(2013/06) June 2013

I haven buy any stretch mark cream or oil yet. When I am having #1, I only applied some cos really too lazy haa. Afterbirth, I dont really see much stretchmark too cos my tummy even at full term was very small that time. My neighbour even asked me if I am 5 months pregnant when I am already at week 39!

Maybe this time I will try to be more diligent ba.

Counting down 2 more days to see gynae! So anxious to find out how the beannie is doing and when we will be meeting our princess or prince
Missy, poke thru the stomach is for the invasive test.. That test only if Oscar comes back high risk, next step to confirm can take the amnio test. That one I tink will be painful. Cos must poke thru tummy into the sac to get the test sample.
angel- ok. will get 1 to try. gynae said ok to apply.so guess i must b dilligent to apply every day n nite? ha.

shan991- oic. thks for the info. pray v hard the oscar test is ok. so scared.
Looks like I have to be more dilient as well since I have also put on 2KG!
I used Clarins oil when I'm 5mths pregnant with #1. No visible stretchmark. I think I'll try bio-oil too...
By the way, just wan to ask the mummies here, does the spotting be seen in early stage (ie 1st trimester) mostly occur partial plasenta abruption? Im js kind of worry after google so many articles in web.
Just woke up fr nap with my boy..look like I m e only sahm here?haha

I went for my scan today..crl 2.86cm.. Edd become 31 may..bb grow fast..

Ms seems a bit better..

I have not started on stretch mark oil..

My Oscar on 21 nov 8am..Tt is e only available slot on Tt week..
My Angel is Back
Last time I gt the tube type. This time round the salesgirl recommend me the bottle type which is 400ml at $59.90 from Watson's.
FL, not sure wat is partial placenta abruption, but heard some say it might be left over from ur last mense. I had spoting last week too and it last for about 3 to 4 days, from bright red to dark brown then light brown. How's ur spoting now? Getting better? Must bed rest more..
Kis, tats a 5 days jump! Haha... Can't wait for my nx gynea appt too!!!
KIS thats good news.. means BB is growing fast!

FL, dont scare yourself. I tink as long as spotting is not bright red should be fine. Just rest more...
I used elancyl for my #1 preg n 100% no stretch mark . I be using it this round too.

Oicc haha. But hor do u find tt our #1 get real sticky after we get preggy?

So fast 10nov u r how many wks ?

Fr what I understand partial placental abruption usually happen in 3rd trimester, y u suddenly mention it . More info here=>http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/placentalabruption.html

I will join u soon as sahm next feb when I'm jobless hehe.
That's normal, for my #1 my edd changes for every scan plus minus few days

I check mine later now #2 stick beside me can't go room. I only rem I bot at 20% off
KIS n My Angel is Back
I should be joining your as SAHM after bb is born. No one helping me to take care this time round.
My angel is back

Nov 10 i will be 10w 5d..

Mummies the other time the belly band from spring maternity how much was it? Might be gg down to get it today
My angel is back
I went to visit gynae when i spotted bleeding, the scan shows got blood clot surround the sac. I asked my gynae why could this happen when the last check there wasnt any and how could this happen. She told me that the blood occur is due to partial separation from uterus causes the bleeding, abt 5mm the blood clot. Since there isnt much can the gynae do, she reqiested to hv bed rest and let the wound heal itself. Take jab and pills to relax the uterus make sure no contraction and no stress from baby.

So i start google and only know that this is considered one of pregnancy complication - placenta abruption. Likr what u say, this is usually happens in 3rt trimester. So comparing to my casw, js wonder how could this happen in 1st trimester.
I got it at $23.90. There are different sizes, you can try the size before buying.

Welcome Tricia
Hi Tricia

Mummies, can I check with you all, when is the earliest possible to detect heartbeat? Can it be detected around end of week 5??

Tricia: I think everything is worth buying in the States...from strollers, clothes, baby monitors etc etc. Its so much cheaper than buying here. Wish I could take a trip there myself!

I'm not the pantang type so I'm just gonna start buying as soon as the fatigue gets better. Now i'm a total lazy bum.
Hi Adelyn

This is my first pregnancy so I dont have much experience, but my cousin who is one week behind me went for check up at week 5 and Dr said heartbeat was very faint as the bb is very small. I think after week 6-7 you can hear it for sure? I heard mine for 1st time during 6wk5d.

Yup agreed that in USA, everything is much cheaper. I bought lots of stuffs back as my hb was posted there to work 2 years... Cos I know I planning and I not pang tang. So in fact, I already got most or90% of the stuffs I need!
ica: Thanks. I was counting using all those pregnancy and due date calculator online to check. I believe I am about 6 week 2-3 days. Will be seeing my gynae tomorrow and really praying hard will be able to see the heartbeat tomorrow.......
I think my morning sickness coming soon. Feeling more nausea today and morning when I wake up and brush my teeth keep wanting to vomit.

Hopefully its just mild ms and will pass very quickly.
My ms started at around 5 weeks and the peak of my ms was from wk 7 onwards.

Yesterday not so much ms and happily thinking that maybe ms going to end soon, but now feel nauseous again.
Hi mummies,

do you all still do household chores like ironing , washing and wiping after finding out that u r preg???

Ironing all these should be still can do right?
Bearbaby, i still do some washing. Currently stay with in laws.. i nv really do housework all the while, MIL doing so i am kind of no different. Only things that i no longer do it changing bedsheet, i get my hubby to change.

MIL is kind of pantang.. i cannot do anything on bed. haha
I am still doing all the washing, vacuum, mopping and hanging clothes out to dry. Actually am abit worry but if i don't do no one can help.
Icic, ya windy, for bedsheets... my father is stopping me from doing it... and even got to close door while hb is changing... and not supposed to move any large furniture around...

icic.. cos i was thinking dunno can iron clothes anot... got 1 whole pile of clothes waiting for me to iron... as for hanging clothes... my hb is doing that...
Going for lunch soon, but headache. Don't know what to eat....

Ironing should be ok, maybe just iron half of it first than rest awhile before completing all.

okok.. lol.. but i know hor.. oncei start i confirm chop chop must finish all... lol....

eat some soupy stuffs?
Kome, I havent started buying clothing item but I'll mostly buy white items as it looks so clean and crisp
Now I'm starting to survey stuff like baby bouncer, baby monitors, trying out strollers, baby cots, changing stations etc etc. SO MUCH TO BUY! Its so fun
When Im hit with ms, I usually eat warm soupy stuff. Makes it easier to go down.

Let us know how it goes tmrw. All the best, hope you'll hear a strong bb heartbeat.

Are you afraid of doin ironing because of the close proximity to heat? Dr says we have to avoid sauna and soaking in hot bath because we need to maintain constant body heat and no sudden spikes. But if you iron with the fan or air con and not for too long, im sure its ok? But I really take my hat off you. I'm too fatigue everyday, no energy to do anything.
Bearbaby, FL,

cos when i realise i miss my mense that time my MIL took my bedsheet to wash cos we went to Taiwan. So befor i back home i get my HB to change the bedsheet off 1st.. cos i cannot do the changing n be around when he change.

FL, i think still can change bah..but not we do it and not with us around.. 3 months dun change.. cannot tahan leh.. haha

I agree with Windy. I think just ask someone else to change for you and leave the room. 3 months dont change can really die...moreover our sense of smell seems to be heightened these days.

true true...otherwise our home will be like pig sty...but really gotta think of getting help soon....how to iron when we are say 8 months preggers? I think the tummy will hit the ironing board before our arms can reach the iron...hahaha....take care ya! Don't over exert yourself.

Actually I dunno leh....hahaha...im not the pantang type, I do everything except for home renovation. But i guess its gotta do with moving the bed to some extent? Still have to lift the bed to fit the sheets mar....Anyone heard what's the reason for not changing bedsheets?

yupz true... but i think i really got no one to help me iron when in later stage... haiz.. got to think of something liao...
Im not so sure leh.. initially i think its ok to change cos basically js change the bedsheet not moving the bed entirely, but since now i got to bed rest so my mum totally district not to do anything in the room.

I already cannot tahan my bedshet already so im moving back to my mum house for a few weeks stay since my hb not allowed me to stay at home alone. My hb got to clean up the whole houae before i got back to my home sweet home.

good day girls.. down with fainting spells and bad nauseous.. am literally glued to my seat.. distance from my work station to washroom is quite long.. scare i vomit..

so what is for lunch tdy?
