(2013/05) May 2013

Starburst - hope everything will be ok...

Regarding MS...

ME!!!! i'm like a merlion... this pregnancy is worse than #1... i can't eat can't drink... simply hate water... now drinking 100 plus... vomitting like nobody's business... everytime i run to the toilet my daughter will chase after me and shout... MUMMY VOMIT AGAIN!!!! U OK NOT???

Haiz... With #1, my MS lasted until i was 7 months pregnant... please please please let this MS end soon... i feel terrible, look horrible and such an emotional wreck!!!

Starburst, hang on there! Talk more with ur bb. Allow ur determination to outwin this obstacle.

Yes.. I had my first merlion after drinking honey lemon! It's not the honey fault but the lemon as hock hwa honey lemon is so sour. My stomach went funny after my first slip.
I couldn't eat well too... No appetite for anything except for salty stuffs like burger king ham and cheese crossoint, chee Kueh etc.. I'm been drinking lots of honey water, minute maid orange pulp, h20 etc to get myself feeling better,.
Going for my first checkup later and I do hopes to see my bb hb..
This pregnancy has made me sooo tired and I feel bad for #1 as my attention and mood for her is not there. Im constantly feeling so uncomfortable and how am I still able to put on a smiley face? Sigh..
I heard MS for #2 is worst than #1. So far for mummies here it seems that way. Anyone is working? I could not concentrate at work coz i either feel cold, headache or wanna puke.

I also did not get my attention to #1 and leaving so chores to hubby. Sigh!
Erm, till now, I'm still quite fortunate for my ms. For #1, I vomitted like its a daily norm affairs..
But having said this, it's no doubt that I'm more tired and restless as I still got #1 to take care. I'm still bringing her to her enrichment class on every sat alone. Got to carry her in carrier but luckily hb is understanding and would drive back during lunch time, so that I could drop him off at site when I drive to united sq.. Else taxi to and fro could easily cost $50!
Hi mummies! On MC today due to flu.

Ivy E, for me, my MS is worst than #1. Right now, no appetite for anything. Worse is when i feel hungry with no appetite, the feeling of puking is even more strong. When i eat too much, also feel like puking. I don't remember my #1 feeling like this.

Going for gynae appointment later. Pushed it forward. Hoping that everything is fine.

starburst, rest well! dont think so much.
So far I only vomit 1 time. My ms like gastric, giddy, headache, bloated usually in the morning or nite and last 15min to 2 hrs then ok le. Not sure is good or not coz doc say my bb small. My 2nd app on 2 oct hope bb grow healthy.
Seem like alot here starting ms. This week beginning week 6, so I think will be kicking in soon. Only a few times wanna gag but no vomit.

Debbie, take care. Update us your appt later.
Hi gals..
miss u all I'm having bad ms too but vomit is all not food but a big pile of silvar. Like got "tan" like that. Appetite is not very well dou

Hi starburst don't worry everything will be fine. U wana hear my story? I told u gals I was bleeding on last sat w blood clots. N i tout my bb is gone! But last Monday I went to see doc Seriously I dare not even dare to see the screen till doc told me to look! And I saw my bb heartbeat there! Thu out till now I'm spotting n sticky discharge is also brown. Doc told me bb unstable that's why like that as long is not fresh blood is ok.

Today 1 week later go see doc say bb still unstable n heartbeat still there! But after a unrine test suddenly bleed like a rush flow again -.- this time went in doc give me a jab on my thigh n ask me for bed rest. Now stil hope for the best n hope can chat w u gals again ^^ as now still having mix feelings that's why didn't chat much hee

So starburst don't lose hope ya!
don't give up think of a brighter side things will be ok! Do update us again as I'm sercertly keeping up this thread too hehe
BBK, just got back from the appt. Everything seems fine. But baby is a bit tiny so i can't see heartbeat yet. Next appointment 5 october, hope to see heartbeat
I'm about 6 weeks now. Baby less than 1cm.

fabbie, do get lots of bed rest. Hoping for the best for you! Stay positive

Oh ya girls, my #1 has HFMD now, i was actually quite worried if it would affect #2 even if the HFMD is a mild case. But i guess i'll stay positive and try to keep myself healthy. Trying my best to minimise contact with #1 and not share food with him. So mummies with children, please make sure they're healthy too as we also need to protect the little ones inside us now.
Fabbie, nice to see u here and love your story. But rem to bed rest and take care.

Debbie, hope u can hear heartbeat for your next appt. 5 oct seem long.
I think better to stay away from #1 as possible..hope he get well soon
Thx mummies

Fabbie!!! I'm so glad to see u again in this thread and that u and ur baby r fine

Hugs to u and ur baby!

Do take gd care! Hope ur girl recovers soon, and u too fr ur flu.

Saw the gynae this morn.. Baby's heartbeat is very very slow. It shld be twice that of an adult's now but instead it is half. So sad to see and hear that.
Plus the pregnancy sac is a little smaller than usual, and the yolk is a little larger than usual.
Dr says this cld indicate chromosomal pblms, but he cannot say for sure it will definitely be unhealthy. There is a small chance it will be healthy.
Still bleeding so I have decided to stay in till wed morn when he scans again. By then we will know if the heartbeat has stopped or if things have taken a turn for the better. I'll not give up hope. Pls pray for a miracle for my baby. Thx much.
BBK, ya 5th Oct sounds long. But 2 weeks appointment and i cannot make it on weekdays. No choice.

Starburst, i'll be praying for your baby. Stay strong and remain positive. In the meantime, do get lots of rest. big hugs.
Thanks Debbie n bbk
Thanks Hugs starburst. Stay positive! Will be praying u and ya baby! Doc say its very very slow? Or u see is like very slow? How many weeks are u le. Stay positive ya bb heart will improve stronger if ya not stress. Hug tight tight
Starburst, stay positive
pray a miracle baby for you. Rest well.

Fabbie,you too rest well. Hope all our bb sticks with us for nine months.
Fabbie! Glad to hear things turned around for you. Rest lots n take care of yrself n baby...
N starburst take care n hope you get better soon too...

BKK: I have the exact same pain as you like gastric.... Keeping me up at night....
morning mummies!.
I am now at aus.. really miss the thread here.. guess what?! I had a boat ride ytd.. after that puke like free flow.. this morning again Gt the wanna like feeling.. gag a few times but nothing came out.. I totally skipped my meal Ytd night.. only manage to eat like 3 plain crackers today and took my folic acid.. feel so uncomfortable.. I hope baby is fine inside me..
Fabbie, welcome back!

Starburst, have faith and do take care. Positive thinking helps.. Will keep u in our prayers.
Shirley, enjoy your trip! Having ms is good so dun worry.

I hope your gastric is better by now. I still get on off gastric. Poking here and there.

Yesterday night I am having very tight pulling cramp at my lower abdomen. I am do fearful. Keep googling.
Do you all experience these? Or am I the only one?
Bbk, yeSterday till now I also got the pulling cramp feeling on my lower right abdomen but not very tight. Juz on and off. Thinking issit my bb movement but is too early right... Hmm...
I still not getting ms . Getting worried.

Alice, i think is not baby movement, it is uterus expanding. That's what i read.
Hi bbk. Don't worry... I get all the same symptoms as you.. Sometimes, I have sharp shooting pain in my abdomen too. The last time I saw my gynae he told me it's normal unfortunately... But I will ask him again when I see him in 2 weeks. If you are really worried, you can give yr gynae a call? Every night now I have gastric n pain in d abdomen n won't fall asleep until few hours in bed.... N waking up all the time in d middle of the night. My gynae also said we might be the lucky ones who don't have to suffer ms.. I checked w my mum too n she said when she was pregnant w my brother, there was no ms at all. So not getting ms is not a bad symptom : ) don't worry n be positive like you said!
Fabbie and starburst, jia you!!!

As for ms... Sigh... The moment ms starts i ask myself why did i get myself into this again... Then memories of #1 ms comes back and i say "oh shit" lol...

Sigh.... Just have to countdown and hopes ms goes away soon... My ms for #1 lasted for 7 mths.. So if its any lesser this round, its definitely a bonus...
Junebunny, that's pretty long ms for 7 months.
Hope this time round will be shorter than before.

For me different, i want ms... Lol
My back acne getting worst, I will be going back Malaysia for wedding dinner this coming December... I duno how to wear my wedding dress with all this acne haiz...
Talking about back ache. I think i am also having it.
Lowe backache. I dun have before.
Seems like it pretty fast this time round.
Fabbie & Starburst, stay positive n talk to your little one. Jiayou!!!

Went to see my gynae last fri, he told me my bb is only close to 4weeks, ask me to see him again 2weeks. Hopefully, i can see bb hb by then

BBk, you're cute. Y do you want MS so much? Did you have MS for your #1? I dont hv any MS for my #1 hopefully its the same for #2. As for backache, i also have it occasionally, pray that it wont worsen.

Junebunny, 7 months is really long, hopefully your MS wont last too long this time round.
Novsnow, i do have ms for first one.
I wanted ms cos at least i know my bb is growing. Now, have not seen doctor, no sign of ms, bu fang xin. Haha, maybe i got it later and i will complaint already.
Bkk: ya. my gynae told me that as long as i feel that i have ms, means that baby is growing healthily... Dont know whether he's trying to be funny or is that for real...

I went to the gynae last week. Gynae says about 5-6 weeks preggie only. Cannot see heartbeat yet. told me to come back another 3 weeks later and should be able to see something by then...
Fool4love, you went with your hubby? I suppose so. Another 3 week is a killer.

Do you all have bump already? I have Liao. Plus some spare tyre.
bbk: my gynae says that MS means that baby is growing. i dunno whether he's saying that in jest or is that the truth

Haha. My MS has been limited *fingers crossed* to slight cramps and feeling nauseous.. I read somewhere that to minimise nauseousness, i should take something like vitamin B12 or something. So i'm trying to take more food on that.

my sil had two and both wo MS. She says that it differs from individual and from babies..
Bkk: ya. went with hubby.

i have a slight bump... Trying to hide it from my colleagues but one of them told me that it's an open secret. *_*'''

I dunno whether the bump is baby bump or fatty bump though. haha
Update for Seraphinee

<table border=1><tr><td>No.</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>baby #</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>NSEW </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Alice saw</TD><TD>27-Apr</TD><TD>Dr Lan Heng Tung</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Parkway East</TD><TD>East </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Happymrs</TD><TD>30-Apr</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>East </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Starburst</TD><TD>2-May</TD><TD>Dr TC Chang</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>TMA</TD><TD>South </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Dreambig</TD><TD>2-May</TD><TD>Dr LC Foong</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>West </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Watashi</TD><TD>3-May</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>TMA</TD><TD>West </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Ivy E</TD><TD>5-May</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>West </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Shirley</TD><TD>10-May</TD><TD>Dr Henry Cheng</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>North </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Memphissbelle</TD><TD>10-May</TD><TD>Dr Ben Neo</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>East </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Junebunny</TD><TD>11-May</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>BBk</TD><TD>18-May</TD><TD>Dr LC Foong</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>West </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Ange</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr Lee I Wuen</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Raffles</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Debbie</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr Poon King Fu</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>North </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Novsnow</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr Kowa</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>West </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Jiali</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr Irene Chua</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>TBC </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Reddish</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>West </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>babymaine</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr John Tee</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>East </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>seraphinee</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>East </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>wt81</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>trixia</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>fool4love</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>love16</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Raihana</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD>TBA</td></tr></table>
hi everyone
im nicole.. can i join in?
im ard 5-6 wks preg.
congrats to all the mummies
this is my 2nd preg n my son is already 3 yo.
i havnt start to ve any ms so im kind of worry oso. my doc appt will be on 27 sep..
Hi Starburst and fabbie, Jia you and stay positive! Pray that your baby will be safe and sound

Hi Debbie, take care and wash your hands frequently and not be too close to #1

My ms is quite bad...i have been gagging every now and then...not much appetite and will only feel better after eating orange and having sour and hot soup... hope the 1st trimester will be over soon!!

Jia you everyone...
Hi all, passed out the pregnancy sac with a tiny little fetus. It's over and goodbye...
I thank God i still got to hold my baby in my hands and say a proper goodbye even though I am heartbroken. I got to tell it I love it and it'll always be my child.

Will build up my health and probably try again next yr.

Will have to leave this thread. I wish all mummies a smooth pregnancy and pls take good good care of yourselves.
thanks mummies for the sweet advice.. I will be going to see my gyne when I touch down.. cos could nt really stomach anything.. not even water.. so Gt abit worried that baby couldn't get any nutrients. I am trying to take pocari sweat&amp; dry cracker.. hopefully can stomach all these down.

starburst: I am so sorry to hear this.. pls tale care of your health and do a small confinement.. I am sure you're strike again.. I can totally understand how your feel.. the feeling suck ttm .. take your time to grieve.. I am sure you will get pregnant soon again.. we all love you very much..
Starburst, sorry to hear about this and I hope that ur doing fine.. I'm sure ur able to conceive soon.. Ur bb is with god's hands. Meanwhile, rest more and eat well to recuperate back ur health. I've been through ur stage before. I've had 3 TOPs done back then before I got married with this man. And now I'm a happy mummy with a great family
) do not despair and do not let this setback get to u.
Congrats and welcome Nicole.

Shirley, oh dear hope you can recover soon. Try to drink rebena if water does not help. Or those sour sour prickles ?

So sorry to hear that! Totally know how u feel and you are indeed strong girl. I been thru these too last year. Build up your health and try again. Take care.
Hi all, I was from June 2011 forum.. I'm currently ard 5-6 weeks preggy.. was following this thread for quite some time.. can I join in? As for Ms, I think it's starting to kick in liao.. feeling constantly hungry.. n heartburn feeling all the time..
Bbkk: lmp on 12 August.. my Ms started at ard week 6 for my last pregnancy..

BTW u guys heard of confinement lady who only looks after bb? Or it will definitely comes with cooking..
I diarrhoea this 2 day. I always feel hungry but no appetite so I juz drink milo and eat biscuits, duno bb got Enuf food mo...

Starburst: sorry to hear tat, stay strong ya. Most important now take care ur health. Sure got chance again de.
Iko, I think CL comes as a package for cooking and taking care baby. But if u dun need her to do cooking, I think can compromise.
Your LMP was later than me by 4 days and you got your ms Liao. Maybe mine coming soon.

I am still very good at food appetite. I dun feel pregnant at all only the bloated tummy.
Hi all mummies! I'm new to this forum.

Currently about 6 weeks preggy. the last i went to the doc was about 2 weeks ago. all i could see was only a 4mm sac, haha, too early to see BB. i started having a bit of MS in my 5th week. it comes like every alt day. today i might be feeling better but the next day i will feel horrible. so far no vomiting. tried but nothing came out.
Hello mummies !!

Have you all started on your supplements already ? like fish oil etc.. ? Would like to know which brand of fish oil are you all taking and how much does your gynae charge you.

I am thinking of getting my supplements from M'sia as my gynae has increased his charges again

I am currently 7th week pregnant
