(2013/05) May 2013

For the abc soup I put carrot, corn, onion, cherry, tomato, pork and bit of amino liquid(healthier substitute of light soy sauce)

Marc.. what I do is I change the diaper first then feed milk during the night or morning feed.

In between meals for snack I give fruits, biscuit puff, yougurt melts, yogurt, cheese.

My DS has just started step 3 FM one feed per day.. Is ok that now you have not start yet but eventually you have to introduce.

oh by the way...want to get some advices also from mummies from the following :

1) do you change your baby's diaper at night when they wake up for night feed?
i have a hard time to change my gal's diaper at night after her feed.Her sleeping position is always by the side and i cannot change
and her diaper will be very heavy if i dun change.:(

2) What to feed in between meals as snack ?
i have run out of idea ,biscuits,corn puree

3) have you started to change to stage 3 fm? i have yet to change to stage 3.
she is still drinking stage 2.will it be ok?


I don't change.
Usually I changed her last diaper for the night at ard 11pm and then change it again in the morning at around 9am.
And usually her diaper will be full by then!
I'm breastfeeding every 3 hrs at night .

Snack time for my baby will be alternating btw:
- apple bites
- pear bites
- strawberry bites
- baby biscuits
- 1/4 slice wholewheat bread with cheese
And sometimes she'll eat what I have for lunch :)
mine still cannot walk stable..speak wise also not clear

i have tried to change diaper first then feed,but cannt
she will scream if i dun feed her first.. :(

where to buy amino liquids? not heard before leh,
oh ok..i will go and look for it..:)
ya..i going to mix stage 3 from tom onwards.

how about the porridge? you cook 1 time for 2 meals or cook twice a day?
usually i will either add carrot,spinach,potate,fish ,broccoli ( mix of 2 items each cook)
i think my gal is tired of eating the same . i also run out of ideas on what to add more variety?
And she is getting hungry easily nowadays...
after the meal about 1 hr,she will cranky and ask for food lo.
tiny 123, what's amino liquid. Does it taste like soy sauce?

My gal ate pasta fried in pasta sauce the other day and it was an interesting change for her. Also can make oxtail soup and mix with porridge. She liked it too. She was ok with carrot/potato/cucumber/mayo salad. I'm also running out of ideas on what to give her. Taste buds seem to have changed yet difficult to make other types of food because she only has one tooth so far!
tiny 123, what's amino liquid. Does it taste like soy sauce?

My gal ate pasta fried in pasta sauce the other day and it was an interesting change for her. Also can make oxtail soup and mix with porridge. She liked it too. She was ok with carrot/potato/cucumber/mayo salad. I'm also running out of ideas on what to give her. Taste buds seem to have changed yet difficult to make other types of food because she only has one tooth so far!

Mine has 9 teeth and counting.... teething stage for mine is terrible =/ waking up every hourly cos she's uncomfortable....

Give semi liquid so stimulate her to view :)
tiny 123, what's amino liquid. Does it taste like soy sauce?

My gal ate pasta fried in pasta sauce the other day and it was an interesting change for her. Also can make oxtail soup and mix with porridge. She liked it too. She was ok with carrot/potato/cucumber/mayo salad. I'm also running out of ideas on what to give her. Taste buds seem to have changed yet difficult to make other types of food because she only has one tooth so far!

tiny 123, what's amino liquid. Does it taste like soy sauce?

My gal ate pasta fried in pasta sauce the other day and it was an interesting change for her. Also can make oxtail soup and mix with porridge. She liked it too. She was ok with carrot/potato/cucumber/mayo salad. I'm also running out of ideas on what to give her. Taste buds seem to have changed yet difficult to make other types of food because she only has one tooth so far!

ya..I also run out of ideas.
yesterday I went to ntuc and manage to find cereal puffs.
so another new food for me gal :)
I stop stage 3 going back to stage 2.. Not sure is it he does not like stage 3 milk as he reject. My friends told me no hurry in switching as their kids started switching only at 15-16 mths.

Me now stop cook porridge as he sick of eating, so been cooking macaroni, mee sua for lunch and dinner I give rice and soup with ingredients. Today lunch going back to porridge. I will try pasta with tomato sauce maybe the next few days.

For snacks I have cereal puff, yogurt bites, those egg biscuit, dried fruit snack, cheese.. I get the dry snack stuff from iherb.com
If u interested I can let u know my referral code to get discount for first time order.
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What are your babies number of milk feed now? My DS used to have 4 times i.e 6.30am, 11.30am, 4pm and night feed. But lately he seem not want to drink the 11.30am feed does that means I can do away that feed? What qty your babies drinking? Mine seem getting lesser and lesser
What are your babies number of milk feed now? My DS used to have 4 times i.e 6.30am, 11.30am, 4pm and night feed. But lately he seem not want to drink the 11.30am feed does that means I can do away that feed? What qty your babies drinking? Mine seem getting lesser and lesser


on weekend when I look after my gal myself full day,I will feed at 730am ( depending what time she wake up),then 1030am, then 4pm then 830pm before sleep. Recently she gets hungry easily.so I increase to 210ml each time with 3 full scoop of fm.
How much you are feeding ur bb now?
If he does not want the 1130am feed,maybe you can replace him with bread or cereals..
has he taken the 1 year old jab? my mil said some babies after taking the jab will lost appetite. some will increase.
Marc he is drinking 210ml now but then didn't finish most of the times leaving bit behind. He is taking his 1yo jab today, let's see any changes :)
Hi mummies, any idea which school offer playgroup for 18mths bbs? Cos most of the schools I called either is half day child care or the playgroup requires parent to be around. Thinking of enrolling my girl in a playgroup that I can drop her off for abt 2 to 3hours so that she can make some friends while I get a breather as well! Thks!
Hi mummies! I haven't been here in ages! How's everyone?
My girl turned 1 year old on Sunday and bm supply seems to be going down. I'm a FTWM who pumps twice at work, I'm considering to drop pumps and just nurse at home. I've been nursing her at night, she will nurse before bedtime around 8pm, then 11pm, 1pm, 5pm and then before I go to work around 6.30am - 7am. Co-sleep so it's less tiring for me, plus I don't want her to wake up to my maid.
I'm also thinking of what to give as snacks besides cheese cubes and crackers. Gonna make more cheese biscuits this weekend! Am not keen to give store-bought biscuits although she has been eating them. Are you all feeding your kids rice or still porridge?
Hi mummies! I haven't been here in ages! How's everyone?
My girl turned 1 year old on Sunday and bm supply seems to be going down. I'm a FTWM who pumps twice at work, I'm considering to drop pumps and just nurse at home. I've been nursing her at night, she will nurse before bedtime around 8pm, then 11pm, 1pm, 5pm and then before I go to work around 6.30am - 7am. Co-sleep so it's less tiring for me, plus I don't want her to wake up to my maid.
I'm also thinking of what to give as snacks besides cheese cubes and crackers. Gonna make more cheese biscuits this weekend! Am not keen to give store-bought biscuits although she has been eating them. Are you all feeding your kids rice or still porridge?
My gal 1yr old le. She start eating rice for dinner. And lunch will be mee sua and macoroni etc. My gal only drink 3-4 times milk (formula). 3-4am, 7-8am , 4-5pm & 8-9pm

Salute you still bf my boy also turned 1 on Sunday.
I already started giving rice for dinner a week ago as he get tired eating porridge already. I also give him the soup we adults drink minus the msg/salt.

Lunch sometimes mee sua, pasta, macaroni.. And now I go back to cook porridge once in awhile since he has not been eating for so long.
Hi mummies! I haven't been here in ages! How's everyone?
My girl turned 1 year old on Sunday and bm supply seems to be going down. I'm a FTWM who pumps twice at work, I'm considering to drop pumps and just nurse at home. I've been nursing her at night, she will nurse before bedtime around 8pm, then 11pm, 1pm, 5pm and then before I go to work around 6.30am - 7am. Co-sleep so it's less tiring for me, plus I don't want her to wake up to my maid.
I'm also thinking of what to give as snacks besides cheese cubes and crackers. Gonna make more cheese biscuits this weekend! Am not keen to give store-bought biscuits although she has been eating them. Are you all feeding your kids rice or still porridge?

I am feeding my gal porridge still for lunch and dinner.But sometimes when we sit tog to sit,i will also feed her some rice.
I think I am not giving more variety food to my gal..will make an attempt to do more different varieties.
maybe you can slowly switch to fm so that you can later drop completely bm.

I have search a few preschools also for those few hours play group..
but majority is half day...
I have asked...be it half day or 2-3 hours,they still charge half day rates lo.

Hmm think he real doesn't want the 11am milk feed looks like I can drop that already. Milk intake still same doesn't improve as for solid meal ok his usual intake qty.

I let him ate mac hot cake yesterday :)
Salute the mummies who have been bf thru out the night. I just stopped bf last week. Before that, I was bf once every night 8 - 9pm, supplemented with fm. How I miss bf! Dd would sleep thru to 6-7am, occasionally waking once for a night feed. She now drinks thrice a day, 7.30am (150ml) , 2.00pm (150ml) and 8.30pm (up to 210ml).
Dd's appetite has been erratic since she had her MMR jab last Fri. Sometimes she drinks more milk, sometimes less. Today is the worst. She woke up feeling feverish. Only drank 110ml of milk in the morning. Took half her breakfast. She was keeping her food in her mouth and whinning most of the time. Lunch was worse. Only took one or two spoons of porridge, kept the rest in her mouth and refused to eat anymore.
cuppycake, doc has told me that after the jab,after 5 days will develop fever.
but the chances is only 3-5%.
you can try to make the milk more dilute to feed her.
eg..200 ml water ,2 scoops of powder.
sometimes too concentrate will make them more 反胃。

I am feeding my gal porridge still for lunch and dinner.But sometimes when we sit tog to sit,i will also feed her some rice.
I think I am not giving more variety food to my gal..will make an attempt to do more different varieties.
maybe you can slowly switch to fm so that you can later drop completely bm.

I have search a few preschools also for those few hours play group..
but majority is half day...
I have asked...be it half day or 2-3 hours,they still charge half day rates lo.
Thks for sharing!
Marc, by the time I saw your post, it was too late. I gave dd full strength fm. She took only 110ml and vomitted at 11pm. Didn't sleep until 1.00am. Poor girl. She must have felt very uncomfortable.
Marc, by the time I saw your post, it was too late. I gave dd full strength fm. She took only 110ml and vomitted at 11pm. Didn't sleep until 1.00am. Poor girl. She must have felt very uncomfortable.
Perhaps break feed is better also....feed 60ml first?
Does anyone know when do we need to begin brushing their teeth? My gal has 6 tooth and I was told she should begin to brush but the teeth are so tiny, how to brush? She wld not even let the toothbrush near her teeth, she would just clamp it down like it was her spoon...
Does anyone know when do we need to begin brushing their teeth? My gal has 6 tooth and I was told she should begin to brush but the teeth are so tiny, how to brush? She wld not even let the toothbrush near her teeth, she would just clamp it down like it was her spoon...
It is recommended from various literature that I've read, to begin brushing once bb has just one tooth. Maybe can model brushing your own teeth to her so she gets the idea? Can also praise her when she allows some amt of brushing to encourage her to continue with the action. Some edible toothpaste on toothbrush might help. Pigeon has toothbrushes for different stages of teething. I just bought one set. Have not tried yet so am not sure how they'll work. So far, I've been using the finger brush - the type you can wear over your finger. Sometimes dd allows me to brush for her but at other times, she doesn't. It's not so difficult for me at the moment because she only has one tooth so far!
Salute the mummies who have been bf thru out the night. I just stopped bf last week. Before that, I was bf once every night 8 - 9pm, supplemented with fm. How I miss bf! Dd would sleep thru to 6-7am, occasionally waking once for a night feed. She now drinks thrice a day, 7.30am (150ml) , 2.00pm (150ml) and 8.30pm (up to 210ml).

I'm still breastfeeding my girl and its super tiring to still wake up every 3 hours to latch.
Teething stage is worst!
I wake up every hour just to latch cos she wanna suck for comfort....
Does anyone know when do we need to begin brushing their teeth? My gal has 6 tooth and I was told she should begin to brush but the teeth are so tiny, how to brush? She wld not even let the toothbrush near her teeth, she would just clamp it down like it was her spoon...

My girl has 10 teeth now and I'm already brushing her teeth twice a day, during her bath time.
I bought this silicon kind of toothbrush and just gently brush through her teeth when playing with her.... its not easily brush teeth, but just to let her get used to having to brush her teeth.
Does anyone know when do we need to begin brushing their teeth? My gal has 6 tooth and I was told she should begin to brush but the teeth are so tiny, how to brush? She wld not even let the toothbrush near her teeth, she would just clamp it down like it was her spoon...

This :)


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It is recommended from various literature that I've read, to begin brushing once bb has just one tooth. Maybe can model brushing your own teeth to her so she gets the idea? Can also praise her when she allows some amt of brushing to encourage her to continue with the action. Some edible toothpaste on toothbrush might help. Pigeon has toothbrushes for different stages of teething. I just bought one set. Have not tried yet so am not sure how they'll work. So far, I've been using the finger brush - the type you can wear over your finger. Sometimes dd allows me to brush for her but at other times, she doesn't. It's not so difficult for me at the moment because she only has one tooth so far!

Cuppycake I'm using the same toothbrush as you..
It makes brushing her teeth so much easier :)
Mine already has 10 .... she's now used to b rushing that she'll open her mouth when she sees the toothbrush.

My boy has eight teeth now I bought the pigeon toothbrush to brush his teeth. Initially he will bite the toothbrush but after a few times he knows the momentum and let me brush his teeth for him and I shall see a song with it "this is the way I brush my teeth.." Make it a fun thing to do :)
Hi mummies! I haven't been here in ages! How's everyone?
My girl turned 1 year old on Sunday and bm supply seems to be going down. I'm a FTWM who pumps twice at work, I'm considering to drop pumps and just nurse at home. I've been nursing her at night, she will nurse before bedtime around 8pm, then 11pm, 1pm, 5pm and then before I go to work around 6.30am - 7am. Co-sleep so it's less tiring for me, plus I don't want her to wake up to my maid.
I'm also thinking of what to give as snacks besides cheese cubes and crackers. Gonna make more cheese biscuits this weekend! Am not keen to give store-bought biscuits although she has been eating them. Are you all feeding your kids rice or still porridge?

Z_phyr co-slp with baby is the best ;)
Just latch whenever she wants milk!

Mine is already taking rice.
wow..seems like all of you have already started to brush you bb teeth.
I still doing nothing :p
my gal has 8 teeth also.
cupcake / maggi >what brand to buy for tooth brush?
need toothpaste?
Thanks tlcp. I did that and it helped. However, dd only drank 150ml in the morning yesterday. Refused to drink anymore in the afternoon and night. Worried for her.

Is she still feverish? Try to give her soup and water. When my girl was ill, her milk n porridge intake drop by half, so as I was afraid she get dehydrate, I gave her whatever fluid she willing to take. Even had to feed water by spoon else she refuse to take. Hope ur bb get well soon!
wow..seems like all of you have already started to brush you bb teeth.
I still doing nothing :p
my gal has 8 teeth also.
cupcake / maggi >what brand to buy for tooth brush?
need toothpaste?

I think mine is Pigeon.
I didn't use toothpaste... just brush as it is :)
wow..seems like all of you have already started to brush you bb teeth.
I still doing nothing :p
my gal has 8 teeth also.
cupcake / maggi >what brand to buy for tooth brush?
need toothpaste?
I bought organic edible toothpaste from.Earth's Best. The 'glove' toothbrush came with it. I used very little of the toothpaste. Just brushed dd's tooth without toothpaste most of the time.
Is she still feverish? Try to give her soup and water. When my girl was ill, her milk n porridge intake drop by half, so as I was afraid she get dehydrate, I gave her whatever fluid she willing to take. Even had to feed water by spoon else she refuse to take. Hope ur bb get well soon!
Not feverish anymore. She only drank 100ml (usually 120ml to 150ml) of milk this morning. Another 100ml (diluted) this afternoon. Not sure why she's cutting back. At first, I thought it's because I changed to Stage 3 fm which seemed thicker but she's still taking 100ml regardless of concentration. Hope the situation improves.
Cuppycake your girl just had the mmr jab? If so maybe the cut in milk qty is just a passing phase. Maybe you can give alternative such as yogurt and cheese to supplement.
I have also introduced stage 3 formula to my son for a day or two then I revert to stage 2 as friends advised me no hurry in switching them as their kids only switch when approx 15-16 months

Yes, by this Fri, it will be 2 weeks after her MMR. She's slowly picking up on drinking her milk. She doesn't quite like cheese but she's ok with yoghurt. Thanks tiny.
