(2013/05) May 2013

Childcare arrangement - It's a real headache. For me, I choose nanny instead of infant care center as I couldn't find a good IFC around my place. Furthermore, I need the flexibility of fetching time coz my hubby and I won't be able to fetch baby at or b4 7pm. I think looking after baby by ourselves is still the best choice if possible (provided that your spouse/relative will support you financially and mentally, you can cope wf the days without career achievements, etc etc).
hi lovebaby yes, i agree with you that infant care is really hard to find. but how trust worthy is a nanny unless she is a relative or someone you know well or recommended by your frens.
i also headache. my #1 is now in childcare while i am taking care of my #2 now. my mum helps ard occasionally but she can't look after full time.
True, i cant trust my nanny if she wasnt my neighbour who live live a few units away:)
She didnt look after other's children before except for her own grand children. In fact, i 'beg' to be my nanny.:p but a nanny is a nanny afterall, we hv to close one eye...
Well, she offers to look after my baby day and night at SGD1K or daytime 7am-8pm at SGD650.
But I have regretted to let her babysit day and night coz I miss my baby a lot. Will convert to daycare only next month.
There are always pros and cons, for example, she is against breastfeeding no matter how hard i tried to 'educate' her.
Also, she is like many MIL/CL, she tends to stick to her own way to look after baby, ie let my bb very hungry or tired then it would be easier for her to feed or make him sleep. sigh:(
I wish i could take care of bb by myself and i m prepared to do so when necessary.
I understand how u feel when u leave ur bb at night at the nanny 's house.
Me too.i leave my bb from mon - thur night at my mil's place.Only bring her back on fri night and I miss her even though I can have 100% assurance that she is well taken care of.
why dun you get a maid then? I am thinking to get a maid so that everyday can bring bb and maid home from mil's place.
Think that is the best solution.
By the way,anyone has good recommendation of maid agencies?
I did consider hiring a maid previously but upon discussion with hubby, we think it's better not to leave bb at home alone with maid.
(My mom and MIL are not available to take care of bb). Sigh.
Hi zy123, how's your nanny? I just found that my nanny is not as good as before (she is also taking care of my elder one). I quite pissed off coz she kept asking me to stop breastfeeding. Also she wants to bring my 3 months old baby here and there regardless of how tired he is. I am considering sacking her but don't have any backup plan yet....really headache...sigh....
lovebaby13: my bb milk intake r aso lower than the calculation. I'm giving my bb Friso comfort, initially I gave similar but it is too heaty for my gal.. How was the bb injection? I am going to bring my bb to polyclinic next Monday for 5-in-1 injection, scare tat they will have fever. :s

Leenie: I hired a maid to take care of my twins, putting them in infant care is too expensive.. But i am abit worry that my maid may not b able to handle them when I go back next month.. What is ur plan?

Irene: I've stop letting my bb to wear mittens after 6 wk cos the bb PD said let them move n develop their hands. But the prob of not wearing mittens r that they will suck their thumb n fingers.. :(
Hairei,the IFC my boy went is not those franchise kind. It's just near my place.

Leenie, yes it's very ex.. But no better option unless I quit. How abt your parents or in laws?

Smurf_1509, my twins had their 5 in 1 at polyclinic 2 weeks back. No fever. Think this jab has low possibility of fever. Also depends on baby. My twins keep scratching their face, so I'm stil letting them wear mittens. Do u cut your twins nails till very short?
Pinkberries: my twins are doing fine. But they still want ppl to carry, hopefully it'll cut down and play on their own. Bb boy is much heavier than bb girl based on e tiredness on our arms. I didn't put my bb in IFC cos I can't find a place for them (expensive too), so got a maid to look after them. My maid came a month ago, hav been training her how to look after them, still have another 3 wk more wf her. Now I'm worry that whether can she handle them when I go back to work. I'll b bringing my bb for 5-in-1 next mon, hope that they r alright. My bb aso scratch their face so I've to cut their nail short every 2 days. So how is ur twins?

Lovebaby13: wow nanny can b so expensive aso. Haiz. Why dun you bring ur bb back at night, so that you can still bond wf him. It may b tough but at least u still get to c ur cutie bb. :)
Hi smurf

I have stopped letting my bb wear mitten.only days when it is raining .to keep her hands warm.
Yes.she will suck her thumb and scratch her face also.so I will cut her nails weekly.
Hi all, after much thoughts, i am deciding to become a SAHM. Although i would have to give up on the luxury of being able to spend with lots of freedom, i just couldnt bear the thoughts of leaving my little one in the hands of stranger. By deciding to become a SAHM, i would also like to provide babysitting services at home, jurong west. If anyone of you is interested, please let me know or do some recommendation for me. I love dealing with children hence this major decision made. Thanks!
smurf_1509, are you Azel? My baby had mild fever after the 5 in 1 injection but manageable. Btw, I have brought my baby back since yesterday. Haiz...i m quite worried that my baby is not in good hands coz my hubby noticed that nanny went out to market without baby. Don't know who's taking care of him....
Hihi, I have a maid. But I cannot trust her alone... furthermore I think its very hard for 1 person to cope with taking care of twins. I think in my case, at least 2 caregivers... best 3. haha.

So I really have a headache on what to do..... should I resign? ... Gulp...

I will look a bit for IFC. Maybe try to apply no pay leave.

My older girl is easier to care for, younger girl is fussy... difficult to feed and always don't want to sleep. Must carry a lot...
Hi all, I'm new in this thread coz previously I was in June 2013 thread. Baby came out early so here I am. Is there a FB group for May 2013 mommies? Too many pages to go through so I'm taking the lazy way out by just asking! :p
Hairei: I envy that you can be SAHM. wanted to b one but need $$. :)

Lovebaby: yes I'm Azel, can't change the display name. It took me awhile to identify some of you (after the change). Heehee. Mild fever, beside giving ur boy medicine, do u keep sponging him? I understd how u feel esp itis not within ur control. I have a maid, the way she handle wf my bb is ok, but I'm aso worry when I go to work next month, who knows wat will happen. :( I guess someone must b looking after ur bb lah, dun worry. So are you still going to let ur bb wf this nanny?

Leenie: I totally agree that 3 caretakers will b the best situation. Haha. Jus had a talk wf my boss yesterday. I proposed to work 50% (e other 50% will b covered by my annual leave) for ~2 months till bb r 6 months old. Hopefully they r more sensible. My bb girl is aso difficult to feed and both bb want to b carried. Haiz.
Leenie, ya I wouldn't trust a helper totally with my kids too.. Got to have at least another pair of eyes watching.. Haha 3 caregivers will b the ideal scenario.. But difficult ..

Smurf, my twins r fine, one of them is heavier too. They r better now, one of them used to want to b carried n walk around, now not so much, can accept pacifier better. But nowadays they get crankier in e day. So U'll be working half day everyday for 2 mths?
Azel, no i just gave him medicine. Will you leave your twins at home alone with maid? Hmm...i m very 'gen zheong' type, i don't think i will have peace in mind:p
I am still pondering the babysitting issue...i juz talked to a senior colleague about it, she said i could always come back my company if i quit coz our boss is really nice...so i might discuss wif my boss to see if i can take a long long unpaid leave...haha...
Love baby if you can take unpaid leave that would be best some company do allow their employees to take long unpaid leave talk to your boss better than resign la

Anyone still breastfeeding their babies? I am like feeling tired but still hanging on expressing feel frustrated at times and supply also seem to reduce
pinkberries: my boy is aso heavier than e girl. For my case, they r more cranky in e late afternoon. Initially I wanted to work half day every day for 2 months, but itis v tough for my job. Plus my husband worry that I may not go off on time n waste my half day. Haha. So final agreement is tt I off on Mon, Fri n half day on Wed. Husband will try to work fr home on tue n thur.

Lovebaby: ok, hopefully my bb will b ok next monday when they took e 5-in-1 jab. Eventually I'll leave my bb wf e maid. Actually I am like u aso, will not have peace of mind, but no choice for my case. Haiz. E maid has been wf us for 6wks already, so I've been training her wat I wan n how to look after e bb. So far she is doing well. The main reason tt I'm taking leave cos i am worry if both bb cry together n demand to b carried, she'll not b able to handle both. You try to discuss wf ur boss whether they allow u to take no pay leave ma, usually it shld b ok. If not, do ur company have temporary part time scheme. Try to find some way instead of resigning first. Jia you!

tiny123: I'm still pumping BF out for e bb. Yes, I'm v tired too, esp hav to pump at night. I give myself a target to 6 months first, then may extend longer after tt for bb benefits, but my mindset may change again when I start work (inconvenient of pumping in office cos there is no nursing room). Are you going to start work soon?
tiny123&Azel, thanks for your advice. I will try to apply for unpaid leave first instead of resignation. Alternatively, I may ask boss if I can work on project basis, which will be easier for the company i think.

I am also still pumping BF (I thought I would give up after going back to work). To save time and have more rest, I latch my baby at night again. During office hours, i will go to handicapped rest room (very clean one) to pump milk as no room to do this in office.

Azel, I have started to work since Monday...so far so good but tired to die after work:p
Hi mummies,

I am also a may mummies,would like to ask whether you all still let your baby wear mittens? An how much you all give ur baby now? I m giving 100ml fm every 3hrs.

Is it not enough?

Hi Irene,

Im a May mummy too. I have stop letting my baby wear mittens anymore. Letting him learn how to grab things. DS is drinking 120ml now every 2 and a half to 3 hrs since full month..

It depends if your baby can intake more..if he/she doesn't want anymore then better not to force feed.(my opinion la)
Azel maybe you can install a small CCTV and link to computer Internet so can monitor your maid while u at work that what my friend did so can feel more at ease when maid with baby alone.
Me have resigned before giving birth so time being taking care baby and two older boys unless I can't take it anymore as SAHM then go back work force

Love baby good to let baby latch at night when you homed so keep the supply going on.

I didn't let my baby latch as he take an hour or so to suckle.... But now I let him latch once a day as I keep having block ducts and is very painful. So he helps to clear my blocked ducts.
Hi Memb,
I have already stopped letting my bb wear mittens except at night..
my gal is drink 110ml every 3 hrs now in day time..sometimes at night she can sleep up to 5 hours max then wake up for milk.
nowadays my bb does not really sleep much in day time.maybe 30min to 1hr,then she will wake up again .
Any mummies has the same situation as me?
Hi Memb,
I have already stopped letting my bb wear mittens except at night..
my gal is drink 110ml every 3 hrs now in day time..sometimes at night she can sleep up to 5 hours max then wake up for milk.
nowadays my bb does not really sleep much in day time.maybe 30min to 1hr,then she will wake up again .
Any mummies has the same situation as me?

Hi Irene, my 3 mth old baby girl is also having problems napping. She will usually fall asleep for about 20-30 mins and then wake up. If I'm lucky she will sleep for an hr. She usually takes about 3 such short naps between 10.30 to 6pm. I will clean her at 6.30pm, feed her and then try to get her to sleep. If she's very tired she will nurse herself to sleep n be asleep by 7.30pm. If not it will take lots of cuddling and petting. I'm trying to pet her to sleep in her cot but it doesn't always work. Sigh. Once asleep though, she will only wake up once in the night till 6 or 7 am. She drinks about 120 ml at night. I'm latching her in the day (occasionally supp with FM).

How do u get your girl to sleep in the day?
Hi Irene, my 3 mth old baby girl is also having problems napping. She will usually fall asleep for about 20-30 mins and then wake up. If I'm lucky she will sleep for an hr. She usually takes about 3 such short naps between 10.30 to 6pm. I will clean her at 6.30pm, feed her and then try to get her to sleep. If she's very tired she will nurse herself to sleep n be asleep by 7.30pm. If not it will take lots of cuddling and petting. I'm trying to pet her to sleep in her cot but it doesn't always work. Sigh. Once asleep though, she will only wake up once in the night till 6 or 7 am. She drinks about 120 ml at night. I'm latching her in the day (occasionally supp with FM).

How do u get your girl to sleep in the day?

Hi z-phyr,
I have already increase her intake to 120ml full on fm.I am not bf anymore.i let my bb sleep in yaolan.She does not like to sleep in cot.only unless when she is very sleepy after night feed then I will try to put her sleep in the cot.max is 3 hrs she will sleep in the cot.for yaolan she can sleep throughout 5hrs max then wake up for milk.
Daytime she will sleep in yaolan and have to always yao even she is already fallen asleep then she will sleep longer.
Till she is deep sleep,then I will stop .you can try let her sleep in yaolan in the daytime.can sleep longer and in prone position with pacifier.
oh by the way,would like to ask all mummies also,do you change the teat every 3 months? pls advise
Hi Irene, my 3 mth old baby girl is also having problems napping. She will usually fall asleep for about 20-30 mins and then wake up. If I'm lucky she will sleep for an hr. She usually takes about 3 such short naps between 10.30 to 6pm. I will clean her at 6.30pm, feed her and then try to get her to sleep. If she's very tired she will nurse herself to sleep n be asleep by 7.30pm. If not it will take lots of cuddling and petting. I'm trying to pet her to sleep in her cot but it doesn't always work. Sigh. Once asleep though, she will only wake up once in the night till 6 or 7 am. She drinks about 120 ml at night. I'm latching her in the day (occasionally supp with FM).

How do u get your girl to sleep in the day?

I let my boy sleep in prone position but well now he is three months old tends to sleep shorter hours in the day

Irene I have not change the teat yet he is using the avent ones for 1 mth plus as he is on EBM the flow seem alright with the current teat.

My boy start to play with teat now while drinking :(
lovebaby: have you ask your boss? Good that your company has clean handicap toilet, I'll use my colleague office to pump first (since she is on leave) then look for office to pump. Haiz. Hmmm I can predict that I'll b v exhausted too when I start working.. So not looking forward to work. :( At night, I prefer to give them FM cos it is faster but then I've to pump out.

Tiny123: actually we've camera in the living room n kitchen for monitor my mil (who is sick), so the maid knows abt the 2 cameras.. My girl aso play wf the teat n refuse to drink her milk sometime. :(

Z_phyr: my bb r sleeping lesser in the day aso, they wan to play and nap on n off. sometime the bb boy will sleep on his own when he is tired of playing.. But most of the time, we will either give them a pacificer & pet them to slp on the bed or carry till they Zzzz. I dun like the second one cos when they may wake up when we tried putting them on the bed.. Me too, I'll try to make them slp ard 7pm onwards, sometime they will slp, sometime they refuse to slp..

Irene: i have not change the teats cos I'm using medela calma teats so the flow is fine for my bb.
tiny123: so your bb is using avent teat number 1 now even he is already 3mths old?
my girl is using avent teat number 2 all these while ,so recently when I realised the teat a bit yellow so I went to buy the avent teat for 3mth + ( the one with the variable flow) .
it is not good.my mil tried to feed her using the teat and she said the milk flow is very fast.so not recommended! I went avent website to check then realised that they have the normal teat for 3mths bb with normal flow.
yes,i also noticed that my bb sleep shorter hrs in the day time.
I think majority of our babies here is about 3mths plus and the problems are similar.so think shld be normal.hehe
You can try to play more with your baby durig the daytime for half to an hr after feed and usually she will get tired and fall asleep for few hrs. Can start stimulating them with toys with lights and sounds. Vtech toys are good. but my girl will also fussed when she gets tired. Wants to be carried and with a few cries she will fall asleep after her playtime
Im already using teat for 6mth+. Though it will flow out a little from the side of her mouth in the beginning, it gets better when she is less than halfway through. She seems to drink too slow if using the 3mth+ teat.
Yes seems like we all have similar issues! My girl only sleeps on her back, she doesn't like being on her tummy or side. Maybe I can consider yaolan for her when she's cared by my mum after I go back to work. In the meantime, I continue to try cuddling/ petting and sometimes nursing her to sleep. Saw the PD today for her 5-in-1, she said some babies don't sleep much in daytime, take after the parents, as long as she sleeps well at night with 12 hr rest, and putting on weight well. Since her weight is slightly above 50th percentile, I guess she's fine. I envy those of u whose babies fall asleep easily or sleep more, can get more things done. :)

I'm also using Medela Calma teat like Smurf.

Btw NTUC had sale for Huggies, $31+ for two big pks (less than 25cts per pc), i bought on Sunday, not sure if the sale is still on.
tiny123, yes it did save me some time n keep the supply when i latch him at night. However, he refuses bottle again after "enjoying being latched":(
Haiz...bfing is so tiring esp when going back to work, now i am having mastitis, probably because i didn't pump on time during working hours:(

Azel, i haven't talked to my boss coz i m still discussing it with my hubby who disagree with the idea of resignation. If taking no pay leave, i hope I can hire a maid to help me out because I don't think i can handle two kids well at the same time. But hubby thinks that maid is not easy to manage and might cause a lot of problems....sigh....

tiny123, do you have maid? How did you manage to handle 3 without helper??
Hi Mummies

would like to ask how many jabs has your bb already taken?and which jab will likely develop fever

Hi Marc, my baby had a vac at full mth n just took her 5-in-1, this is the one that causes fever in 5 to 10 percent of children. She took it on Tue and so far ok (thank God). Her temperature rose in the first 24 hrs but not considered fever. Doc gave liquid paracetamol to treat fever.

I also wonder how you mummies with many kids cope, are u a SAHM? It's not easy! My hubby dislikes getting a maid too.
Hi z_phyr,
ic.I am a working mother.my hb also does not like to get a maid.
So it is not easy.i have to do simple households every night after I came back from work :(
Are you working or full time house wife?
Hi Marc J, I'm on maternity leave and will be going back to work end Sept. Took more than 4 mths of leave! I have a part-time cleaner to comes in once a week to relieve me of household chores such as cleaning and ironing but I'm doing the simple day to day stuff like the dishes and laundry.

My baby is dropping lots of hair too, I figure this is the hair that she had since she was in the womb, I guess she is changing hair? Got this from babycenter:

Babies often lose their hair during the first few months.

The reason for this is hormones. Before birth, your baby had high levels of hormones in his body from you. After he was born, these levels started to drop. This has caused your baby's hair to enter a resting state, which means it isn’t growing any more.

This resting hair will then fall out when your baby’s hair enters a new growth cycle, as new hair comes up underneath and pushes it out. Your baby’s hair may look patchy for a while, but new, stronger hair is gradually growing through.

Your baby may also have bald patches on his scalp from sleeping in the same position, or from rubbing his head against his mattress or car seat. Once he starts sitting up his hair will grow back.

Sometimes when a baby's new hair comes through it's not only a different colour, but a different texture as well.

Hi z_phyr
so did you shave your bb hair then? my bb is also dropping hairs and she keeps scratching her head,i supposed her scalp is itchy.
be bringing her to shave the hair .any mummies has the same situation?
Hey mummies. I am supposed on June thread. But I gave birth earlier on 21st May 2013 to a baby girl :)
My girl's hair had been dropping .
She just had her 5 in 1, fei yan & rotavirus 2 days ago. Temp has gone up but not till fever. Yesterday was quite emotion as she doesn't smile that much. Maybe cause she lao sai as she took rotavirus.

Nurse advised me not to overfeed my girl as she is on 75% percentile. But I usually feed on demand. And she really is a good drinker. I can't possibly leave my girl crying for hunger if advised by the nurse.
Hi all, I'm new in this thread coz previously I was in June 2013 thread. Baby came out early so here I am. Is there a FB group for May 2013 mommies? Too many pages to go through so I'm taking the lazy way out by just asking! :p

i don't think there is a FB page for may 2013 mummies. maybe you would like to create one? i will join :)

Well, she offers to look after my baby day and night at SGD1K or daytime 7am-8pm at SGD650.
But I have regretted to let her babysit day and night coz I miss my baby a lot. Will convert to daycare only next month.
There are always pros and cons, for example, she is against breastfeeding no matter how hard i tried to 'educate' her.
Also, she is like many MIL/CL, she tends to stick to her own way to look after baby, ie let my bb very hungry or tired then it would be easier for her to feed or make him sleep. sigh:(
I wish i could take care of bb by myself and i m prepared to do so when necessary.

sgd 650 seems to be the market rate. no one wants to be infant teacher nowadays so not easy to engage teachers so even if the centre have vacancies , they can't take in more due to the teacher student ratio. guess have to make do with your plans now and then see how it goes =|
