(2013/05) May 2013

vickii: it's more of due to the hormones. Heard from my friend she says if bb girl, will have better appetite as girls and girls hormones almost similar whereas if bb boy u will tend to feel nausea on more things. For me when preg with #1, I super dislike garlic but turn out he now eats garlic more than I do.

Shirley: soon soon. U made apps for ur OSCAR? I'm hoping to be able to make mine this coming fri.

Mummies check something issit ok to eat sardine, coz have been eating that quite often.

How do u all feel about neasea? What is the feeling like? Is it like this cannot like that also cannot. I think I felt moody about everything, is it call nausea? Vomit sound and bloated tummy.
Thanks everyone for the answer. haha.

bbkk : nausea is like when you're car sick? the feeling of wanna vomit. I've been feeling nausea all day long. Can't even eat properly.. and whenever i finish, i will definitely puke some out. Only when i eat sushi then i feel ok. Even plain food like porridge makes me wanna puke.
Ello ladies

Not enough shoes: Hope you're feeling better. No appetite also gota put some food in... cannot leave tummy empty..

Bbkk: I eat pretty frequently too. Hehe Cannot withstand hunger.. though I kinda wish I don't have to keep eating. I get tired from eating so often. Grrrr

Vickii: I feel nausea is hormones related. But if I take something that doesnt agree with babe in tum, I either - LS within 2 hours or I get super bloated and gota lie in bed. My tastebuds have definitely changed. I used to have a separate stomach for desserts but now I absolutely cannot stand cakes and other sweet stuff.
Food wise, I also start to hate steam fish, now only prefer fried fish. Then I started to love plain porridge. Dun like rice. If rice put soup, I will totally turn off. Usually dinner is rice, tat why I feel no appetite during dinner.
My lunch are mostly, porridge or fried beehoon or fried rice. So far lunch ok.
Just dinner turn me off.
finally done my glucose & thyroid test!
7 bottles in total.

luckily never waste this trip. This nurse is really very good

i never even like sweet stuff to begin with....haiz

good new today my korea trip is confirmed!!..haha
Babykk: at least you put on abit of weight.. Baby should be having sufficient nutrients. For my nausea, its like what vicki said, abit like car sick. You will feel like your tummy is abit weird and there will be some churning and making your feeling nausea and eventually vomit if you can't stand the feeling. This is how I feel so far.. But ms has tame down a little though I still get the feeling but not as bad as earlier on.

Esther: this coming Fri will be my Oscar scan. I am like counting down practically everyday.. Finally its mid week. Another day for tmr. Praying hard everything will be smooth with no complication for my pregnancy.
Thanks Ladies!

waiting for my next appt on the 27th! on my wedding anniversary..hope all wil be well n normal !

i see u ladies discussing about food.. the only weird thing is im a cold drink lover but now i can only accept warm n hot drinks and crave for soupy stuff. im quite lucky so far only puke once and i have been eating normally ( sometimes abit to much ) lol.. but i cant tahan hunger nw i will feel like puking
im trying to not let my weight balloon like previous time.
A-n-g-e: i think so. The first time i went, they said the urine test show protein/sugar in the urine. So ask me to go for the test.

Having my scan this Friday. Hopefully can see more this time!
JC: I took for #1 cos I was gaining weight too fast too furious. Hahaha I hope I don't have to go through it this time around.
vickii; dont think related hehe i love to eat veg. always eat n eat but i feel okai but my #1 come out she doesnt like veg at all =( SERIOUSLY leh.. that day i eat 3 pc of salon sashimi i feel so shiok! so nice! but i feel damn bad that i ate 3 of it.. cus its raw. LOL

Shirley: is not next mon.. is next next mon.............. 29 oct so long! my 1st vist to see gynea was 5th may then later push back abit to 9th May

esther:my eyes grow very BIG when u say that leh!! so meaning i may have a chance is baby boy! cus i hardly eat and my #1 who is a girl i eat alot sia! but oh well i dont wana think so much haha cus my #1 keep insisting that my #2 inside is a mei mei and my auntie told me that kids say words are always very jun!

JC: wah congrats! omg korea trip! envy! do enjoy yaself! so when going?
fabbie: If your shape is barrel - girl. If you carry very neat - boy. Old wives tales but generally true based on my observations of my friends. But can only tell later date not now. Another one: If you like sweets - girl. Savoury - boy. Generally true but I have friends who are off the curve one. They prove all old wives tales wrong. Hahaha
haha. maybe it's opposite. whatever we like now, our bb won't like when they're born.

btw mummies, able to share your bb's crown rump length at 7 wk? mine is 10mm, they wrote there 44.93 percentile. So that means bb is smaller than average?
A-n-g-e : i am fat to begin with. I think the doc also worry

Fabbie : going next tuesday...actually one of my team member is going on maternity leave. So before she go, i plan to go on a long trip. Than now preggy.
hello mummies, has any of the mummy ever prepare a list of items that need to be puchase for new born bb.
hi eil

My gf passed me this list:

Checklist of Purchases
Baby’s Room
Baby’s Cot
• Wind-up mobiles/ Merry-go-round
• Mattress
• Blanket
• Bumper
• Cot sheets
• Mattress protector
Cupboard or Chest of Drawers
• Pacifiers
• Mittens
• Bootees
• Nappy (Johnson’s and Pigeon recommended. Can use to wrap baby)
• Nappy liners (1 box of 100 pieces is enough. Can be re-used)
• Cotton buds
• Blouse/shirts - long and short sleeves
• Suits - pants and long shirts
• Handkerchief
• Face towels
A basket full of diaper/cotton balls etc.
Nail clippers
Desitin with aloe vera (blue tube), cream to prevent nappy rash
Oil for wind (Ru yi or ‘White Tree Oil’)
Ziplock bags for checkups and outings. Use to store soiled pampers or nappies.
Woodward’s Gripe Water

Baby bathing
Pigeon Wipes
Baby bath tub (Mt A will give)
Bath towel
Bath sponge (optional, small cotton handkerchief from Chinatown would suffice)
Baby soap/ bath lotion (Johnson’s baby foam bath recommended, use very little for each bath)
Baby shampoo
Baby vest
Disposable diapers (Pampers Newborn recommended for night use)
Baby blanket
Cotton diapers
Cotton buds
Baby changing mat
Rubber mat
Dish/ container (to wash baby’s face)
Baby powder with puff (medicated baby powder recommended)
Tissue paper
Care of the Umbilical Cord Stump (Optional as the hospital will provide everything)
Sterile swab applicators
Sterile cotton swabs
Laundry for Baby Clothes
Buckets with lids
Nappy detergent
Nappy softener
Basket for baby laundry
Clothes hanger for drying
Feeding Baby
Milk bottles & small sized teats (Avent is good)
Bottle scrub brush
Warmer cum carrier bag
Thermometer (to use when baby is unwell)
Tongs (to handle hot bottles)
6-Bottle Electric Steam Steriliser (optional)
Milk containers
Baby carrier
Toys & Playstuff
Baby gym
Mummy Care
Maternity Dress/ Pyjamas with Front opening for breast feeding
Breast cream (Medela Purelan is good. From Robinsons, kiddy palace)
Cotton balls (Sterile)
Nursing pads (Pigeon is good. Tollyjoy is lousy)
Disposible panties
Sanitary pads (Whisper - Long Ultra dry recommended)
Bedroom slippers
Painkillers (with doctors prescription only)
Nursing pads
Breast pump
Other optional items
Electrical Flask (autoboil), quick access to boiling water for milk
Thermoflask without autoboil, for mum’s drinking water
Claypot or double boil claypot for mum’s confinement soup
Claypot or earthenware for cooking pig’s trotters in ginger and black vinegar
2 pails for mum’s bathing and face cleansing.
Fabbie, got temp job, maybe u can try. Hehe

Fool4love, that's very long list. But good to know. I have not buy anything yet. Very eager to buy...
Mummies who are having #2 or #3, may i ask, other than the older one/s being sticky and clingy, are there other weird stuff happening?

my #1 who is currently 5yo, claims that his mei mei (in my tummy) plays with him at night. Haiz. he is not sleeping well and he is causing me to lose sleep too.
hi mummies,

anyone experience e same as me..

seems to have e feeling tat got something stuck in my throat.. though i know there is nothing stuck there..
wah foot4love ya list damn super long sia!

BBKK: but currently im busy on my preorders so im concernate on this one first hee

bewildered; i feel is mine is gal.. cus my gal say is mei mei. anyway i also felt so too. lol duno whether is it true or not ha~

buba: hmm what do u mean? u mean ya boy say his mei mei plays with him at night and not sleeping well as in nightmare? mine #1 say is mei mei but didnt like say play with him at night wor. at most only say when come out then grow bigger than play with her.

Yvonne: sometimes. ^^
hi JC,

heart burn or heat burn ?? in my first pregnancy i experience this too but not so soon..

anyone knows what is it and is there anything to eat tat can feel better?
fool4love, shirley,iko, yvonne, bbkk, fabbie, eil
thank you for your concern. i'm ok now, just reached home 30mins ago.. cos usually i ate breakfast (bread, cookies) at 8 plus.. but the blackout happened around 730 so yea..
now i'm eating porridge, 2nd portion, haha. hopefully nth else happens.. will stock up more cookies in office then
Yvonne..i duno what is heat burn. Heart burn is like stomach refleux or something...'wei suan dao liu'
Yvonne: yeah.. me too! i alwiz feel got sth stuck.. i think its the gas.. then need to BURP them out..

re: gender
no feeling yet.. but i prefer girl.. then can save alot on clothes.. lolz..
anyway my #1 cant talk yet.. n she doesnt know what's mei mei or didi..
Yvonne: For me, my throat is all sourish... and at times the entire mouth... I think I have reflux issues... Never experienced before...
Re: Gender

I think it's another boy because of my dietary preferences - averse to sweets and only take savoury stuff. But the hips seem to be expanding fast... so I don't know. But my son is so sure it's a didi. Hahaha I do know hubby hoping and praying hard it's a girl. I have no gender preference personally. I pray for a healthy baby that is easy to look after. Hehehe
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mumm-to-be,

I am a July 2012 mummy, I have create a group is for mummies group buy, the price is lower then u can find in sg. Any one interested can request to join. Can even request for the things u interested and i will see if i can get it in the lower price. Group name: Sg Mummies Group buy</font>
i LOVE salty stuff.. lolz!! n i hate food that leaves a lingering taste in mouth.. same as my #1.. so i think its a girl.. hee!!
Ibssed on a very old Chinese way of calculating (based on lunar age n the mth u conceive) I shld b getting a ger!

My mum a bit upset coz she was hopping for a boy


No particular craving for sweet stuff though....
Shirley: me pray for u.
update us ya.

fabbie: ticking abt gender, ytd on the way home after fetching my elder from sch. I asked him he like didi or mei mei a d he tell me didi. Then I asked him so mummy tummy inside didi or mei mei, he say didi and I re-confirm with him again he was very sure. Hahaha.

Ange: yaya on the shape of tummy. Me too leh super into curry and spicy stuff.

There's another old wives tale which s to look at HB, if HB is plump, fair then girl (got FIL look). If HB sudden slim down like work until slim down then boy. For me dunno whether coincidence twice before I announce I preg, one one bound to comment my HB slim down. This is just something to share, not for reference ya.
Old wives tales and what not... hahaha the only way to confirm is come detailed scan at week 20! ;) But I do know boys show earlier. My friend found out at week 12. My #1 was week 16.
Ange: MINE ALSO leh.. my #1 keep saying its a mei mei.. i ask her a few weeks later still MEIMEI. lol

esther; LOL lets see our #1 say jun anot.. but im hoping for a healthy boy! but if its a gal its okai.. i can save money LOL btw my hub is always plump and fair and acts like a gal. -_____- wah if its true like that if i wana give birth more.. its all gal liao for me LOL
But the pregnancy symptoms are the same as #1? There's this test that we found online that's very interesting, it is as follows:

1. Pull down the lower eyelid of both eyes
2. Look @ the bottom of the eye white
3. If you see a V or Y red vein on your left eye, it is a girl. If it is in the right eye, it is a boy.


Can try and see if yall also see the red veins too? =p Just curious if this is a good gauge coz seems amazing tt only preggers ladies will get this distinctive shape..
fabbie, doesnt seemed like nightmare cos he doesnt scream or cry etc. he just tossed and turn alot. wakes up, sit up, change place and sleep again.
i think mine is girl. i dislike all the food i like to eat when i was having #1(son). i used to like milk and cheese, chilli, tasty and heavily flavoured food, hates vege etc. now, i eat light food.. noodle soup, porridge, no milk, not even milo or coffee with milk. And, i started craving for fruits and raw vegetables-salad. its so different.
dear mummies, just wanna ask, do you all feel very very thirsty, throat and lip feel very dry even when you drinks lots n lots of water?
drink water is good!...i try to drink at least 2 litre during work...they say drink more water can have more fluid in the sac
