(2013/05) May 2013

Does any mummies here tried working full time + breast-feeding at the same time? Care to share your experiences?

I would want to BF, but need to work for dual income to support family too. Thinking how to cope with it.

Me! I did so for both my babies.
For #1 I pumped till about 14-15 months then BF till about 22-23 months.

For #2, I pumped till about 13-14 months & I'm still breastfeeding her (sigh, latch on for comfort & she's already more than 2 yrs old).

Get a good pump. Plan your time and most importantly you have to set your mind to do full breastfeeding.

Breastmilk is FOC, so you actually save a lot of money by not buying formula milk. Why should we let the manufacturers of FM become rich when we can produce the milk for our kids right?

Are you working office hours?
Any possibility of having a short 15 mins break every 3 hourly? I'd pump around 11 am, maybe 2 pm, then if i can around 4 pm during the earlier months. Later on I'll just pump during lunchtime. then at home. Baby drinks whatever milk I pump in office for the following day.

I'm sure you can do it too! The first step is to even consider breastfeeding, so u're on the right track
chiro, i worked full time and breast-fed at the same time. Does your workplace have a room to express milk? For me, i wake up earlier to express milk, then pump during lunch, and i rush home to express milk again. I had to adjust my pumping schedule to 3-4 times a day. SS dropped a little but still managed to meet the demand. It's tiring but i think it's worth it. Is this your #1? I feel that if you only have 1 baby, easier to breastfeed. My boy was a real chubby baby and he seldom fell sick. I think its due to the breastmilk. But no matter what i think mummies shouldn't be so stressed over it. Just enjoy the process. I use medela PIS
pinktulip: her #3 is my godchild... so when I was in hkg I already bought neutral colored clothes for the babe. But it was also neutral coloured cos they were those organic cotton ones. They don't color the fabric. Hahaha

Even for my #2... I'm just chilling...Maybe the mood to shop hasn't quite kicked in hehe but we do need to buy a fair bit of stuff cos of the age gap between #1 & #2... i've given most stuff away. Hahaha
pink tulip: Looks like you're the one to turn to for encouragement on breastfeeding!
My regret is I didn't manage to breastfeed #1 long enough and this time I wanna get it right for #2.
Medela PIS is a good pump right, I've heard so much about it. For #1, i survived on an avent manual. For #2, I bought avent single electric pump. And i realised how much i had missed out when i didn't get an electric pump. Almost grew muscles pumping. hahaa.

Ahhh okies. I think I'll have to get newborn clothing. can never have enough of those. In market will do. hehe.
@fabbie: I am 28yo this yr, not as young as I wld like to be for a 1st time mommy! haha but hb and I were waiting for our hse to be ready so can only ttc after we moved into our new place.

Ahh, I cant wait for my Oscar scan too! Hope I will be able to know the gender then! Heard that if its a baby boy, they can identify the gender as early as 12weeks. Is that true? I am hoping for a boy for my #1..keeping thinking of baby as a boy. Hope this 'instinct' is accurate. haha

I hope to be able to breastfeed as long as possible too. Is it true that your milk supply will take a few days to come after you deliver? Or we can immediately breastfeed the baby in the hospital? Does the hospital provide lactation consultants to guide us along or we just learn on the spot??
Pinktulip and Debbie, thanks for the advice! =)

I will be the very first mummy in my office here (my company is small, less than 10 ppl), there's only a common meeting room currently that we share with other companies.

My boss is quite pro-family though I probably feel embarrassed to tell him about this BF-arrangement lol.
Sleepyskies, yes the milk supply will take around 3 days to come. But can start latching to stimulate right after birth. So my engorgement started on day 3 and 4 when the supply suddenly came in and my breasts wasn't used to it. But after that it got better and will stabilise.

pinktulip, yes Medela PIS is a good pump! It didn't fail me also throughout the entire BF process. Bought it online through Agape babies. I mainly pump only. Didn't manange to get baby to latch successfully so i rely on pump. I borrowed a manual pump from my SIL during the first few days. My hands became so suan after manually pumping! Gave up on manual pump! hahaaj. i get my newborn clothing from the market or cheong choon actually. Shopping mood not there yet. Waiting for gender to be known first.
yeah agree, most important is a healthy bb. This sat going to my gynae again, so excited!!

pinktulip: I saluate you! but really, the first bfing experience to me was very bad. so stressed, low supply, bought wrong pump (single medal swing), no support and no determination.
here the mummies very young leh! any mummy nearing mid 30s?

I also no shopping mood yet. Even for no.1, I bought all his things near end 2nd trimester.
Alot of young mummies here..

Tsm, I think no pantang bah.. Shd be ok

Does anyone still moody all day. I never been happy after getting ms.. All day moody face and just dun feel right on my body.
Hi mummies,

normally when does ms subside? since yesterday i start to feel better, still nausea and vomit but not as bad as before. but im only 10 wk. wondering if it is normal or it's something i should worry.
TSM & Ange: Where u gals scan one? how come all know boy or gal. LOL but gald everything went well and healthy!!

Ange: so ya #1 that time say is a mei mei or didi?? is it jun? lol im just curious hahaha so when is ya detail scan? ya gal is more guai guai but then spend alot! cus need to dress her up mei mei de.. hehehe very cute de la. haha u can dress her next time like a doll lol

pinktulip: hahaha infact i also have intention leh. if my #2 is a boy i also will let him wear my #1 who is a girl romper. lol but anyway i dont have alot of PINK NB rompers anyway hahah

chiro: full time + BF is quite tough. i remember before work i will pump one time.. lunch time pump one time... if got OT.. evening will pump one time. I would say if u start work after ya 4 months before that u should pull your time long abit. so at least u dont have to everyday keep pumping. thats for me. =) cus pumping also need time. and i cannot always so to the room n pump. people will tout i eat snake hee

Ange: BF is good if can BF more!! save really alot of money also! Wah i also had #1 when im 28 too!! LOL

sleepyskies: =( if u say 12 weeks can detect mine cant even detect then maybe no chance boy le.. LOL

Tsm: can ah.. why cannot touch ya tummy?
My gynae say will peak at week 9.
Sound true
Coz my ms is very bad now. And I m coming to 9th week

I m looking forward to 10 week
At least will feel better
fabbie: hahaha! I only heard can detect boys from as early as week 12 but I guess it also depends on whether the baby is cooperative during the scan! If baby not in the right position, also cant tell if its a boy. hahah. We shall both wish for baby boys!

I am determined to breastfeed my baby next time for as long as possible coz not only is it good for my baby, saves money but also help the mommy to slim down! hahaha I am so scared of putting on too much weight!
Vi : mine peak like mad at 9 wk. like zhun zhun 9 wk i start to puke like crazy. but once i step into 10 wk, it really subsided. don't know if it's normal or is it too fast to subside.. Cuz i read somewhere that it will get better at 12 wk but i'm only at wk 10.
fabbie, i done my Oscar at Parkway East Hospital.

Bbkk & fabbie: this is my #1 and oso a first pregnant woman in the office.
Jz nw my colleague who has married 6-7 years still do not have kids come to touch my tummy and hope to get some luck to be pregnant too.
I let her touch but not sure any pantang of it, haha since no pantang then is good......
fabbie: Everything is done at Raffles. Scan by sonographer. Detailed explanation by another doctor and lastly see gynae. I spent 2 hours there yesterday. Hahaha #1 they din manage to see clearly so no records. Doc said likely position was not right. They have all my records at a click of a button. Detailed scan at 20 weeks... so 2 more months to go.
sleepyskies, ya my bb is in the position of opening the legs, so my sonographer is managed to see the boy feature....
Hiyoooo afternoon all

Woo cool!! Congrat

I rem for my #1 I knew very early coz the Gynae was saying u see that penis btw his legs once she scanned then haha

Oicc but at least still have maid to Jaga the household chores , can't imagine u do with one & with ur #2&#3

Congrat too wahhb so envy like almost all of u went Oscar le & know u know gender le

Oh b4 I became Parttime , I was fulltime after having #1 & everyday to work with the pump ,container & the ice box too. After I pumped I store in my own mIni fridge in office then when gog home then transfer to ice bOx n bring home to ensure freshness .

Me lor u too?

That one I nvr heard of. I only heard of we preggy try not carry other ppl babies if not that caregiver will have hardtime taking care of the baby.
I'm very pantang this round . I even avoid coming face to face or talk to another preg woman during 1st trimester. There's a chi saying fr my frd during my last mc that大喜something小喜。Means avoid meeting n inviting preggy women of 2nd or 3rd trimester since we in our 1st but u aldy in 2nd right? & also avoid wedding event or baby shower etc but again some mummies don't believe. I basically believe in everything now during 1st trimester. The last round I tell myself all these pantang thingy don't believe le n something happen so I don't wan blame myself again.

Vi, I think ur Gynae right for my case. This wk I vomitted so many times even in car
nlimm: wow thanks very much for yr info!! coz i dunno those pantang de, but I choose to believe it and to avoid something no good happens.

2nd tri: now I only 12 weeks 4 days, not sure whether I in 2nd tri or not?
TSM: haha when i have my #1 im also the first. and my boss and coll treat me very good. but was very very busy.. after i came back im the only one that need to pum my milk so my boss give me a server room and i remember very funny cus we always need to rush project til i got no time to pump. and i will always scream and whine at my coll.. 我不行了!! 我要爆了!!! Hahahahhaa

nlimm; so good! i hope to eat more HOTDOG! oh yeah. i should ask my maid to fried hotdogs for me later. LOL

<font size="+1">Kids Online Shoppie</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Dear gals.. i have a online shoppie coming to 4 yrs le. ^___^ just want to share i have monthly preorders items for kids &amp; adults that u can view in www.facebook.com/babbiee if ya interested do pm me or msg me in FB will give u special discount for u ya! only for this thread mummies but must provide me ya nick lol if i wont know who is who in FB heee! Those no FB u can visit here https://picasaweb.google.com/babbiee99 thanks for ya attention!! Closing date is 10th Nov ya. ^____^ </font>
i started work after 2.5mths of ML. Pump every 3 hrs in the office. It is very tough, bt you just have to tell urself to 'ren' and go through. Finally everything is worth it. I do not know if it is due to breastmilk, my girl only get sick once cause the daddy spread the germs to her.
I'm getting alot of discharge recently n it's irritating my below. Even my pee area is itching.. my gynae just asked me to apply cream n refrain from rubbing it too much.. then I realized there's a pimple like bump next to my pee hole.. n when I rub it it's itchy.. scary.. dunno What izzit.. anyone encounter this before?
Hi mummies! Just gotten to know my edd would be 12 may 13. I'm hoping baby will come out later though. Coz I forsee my
Kid spending his/her birthdays in school taking exams!

I'm thinking too far, Lolz!
There'll only be some droplets of thick milk coming for first 1-2 days - the colostrum. It's packed with antibodies, so try to latch as soon as possible after you deliver. It's amazing how the babies have this suckling reflex and will somehow latch on. Even if nothing comes out, it's OK. Importantly you stimulate your breasts that milk is required.

nlimm &amp; charliebrown
I'm also in my 30s. Turned 32 this year. :D

My EDD is end May! I think I'll deliver 1-3 weeks early just like my past 2 pregnancies. I also feel bad if baby has to sit for exams during birthdays. So you're not thinking too far. It's a valid fear. haha.

This time round do you intend to take the full 4 months straight? yeah I think it's worth breastfeeding. Doesn't make the baby invicible towards sickness but even if they get sick I think they get well quite fast too.
must avoid preggy ah?...my office got 3 liao..all sitting around me.

went to see the diabetic specliast today. He say i am controlling well. Will see me n 6 weeks.

I am in a dilemma now. I still don't know whether to use this gynae but she refer to NUH to see this diabetics doc. I don't know whether it is okie to see another gynae at other hospital while seeing this diabetic doc at NUH...
Rejoy: pump every 3 hr in office??? ya boss okai? wah u very power wor. and ya my #1 also hardly get sick when BF not sure is it cus of our BM =)

iko: u got change ya panty liner bo? at least 1 day change 2-3 times.

Yeah we have alot of monkeys here hahaha but pinktulip no3 le is it very tough? for u now?
Ange: Congrats, i'm so happy for u, cos it's exactly what i want, a girl! my #1 also boy. If #2 is a boy again, i have to buy blue clothes again

Rina: You are a young mummy. Cool
I was 26 when i had #1 and now 28

Pink tulip: you r blessed w one girl one boy already, if i had your scenario i might keep the gender a surprise too. And it's nice to know that you bf for so long, good job! And yes one of the benefits is saving $

Vickii: Don't worry abt the no ms, my ms also disapeared at 8 week, till now no more, i'm 11 weeks 3 days now
fabbie: i dun wear panty liners leh.. cuz i scare kena infection..

re: Age
i'm in my 30s too.. =( that y hope to chop chop n close factory liao.. i'm a rooster.. anyone?
Hi pawzzz
that's interesting but too bad the hospital I intend to deliver in doesn't allow doulas.

A-n-g-e &amp; babbiee
Heheh, yeay! Got same-aged friends!

Don't think too much lah. Sometimes the more things we think, the more we worry. Just enjoy the pregnancy. Anyway to me it's good to talk to another pregnant lady, coz we get to share experiences? Even better live than through online forums! Later you can have playdates with their kids too :>

Hope you get a girl as you wish
But i guess all we pray for is a healthy baby yah? It's already a miracle we are blessed with children.

You're so lucky. My MS this time round not so bad, but I tend to feel a little nauseas and might gag when I enter smelly toilets. Urgh.
Sleepyskies: thanks, lets Jia you together. My ms is still bad, waiting to see doc on monday to see how, scare I am not eat or drinking effort.

There's a lot of young mummies here. I am turning 32 this year and this is my first pregnancy. Think my ms could be due to my age?
hey..something silly to ask. Is it okie to change bedsheet?

i read about the 'tai shen' or 'chuan mu niang niang' will be affected?
Thanks fruitloops! I will still wait for confirmation at detailed scan. Now still got possibility Zha(4)Hu(2) ma. Hahaha I only hear of boys detecting so early at 12 weeks plus. First time I hear prediction of girls.

I'm not a particularly pantang person. But I will get out of the house if there's painting or reno works going on la...
Iko0508:i used pantyliner b4 i preg till now.
Dun worry abt infection, it will be more hygiene.

Min: I oso 32 and this is my first pregnancy. For me, I didnt have any serious MS prob til now(touchwood) , no vomit no nausea, only felt drowsiness at the initially and a bit dizzy when hungry, &amp; i oso can eat and drink a lot.
So i think it's depende on our physique, coz my sister oso dun hv MS prob.
Tsm: envy you not much ms. Yah I guess is my body weak too, I counting down to better days. Hope ms en soon. I took leave for these two weeks, simply can't work at or. Hopefully I recover before u need to go back to work.

How many weeks are you now? I am about 10weeks,not scheduled for Oscar yet. Got to check with dr when I next see him.
m a rooster too, so iko and BBKK, we are same age! hee....

Pinktulip: nope, i wld most likely take 2.5mths again and the rest of the ML leave would take slowly within a year. cause i ve to clear alot of AL (about 45days) by end of next year. So my plan is to take 2.5mth of ML, take another 2 weeks of AL.

Babbiee: usually my boss leave me to do my things, he dun really care as long as at the end of the day or month, i produced work... hee hee..

regards to certain belief and pantang stuff, i strongly believe it depends on individual. If u believe in such things, it is better that you follow, bt if you do not believe in such thing, is ok too... (i belong to those group that i do not believe in such things) so i have attended, 2 children birthday parties, baby shower, wedding dinner, ppl touching my tummy with or without permission... heee....
Min I am 12w 4d now, jz went for my Oscar yesterday.
My Oscar has been arranged at my 8w.
Have u cook red dates &amp; wolfberry drinks? It cld “bu xue”.

Hi JC.

I just change bedsheet like nobody's biz. I have sensitive nose. So i will have to change bedsheet weekly or i will sneeze non-stop...
