(2013/05) May 2013

Hi mummies
Regarding CL: I din do confinement fot #1, dun have CL, i did everything myself w family help, went out of the hse to church and shopping even b4 bb 1wk old. I believe if the westerners don't have confinement y must we do it? I don't like following all the rules when it's not based on science. Haha.. i'm a little rebel... I'm sure u all wun agree w me..

Regarding BF: i stopped at 4 mths when i had to go back to work, it was too troublesome to bring the pump and ice pack and containers etc to work and storage, blah blah.. I see other mums sufferining w sore boobs n supply problem and they still continue till now (15mths).. wow.. i think yeah good job mummy, but i dun see those bf bb being healthier or smarter than thoes not bf. So i'm not going to force myself for this bb, hb also ask me to bf just for 1 mth, so that i can spend more time with the bb and family rather than spending time with the pump, sterilizing and stressing over supply.

So just because i have a medela freestyle, i will pump for 1-2mth then stop and sell my pump. haha

worried: Fenugreek is a type of herbs that can help to produce more milk. But it does not work for everybody. I tried for my #1, my body emits the smell and it does not work for me. I think some mother's tea also can help right?

Bbkk/ worried: Have you all booked the confinement lady? Any good day time confinement lady to recommend?
Re breastfeeding:
How come all of u can shed all e weight from bf? U all must be slim slim to begin with!! I'm using medela pisa.. v good..

Re CL:
I think shd get one too.. for my #1.. my mum Did confinement for me.. end up I felt like I din get to rest myself n I fell sick.. it was terrible!!
good morning mummies!

Confinement lady: havent't find my CL... my sis wil help to find one for me.

Maternity clothes: any mummies buy oledy? Wil go Bugis Junction tmr aft my OSCAR Test, not sure whether there sell those clothes or not?
thanks. first time seeing tis word : fenugreek.
I've yet to book for CL. for my first one, I book thru CL agency. The first one that came was rather lazy and not good, so I requested for a change. The second one was ok, and I thot of asking for the same CL to come, not sure whether can make this special request though.
of course would prefer if my mum could do Confinement for me, but she is scare that she might not be able to handle....
I am 9-10 weeks now and my ms is still so bad that I can't go to work at or. Think my boss is my too happy with me. I was on hospitalization leave last week as my Gynae says I am too dehydrated and need to stay in hospital for drip. Now back home, I start to vomit again and feel lack of water again. Any advice anyone? I am desperate ... First time mum and I do not know how to help myself
I have tried all fruit juices, plain crackers, h2o etc. and I became so emo that I cried a few times
Hi, I used medela PISA and found it really good and it's quite portable to bring to office post maternity leave too. I heard freestyle is good too as its lighter though one mummy told me the motor is not as strong as PISA as she has both and is able to compare.

I tried the nursing tea and it worked for me for no. 1. Only took it a few times and supply increased significantly. It didn't work for my fren though when I passed to her to try, so I guess must try various options to see what works for us

I am still throwing up many times a day. First thing in morning definitely will throw out gastric juice and bile, followed by other sessions after each meal where I don't even eat much cos no appetite. Very tired too, dizzy and having chest tightness, hope this will end soon though judging by my first one, it may take some time. Going to stop at 2, can't go through the process again for the third time!
Morning girls.. had a terrible night yday... as my gal was having fever and her rash came out. im sure that the rash is due to her fever but my mum got worried this n that. tout is HFM. i told her HFM also will be on the hand palm n feet. cus the rash grew til her face and lips. but my gal was jumping around eating as normal. so i told her its not HFM, i wont wish to think further to stress myself for nothing. then yday she talk to her frd, she told her that my girl what happen and im like abit kana cus i had terrible bad headache and slight fever. and u know what. her frd say maybe its german measles! and if it is my #2 in my tummy wil have danger! omg. then my mum got kan cheong till she told me abt it when her frd said dont tell me. if not i will stress. YA LA and im damn super stress.. i go n search online to see whats german measles that is so serious this n that. in the end i had terrible nightmare!! dream i cant even touch my #1 and what happen to my #2. wah lau. infact i told my mum im sure is the fever rash as my #1 kana before ah! sighz.. so just now in the morning went to see doc. doc say TOTALLY FINE! is fever rash. HAIYO.. make me so stress that will affect my #2. is super damn what lor.. ARGHZ anyway im just ranting.. thank god my #1 is FINE i can hug n kiss her n sleep with her.. but really that topic still worry me somehow. sighz..

pigletbee: my doc check my pressure everything is fine. but i recently very giddy and even vomited when i had my food. -____-

nlimm: yeah hopefully is stay on MAY! i prefer may baby. but hopefully not the same birthday as my hub lol abot the package i took it when im 7-8 weeks the lady told me is more worth for me. rather than every week go in and scan 200+ not worth.

bewildered: my oscar that time i did ask the lady.. she told me cant see anything on the gender yet.

esther; if ya lucky u will have a slot. if not really just walk in. yday took 1 prune.. 1 apple i poo duno how many times haha

rina: for me im not keeping cord blood. cus expensive leh! is to save ya bb if anything happen right?

BBK; try 1 yr! i hope i can try 1 yr at least.. for my #1 i bf till 9months the supply is very good but is very stress for me when is work n bf.

iko: ^5 i love PISA!!! very good! please gals if u wana buy medela please dont buy freestyle.. dou is light. but te suction is quite big u will have alot of milk clot inside.

Fainting spells:
Btw do u gals like having some fainting spells? recently i have. quite giddy sia.. and i had terribe headaches. is those SUPER pain that pull your head inside one. =(
A BIG HI to mummies!

I am expecting my No. 2 on 17 May, going for OSCAR this sat. Hoping to learn and unlearn from you amazing ladies.

Re. MS
I am quite fortunate, MS is quite minimal for me. I only feel nausea when i feel cold or hungry. Hence i binge every 2 hours or so.

Have you ladies started prenatal vitamins and DHA? And have your boss and colleagues aware of your pregnancy? I have yet to inform my boss, no guts.
Fabbie, glad is nothing serious for ur gal. Hope she gets well soon.

So many rave for medela Pisa. I think I gonna get that too. I hope I can fully make full use of that.

LJ, welcome here. I think u can start on prenatal vits already.
Morning ladies!!!

Talking abt BF, I only BF my #1 for like a month due to done stress then milk supply sudden drop and for my 2nd one I only BF for a month plus coz got to take care of no.1 then can only pump whenever he naps instead of latching. This time round will see how thing goes hopefully I can tahan abit longer. Hahaha.

CL: it'll be good if there's CL to help. For me I'll be engaging my CL for 2mths. Hubby say if can 3mths even better. :D

Pre-natal education: wan to find out whether any mummy heard of this baby plus? We actually bought it and used it for my first and second preg but now somehow I misplaced it, hubby suggested getting a new one but I find it too ex ($300+) and abit no point.
How's everyone doing?

I'm scheduled for the OSCAR scan tomorrow. Hope baby cooperates.

Fabbie: Did your girl's fever break after the rash came out? Likely roseola if so.

Re: Pump
My friends swear by the PISA and these are the babes who pump 12 months and longer. So I'm getting that. Got the PISA the first time around too... but sold it off after 4 months as I stopped breastfeeding.

I'm at 12 weeks plus but was still suffering bad nausea Sunday and yesterday. No vomitting but just feel really bad. Counting down to better days.
worried: yes I prefer my mum to do confinement for me, but I will still need to take care of bb and all that..so may not have enuff rest.

Welcome LJ! My gynae has already given me fish oil, iron and calcium pills before I hit my 12 weeks. I already informed my female boss when I was 12 weeks. Got to tell her sooner and later and she should be the first to know in the company, I feel.

babbie: I have fainting spells too but gynae said is normal, just be extreme careful. The blood is going towards our uterus for our bb, thats why feel giddy. Also it is important to eat iron pills or iron rich food.

I also heard PISA is good, maybe can invest in one and sell away next time.
thanks gals.. my #1 very bubbly jumping up n down.. just like abit sian that im not even worried about anything cus i know nothing could happen to her. as she usually have high fever rash will come out. cus mummy is so worry that wil pass to my #2 in my tummy.. makes me damn headache also.. arghz.. cus if really pass thats it. need to terminate pregnancy which is so serious. but really thank god at the end is nothing.. hope there wont big blow coming. wah.. i cannot take it sia! ..

ange:ya high fever then rash come out. my mum frd was saying german measles omg..

Pump:Medela PISA is quite heavy like a brick but is worth! i bought 800 bucks i think from TMC> and its very very worth! supply very good too! freestyle is lightweight. u can bring to office but the suction is not as strong. is ex but i felt is not worth. my frd have freestyle have alot of clots in her breast keep complaining.

heartburn: anyone experiencing heartburn?? sometimes i really feel i cant breathe man.. arghz
Hello mummies!

I'm back from HKG! got quite a few bargains on cheap baggy clothes that can double up as maternity clothes as the maternity clothes there i saw quite typical.. was on anti-nausea pills so i didn't throw up that much.. but once on the flight back to SG, the nausea came back fast and furious..

ml83: please take care.. rest well ya..

happy to read that many mummies have gone through the OSCAR test! and passing the 12 weeks mark.. i'm on 10-11 weeks and ms still lingers that i have to work from home so that i can rest in between.. usually throw up after food.. so its like nothing in nothing out.. sigh.. weight lost: 1kg and managed to put back on 0.5kg..

going to take bb's photo next tuesday! can't wait.. then will schedule for OSCAR after that.. :D
Having a slight heartburn after meals and sometimes at night. Having nausea all the time. =(

Gynae prescribed Pulin tablets, it seems to stop the vomiting but the nausea feeling doesn't go away. *sad*

Hope all of us will get over this soon.
good afternoon mummies, taken lunch already?

hi 5 Charliebrown, i also prefer my mum to do confinement for me. This time round hope i haf enouf rest as i juz employ a helper. Hope she can help out in it

For bf, I perfer using manual, i haf tried swing but it took too much time.. im using avent manual pump, the most half an hr im done with both side! fast, good cheap n suction is strong!

coz im looking for more mummies for blood cord bank so tat they can gif a better deal.

for my ms abit haywire sometime terrible sometime okay..

Any mummies book their massage lady during confinement already?
oh ya BBK if ya giving birth in TMC and wanted to try PISA theres a parentcraft there u can go there and try the pump. before u buy. cus some of the breast is not suitable to use medela.. i have a frd told me that PISA doesnt work good for her. but instead avent pump gave her more supply. so is better to try out first before u buy. cus pump is very ex! =)

Rina: i book ,y massage lady le.. confinement my mum will be doing for me. hee
Fabbie, I think medela cos lot of sizes for breast shield.
Thinking to get at SMH Bp at $410. Buy in sg is really ex. I delivered in gleneagles. But I think I shd not be a problem to use Pisa. But why u nv consider buy online cheaper.
Hi everyone,

Been really tired and lazy so didnt log in nor post much. Glad everyone is doing well and having fun looking at their babies during Oscar.
Cant wait to see doc next week (my Oscar is 2weeks away)!!

@Esther: My hb's cousin recommended babyplus too! Said his baby girl was really calm and easy to take care after she was born. My hb went to visit them on a couple of occassions and was impressed too. But I wasnt really impressed with the price, $338 I think. haha. Now we are thinking of getting it on ebay.Think should be at least $100 cheaper but hopefully its safe and works. Does it work for your 1st 2 kids?

Re: Breast Pumps
@Bbkk - The BP for medela Pisa is $410? You have the link? Sorry v.lost on all these breast pumps stuff but I did hear rave reviews on the Medela Pisa and freestyle. Am thinking of getting most stuff (stroller, breast pumps etc) online if I can find them coz can save quite abit! :p
Wahhh many posts !!

Fabbie: glad ur ger ok ,can imagine ur panicky feeling. I abit thing aldy think Of this n that, imagination just go weird. So nice!! My gynae's package only start fr wk 16!! Every visit so ex

Yes I do n ESP these few days worse with the terrible weather

Baby plus:
What's this ?

Medala Pisa:
Errr bbkk n Fabbiee u both using ? Really gd ? Thinking if to get as earlier my #1 I got Avnet single pump.$400+ consider gd buy, sound ex ;(
Bbk: TMC got warranty and if I'm not can go there service the pump. So expensive item seriously I dare not buy online. I rather buy outside.

Rina: my ml name ada. Her charging range is 1hr 50 bucks, quite like her she last time do for me when I have my #1. She last time provide bathing for bb also! But she told me now no more le maybe too busy le ba. ;)
sleepyskies: I'm not too sure whether the baby plus works but I do agree tat my #1 is better tempered compare to my 2nd one but I dunno whether te baby plus or hs character. For my #1, I'm quite consistent as for #2 not so much as compared to #1. Ya it's really abit ex.

nlimm: baby plus is a pre-natal education. You can try to google it then u'll have a better idea.

Toking abt breast pump, I got a question to ask for mummies who have use medala freestyle, do you all get crack nipples are even dryness on the aerola?
Nlimm: if ya using avent just use avent I have frds say avent is good too for their supplies. I used Pisa for good 9 months really my best Frd. A lot of supply till I need to give away my breast milk lol

Stroller: recommend maclaren quest! For no.1 I have 3 strollers! N this is the best for me! Till now is still good! Not ex or bulky also. Not very heavy I can go out with this stroller with my gal last time hee.
Wah now I feel tempted to try PIS. I bought freestyle for #1 due to its portability as I plan to continue to BF even after returning to work. I did feel that the freestyle suction was not fantastic. I usually got to pump 30min to have sufficient supply. I plan to BF even longer for my #2 so hmm..maybe I can really think of buying a PIS..but v exp lor! The good thing abt freestyle is it allows u to be handsfree. I typically strapped myself up to pump n continue to go ard the house doing some light chores.
I read that it's impt to latch your bb within first hour of birth to stimulate better bonding and supply. To increase supply, it's best to latch exclusively at least for the first 2 months. I had prob latching my #1 in the first month and had to pump n the supply wasn't great. I had to pump v often to meet his demand. Only when I was abt to return to work after 4 months did my boy suddenly like latching, so I actually latched him at night all the way till 13 mths. It was v good bonding I must say and made me very determined to latch exclusively for 2-3 months b4 introducing bottle for #2. Btw, our diet is v impt when we BF otherwise if we don't eat well, our milk (though still contain precious antibodies) will not be as nutritious. My mil cooked me a big slice of fatty fish every night for as long as a year b4 I asked her to stop. So my boy is v strong and healthy. Everyone commented abt him feeling very firm to the touch (not the soft soft type of flesh). He also doesn't get infected when we are down with flu and such. So in my experience, BF has indeed lived up to WHO's claims that it's the best food on earth for our babies. And the Mummy enjoyed the experience too!
Captain_piglet: Pisa also can sling ah. Just buy the sling strap can Liao! I always use that I hands free and surf the net. Hehe and yes Pisa is ex. But I tout freestyler is more ex? But I only like cus it's light weight can bring go office n pump.
Hi mummies,

Fabbie: thank God all is well for your daughter....

For bf, i bf for 12 months for #1...it was a real journey i recall. My friend told me to bf immediately after birth as baby has natural instinct to suckle. tried that but didnt really work.. i was so stress with supply during 1st month that i almost stop...guess persistent latching help
i had another stress when i was suppose to go back to work and my #1 refused to take the bottle.

I highly recommend Medela PIS too! saved me lots of time during work as I can pump both side concurrently within 15 mins
I have also tried Avent Manual pump. That is good too but u need more time pumping..so will recommend that for traveling cos easy to carry around
Haha iko not me gotta ask fabbie
. fabbie, precisely since I already have freestyle which is exp, I'm not sure if I should spend $ again to buy PIS. I bought my freestyle online though at S$490. V tempting after hearing so many gd reviews abt it! ;)
iko: haha ya its me! im trying very hard to find for u the sling lol cus my pump is my SIL house she's using so i cant see my sling brand. but here you go!! im using this! http://www.pupsikstudio.com/breastfeeding-strap.html very very useful! ANY dual pump can be handsfree using this! haha

captain_piglet: wait.. is PISA is good not PIS. they are different de. PIS = medela pump in style, PISA = medela pump in style advance. u should get the advance if u really want to buy. =) i think if u can ren ren with ya freestyle i think u save money ba. if not u sell then u get a PISA? at most when u use freestyle massage more.. so that the milk flow will easily come out =)
Thanks fabbie for the great recommendation! This seems easier to use than the freestyle handsfree (though more secure).
yah I will think abt it...maybe change my shields to the personalfit ones rather than soft fit which I read are no good.
Fabbie, omg... It look so tempting. Look like I really gonna buy Pisa and the sling. Thanks for recommendation.
Are u getting super shield just for the sling?
hi all

issit normal to experience achy back at this juncture? My gf just told me that usually this happens in the last trimester...

So i'm thinking whether it's the bed or my seating posture in the office.
fool4love: Backaches can be a result of bad posture too. So try to observe what aggravates it and try to change or avoid. I get lower back ache when I'm on a tv marathon and slouch on the couch. Hehe
Hi mummies, i went for my gynae appt on monday and saw my bb waving his tiny hands and kicking his tiny legs. So cute. Bb grew alot too, from 10.99mm at 7w to 28mm at 9w. Really feel relieved to see him grow.

MS is really bad. I puke at least 4 times everyday.. Hope it will end soon.

Re: Backache
I experience backache too. guess it's quite common and normal?
Baby plus:
I used bb plus too, strictly from 18 weeks onwards for my #1 will use it too for #2. As for it resulting in a calm and quiet bb, at birth, he was very calm and din cry just looked around curiously at the labour ward surroundings. I dun know if bb plus works or not, bcos now he is definately not calm, he is noisy and demanding. haha. Hope #2 can b better behaved.

Breast feeding:
Wa u gals are so pro bf. I'm still skeptical.
As for health benefits, my fren full bf till now (1 year old) the bb admitted to hosp tiwce for bhronchitis and for intestinal interception. Another full hardworking full bf mummy till now (14mth) bb always got bad eczema.
As for bonding, my son sticks to me like a glue although i did not bf, i pump out milk for 4 mths. His health is good, skin good, not flabby baby, smartest in shichida class (i'm a bias mum)
rach: my Ml is a chinese woman .. not bad i quite like her... her appt always full u haf to book her in advance only thing right now im concern is her price had increase frm 50 to 60... alot of e celebrity n wife done by her...

breast bump:
seem like alot of mummies vote for PISA so temp to get one too. but im worry it took very long time like swing... is e suction strong n good?

i having bad backache ever since i give birth to my #1 .. now it got worse mayb i keep on carry him pluz his weight already more den 10kg... juz tahan i few more month im going for massage n it really helps..
Fabbie: looks really good.. I've a breast pump vest.. by the time I put on I'm already sweating halfway.. n I dun have patience.. cuz in middle of night just wanna quickly pump n go sleep.. the sling can only buy online?
captain_piglet: ya is quite secure.. u can adjust to fit tight to ya breast so u move it wont fall off. but im not sure hows freestyle looks like cus i didnt use it before hehe.

BBK: dont get super shield. IF you are confirm getting medela. get the soft shield. super shield is just a normal shield and its hard plastic kind, its not soft. medela got a soft shield u get that can liao. if u buy PISA inside have the soft shield then dont need to buy any shield le.. wait till ya shield broke then get a new one =) If im not wrong i did buy super shield that time but i dont like. i found soft shield and i love that liao. haha

fool4love: yup i have achy back.. especially lower back at times =)

Vickii: haha ya bb so cute! good to hear that everything is fine!

rina: if u are not sure whether to buy anot. u can go to TMC there they can let u try. and teach u.. they also got sell 2nd hand one. or Rent pump also have =)

iko: yup can buy online.. pumping vest? isnt that HOT? but one the sling better. no need to wear anything like vest hehee

iko: Is the pumping vest the white one with 2 holes to fit the shields? I din find it very secure. So gave up using it after a few tries.
