(2013/06) June 2013

Wy-june - you may need to pump after latching to prevent engorgemrnt during the first couple of weeks if your supply is a lot and baby doesn't latch well..

As for deciding between nursing tea / fenugreek / domperidone, just be kiasu and ask for the prescription from gynae so you have it on hand if needed. Then start out with natural means bah..

It's hard to say now how things will turn out for you unless you've had a kid already then the experience should be similar 2nd time round

Haha....already wrote down and paste it inside my wallet first. In may when i start packing the bag than will stick it at my nric and keep in the bag.
chewie, milk is also the main source of food for my gal so I will continue feeding her with formula but at the same time, intro fresh milk and i've just ordered goat milk from Hay's Dairies haha...

I rely a lot on bottle warmer as i feel that its easier and will not overheat the bm... i just warm up bm 10mins before the feeding time. so far so good... (=

For me, i will pump after latching... by doing so, im able to build up the supply and store excess for emergency use..
The bottles are here! I'll contact the first batch of 40... Final batch seems to have some issues, they emailed me saying they can't ship intl and asked if I have a US address. Am trying to sort it out with them now. I have a feeling cos the actual postage is higher than what they charged on Amazon so making loss. It is US$62 and on Amazon I was charged US$40.


hapieger, then how you rest ah? Latch and pump... less than 30 mins rest lo!!
Thats a good idea to bring to the hospital to drink but where to get all these tea?

Easy to prepare the tea when in hospital?

I tried giving my little girl fresh milk but she dont like the taste of it so it doesnt work for me.

I tried fenugreek but I think I smell after taking that... so this time I thought of trying an alternative way

I tried the Domperidone from gynae and I had gotten a strange side effect after taking that I was super lethargic that i just want to sleep the whole day and it doesnt increase my supply

I must be the odd one out that have this problem

This time I will be hardowrking as in to pump milk at night last time I didnt do that so that might be a reason that I couldnt up my milk intake !

Just went to see gynae this afternoon, everything looks good. We managed to catch baby yawning and she is using her fingers to tap on her face and I can see her full face ! So cute because I didnt manage to see #1 's face at all ...

Baby is about 800odd grams at week 24
same like you sometimes on a good day if can pump 50ml I super happy... on some bonus days I can 70-80 ml like tio toto liao...

This time round hoping I can do better however if the result is still like the first time despite waking up to pump I may just give up
Chewie, my gal latch on for 15mins and I pump for 30mins.. so I have 2hrs to rest lo... but I dont pump at night.. I will just latch on and sleep thru the night so I can have sufficient rest...
Vivi - the nursing tea is in a tea bag so just add hot water and steep 5min.. Very easy.

You can buy the nursing tea and fenugreek online from iherb.com as its cheaper than buying in Sg, even with international shipping (4 USD).

If u need a discount code for first time orders can use mine - kuc013

Think it gives you $10 off orders over $40 and $5 off if you order less than that..

As for giving your girl fresh milk, you can try doing it half formula / half fresh milk in her bottle, and if she accepts that slowly increase the amount?
Hah! They sent both orders together. First 80 bottles are here. If anyone in the below list has not gotten an email from me, pls PM me

<font color="119911">Jassie 10
PL 4
Joyce Kor 6
Esther 6
Tricia 10
Thiasy 6
Shan 4
Alison 4
Jasmine 4
ms E 4
Chloe 4
Hazel 4</font>

Wanna ask, mummies who is driving to work. Are your intending to drive till delivery or will your stop driving maybe 1 or 2 weeks before your delivery?
For my case is i cannot really concentrate in driving, just feel sleepy. But I need to fetch my sons from sch and go work so don't know how is other mummies who drive are doing.
I am still driving.. i dunno how clumsy i will be in later stage.. but i hope if can i will still keep driving until maybe last few weeks then stop.
Hi Kome, I'm still driving (east to west and back) but I think 1-2 weeks b4 due date, will stop and work from home. My in-laws and hubby prefer I stop driving already cos I am starting to get dizzy spells but it's not practical not to at all. Guess there is no fixed time to stop but depends on each of our individual symptoms.

Hi Chewie, I got your mail! Will arrange for pick up from you at Harborfront. Thanks so much!
Hi mummies, i would like to sell a preloved quinny zapp xtra (brown) and maxi cosi cabriofix car seat (blue). Pls pm me if you are keen, thanks
Thank you for the offer but i think maybe first round I buy off the rack ba since I dont know if it works for me .... who knows my milk supply is supposed to be low despite all these supplements

I tried but the little girl has an acute sense of taste maybe will just make do with FM till she is older.
Looks like alot of mummies intend to stop driving 1-2 weeks before due. Actually I scare also, so actually I am trying to reduce driving now. This few days take half day leave to rest, also to minise the number of times I need to drive.
I still got a long way to go since mine is the end of the month lol by the time i am in the delivery ward some of you do full month party liao lol
Good morning mummies,

I am fr jul 13 tread. Dropping by to gather more information on stroller. Seen a few brands and models and it made me kinda of confused. Am looking at Combi, aprica and peg perego

For Combi, the model is comfort well. It is 4.6kg selling at $300 plus. Though light weight, it don't look v sturdy.

For aprica Karoon plus, it's also 4.6kg. Seems to be more stable and the seat fabric/canopy lOoks comfy. It's selling at $599 now.

For peg perego pilko compact, it's 8.5kg. In term of stability, fabric and length of seat, it's pretty good. Selling at $499 for 2011 model. This stroller is too heavy for me to carry if I am alone but it act like a trolley then I can just push around when I close it.

Any mummy has used the above stroller before. Appreciate your comments. Thanks in advance.
Good morning mummies,

I am fr jul 13 tread. Dropping by to gather more information on stroller. Seen a few brands and models and it made me kinda of confused. Am looking at Combi, aprica and peg perego

For Combi, the model is comfort well. It is 4.6kg selling at $300 plus. Though light weight, it don't look v sturdy.

For aprica Karoon plus, it's also 4.6kg. Seems to be more stable and the seat fabric/canopy lOoks comfy. It's selling at $599 now.

For peg perego pilko compact, it's 8.5kg. In term of stability, fabric and length of seat, it's pretty good. Selling at $499 for 2011 model. This stroller is too heavy for me to carry if I am alone but it act like a trolley then I can just push around when I close it.

Any mummy has used the above stroller before. Appreciate your comments. Thanks in advance.
Hello MTBs!
I just given birth in Jan and due to condition, unable to breastfeed. Find it a waste for a few items that I dont use and would like to let go:

My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow (used only once)$65, Retail $81.40
Lansinoh Milkbags (60pcs/box) $20 per box, $55 for 3 boxes, Retail $19 (50pcs/box)
Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads comes with a breast pad pouch (72/box x 2box) $33 Retail $37.80
Medela Membranes (6pcs) $8, Retail $15
Medela Membranes and Valves set (2 Valves, 6 membranes – Preloved, used only 1 membrane) $15, Retail $30.50
Philips Avent Niplette (Used only once or twice) $50 Retail $79

Pls PM me if interested.





I'm a mother to a beautiful 10 weeks old boy and I am enjoying every single day since I got pregnant (although had some evening sickness, high glucose etc). This great journey is also made possible by the strong support that I have from an online mothers' group. We share, chat, laugh, lament etc. I have benefitted much from the group and I'd like to pay it forward.

I'm creating groups for my sister and other expecting mothers on Facebook. It will be private groups so feel free to share. PM me your fb email and EDD if you're keen to join.
hello mummies! i am back from my trip...super tiring...

managed to sneak in one day of shopping but didnt get to buy too much..just grab whatever i saw at carters and gymboree since they were the only 2 stores at the place i was at

birdbird: yep..how time flies! i'm almost 27 wks!!
Hello mummies, I'm driving everyday for work too.... Planning to drive all the way. Cos my work it's not possible to work from home at all. Unless gynae can give me 2 weeks MC before delivery otherwise gotta work all the way....
Hello mummies!

Stretchmarks, anyone? I think i saw two streaks on my underbelly this morning.................Haiz.........
morning Fefe~

so far havent seen any for me yet..but i've grown ALOT bigger these 2 weeks...now really feeling the weight..hhaha...tired..

just back from my biz trip and feel even more tired than before...motivation to quit my job
I can't see my underbelly!! Think must go home and use the mirror to observe.

My left knee hurts nowadays =( must be trying too hard to support the new weight =(
mabelths: yea, your job sounds so stressful! You should really consider being a SAHM!
I was planning to resign before I got preggy so my plans are abit messed up now. Gotta start looking for one after my maternity!

What's your weight now? My weight gain quite gradual leh....but why why why did i get stretch marks? See liao really damn sian...hah..

Qayn: I couldnt see my underbelly too!! Until this morning...when it felt a little itchy so I went to dig for a mirror.......and behold......!!! My tailbone hurts alot alot...How far along are you?
morning mummies.
haven't seen any for me too. have apply stretch cream twice a day. but having quite some itch these days as it's expanding quite a bit.
hi fefe, so far no stretch marks for me, been applying stretch marks cream twice daily.

i'm starting to feel clumsy already, difficult to get up. back pain, tailbone pain, ankle pain and feet pain. lol.. sometimes tummy hurts but bearable; can feel it stretching, so tight..

birdbird, i noticed my belly button area and armpits darkens.. looks dirty.. -____-"
Ann C: I also apply stretch cream. :-( Guess it's genetics then. Just wonder how it's gonna be like for the next few weeks.

birdbird: Probably not stretchmarks. Just pigmentation. My armpits also got darker!! Feel like alot of dirt trapped!
Good morning Mummies.
I really admire mummies who take the train everyday. I wonder how you do it with ungracious people around. Sigh. I had a 'chance' to take the train during peak hour today. A man actually 'fought' for the Reserved Seat. When he sat down, he saw me and closed his eyes pretending to sleep. Sigh.
Jassie, I agreed with you. Very hard to get a seat on train. I pregnant till now no one offer me before. Some see me come in pretend to sleep. Some saw my stomach but give me those sorry look I can't give up my seat for you. used to it already.
Very irritating nowadays people would either sleep once onboard the train or play with phone....

Jassie if I am you I would have scolded the guy !!!

This pregnancy I didnt apply any cream since there are stretch marks already from the previous pregnancy and has turned into silvery lines I just leave it as it is.
Fefe: yea...seriously considering..esp i have tonnes of emails and overdues to do now...cant believe my colleagues didnt cover me when i was away on conf...i mean i was in a diff timezone and they expect me to work thru-out the clock?! feeling quite pissed and unmotivated to work today

my weight gain was quite little (2.6kg until last check-up), but i suspect i may have gained much more these 2 weeks...can feel myself ballooned.

i'm having right hip joint pain (even when i sleep at night) + i have a tugging pain in between my breasts...feels like a nerve pain..anyone of you esp that?

it comes and goes through-out the day and it's quite painful...i havent gone to see my gynae but i'll call up and ask later today.

i'm pretty lazy so some days i 'forget' to apply my stretchmark creams..other than that, usually once a day...praying that i wont get any stretchmarks too!

Fefe/birdbird: yea..i noticed my underarms got darker too..i thought maybe due to the weather diff coz i just came back from US...so i used a scrub ytd.

jassie/jasmine: yea..i'm very used to the peak hour uncourteous passengers on the train already...but i guess not much choice for us..sadly sometimes it is the older folks (as in those literally with white hair) that give their seats up to me..which i feel abit paisey too..
Mummies, why not try asking for the seat since we all look obviously pregnant now.. I've done that before, ppl ate generally very quick to give up if asked.

I just say something like "excuse me, would you mind letting me have the seat as I'm not feeling very well, thank you".

Have yet to come across ppl who actually refuse.. Normally wont even have to say out the whole thing and they'll auto stand. Or maybe cos embarrassed as other ppl will be watching..
I have strectmarks from previous pregnancy also, but i still apply stretchmarks cream one a day and just finish up 1 bot of stretchmark cream. Don't think i will be getting another one. Applying now just hoping not to get more strectmarks.

My weight increase quite fast. Last month, my weight increase by 2kg and this month increase by 1 kg already.
Don't mention at MRT. Even at bus stop no people offer to let me eat down. Yesterday i was waiting for a bus with my number 2, no one offered a seat for me and some even pretend never saw me and just seat down when i wanted to walked towards a seat.
Really not a gracious society. I had to give up a seat to another pregnant lady (who looked further along) the last time. Noone even bothered to offer me a seat since I gave mine up. zzzz..

hi there....

Havent logged into this forum in a long time. Hope all mummies are well and excitedly waiting for LO.

Any mummies going for elective c-sect? Which week have you planned for it? My Dr asking me to choose between week 36-37 but i think thats too early. Any opinions/advice?
