(2013/05) May 2013

Morning to all!

Seem like yellow discharge very common. Maybe I should ask my gynae.

Babbiee, I also eating non stop esp at night. Got to get up just to cook. I also keep feeling a lot of things never do and buy. Like hospital bag and baby stuffs hasn't wash. Already 34 weeks. Terrible.
Morning ladies.
Yellow discharge: I have quite a bit of the discharge too. Most of the time is thick white discharge, sometimes it comes with yellow ones. I told my gynae before and he did a check and say ok. But i guess i shall ask him again today when i see him later.

Joanne: why your doc discourage you to go for natural birth but C-section? what risk is he referring to?
Morning ladies. Yes i have yellow discharge too... my gynae says its normal to have discharge. But jus have to chnge panty liner frequently..
I bought an adult cupboard from Star furniture recently. At 1st contemplating to buy a children wardrobe but I find adult one is bigger and more sustainable. I oso looked at Ikea ones as well, but though of delivering and installing ourselves seem troublesome.

I have been having discharged throughout my pregnancy. But recently is heavier, dunno if its due to me, I have been drinking cold water past few days.
eva/ Bbkk: I also have yellowish discharge. Done my Swab test that day on Saturday and got my results on Monday that everything is fine - no infection. So I think u all don't be too worried about it. Just rmb to keep clean, keep changing panty liner.

dian_tang: thanks for the information babe!
Thanks all! Just suddenly concern because earlier on is clear. Then last night become yellowish. Hahaha Used to have UTI so wanna double check.

Griny, where is star furniture located? How much is it? Gonna buy a cupboard today. =)
Fool4love: cc = childcare.

Worried79: I paid $1500. But I paid by instalment. Hehehe..
I wasnt at hm when they install. My mum came over.
its built in type hor? pay by instalment not so bad lor. but really big and nice, can put alot of things.
no wonder. i thot we r not supposed to be at home when they shift or install furniture.
I've got discharge too. There was once, I had candida. Donch like all these infections which appear only during pregnancy
During post-delivery pap smear, all seems clear magically. Thank God also lah.

Can u imagine, just a built-in wardrobe like that can easily cost $1500?! it's ridiculous right. $$ is like water these days.

Anyone taking No Pay Leave after maternity leave?
Im alwaz thirsty too.. Been drking lotsa water, including ice water..cannot imagine may's weather, so hot, and no cold drks..
There are a few outlet for Star Furniture. I went the outlet at Pasir Panjang. I know they have a few like Toh Guan and Sungei Kadut. I think you can google Star Furniture for their outlets.
Anyway can I ask, why we can't be around when shift furniture or install furniture? I was at home when my husband shifted the bed and some furniture at our room and helped to pack the room a bit but most things he do, I just went outside the room and only came into see dusts but never literally see him shift the furniture.

I wish I can take no pay leave. My boss not very flexible. So I am gonna tender after ML then look for shorter hours job to look after baby.
pinktulip : why take no pay? Can use your AL?

i wanted to extend my ML. Maybe like take another 1-2 weeks. Than my friend tell me later baby sick lah, go injection lah, all these need leave. Don't waste it unnecessary
JC: yes, very true, esp if u wan to put ur little one in infant care.... get sick more often...

i got frens took 4 mths of ML, then take 2 mths of no pay leave just to acc the baby.

my plan is:

take 2 weeks of HL leave before birth, then take 2.5mths of ML leave, then clear then slowly, like maybe 1-2 days a week and work from home if necessary....
worried79: you can make it built in or dont. if no built in, it will cost $1299 for 6ft. 5ft is cheaper like $1199 or 1099. the inside can customise your own, how many shelves how many drawers.
i in built a mirror inside the cupboard which can draw out de.

pinktulip: yes man! very headache one lor. when no girl want girl. the when got different sex one. i got to adjust so many things.
then the korkor sleeping arrangement leh. the beds and misc stuff already cost me $800.

money not enough la!~
have very siao on people in my department. my boss was working during her maternity... A colleague of mine (same dept) who's also preggie is also very siao on. She sends out emails in the middle of the night and also during weekends one...

sometimes i wish i werent in this dept. Ano colleague of mine in ano dept took HL and then commence her ML only when she gave birth. I dont think my department will readily accept that
rejoy: u dont have AL?? \
for me, i be clearing all 4 months of ML. dont want to be so disruptive when i go back to work.
u know...sure got ppl say things one.
then for bb injections, i try to bring on fridays after work bah.
then if fever or what, at least weekends i still around.

my hub asked me 1st apr when go back work, work for a week then take another 2 weeks HL again...LOL
last chance already
i ve tones of AL to clear... i need to clear 22 days by end of this year.

is jus that i ve work commitment as well..

for me, i can ask my girls to handle the things, if require then call or email me, i wld reply... bt my boss wun like us to take 4 mths straight....
I understand how it feel.

I already got colleagues said things. My previous colleague got HL for 1 and a half month before delivery, end up pre mature birth, then HR said that her HL got to change to ML and they start counting using the 1 month before delivery date as guidelines.

Then my boss was trying to do that to me as well. Now I hope hard that Baby stay till week 40 then come out if not my HL wasted plus, my work also very siao earlier on that caused me to end up with HL. Carrying heavy bulky items and female environment so no one really wanna help. I have new colleagues, come in, don't know this and that, I suppose to teach her to cover my works, end up, she dumped things back at me to do. Nearly chew her head off. If not because she come in higher position then me, I will sure chew her off.

I think if your HR ok, then HL no issue. Last chance to take anyway.

And I still got childcare leave and 15 days of AL.

Sometimes bosses make things hard.
Are you a nurse? Possible to do PT? Maybe just work 2-3 days a week?

JC, Rejoy, 2Ks
I intend to clear all 4 months of maternity leave. I have about 25-28 days of leave, which I will clear also. After that I intend to go PT or like what rejoy28 said, I might take NPL to accomodate to baby / have a taste of what it's like to be a SAHM. It all depends on how much I can save lor. But as days go by, the more I feel I should stay at home for a short while. I am sick of working and I want to be a full time mom for a short while.

that's very thoughtful of you. To have jabs on Fridays. Then if fever, how to enjoy weekend hehe.

There's Child MC too. Child Care Leave. if Need be then u have to tap upon these leaves.

I am definitely not one of those siao on people. I'm going to work just to earn a living. But I do intend to work till I deliver, maybe just take one day of my own leave here and there. I still have tonnes of work to clear. And I don't feel nice taking hospitalisation leave if I'm not ill. Just hope I can tahan till I pop.
Eva: infact i shift my table this n that. lol but bed i never touch. bed too heavy liao. no strength my study table still okai. but i heard bed is not to move better.. so i didn't move bed. cuss they say bed is more impt lor..

sore breast:
u gals have sore breast? aiyo my breast like i touch quite pain sia.. like so sore.. aright..
Dear ladies

I have a bag of preloved baby girl's clothes which I would like to gift with no strings attached.

Details have been posted at this website which I have specially created to link mothers who would like to give away things to those who are seeking preloved items.


Please do drop by, thanks!
Any idea if company will deduct from medical balance 1st if we are on HL, then go into HL, or straight deduct HL? Is there mom guideline or company's policy
HL: my doctor never give HL de eh. He gave me MC instead that day when I went back for review. mmm. why uh? Some more that day I told him here pain there pain. How to tell our gynae that I need take rest at home already?? Cos now I realise I'm aching ALL OVER! Thinking to get HL form my gynae. Or is it bcos my doctor is not from those hospital that's why they don give HL??
Re: ML, AL, HL
I intend to take the 4mths ML all at 1 go. 1 thing is coz my current boss is still clearing her 2mths ML (she needs to take at least 1 day off per week) and my colleagues and I all agreed that its quite disruptive to our work esp when she cant clear our work in time. Another thing is coz I will be putting bb at IFC so thought better let bb be older before putting her there.

As for HL, how to get huh? Haha, my gynae quite strict on MCs and so I think he will be strict on HLs as well. The only time he ever gave me MC was for 2days when I was really sick. I asked for time chit, he also put the time zhun zhun one...no buffer. hahaha. Am still thinking if I should take 1 week AL before delivery and relax at home...scarly after 1wk baby still dont come out, or bb come out within that 1 wk. faint. haha.

I have about 15.5 days of AL to clear, the remaining 18days can carry over to the next year which I am intending to do. 1st child have 6days of childcare leave right? Still have another 6days of child MC or something like that? If so, then maybe can indulge myself abit before giving birth...coz by the time ML over, its already Sept, left 3 mths to clear all these leave.

Fool4love, Pinktulip - I am not those siao on ppl too. Haha in fact, I am not v.ambitious..nv think much abt career advancement etc.. am content where I am. But of coz, due recognition and appreciation from the bosses are always good to have. sometimes really feel unappreciated at work..ppl up there indecisive & only know how to make useless comments, leave all the shitty stuff for us to do and face. I know its only some times that I feel this way but when the feeling comes, it really makes me feel like quiting and just be a sahm. But I think I will stay on this job for awhile longer (stable job, good pay, nice colleagues, decent benefits etc)...at least till I have #2 and when my hb can afford to let me be a sahm. haha.

big hugs to all mommies at work! lets jiayou! dont know if its the pregnancy blues or what..suddenly feel v.emo abt work.
i ve shitty week at work since last week... sometimes i just feel like resigning and stay at home but financial commitment dun allow.
i got a colleague who is coming back after 8 weeks of ML. 2nd child and she cannot tahan her MIL, so she want to come back early.

good for the team coz her contract staff is asked to leave early due to poor performance. but my another colleague quite piss coz she still got 8 weeks right - she will clear once a week and take 1 whole month in Oct/Nov to go holiday. When the day she clear, no 1 is allowed to take leave or work from home. Very disruptive to the rest.

actually i also foresee myself workng during my ML. Not because i very impt in the company but my replacement will only start learning from me in 1st Apr and only got 5-6 weeks of handing over. My stuff is quite manual coz of the complexity of the accounts i handle -_-

this friday i going to confirm my induce date with my gynae. I think i will just take 1 or 2 days of rest before the induce date.
Min: Oh i had a previous operation to remove cyst jus 1 yr plus ago and natural birth may just tear it and i may just bleed alot. He say he still encourage natural but this is the risk if it tears n bleeds i need to go for emergency c sect which i felt i do not want to take this risk.
As for yellow discharge i have been having it the day i was pregnant until now. So far i went for 2 tests previously and there was no infection but duno why it was yellowish all the way since day 1 being pregnant and now its even more.
Joanne, best to call your Gynae and check.

Anyone having itchy red little bumps on ur belly and thigh? I am having rashes these past few days. Unbearable!

Are u going to get a master to select baby Chinese name?
Pinktulip: after having kids... weekends are not the same anymore lor... mad rush...so whats there to enjoy leh... cannot even wake up late mah
Bbkk: I think high chance it's PUPPP. Dunno when it will go away. I am trying not to scratch, scare it will leaves scars or stretch marks.
I think not all gynaes are ok with giving mc or hl. My sil gynae also wont.
But my gynae if every visit to c him we can take mc. Or if want mc can just call him too
JC, wat ur bb as of ur last visit?
My bb is small too, I think this sat visit my bb maybe only 1.6kg week 32. I did ask gynae about induce. If week 38 my bb weights more I might consider induce on 12 May, which is one week earlier than my edd.
That's the exact reason why I'm still sticking around at work. Reasonable pay, flexible hours & awesome colleagues. My bosses are good also lah but on some bad days I wish they could be better, haha. Anyway, I think it's more worth it to stay at home with 2 kids. It's fun to see them bond too. Do things also all one shot - as in cook, feed both at same time. I really hope I can stay at home for a short while after having my 3rd. Can see the joy in the kids' faces when we fetch them from school at noon, and they get to go home to mommy & home-cooked food!

Ya lor, for that reason I'd rather work till the end and clear everything one shot. Then come back start afresh.

That's true but at least if baby's not sick we can go to the park, playground or beach

2Ks, leyash, jcyp
I think if I'm not that sick, I won't ask for HL lah. I feel like it's a little unethical leh. Some pple say it's entitlement, but I Think as long as u're not too ill, MC would do? Just pray we stay healthy till end of pregnancy k. I also feel bad if my unfinished business must be passed on to my supervisor or other colleagues to settle.

One of the most sian things ever for me is getting phonecalls from work regarding work. It can really piss me off. I don't call my colleagues during maternity leave and I hope they will let me have a peaceful rest too.
1kg at week 28. My gynae say the size okie.

bbkk : meaning you inducing at week 37 ah if bb is bigger ah?
JC, I planning to induce either week 38 or 39. I scared week 37 bb still light. Gynae advise after week 38. I am thinking 12may which is wk 39 1d. Dunno bb will come earlier anot as this will be my second child.
pinktulip - hahaha, my bosses are alright though 1 of them is a single female so may not empathise much with ppl who have young kids/families. Hai, can never have the best of both worlds I guess. Yes, stay at home with 2 or more kids are definitely more worth it. My aim is to stay at home after having #2...provided hb works harder between now and then. haha. But after kids go off to school etc, the thought of returning to workforce is quite daunting. Wish I can take part-time or work from home but these can be quite disruptive to colleagues and working partners as well (company will probably just ask colleague to cover instead of hiring a part-time/contract/new staff) so I rather just quit and be sahm.

xeviouss: Yes doc gave me hormone pills during my visit on 18Mar13 to relax the cervix - 32w5d baby weight 2.1kg today is 33weeks.
Yes i am getting a master for the baby chinese name.
