(2013/05) May 2013

reddish, i think bladder full then can see well but i dunno why leh. previously my gynae wanted vscan but i dun want, so the nurse ask me to drink until bladder full. maybe more fluid easier to scan.

Alice, the nurse never ask u to take out ur undie first? hehe, there are more to come.. hehe

No le, doctor take out for me, she juz say I wan do vscan on u lol. Shock sia. Btw, Doc gave me folic acid, can i still drink milk with folic acid and those dha thing? Will it be too much? Or if too much got side effect?
Wah Alice, ur gyne woman? Haha gd service leh. Seldom
Gyne would take out for us. Normally we take out ourselves. Lol lol. Haha. Mine is male gyne but I think he see until Sian le ba.. Hahas.
Yes got to take folic acid to prevent birth abnormalities. I take it as per normal after my breakfast. But I think multi Vit got to avoid going with milk for 2 hrs. Think the iron or zinc will clash with milk.
Honey lemon! I shall go and buy one during lunch time..
How much is the market rate for next yr? My CL quoted me 2.3k! Say can go up to 2.5k but she didn't increase..
Won't the price of CL drops next yr??
Omg so exp, I thinking juz to take day cl coz I staying with mom in law no place for cl to sleep lol. Btw wan ask after confinement will back to work right, then bb 2nd month need to put at child care centre but issit safe to do tat, will it be too young put at child are centre?
Reddish, I called one CL quoted me $2500. then I say I discuss with my hubby first then she keep on promoting herself. She told me she got alot of people booking her but she rejected but can take my booking. I dun trust her. End up I found another one, quoted me $2300 so I booked it.
Alice, u don't have ML? Why are u going back to work so early? I plan to use up my ml one shot.. And probably claim hl to rest before I deliver cos I know by then, I can't walk much.

BBK, I haven't tried this CL before and I'm
V keen to try her. . My previous CL was this CL friend cos she's tied up with one confinement and got her friend to do for me. So far my sil gives gd review. My sil hired her for 2yrs to look after their son when he's small, together with a maid. Both are working parents and has no home help thus get her in with a maid. I believed she's gd la cos my sil has high expectations. Haha. Normally a gd CL won't advertise herself on the line unless we raised some questions for her.
Reddish, then if that's the case, good to grab. $2300 for next yr is consider ok already cos this yr already $2300. faster chop ur CL
Hi ladies!


Alice, do you have Maternity leave? Normally safer to put bb at infantcare from 3 months to 4 months. I know of some babies who adapt well and don't fall sick so often in infantcare, but some just cannot get used to it can fall sick easily. Really depends on infantcare cleanliness as well as baby. I actually thinking of putting #2 in infantcare but now due to financial issues, i think a helper and part time nanny would be more preferred by my hubby.

reddish, i thought the price of CL should not increase so much leh, next year not dragon year already. Sigh, now 2300 already. so ex!

reddish, with a full bladder, the ultrasound can be seen more clearer. Especially now our babies are really small, need full bladder.
Reddish: I did a v scan at 6w too. Didn't know could do tummy scan haha... Maybe different gynae has different preference.

BKK : I think Meiji milk shd be safe for pregnancy. It's like any normal pasteurized milk. Just have to make sure you are drinking pasteurized milk. I think you must be lactose intolerant since you get diarrohea when u drink milk. Maybe can try to look for low lactose milk....

Btw, 2300 for CL is it the say overnight rates? What about just day time? Is it too early to book now? My intention was to start after first trimester.....
Hi ladies, been lurking for a couple of days. Just got my BFP on Tuesday after 2 years of trying. Had a missed miscarriage in June 2011, so this is pregnancy #2 for me, but I pray every day that this bb will hang in there and meet us face to face next year!

Due to my past miscarriage, my gynae is super cautious and has already started me on weekly progesterone jabs and suppositories, as well as a lot of supplements.

Congrats to all the mummies-to-be
Dream big, ok shall look for that kind of milk.
My overnite CL is $2300. Day time not sure. I think is always good to book early. I called one and she already booked. So I seek others.

Welcome Seraphinne, congrats to you. Maybe u wAn to give some details to be in the list.
Hihi BBK, oops, I was so excited I forgot to leave my details. Hahah!

Bb: 1st
Doctor: Dr Peter Chew
Hospital: Gleneagles
Location: East
Okok no prob can sense your excitement.
I add on tomorrow morning ok. Not in front of pc now. Hehe. When is ur last menses?
I had an extended period of abnormal bleeding followed directly by my period last month (was bleeding for more than 2 weeks!!!) so I can only estimate my EDD at this time.

Dr hasn't said anything abt EDD but anyway I have to see my gynae for weekly visits to keep my pregnancy extra-safe, perhaps he'll tell me when he's more certain about the stablity of my pregnancy.
Ya I should eligible for 4 month, I think take 1 month before birth then 3 month after birth. By tat time bb juz 3 month I really scare infant care centre kenot take care my bb. Anyone know max how many infant they can take care? 1 nanny 3 infant?
Alice, not to teach u this but have u considered taking HL before u pop? So u could save on ur ML and start using them
Till u pop. My gyne do issue HL.. He just wrote on the dates on a normal mc and state 'hospitalization leaves'. My ex mnc accepted that.
But of course, by that time, I'm already having severe pelvic and knee pain. Couldn't walk well etc so I asked him for HL and he's more than willing to give it. Should be a norm for him. Lol
Alice, I think I teacher 8 babies. Can enter once 2 months. But of cos if u can take care longer the better.

Seraphinee, oic. U take care ya. Try not to walk too much. Are u working?
But if I continue work I scare later water bag burst at office. Like so paiseh :x 1 teacher 8 babies !!! Omg duno will neglect my bb mo:x really bu fang sim
Erm Mcys ratio is 1teacher:5babies.. But normal IFC would place 1:3 ratio. But when it comes to first few hrs and last few hrs, they'll be fewer teachers due to shift timing.

I don't trust IFC. My girl had bad nappy rash, sick frequently etc. the care and concern is not there. V bad.. I withdrew my girl from IFC and found a nanny for her. Luckily she's a gd nanny and my girl likes her a lot.. If possible, don't put IFC.. Risk of hmbd, bronchitis, flu viral etc stands v much higher compared to home caring.
Alice, claim hospitalization 1-2months before u pop. That's what I'm going to do. Haha I'm going to enjoy myself before I pop. Have a great rest which I nv had before after my #1 is born. Haha
Hmm I can't find nanny agency from online, it seeme hard to find a nanny. Reddish may I know hire a nanny how much? If I can find nanny I can enjoy before give birth:x
Lol kan cheong mah 1st le, I know I worried too much lol, but can't stop thinking lol paiseh after I see bb scan I become like tat. Kan cheong spider hehe
Alice: the ratio is 1:3 but in the morning before 9am and after 5 pm the ratio can be 1:5. IFC accept babies from 2 months old and the teachers there are certified so do not worry. However, you need to tell the teacher everything you know abt the baby example how much milk he/she drink and how frequent. If you on direct breastfeed, you will not know how much the baby drink. Just do an estimate and the teacher will let you know. My first was in IFC since 2.5 months and so far I been lucky. But I breast feed my dd till 22 months...probably that's why. If you wanna put in IFC, you need to put your name on the centre of your choice as early as possible. There are always not enough space for infant.

I know you are sg perm resident. Is your hubby Singaporean? If he is, your child will be Singaporean and you be entitle to 4 months maternity leave.
Reddish: can claim up to 2 months HL? Since hubby and I are perm resident, my ML is only 8 weeks. So I was thinking to ask my gynae to issue me 3 weeks of HL and another 2 weeks is my annual leave. So total I have 13 weeks...
Enjoy our weekend ladies!!

Alice, sorry given u wrong info. I think the girls are right. Cos if I m not wrong, my sil IFC is 1:8 but hers is the smallest so far.
Ivy, 60days of HL is inclusive of 14days MC. Prior to say, if you've taken 10days of mc, you'll be left with 50days of HL.
For PR, it's also 60days of HL rights?
Reddish: yes PR also on 60 days. Since this is next year, I just have to make sure that the 60 days minus annual MC just incase. Thanks for the info
Ivy: ya my hubby is Singaporean, so i getting 4 month. Juz worried coz mom not around to look after my bb, tats why ask opinion about infant care centre.

All: thanks all for the info, really appreciate it.
Hi all I just saw gynae on fri afternoon. Was happy to see heartbeat. But sat morn I had light bleeding. Called the clinic and the nurse asked me to bedrest except gg to toilet and to increase the medication to 3x a day instead of twice.
Every time I go to the toilet there is some bright red stain... This morning when I woke up, the blood was dark red and much thicker, there was even a small piece that looked like a clot.
I am hoping things will still be fine. So very worried
... I hope you feel better soon starburst... Have a lot of rest and try not to be stressed.... I hope everything will be fine for you too. Big hug to you.
Thx. Gynae called me back this morn and he said if it's gg to miscarry it'll miscarry. He asked me to continue bedrest and utrogestan 3x a day, tmr morn then go and see him. I dunno where I can get a jab now.
And now I feel terrible and I'm crying cos I wonder if I cld havE gotten the jab yest or even today will things be better?
I'm having slight cramps now and the bleeding is more than yest.
You can go to the nearest woman clinic or kkh. I totally understand how you feel. Please dun think so much whether if the jab yesterday would be betterc. Complete bed rest now k. Big big hugs!
Thx BBK.
I paged for gynae again to ask of having a jab wld make any diff. He said I'm prob miscarrying but I can still try the jab. I want to give it one last shot.
He actually told me I have the option to stay in the night and wait for the miscarriage to happen. I was so upset. Anyway I packed my things and am at TMC now. Just got the jab and will stay in the night so i minimise all movt, and see him tmr.
I need to know that I have done all I cld so I will not have to ask what if.
Starbust - i hope you doing fine. hug hug

Morning mummies-Anyone at 7 weeks or more with bad ms? i had ms almost whole day now. at night i have no appetite to eat and that causes me to have headache when i 'm hungry. Then i start to vomit. Have a lot of gas in my stomach. anyone with similar situation?
Ivy, me lo.. No appetite for anything.. Get headache when hungry, get gastric if still dun eat then land up with tummyache and gas.... Feeling is horrid.... I try to force myselfto sleep so i wouldnt feel so yucky
Starburst, hope u are doing fine. Talk to ur baby

IvyE, I have not reach week 7 yet. But experienced tight tummy and bloated. Yes alot of gas n stomach, alot of poking here and there.

Junebunny- you can sleep with your tummy is empty. I can't and it takes hours for me to fall asleep. When i did, the next morning, i will vomit.

BBK- i experienced this much earlier than my first kid. I started to have MS at my 5 weeks. As far as i remember it lasted till week 16. OMG! i still have a long way to go.

Anyone has trouble going to hawker center? Once i go in i wanna puke.
