(2013/06) June 2013

Food/ angel/FL:
Same here!!! So when I'm at work I always order the same beehoon soup at least I know I won't puke afterwhich. My colleagues was asking me y I been ordering the same thing haha. Y not u all try those really bland food like beehoon n porridge? For me all others result in puking except these 2 plus meesiam

Banana/ FL/ica:
If I'm not wrong cannot eat those sold at giant , ntuc those long type. Can eat ' Pan Jiao'( Hokkien). Apply for young kids too. Y not u switch to sweet corn or guava, these have dietary fibre aid digestion. My Gynae nvr say cannot since I nvr ask b4. I did eat 1-2 small banana for the past 9 wks but can't stand the smell thus nvr eat le.


I think partly they have no ms..eat a lot..claim Tt drinking fm put on even more weight.. Haha..

My angel is back

I have run out of ideas Wat to eat..everyday puke n puke..
KIS / my angel is back
Now i try to take apple and pear everyday to ease the consipation. I didnt take much on banana unless my mom/dad told me to eat.

So fast TIF!!
Sama here!!! Haiz home alone today end up shd be cook porridge. But just endure lor I always tell myself at least with ms means our babies definitely healthy!!!

I can feel u! Yest my colleague was asking me too after she see my almost puking expression . Try have diff type of small bites on ur desk tt can help ease

Apple ok. Pear is cooling leh. Watermelon n pear r cooling
Yeah glad its friday too! I wanna just lay in bed every day to roll around on weekends! haha

My gynae advise to eat bananas ley, say might help the MS too... but i guess everything in moderation la. not like eat everyday should be fine ba...
Hi everybody!! Was MIA yst coz was on MC...really felt lousy w my queasiness n so tired..slept from 1130am to 430pm and still felt so damn tired when i woke up sigh...going off half day later coz got gynae appt later..hopefully gdnews n can see heartbeat...

I changed a few times in my first pregnancy...

FM: haha never drank with #1 coz i was super lazy..ermmm n i also dun like milk so doubt i will be drinking this time round..:p

Household chores:
mainly done by my hubby...i focus on taking care of my son n he does the washing of clothes, his own ironing and cleaning up the house..if leave to me i tink we will be living in a dump..oops ahha
Hi all, I am super new there. Been reading through the forum to read through all your experiences.

And I think my EDD is not 'taken' yet. =) 17 June 13 for now
hihi I'm new here too!

my edd is 13 June 2013 and this is my first pregnancy!

I'm about 8 weeks along now but because I have very low hormone level (I've been spotting blood/brown discharge since I found out I was pregnant), I'm required to take the progesterone jab twice weekly and to take the oral pills as well. but even then the spotting hasn't stopped. does anyone have the same problem as me?
I only know bananas are cooling, then was told try best not to take any... in fact my sis just told me.. everyone got the mentality bananas will help to ease off constipation.. but in fact, it will add on to the contipation if u r already constipated...

anyone knows how to sleep better at night? I am having difficulty to sleep at night....
For the past i have difiiculties but recently im getting good sleep. I think im easily getting tired nowadays even im having bed rest and nap for twice a day.

Welcome and congrats to Layn & mschia_mrslim!
I took soupy food for breakfast and lunch. I think it works for me. Not so puking, at least. Still manage to consume a cup of sour plum drink. How about the rest?
Icic... I took lor mee for lunch... tste good! But after eating... feel weird in stomach... like wan to vomit... but never... its just the feel... seriously hate this feel.....
i had Fish & chips for lunch.. only ate a quarter of the fish, and the waiter asked if anything wrong with the food..

as usual, the coke is tempting me..
Constipation: I take prunes to ease constipation. I think prunes are not cooling right? Prunes work like magic! Initially i was eating lotsa fruits and green vege but now the sight of veges makes me nauseous.

mschia: Im taking oral meds and 2 proluton depot jabs a week too. But mine wasnt spotting, i was having cramps. Don't worry too much ok, i read that many pregnant ladies have spotting in the first trimester.
thank you FL for welcoming me!

ica: I was very worried initially but my gynae is a very nice and patient man and he told me not to worry as long as I pass my first trimester which will end at the end of Nov. except that the constant jabs are making my butt itch now
your cramps sound bad, but do u feel better aft taking the jabs??

welcome Ann!
mschia, i am taking medication.. but due to my gynae want to play safe as i had a chemical pregnancy in july. Have lots of bedrest.

Welcome Ann! its my 1st pregnancy too!
I could not eat at all for the day. Only had honeydew for lunch. Now that I am hungry (of course I will be), I am resorting to chips. This is really unhealthy.

I am alternating between bloatiness and hunger. Sometimes I feel hungry, I will eat 2 or 3 mouthfuls and start to feel bloated. There is no lasting craving. Anything I crave, once I take in a mouthful, the craving goes away in a split second. No vomitting, but I just do not eat much anymore =(
Congrats Ann! Exciting times

Yea, my cramps was better after the 1st week of jabs. But Dr asked me to continue until week12 to be safe. My butt doesn't itch but each jab is getting more and more painful as the surrounding tissues haven't had sufficient time to heal. Oh well, as long as my bb is growing strong and healthy! Hope your spotting is lesser now?

for me i found out that spicy hot soup help my morning sickness. but then again i will have diahrrea or loose sttols after that. argh so difficult to find sth to eat.

i jus had mee soto during lunch it was so heavenly.. thinking of it i wanna have it again lol

Maybe u can try eating slowly.. and i mean real slowly... otherwise bloating is very uncomfortable one...

Ann, Windy,

This is my 1st too!
Angel Ho, i love spicy food.. but i tend to puke and i scare.. so whenever i eat.. i think what the effect of the puke. If too yucky.. i decided not to have it.. make me feel so sad that i have lesser n lesser food to eat. haha!
windy: what's a chemical pregnancy? sorry but I'm very lousy with such terms :p

my gynae said to have lotsa bed rest too but I can't afford the mc cos I am only 3 months into my new job and the management had already gave me more workload after I told them I was pregnant and I'm not too happy but decided to stick on cos we need $$$ for our baby and our upcoming flat.

ica: nope, sadly there hasn't been any improvement in my spotting. everyday will surely bleed/spot at least once..im also wondering what is wrong with my body. glad to hear your cramps are better! but I can identify with you regarding the unhealed tissue ard the butt area. yup but it was all worth the effort when we heard and saw our baby's heartbeat last week!

ladies, my pregnancy sickness is almost throughout the entire day but I only puked in the morning (not everyday) and I have zero appetite or craving.
this will pass, right?
Dear mummies, do u all hv any idea if we can take Hua diao jiu 花雕酒? Cos I just had fish soup noodle, and the soup has quite a bit of it, I think..
Fr what I rem pear is cooling.

I been eating honeydew at Wkplc too
plus papaya


Mummy relle :
I can't take fish too!! But later need panfry fish for my boy n Hb, really scare of the smell

Me too for spicy meesiam hehe. Nvr really track of stool afterwhich

Same here!! I took porridge this lunch thought fine all the while fine but today don't know y whole afternoon wan puke but can't , like something hanging somewhere at throat , really hope can puke out at least feel better
Ms chia, I'm same as u. I have spotting everyday. Doc nv give me jab, just hormone pills, did ur gynae say anythig? Mine nv say much lor. Some says it's normal, some mummies here are in bed rest. When I went to see gynae last sat, all is fine. But the spotting is quite worrisOme still.
mschia, chemical pregnancy is miscarriage in a very early stage.

rosellecz, 花雕酒 i think not too bad.. i had a slice of cake last night n there is alcohol in it. I eat half liao.. realise something not right.. i ask my HB to taste.. he say got.. then i gave him the whole piece. I think its very little in it.. so should be ok bah.. Dun want to let myself think too much.
Thanks windy. I love 花雕酒! Eat half way then strikes me maybe cannot. We must b careful with the food we eat outside. Take care too.
Hi mummies,

jus saw my gynae today. I am around 6 Weeks today and we managed to see the heartbeat
the bb only like 2-3 mm so tiny
the staff at the clinic has also booked the Oscar for me. Looking forward to the next appointment now

By the way no other supplement was given except folic acid. I wonder if it's necessary too take multi-vit at this point??
roselleecz: I know what u mean. my gynae didn't say much except that it's quite common that some women will bleed/spot throughout their whole pregnancy - from the looks of it, I may be one of that few. think the worst-hit in this spotting thingy is my poor hubby; we havent been able to get intimate since finding out my pregnancy cos gynae advised against it
were u also told not to make love whilst still spotting?

btw, I heard from the Chinese doc prior to seeing my gynae that alcohol in any form is not good for pregnant women so u may want to cut down on that

windy: I'm so sorry to hear. hope u are recovering well from that very sad experience *hugs*
I tink when the alcohol is cooked the alcohol content will evaporate so its not so bad...

Adelyn, my Gynae did gave me some supplements cos he say if no appetite at least got some nutrients. But he also say it's optional.

Now I really take small meals, I tink it helps with the bloating feeling but very fast feel hungry again. I feel like whole day I'm eating non stop.
The doc only told me that the thing on the US is the waterbag, he never mentioned any yolk sac... normally by when will have the yolk sac?
According to my LMP, i should be 6 weeks yesterday. However, when i went for a 2nd opinion on tues, he says i am roughly 4 weeks 4 days.... why is this so?? Any mummies epxerience such situation??? and how big was the water bag before u see the yolk sac??? I am getting worried and paranoid again.... haiz...
I saw the yolk sac when i was abt 4-5wk by using v-scan. Gynae show me which one is yolk sac and which one is the baby. When is ur next checkup? Im sure u can see them in ur next checkup
rosellecz: haha yah my hubby kept reassuring me its ok too but I just feel bad for neglecting his needs hee ;p

shan991: yah actually I think u may be right about the alcohol evaporating part!

babybear: how many weeks along are you now? when I first when for the vaginal ultrasound at 5 weeks, there was alry a yolk sac and the waterbag. sometimes when gynae not sure they will choose not to say anything lest u worry. maybe you are still very early in pregnancy that they are unable to determine anything so no worries and look on the bright side yeah? ;)
mschia, windy,

if counting from lpm, i should be 6 weeks 1 day today. The last time i did a V scan was when i was 4 weeks 5 days... only saw the water bag measruing 6.6mm... then some bad symptons happen so i went for 2nd opinion at another gynae and he did an US and told me the water bag is there and measures at 1.5cm... this was done when i was at week 5 and 5 days...

my menses cycle is not fixed... like in july it came on the 27th... then aug, it came on 24th... then sept, it came on 20th... so it ranges between 26 days - 35 days.... I getting worried again... tot just eased my worries few days ago... now new ones....
