(2013/06) June 2013

Xp, yes I taking both already for the past 2 weeks recently MS getting bad.. Now after every meal I feel like puking.. But gynae did told me that from 8 to 10 weeks it will get worst. I am seeing her tml.. See what she can do to help.

Good morning, thank you for all the advises. Am still trying to work out with the travel agent to see if i can postpone the trip. *fingers crossed.

Absentmama: Doc suggested to postpone cos bb is still not stablise yet. He suggested to go after 1st trimester. But he did mentioned that decision is still up to me but have to be caution if I'm travelling. He did have some mommies that made through their holidays. That's y am unsure if I shld proceed or not. Have to see if I can postpone it with the travel agent. ;)

Jiayou to all mommies. It's a cosy monday.
Ann: I also travelled when i was abt 10wks to Aust when I was preggers w my #1 and went to 3 diff cities too..took domestic flights btw the cities as well..i was jus generally tired..n jus moved at a slower pace...but everything ok..my dr ok it..even allowed me to eat oysters :p

doppler: i bought one during #1 time...havent taken it out yet..coz ard this time still v hard to hear..haha sometimes can hear ur own hb louder than baby..so im abit lazy..
Morning Ladies

Sorry to hear the bad news. Do take care yourself and you will hear good news very soon.

Updating the tables for some new comers. Do let me know if i left out anyone EDD.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shan991</TD><TD>01/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angel Ho</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erica Tan</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sf8</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KIS</TD><TD>04/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessica Tham</TD><TD>05/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>nlimm</TD><TD>06/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummy_relle</TD><TD>08/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Estherlss</TD><TD>08/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zaraa</TD><TD>09/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kome</TD><TD>12/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>FL</TD><TD>13/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mschia_mrslim </TD><TD>13/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen Luo</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KL84</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>rosellecz</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>missy</TD><TD>15/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>16/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Layn</TD><TD>17/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xp</TD><TD>18/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummync</TD><TD>19/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chevelle</TD><TD>27/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>gymie</TD><TD>27/06/2013  </TD></TR><TR><TD>BearBaby</TD><TD>27/06/2013</td></tr></table>
Hi mommies
Need to get advise from u. Im on MC a week for bedrest till today, and my next checkup is on nov 17. Should i proceed to start work tmr or to have another round for checkup?

My mom has requested me to take unpaid leave fore few weeks till the first trimester has passed.

Any recommendation or advice base on ur experience?
U were put on bed rest coz of spotting?
how are u feeling? if u do not have the symptoms that u were put on bed rest for then ill say can go back to work..since ur dr never ask u to come back after the mc to chk..but if u still feeling uncomfy then ask to see ur gynae again n see if he wants to extend ur mc till the nxt chk up?
FL: if possible then take unpaid leave til ur 1st trimester over. Check w gynae

Dunno y I wld feel lower butt/ hip area aching on n off? Probably I'm sensitive Lolx
oh no!!! i hope that small bowl will not have any effects.. think i better check with my gynae the next time i see him.. **fingers crossed**
Yes on bed rest due to spotting. So far im ok, just sometimes feel little cramp / pulling sensation at lower abdomen. I cant really let go my work as my team is quite tight in workload now. Thinking to apply work from home for 6wks see if my boss allow or not. Else will take unpaid leave.

I cant wait to see bb next week. Hopefully everything is alright.
I think it wobt affect much since u just take a small bowl. Sont worry about it.
Mummy_elle, dun scared yourself.. everything moderate should be ok.. i slip a few slip of coke over the weekend.. cos really nothing can go down my stomach now. And my SIL bought me a slice of cake that contain alcohol.. i realise only after eating.. still i took half and give the rest to my HB..

So long not too much.. i dun think there is anything it will affect. dun worry yourself.
mummy_relle..ok one la
my hubby complained to my dr tt i ate salmon sashimi..my dr laughed n said salmon gd!! :p n one coke a day maximum!! everything in moderation..happy mummy = healthy baby
NOOO!!! I was just going to say...i feel sick the whole day..after breakfast n it doesnt go away until I go to bed..I feel so miserable..I don't puke..but I just feel sick the whole day and I cant even work or focus on work!!! N I don't feel like eating ANYTHING!!! Can I just forgo dinner...sigh..the thought of eating dinner makes me feel like crap!!!!
Yes, sames goes to me. My appetite is getting lesser each day. And now i dun even take snack in between now. So terrible..

but i notice that every morning i take one egg helps my appetite, no puking. I guess my bb likes to take egg???
FL, tts gd!! at least got something u can eat!! the moment i eat breakfast..my day goes downhill!!!!

mummy_relle, got craving is gd!!!!! i so jealous!!
I still cant find long term craving.. All cravings i have seems so short term.. Morning sickness is bad.. No appetite its like taking slimming pills the feeling is like appetite gets cut off totally..
My MS is slightly better but appetite also still not good. Last time love to take chips but now cannot finish whole packet and sometimes hungry also don't feel like eating them
All mummies hang in there with the MS... hope it will be over soon.

I have a question to ask, what is the market rate for confinement lady now?
Yup around 2.2-2.5k. My nanny charged me 1.8k in 2010 now she increase to 2.3k but still reasonable since market rate also increased
Mummy relle: in moderation should be ok. I also found out from other gal friends. Next time dun eat can le.
Hi All,

I'm tested positive estimate 7 weeks now, However, as a first timer, I dont know what to do now. Do I go to any gynae for 1st time check or should i find a preferred gynae to sign a package?

Can Mummies advise how does those package works.

Really confused now so will appreciate if anyone can advise pls..
Haiz... i have awake for 1 n half hour and still unable to sleep back. Have slept since 9pm+ and wake up at 2am and now im surfing net. I dont know what else can do in the middle of the nite. Haiz.. im tired but yet i cant sleep. Please help!!!!
gd am all mummies!

hazel- u may wan to get recommendations frm frenz, colleagues, relatives or even forums on the gynaes. then go for ur 1st gynae visit. at 7th week..u may b able to hear ur bb heartbeat le.

fl- i experience tat too! watch tv or surf net on my ipad.lol. till can go bk slp.
Gd morni Missy,

Thanks for your advice, I'm still asking ard for e preferred gynae.

But does all mummies go to only 1 gynae and sign a package when they realise they r preggie?

i tried to play games but i cant stand it, 5 mins i shut it down already, cos my eye too painful. It;s too bright and the room is dark. I think i took 3 and half hours to get back to sleep.

Now, i look like panda.. @.@
Yup, usually 1 gynae if u are comfortable w him or her. Most packages start after certain weeks eg 16 weeks. Some gynae don't have package. It's more expensive usually if without package.
Hazel , normally for package what I know is they start from 12 or 16 weeks onwards. So they won't rush u to sign on your 1st appointment. Only when u about the package week then they will ask u if u want to sign. So even with 1st appointment if u not comfortable with the gynae u can change.
Signing the package is that there are saving when consultation n normal Ultrasound is within the package, some still have to pay for medication or vitamins etc. And if u happen to give birth early or so they will not refund. Hope this helps.
fl- ha. agreed the light of the ipad may b too bright esp at nite. i dimmed it. hee.. or u wana try dowloading those classical music on the ipad n listen? may help to sleep? iunderstand how tong ku u r feeling.
Morning all.
I mc today cos yesterday kena sneezing nose the whole day.
Weather cold plus the new Cubi too dusty trigger my sensitive nose.. Sob
Nw feeling better for nose but body aching ..

I tried to watch shows from Ipad in the end makes me more awake till the bright light bah.....

Get recommend from your friends or relatives for a good gynae and try out if you are comfortable or not. If you worry about the pregnancy and wish to check first can go to KKH also than decide which gynae you wish to stick with.

Happy Gal
Ohh....dear, do take care and rest well. See your gynae for any medication already?
Thank Q all mummies for the precious advice! Feeling less blur after joining.

I have made an appt this coming Thur with Raffles Women's Center at Causeway point....anyone try the gynae there?
Kome: I seem gp co. Panel doc.. Given medicine was safe for pregnancy. Nw better le so I stop the medication.. Simply rest n drink more water to dilute off the chemical.
I still dream a lot at nite. Yesterday had nightmare also..

Hws everyone ?
happy gal
Good. Have more rest.

For my case is keep tossing around most of the time, so night time not really been sleeping well.
Really hope my 1st trimester can pass quickly. Now really miss my first 2 pregnancy, so smoothly and relax.
Hi All,

I just back from my appointment.. bb is growing well measure 19mm at 8 wks 2 days. I cant see the heartbeat but when i ask gynae, she say yes there is and it doing well too. I am so glad to hear that. Next visit will be Oscar test.. but me and HB is thinking of skipping it.

Any mummies here skip that too?
Windy, better to go for the Oscar unless you and hubby agree to have the child no matter what happens. Even in that scenario it's still better to be mentally prepared, just my 2 cents worth lah. My results for the Oscar wasn't great for my kids even though in below 30, so age isn't guarantee that baby will be ok. In the end my 2nd was diagnosed with a genetic condition (not Down syndrome) which wasn't picked up on the Oscar but looking back, that my bloodtest result was 1:600. When the risk level should be 1:1200 for my age group. Anyway when it happens to you it's still 100% liao..
Hi Mummies,

I am a Feb 2013 Mum, i have an additional brand new babyplus to let go at $200 inclusive of registered postage.
This is an extra bought by my sister without knowing that i already have one on hand.
Mine is bought from US thus it will be cheaper than SG pricing which cost about $338.

I'm not sure of the effect as im still using it now. But baby seems to response more after i use the device.

For more information,


Please PM me if you are interested.
Bad cough since last night n went to Dr for med...was told I'm running slight fever Too so came hm to rest..don't wanna get worse...hope I'm ok by this evening after the meds..

Mummync : but is super unhealthy.. I keep wanting to eat those super high in sugar food... Like ice cream, doughnuts, cream puffs...

I just came bk from gynae.. Bad headache n very sleepy... Bb looks like a teddy bear n from the scan, I have 2 water bags... EDD revised to 16 June 2012...

I am gg for Oscar as I gt family history of Down Syndrome... I recall my ratio previously was 1:18000....
