(2013/05) May 2013

how are you mommies? been away for quite some time... my baby also has started solids since last two weeks but having diarrhea for one week. suspect he is allergic to avocado....sigh....

Love baby

Has your bb grow teeth already? I intend to feed my bb after all the jabs has completed.
By the way,my friend told me that cant let bb eat fish and meat till they hv reach 1yr old.
IS that true?
Hi Mummies,

Our babies should be around 5-6 months old by now
Want to seek some advices on switching to stage 2 milk powder.
How should we go about? 1 shot change or by feed?
Marc you can call milk powder company for small tin sample and ask them how to switch. Generally is introduce by proportion the ratio of stage 1&2 powder and start from one feed first then after 3-4days up the proportion of stage 2 reduce stage 1 gradually all stage 2 powder if there is no diarrhoea.

Love baby u tried the avocado only or there is other food? I given my baby avocado he is ok.
marc, not yet. i think boy will be a bit late than girl as my girl got two at sixth month.

tiny, i made avocado puree, mixed with porrige.
day 1-3 pumpkin porrige- ok
day 4-6 carrot porrige - ok
day 7-8 avocado portige- diarrhea 1 once
day 9-10 carrot, broccorri porrige- diarrhea more, then stoppred
Hi mummies who have a maid at home, may I have your advice on the following?
1) How much is the agent fee?
2) How many times of free replacement?
3) Did you set a schedule or timetable for her to do housework?

Thanks in advance:)
Love baby oh I just feed avocado purée mixed with milk.. Maybe u want to try again one more round to see..if still diarrhoea then skip that.

Marc is not necessary but avocado has lots of vitamins and good fat so will be good to give to baby plus texture is soft.
Love baby when the avocado is ripe you just cut it and mesh it till like purée , don't need to cook or steam. Then you can add little amount of breast milk or formula milk to mix it ... Let your baby try few teaspoon first, if she ok you can give again the next day.

Remember the balance avocado you put inside an air tight container and put into fridge.
hey all the mummies here..

my girls are starting their solid soon as they be turning 6 mths old now. How should i go about to wean them? I understand we need to feed cereals first? Please advise. TIA

Yes start with iron fortified rice cereal first..can get those organic and instant cooked type...mixed it with BM or FM. First let them try 1 tablespoon for 3-4 days, if they ok you can continue, then intro fruits purée 1 table spoon too.. Slowly increase to 2 tablespoon for the amount of food given, give them after milk but as they grow have to give before milk and become regular 3 meals a day.
i bought those organic ones from iherb. is the same? my mum say can put inside the milk bottle and let them suck from there. As the texture is very fine?
Not sure which brand you bought but yea most of them is to be given by spoon. Unless your teat hole bigger n your baby able to suck. I tried healthy times for my baby cannot got choked but the other holle brand ok.
Mummies... I am just thinking aloud if it's ok to buy from overseas website for baby foodstuff. Are they being tested and approved by AVA?

If unsure, may wanna consider buying here just in case!

Any thoughts?
better not take the risk...even for milk power, I will only go to ntuc or giant store to buy. Giant is by dairy farm group.
it is safe as my friend is a buyer for this category and she told me direct from abbot.
not even sheng shiong or those medical halls worried they might take from duno which country.
marc... u mean the rest of the retailers, as big as Sheng Shiong may import from neighbouring countries and not from the supplier direct? I thought it's only the "Value" shops that deal with such imports...
ermmm... I think our babies @ 5-6 months are still a tad too young for playgroups unless to IFC...

First attempt today in feeding my son with cereal mixed with BM, super messy!!! He's using the sucking method (as if he's drinking from teat) while being fed from spoon... issit supposed to be like this?
I am not sure whether sheng shiong also import direct from abbott .
I cannot comment much on this because I m not sure.
But as far as the milk powder is concern,i still go ntuc to buy. Safer.
If my friend did not tell me giant also import direct, I will not buy too. Because Giant is from Malaysia.
Maybe I am more conservative type.:)
Hi Mummies...time really flies. I just recently signed my LO up for trial gym class @ My Gym. Anyone with any experiences to share?

My hubs also prefer that I buy bb's food stuff from Spore. You can try chinese medical halls...they are usually cheaper than the supermarkets and their source is from Spore too! I live in the west so i get mine from Kim Sang Medical Hall or Yuan Cheng Shop in Teck Whye :)
Hi mummies

Recently my bb is having a hard time to poo.
She will not poo for about 3-4 days. And when she poo,her stools is very hard .
Is there any thing that I can let her drink to make her stools softer?
I tried to feed her water and woods grip water everyday.
she is on completely similac no 2 now.
Last time when she took similac 1,she is fine.
does not have this problem.will pass motions everyday.

I suspect is the fm too heaty.
Would appreciate if you can give me some advices.
My gal oso on stage 2 smiliac, and having constipation. She poos everyday, but often hard and cause her to bleed.

My PD recommended giving baby 60mL pear juice per day, on top of milk and (at least) 60mL water, and daily fruits. Or else to change to Similac total comfort, or Friso comfort. According to her, non-comfort based milk all the same (though I am abit skeptical)

I find my gal's stool is soft, when I dilute her milk a little, plus give her lots of water, prune juice and papaya fruit. Also, not as hard if can make her poo twice a day instead of just once.

But I find it a struggle feeding baby water. She does not like it. I am having to put juice/glucolin to make her drink. Arghh!
I am trying to feed my bb with water every hour about 10ml each time.
I have to spoon-feed her. She will drink.
She will not drink from bottle.
How much you give your gal for the prune juice? which brand you buy?
I bought Heinz but the instruction said have to finish by 48 hours,otherwise cannot drink anymore.
Which mean each time I must give my gal about half a bottle,i duno whether can my bb take it?
marc jacob.. how abt trying the Gerber prune puree. I didn't follow the instructions on keeping it 48 hours, as I will let my son who's 7 months old now to have about 2-3 teaspoons once a day consecutively for 3 days, then dump the remaining...
Hi Mummies...time really flies. I just recently signed my LO up for trial gym class @ My Gym. Anyone with any experiences to share?

My hubs also prefer that I buy bb's food stuff from Spore. You can try chinese medical halls...they are usually cheaper than the supermarkets and their source is from Spore too! I live in the west so i get mine from Kim Sang Medical Hall or Yuan Cheng Shop in Teck Whye :)

Hey Phy,

I send my girls to My Gym too.. How was ur experience with them? i sign up with them coz wanna let my girls experience interaction and build up their confidence :D
just brought my gal to see PD yest for the final jab at 7 months :)
have asked PD about the constipation.PD recommaned prune juice or papaya puree.
i will try and feed my gal.
Same here my dear son also had hard stool or constipation..only drink water from spoon and not bottle.. Will try papaya n prune juice.
ur son is drinking which brand of fm?
I have tried prune juice for my gal and it works.
you can try giving ur son a bit
My son drinking nan pro 2... U got those gerber or Heinz prune juice or del monte? I thinking is it due to water intake not much or the milk powder or the food.. But I did give him veggies, sweet potato, pumpkin to eat so called high fibre food.
wave wave! is it called star learners montessori?i noticed they updated this at their facebook page. its much nearer, can save the $120 transport fee, but my mil will have to send and fetch my boy. i think she wont be able to handle him alone, haha.
is the location ok? big? the thing i like abt his current place is, the school is really big lor, ample space for them to run around and play
wave wave! is it called star learners montessori?i noticed they updated this at their facebook page. its much nearer, can save the $120 transport fee, but my mil will have to send and fetch my boy. i think she wont be able to handle him alone, haha.
is the location ok? big? the thing i like abt his current place is, the school is really big lor, ample space for them
wave wave! is it called star learners montessori?i noticed they updated this at their facebook page. its much nearer, can save the $120 transport fee, but my mil will have to send and fetch my boy. i think she wont be able to handle him alone, haha.
is the location ok? big? the thing i like abt his current place is, the school is really big lor, ample space for them to run around and play
wave wave! is it called star learners montessori?i noticed they updated this at their facebook page. its much nearer, can save the $120 transport fee, but my mil will have to send and fetch my boy. i think she wont be able to
handle him alone, haha.

Don't enrol to husband and wife transport service ($120) at Star Learners childcare at Sembawang Place. They are very calculative.

is the location ok? big? the thing i like abt his current place is, the school is really big lor, ample space for them to run around and play
Hi Mummies, just want to share a book with you here - baby cook book which consists of baby food recipes for babies below 12 month old. You can use it even if your child is a little above 12 month too.
Mummies may want to share this with others in your FB too....Good Luck!

Hi Mummies,
this chat seems quiet lately.hope everyone is coping well .
I supposed our babies should be coming to 9 months old.
would like to ask for some advices, how many hours later will u feed your bb with milk after feeding them porridge?
and how much is the milk intake ?
