le hehe!

As for nightmares....i just dreamt that I gave birth within 5 mins and it was in my house on my bed, no doc...i just deliver like that! So scary! Really duno why preggie women will have all these funny nightmares! Orledi suffering from MS and backaches...at nite still cannot sleep properly...haiz...but its TGIF..so mommies cheer up and haf fun!

Anyone going to the Parenthood fair at EXPO? Wonder if there are any good deals?
i only crave for peel fresh orange juice.. haha..
food wise still plain kind..
i alr have tummy all these while so i dunno hw to differentiate whether i had the baby bump anot.. but my jeans need to unbutton to feel better when seat down.. haha
I intend to go get all the necessary items ard March or June 2013 only. Later difficult to do spring cleaning for CNY if too many things.

Before pregnant, i also have tummy but not so big. Think really quite obvious now. Even my #1 also told me my tummy bigger. Have started using belly wrap when i am wk 6 only.
mummy_relle, ya i know about that.. so after 3 days of drinking i put a stop.. now i just take honeydew.. hehe. My fren also ask me dun drink too much cold drinks.
oh no.....your are well discipline. Even i know not good for bb but i still take cold drink almost everyday. I am a bad mummy
haha.. thread fast..~
i start wearing maternity pants already. It's more comfortable as i feel my lower part starts growing bigger..
I think i'm going to look like "pear" shape soon...
Mrs Gui,

Wah so similar! Actually we were planning to start trying next year only, when #1 can walk. My gynae and PD told me try to refrain from carrying her too much, especially since she's so heavy (almost 10kg!). So now I feel a bit guilty towards her, like she wants me to carry but I cannot.

Thanks for the tip on H&M! Will go down to take a look soon!
I also kept drinking cold drink..drinkin yakult,ribena n sometimes pepsi..

Ms seems better..I have not start wearing maternity wear.I pull my short lower..

I m still carryin my boy 10kg..always want mi to carry..

I feel my top is bigger..bottom smaller..t shirt started to feel tight
From gynae visit seem to have lost 1 to 2 kg.. but the strange things is not able to fit into some dresses and pencil skirt anymore. Tummy is a little bulging.. need to get some new work clothes soon
Mine aldy showed ard wk6. Currently wk10 wearing maternity pants coz all my previous pants I can't wear anymore

Mrs GUI:
Is H&M maternity pants suitable for work or more for casual? Currently been rotating btw my only 2 presentable office maternity pants .

Restrain restrain at least for 1st trim try minimize
chilled at times still ok ba
Mrs Gui: my hubby also asked mi if wanna go for the fair... Lol.. I told him it seems early. But he says its gd to know wat we need. This is quite surprising as unlike other daddy, he din seem v excited when I told him I was pregnant. So din know he will take note of such bb fairs... Lol... But caring as he tried to accompany mi for check-up n abstain from sex though gynae gave green light coz he was worried he will hurt our bb. Lol.
Mummies i jus went for my oscar
results for nt were good.. Still too early to tell gender.. Edd change to 30 may but gynae still prefer it to be in june..

I have jus left the parent hood fair at expo also.. Maybe cos i'm havin second one i have nothing much to buy.. I onli bought 2 sets pj for my first one at $10 for both set..
Windy i onli noe the result for the scan as in nt measurement was at 1.1mm n the nasal bone is present.. For yhe blood test have to wait for the gynae to call me i think it takes two weeks
Hiyo all ,beautiful sat but spoilt partially by my whining boy .
My bb at 10wks2days le can see the whole baby shape and limbs but she not moving much like zzing. Hb at 161, Gynae said normal & I can stop utrogestan
so happy I was so worried this whole wk thinking of this n that .

Congrat! Y ur Oscar so early? Mine edd 6 June plus minus 5days today is my appt but too early for it as only10 wks 2 days so fixed on 28nov when bb is 12 wks+. What is 1.1mm?

Mayb e bb is still small cos 10w plus only..Tt y e result not Tt good.. Wait for e blood test result which I think it's more accurate..

I am also unsure of e measurement...
My angel is back

According to my lmp i'm 10 weeks 6 days but when i went for the oscar bby measured at 11 weeks 2 days n jus nice bby in good position so i jus go ahead for the oscar.. For oscar best is 11-13 weeks.. Nt scan is to measure the thickness of the fluid behind bby neck.. Above 2mm consider high risk for down syndrome.. Mine was measured at 1.1mm


Huh? My oscar ultrasound reault was good.. Nasal bone n the nt measurement were in normal range no signs of down syndrome
Angel: we went to parenthood fair today. Went to see see look look at strollers n car seats... Lol... Think as first time parents, we need to prepare more... Luckily, my elder sis have 2 gals n 1 boy.. Maybe can pass mi some stuff.
Oicc im the reverse of u.based on LMP I shd be 11wks3days but my ovulation is 3 wks after n not the usual 2 wks after thus I'm 10wks+ haha. Gynae said the best time to do Oscar is wk 12 though range fr wk11-14 so I target wk12.

Xp: u can wait for Tangs baby sale too. I got my #1 ferrari baby seat fr them ard40% cheaper fr what I rem.
At 7+w, I've been experiencing a thin blood strand in my discharge every day for nearly a week now, though only got it like once a day, not throughout the day. Went Gynae a few days ago, he did US and the bb seemed fine. He prescribed duphaston so hopefully it will clear up soon. My discharge is a little yellow too.

I've been resting on bed and reclining chair on-and-off. Though I have been reading books and using my phone, the stationary reclining/lying posture is making my whole body ache =(

Thankfully, Hubby has been very caring this time, taking off-days to bring me for gynae visits, doing housework and tabaoing meals for me. Family support is really important, makes me take things more positively.

Wishing all mummies will sail through this period safely and healthily. Let's do this together!! p(^_^)q
My angel is back..

My boy will cry n cry..refuse to walk..want mi to carry..I force him to walk..sometimes works..during 4-5th week..my lower back was so painful..after my ms kick in,no more back pain..


7 dec can Noe gender..my edd also changed to 31may..gynae ask mi stick to 3 Jun..my gynae on leave till 11 dec..hope can Noe gender by christmas
Kis yep by 7 dec i would be roughly 15 weeks

Happy gal it said to be at 20 weeks when we go for detailed scan.. But ard week 14 if lucky enough bby open legs usually can see le.. If its a boy it woul be very obvious..
i found put my first gender at ard 13-14 weeks
Been waking up at this weee hrs
anyone sama as me?

Rest more n slow down your pace
Thats what I been telling myself. Me too having backache.
Let's Jiayou together.

How old is ur boy aldy? Mine 3.I been telling mine there's a meimei/ didi inside mummy's tummy and I cannot carry him. Most of the time he understands, only once or twice he will fuss but I insisted no carry & tell him cant as baby still very very small & growing now inside mummy's tummy so just hug hug. Now he will tell himself that whenever he wants me to carry that I can only hug hug him.
3rdJune: High chance I will opt for cs 3rd June which is my hb's birthday hehe if possible at later date

For my #1 I saw quite early during Oscar test then. Still rem the scene vividly haha . Then the Gynae scan n scan n suddenly said ' U got a boy! See that little penis sticking out in btw his legs' haha
My angel is back

My gynae did try to see in between the legs n i sae something sticking out.. Not sure whether is it boy or cord or the nub not mature yet.. Lol.. Still keeping an open mind..
My angel is back
Yea, i havee been waking up in he midnight for wee wee session for few days already. This is normal right? Another a week to go for checkup. Cant wait to see bb!
No la urs 11wks+ too early to see gender. Some can see during Oscar coz after wk12-14

Tts normal, I up minimal to pee twice a night. Just Tt nowsaday I always up n can't zz maybe coz I zz too early, last time zz ard11+ pm now 9pm I really tired n go zz le. Everything be fine , u coming how many wks le ?

I noe my boy gender at week 17..just came back fr aus at Tt time..before u go for ultra scan..tell ur bb open e leg big big..let u see..

My gynae commented my boy buay pai seh..leg open very big n for quite sometimes..haha..

My Angel is back

My boy only half of ur boy age..18mth..
Hi all, i'm new here. EDD is 3 June.

HAve been having ear blocks in the mornings esp on the mrt. fainted once on the mrt , and once almost fainted. nobody seems to care or give up their seats as i don't look preggy.
Hi Zoe! Welcome

I guess now is hard for ppl to give up seat. My colleagues still didn't know I was preggie too.

KIS, my hb like to have a girl, for me no issue.. I want by to be healthy will do.

It's 9 weeks now, another 3 weeks b4 next appointment.. It's like a Long wait.
Zoe: yup, there was once I sat on priority seat in mrt n an aunt near mi pointed and asked mi to give up seat to someone far away. Told her I m pregnant n then she pai say. Dun know i should be happy or sad. Think not v obvious maybe.
My angel is back
Yea same to me. I sleep about twice a day and when i wake up in midnite for wee wee, cant sleep back anymore. Im currently in wk9. Next wk checkup will be in wk10.
Ok now baby wans ice cold plain water.. I cant help it by talking 1 big glass of ice water at this timing.. I feel super thirsty!! Any one same? N for me to chew on ice makes me feel so good..

Zoe, I heard that in Japan they give out badges stating that "I'm pregnant" so that you can get a priority seat. Maybe should ask smrt to do the same..

When I was preggy with my first, I didn't look pregnant until about 7 months so the bulk of the pregnancy no one gave up their seats for me. But ppl still generally do give up their seats if they can see. If not you can ask for the seat, I have done that before. Usually they'll be very paiseh and get up immediately.

Whereas when I was living in Europe absolutely no one gives up their seats for pregnant ladies at all. For old folks, yes. But the Europeans seem to think that bring pregnant is a very natural state so no need to give up seats. When I tried giving way ppl actually felt offended..
