(2013/06) June 2013

I going for my c-sect at week 38 but is because I got no choice. Gynae will only be back at around 4 June. I don't want to let the replacement to operate for me. Initially we chose a date at week 37 coz i got previous record to emergency c-sect for 20 days earlier than my edd date.

Hi Kome

Wow, 20 days earlier than EDD. May I ask if your first child was fully matured?

I was initially planning c sect on 37wk 4d but after reading and asking around, everyone is telling me pass 38wks is better to allow baby's lungs to fully mature. Sigh, this is a real dilemma.
Not too sure what you mean by fully mature. When he came out, he is healthy weighing 3.15kg at birth and he discharge together with me from hospital.

I do agree if can, c-sect after wk 38.
Kome, Thanks for sharing. Your firstborn was definitely matured then since he had no breathing difficulties. I guess I'll have to discuss with my Dr again tomorrow and decide soon.

Kome, so what's your c-sect date and which hospital will you be delivering in?
Absentmama: just today my colleague witness a pregnant lady asking a middle age guy to let her sit at reserved seat but he refused. Many a times I feel that alot of these kind of ppl are not local so they dun feel a need to let us sit also.
wah... i think i'm quite fortunate, so far people's been giving up their seats to me on the bus. met very nice aunties and uncles at hawker centres; they will help me lift up the trays, advise me to be careful, slowly, etc. been on the MRT a few times and i don't bear any hopes of getting a seat coz it's always very packed.
I guess I'm really fortunate whereby I don't have to take the trains or buses during peak hours. Mummies, please be really careful on the buses. The bus drivers are really reckless and they love to brake suddenly.

Oh btw, I'm experiencing occasional pain under the tummy at the pelvic area. Anyone experiencing that too?
I just got waken up from baby kicking, now can't zz!

For pigmentation under arm, I had the same now n the same for my no.1 ... But it did go away a few months after delivery...
morning mummies!
jassie: for me it's pain in the hip-joint...sometimes i feel i walk like a duck now and very much slower due to the pain.

but i understand this is because our ligaments and bones are shifting as we get heavier...just have to bear with it...3 more mths to go!
morning mummies!

yeah! done checkup ytd. KKH was so crowded!!

BB now at 29weeks, at 1.295kg (fatten by close to 600g). No wonder her kicks becomes so intense. Hubby say he can see her fists and elbows. Hehe!

Ytd do scan still dancing and kicking inside. Sigh. My soft toy dog does not seem to calm her down and get her to guai guai for 10 minutes....

next checkup will be week32 on 15 April.
Lilac, I was having a slight headache this morning and I wanted to sleep in. But the baby just kicks and kicks and I had to wake up.

I haven't had anyone giving their seats for me on the MRT. For buses, I try to take less crowded ones then it will be easier to get a seat. There was once an Indian lady helped to block an empty seat and signalled me to go over, was really touched by that.
Girl^Girl: wow! hehe..time flies~ my check-up is next week and i can't wait

wonder how heavy my girl will be too...her movements definitely getting more intense by the day..sometimes by just observing my belly i can see movements on the surface...do u all see that too? it's quite cute! haha
Girl Girl

My bb girl is 29wks today too! Goin to the Dr later, hope she is growing well and fat
Many people look at my tummy and say its very small for someone who's 7 months preggers so I'm a little worried bout bb's weight. Hope all goes well today.
malbelths> yeah...her movements are quite strong. Can see the elbow...lolxxxx

ica> i check with KKH doctor abt tummy size. He say most importantly is our weight gain (now i m 60.4kg) and bb weight gain. Big tummy does not mean anything....hehe
For mine the movements can sometimes be ticklish... for mei mei she is more gentle so so far not much intense movement compared to jie jie.

Jie jie is more active and vigourous and can be painful when she kicks at times

I guess can tell that both their behaviour and pattern and perhaps next time their temperament is different
hello mummies.. i am so tired everyday.. is it normal? i just wanna laze on bed everyday.. i cant focus on my work at all... how how! i have been staring at my monitor for the whole morning.. )=
I know what you mean....
Yesterday I slept at 11.30pm already consider very early but today wake up still tired..

Now I just dont feel like doing anything but of course this is not possible.
hapieger: same sentiments..i think i can doze off at my comp even while focusing on excel...the prob is that i dont even notice that i am dozing off..dont know why so tired..

thought it will really set in only in 3rd trim...i'm only approaching 28wks next Tues...
Vivi..haha..i slept past midnight and woke up at 6.30am...but i think i cant take such a long day anymore...will have to really start putting work down and not be too gungho..so tired...
<font color="119911">Hi everyone, I have cleared the Carters orders placed end of last month
Carters is now having 50% storewide and I have 20% discount code off the listed price. The multipack bodysuits is $13 for 5 which is a great price for everyday wear clothing! Can minus 20% somemore. Pls submit order to http://iwannaspree.com/spree/carters if you are keen. Use wishlist function for more items!</font>

I'm also feeling kicks now. Baby's very active and kicks alot... can be slightly uncomfortable but I like feeling it cos at least now I know baby is fine while waiting for monthly ultrasound

I take public transport home cos hubby works later than me. I board the circle line from HBF so I always get seats. Bcos I have so much barang, I try not to take the Reserved seat cos my bags cover my tummy and sometimes preggers stand in front of me, I feel like I have to give up my seat! I'm also mostly seated during the feeder bus ride home. Bus drivers try to stop in front of me if they notice my tummy. I was late to board yesterday but a seated passenger kindly moved to the back row middle seat (not possible for me to sit what... skarly I fly to the front of bus) and let me have his seat. So that was nice... I will ask for seat if I have to, luckily so far no need to ask...
For those second time mummies, did you keep your old baby clothes? i have some turning yellowish after keeping for 2 over yrs.
Any idea how to get rid of the stain? Wonder if can bleach?
Hi Lilac

Have u tried Vanish Liquid Stain Remover? I haven't tried them on old clothes but my heavily stained clothes are usually "rescued" by Vanish.
The yellowish stains tend to appear on white clothing right? Those I just discard. Don't want to use bleach on bb clothes cos afraid got residue left. It's strong.
Yup I have those yellow stains on the tops so I dont use them anymore....

Anyway those are hand me downs at the first place which wasnt very very new anymore so this time I just take out those since jie jie clothes should be quite enough for mei mei.
This time round BB does not kicks very vigorous but jialat thing is she only kicks in the middle of the night and daytime cannot feel much movements.

Me too have alot of yellowish clothes also. Don't know how to get rid of the yellowish patch so intend to throw away also.
For the last two weeks I can feel and SEE tiny egg-shape bump moving under my belly! It will also react when we poke or push back haha! Baby is very active and I sometimes think he's somersaulting or really free-rolling inside.

Am going for my 28-week gynae visit today. So excited!
Is it true if baby moves a lot inside they tend to be very active after birth?? One auntie even said my baby may come out early. My whole stomach can move side to side and jerk sometimes. Baby seems very busy.
Haven't mummies tried Vanish before? Vanish is actually known as Napisan in Australia and UK, it was mainly used to wash stains off baby nappies. Its not a type of bleach, it uses oxidisation to remove stain. Best used with warm water.
for clothing stains can get the Pigeon brand stain remover...i got that to remove the stains of some hand-me-downs from my sis and works quite well..but of coz for light stains only i guess...those too badly stained ones i'll throw.

btw chewie, the additional 20% applies to non-clearance items right?

haha..saw the dress i bought in US now going on sale too..i got it from US but without the additional 20% disc..so this is a gd buy indeed!
I saw that Vanish is selling in NTUC those larger stores and I was surprised that Vanish also does baby products...

Tempting leh ubut hubby sure scold de
i soak stained clothes with hot water and baby detergent. it's sufficient for light stains, but doesn't work on badly stained clothes.

chewie, do u spree from uk sites? how is the shipping charge calculated? i'm wondering whether to ship a breastpump from uk.
Vivi, yah... the Vanish I see is also the pink colour bottle one

och, yup I do UK sprees as well but it's not cheap tho very fast shipping. S$3.50 per 100g and for breastpump I think not worth it cos it's bulky item. Have you tried ebay.co.uk? There are UK merchants who list brand new stocks for sale. I just received my new Avent bottle warmer yesterday (this model no longer sold in SG). Took about 14 days and the shipping price is just 1 GBP. Very pleased. The good thing about electronics from UK is they use the same 3 pin plug and voltage...
Hello all mummies..

Finally got a chance to drop by here after a week plus.

Have been tied up with tons of work and also down with a cough and a backache and pulled muscles on my thigh.

I have been feeling very very tired too. Couldn't concentrate on my work and can't think at all. Have been staring at my laptop screen too.

Now only in my 26 weeks.. wonder how I will be when I reach 3rd trimester.


I have replied your email with the transfer details. not sure if you have receive it or not.
hi chewie,
Oh, so bulky items are subjected to higher charges? I've only gone through VPOST UK and the charges were daunting. Yeah, i was tempted because there is no voltage and pin converter issues. I got my house lamps from the UK too. The pumps are tempting since they are cheaper than here. I checked out Ebay, but the listed seller isn't an authorised distributor, which will void the warranty here.
Hi chewie

I submited the carter wishlist to your website.
Can you let me know if you receive and also payment details.
Hi Mummies
On the stain cloth, i just soak in water and wash with normal baby detergent. It doesn't come off and it was just small stain, like s small dot kind, so feel a bit wasted to throw.
I will try the pigeon stain remover and see if this can work. Thanks for all the suggestions.

I think as we get on further into the 3rd trimester, will be more tired and bigger!! So now i try to buy or settle those items i need so that i don't have to rush towards the end and be tired. Plus sometimes we never know when baby decide to arrive!!
Hi Chewie, how much did you get your avent bottle warmer for? And from where? I like to get it if itz nt too expensive.
i just done washing all the bbs clothes. now left the bedsheets and also buying new mattress n also hv washed the stroller lol...like u guys said getting more n more tired everyday.
Morning mummies..

Super busy at work lately.. I read that when we feel our tummy tightening it's most likely BH. How do you mummies counter that? I was in a straight 2hrs and 3hrs call yesterday. Tummy got so tight and uncomfortable..

On the other hand, the tiredness has set in similar to 1st trime. I am on 29 wks and also thought that sleepiness will set in on mid/later part of the trime..
Hi chewie

I submited the carter request to your website but have not recieve any confirmation email for payment. Pls check if you recieve. Can I still add on to the medela storage bottle (1 need 4)?

You are so fast in washing the baby clothes... I am still thiking whether when should I wash... but looking at the hot weather seems good to wash baby clothes.

Yes the tightening could be Braxton Hicks. For me if it gets uncomfortable I will go for a walk. I dont how true is that but drinking lots of water helps as dehyrdration could be a cause too.

hi mummies.. imagine i sleep at 10pm but still feeling tired the next day.. how to tahan till Jun?!!! sigh...

wy_june, i can also feel the tightness and breatheless esp after meal... just have to wear loose clothing.. but all my dresses are getting tighter and shorter.. lol.. dont really wanna spend money on maternity wears..

mummies, have u all planned for the full mth celebration? where will you hold the celebration and what catering will you all be using? it happened to be my gal's 3rd birthday so i will do it tgt with #2 full month celebration... any ideas? seems like a lot things yet done.. so stress..!
