(2013/05) May 2013

i just bought one pac of Merries NB. Was thinking whether it will be enough or not...remembered somewhere along the line have to switch to size S liao. my #1 was born at 3.4kg, not sure abt this #2 liao. was telling hb, if really not enough or what, he will go buy. dun wish to stock up on nb diapers, if never use, really wasted leh.

in-laws issue
i also staying wif my in-laws....i think this topic was surfaced earlier. same here. we have diff up bringings and diff views. normally i will just ask my hb to tell them. i very sick of it liao. tell them they will say ok ok, but will repeatedly do it over and over again. i also give up liao.

Fabbie: dont know leh..she just post like this. No matter how unhappy, i wont post on fb. I just wadaspp my girlfriends complain like mad than delete the chat

My hubby tell me next time i also will become MIL -_- very sensitive lah this topic. To me, i just do my part when i see them once a week. Rest of the days, i just dont ask so much.

I always tell my hubby when old liao hoh, is i scratch his back or wheel him and vice versa. Not anybody else. Both of us plus bb is the closest liao, anything we shd stand together and place in first priority.
Thank u for all the reply
at least I know its ok to attend wedding..now rest assured..

For those mummies going to have caesarian birth, which week will u be delivering ur babies?
Re: Washing clothes
I havent got started yet! Intend to start washing bb clothes this wk...shld be able to finish in 1 load since the clothes so small. haha. As for the bedding set, will wash it after the cot comes...hope got enough time!

Re: newborn diapers
I got 4 packs of Huggies newborn diapers, as suggested by the Huggies promoter. She also suggested I get 8 packs of Ultra Small...but I felt its alot and dont know if bb's butt will take well to Huggie anot so I only got 4 packs of Ultra Small. I think just buy enough for the 1st week or so then if not enough, get the hb to buy more.

Re: In-Laws
I am v.thankful to have my own place before I got pregnant...but coz my in-laws are just a few blocks, I hope my FIl wont keep popping over after I give birth (my MIL super nua...everyday at home and served by my FIL) coz abit inconvenient esp if I want to latch bb on at home. He already commented why we need to hire CL etc..coz I think that time he did confinement for my SIL (together with SIL's own mom). I told my hb, I intend to breastfeed so its definitely more convenient to have a female ard...plus CL can sleep over and take care of bb at night mah. My FIL needs to cook & look after my MIL and 2 sch-going grandchildren so sure cant stay overnight at our place de. Plus, like fool4love, our hygience standards v.different...I scared I get more angry and emo during confinement. For those staying with in-laws, just bear with it! Your hse will be here soon...just smile and nod your head can liaos. Everything else, leave it to hb to settle/say.
i think hubbs trying to moderate my expectations along with my mil...

Though my mil is very nice (ie: insist on doing EVERYTHING for us), my hubbs said that he did mention to my mil that if she is unable to handle the baby and the chores (since she insist on doing everything herself), then we will put the baby in infant care...

Sometimes i really think that it might be better for infant care, cos less conflict ma. My mil can be the "back-up" plan in case baby falls sick or we work late...

Actually i dread staying at home alone with my mil too. I was on leave during the week of CNY and hubbs had to work. I was SOOooooo bored cos there was absolutely nothing to do....

I got a CL mainly bcos my mil wont be helping me with the night feed. I only hope that my CL and my mil doesnt clash... my mil commented that my sil (her other son) did not have a CL... i know it's a passing comment, but inevitably, i cant help but compare...

I try to ask hubbs to talk to mil instead of myself... but for some stuff, my hubbs also agree with my mil... so sometimes, i feel that its a losing battle...

me just show a darn sian face lo. Then i know hubbs trying to mitigate the entire thing and say that he has already spoken to my mil and then the plan is as such... Told me not to get so stressed up as it will impact the baby...

he told me to choose a few pcs which i want baby to wear from hospital to home... Then we can wash those first... But hor, i really dunno which to choose le.

What type of clothes are the best? button? romper? long sleeve or short sleeve?
REjoy: LOL i know how it feel when she say no space to put. i remember that time i was BF my no.1 my milk was so pack she ask me to clear my BF give people or throw away. cuss no space to put. cuss she need the fridge. and the problem is she don't COOK every morning. only once a while. need the fridge for what.. but what can i do. people;s house we cant do anything. they say what we okai. till we get our house is OUR TURN to control. LOL

worried: just buy 1 -2 pack first ba.. then if not enff ask hub to buy lor. for me i buy 4 packs of huggies. if she grow fatter i will buy S. cuss usually huggies diaper cutting quite small. hehe

JC: hahaha if im so angry i will just rant straight to my hub. bomb his HP. LOL Aiya my hub say where got such things. but please lor MIL and DIL the conflicts is always there some how. they just don't understand.

fool4love: talk to him nicely ba.. tell him how u feel.. if not u will feel alone. then all target u like that one.

Trying to talk to him lo. He said that people of our parents' generation has a very different idea of hygenie...

He actually quoted an example like if he were to bring baby's clothes to the washer and he sees clear water being spilt on the table, he will use the dirty clothes to soak the water up... i gave up the "are you crazy" look... then he emphasize that the water is clean la...

Then i went into a debate with him on how certain can he be that the water is clean, what if the water is some soup thingy that is spilt on the table, then baby's clothes will be oily and dirty and not fit for wearing, blah blah blah...

then he insisted that he's just quoting an example... i told him that his example doesnt make sense....

After that he says that i'm stressing myself up...
Ya i agree with babbiee, talk to him calmly.. or vent ur anger and frustrations with a close gf who has been through pregnancy. Dont feel ure targeted.
<font color="aa00aa">AHHHH! going crazy!! still rushing my assignment! =( now sneaky doing them in office. If not Cannot submit in time!! *cries*

Baby clothes: wow!! I also haven't wash eh. Will do so end of march. My MIL also haven;t offered to help to wash yet. Since they going Macau on end march, I will machine wash them in laundry bag with baby detergent. don't think I can afford to sit in the toilet to hand wash. My abdominal will ache.

Fabbie: OMG! so excited for you!! ^^

fool4love: same!! I'm feeling super emo lately also. I'm staying with my in-laws at the moment as well. sigh...also due to space constraints baby cot haven't bring in cos it's hands down from my nephew. Had bad quarrel w my own mother over the setting up of baby cot. she wants me to set up only after I gave birth. cos of some pantang thing. oh well, but i know she meant well but a bit too last min. OMG!!! why our in-laws same same! everytime I bring things home she sure ask:"Wah, buy things again ah? buy what?" then everytime I buy things I have to hide n hide. sigh* I totally feel the same as u about the baby fair!! My in-laws was not home tt day too! I was super happy! i quickly sneak all the things I bought into the cupboard!! HAHAH!

Usually I will also get my hubby to talk to them and ask them things I don feel comfortable with.</font>
Haha! Xuan: good luck on your assignment...

that day, i bought a pair of "not-so-cheap" flats... then my sil told my mil that she has been looking at that brand of shoes as well and it's not cheap...

the following morning, my mil asked me how much the flats cost... then i told her "huh... erm, not very expensive la"

then she replied "your sil says this brand not cheap le."

i replied "okay la... still okay..."

Think i saw your msg with regards to the setting up of the bed... my mil and parents said exactly the same thing... then i just told them "then baby come out sleep where?!???!"

the compromise was that i'm not supposed to be at home when they shift the stuff... so probably will just hang around downstairs till they are done lo...
Baby clothes and stuffs
Will only start washing after cupboard coming this weekend. A lot of things to wash I think. Clothes, mittens, cloth diapers, cot beddings, pillow cases, swaddles etc. think must split to few loads. I will use washing machine. I bought country save detergent so our clothes can be washed together next time, easier.

I bought 6 Huggies newborn diapers. Shld last for 3 weeks bah. After that see can use the cloth diaper another if not then go and buy.

Xuan, very siong to study and work when you pregnant. Take it easy and if necessary reduce modules/defer, if not v stressed on yourself.
Xuan - jiayou on your assignment! But dont get too stressed out..most impt is happy mommy and happy bb.

fool4love - wah, buy shoes also must report the price?! last time my mom also like to ask the price of shoes/clothes/bags I buy...maybe coz own mom so I am ok. I cant imagine if my inlaws are to start questioning the price of my stuff. I scared I roll my eyes..haha

back again.. was made to work over the weekends to finish some doc to be sent out.. whole weekend ruined lor.. didn't get to go to taka fair yet.. this manager i'm working with is a female with 2 kids lor.. she is like packing my schedule so tight that i have like 2-3 tasks to complete in a day.. super pressurized... can't really feedback too cause she and next level manager are friends..

re leg cramps: it's been more intense lately.. usually attack around 4-5am.. then take turns wan.. right leg one night, left leg another night.. hubs was sleeping so soundly that i don't think i can wake him up.. or if i did, maybe he cramp over.. haha..

re ms: my nausea is back.. usually about once a day, at night if have.. 1 week will have about 3-4 times..

fool4love: wah, buy shoes also must report.. my mum is super pantang type.. she won't ask price but she forbid me to buy shoes whole of lunar 1st month.. my legs are starting to swell and my shoes are making my legs hurt.. tmr can buy le.. but then last weekend, we secretly went out to buy 2 open toe flats for me to wear.. shhhhhh.. luckily we stay on our own..

i think i have too many things haven't buy.. so far only bought some pampers, wet wipes and clothes.. so so dead.. some will get hands me down like stroller and carrier.. so now left breast pump, bottles, maternity pads, disposable underwear, baby cot, car seat, nursing bras.. omg.. so many..

we are all at 30 weeks or going 30 weeks soon! can countdown soon.. very scared and also a little excited.. the birth process is what i fear most man...

she did comment that i have a lot of shoes la. Then my hubbs say she's okay one. She's just curious about the price. Anyway, my sil (her daughter) also has branded stuff... But i feel awkward about telling her how much i paid for the stuff (actually i'm embarassed about the price la)...

My mum also likes to ask about the price of my stuff when i used to stay with her. But i usually just discount it by 50% if it's too expensive... cos no one will tell her that it's branded anyway...

I bought maternity clothes as well and i think she did comment that i have a lot of hand-me-down maternity already... Then i just said that i'm bigger size that what is available to me...

Actually i think that there's a lot of stuff which they can clear out...

Rach: i havent buy pampers, wet wipes... dont know which brand to buy...

i need to wash those stroller and carriers too! where got time if i dont start now...

need to get dettol too
i got the huggies wipes only. Coz i so bu gan yuen to queue 1 hr + for just 6 packs of NB diapers and decided to add 1 packet of wipe. Haha...i will buy towards the end lah coz i scare later dry up.

i bought most of the big items le. Left those small small things to buy nia. On and off weekend will go buy.
I bought most of the things le, left few things such as herbs, pail(with lid) for confinement use ....
so now need to prepare mummy hosp bag, will settle it by this week. Btw, wat shld we bring?
<font color="aa00aa">fool4love: totally!! That day I brought a new bag home. It's import from other country and then my SIL also asked me what I buy. I jus said oh bag. then my MIL, FIL and SIL all came into the room and see!!! Kua zhang lo!! Then my hubby tell them I buy bag, pamper myself a bit la. Then my MIL keep ask me the cost also. I also told her not very expensive la~ Then she said mus be expensive ...if not why don dare tell. Then I bo chup...guess what! after awhile she walk back to my room ask me how much is it exactly! I'm like omg!!! ok...End up i told her...Then she said tell my FIL...Nor..tell u liao. not cheap already. Sigh. so...and yes. sleepyskies, I literally rolling eyes to my hubby.

chiro/fool4love/sleepyskies: thanks for the encouragement!! Sigh!! I shld have listened to my hubby and defer this semester =( didn't know it can be so siong!! =( I keep don have enough sleep lo!!

Rach: I have leg cramps too! Cannot take it...</font>
Xuan - I literally laughed when I read your post! Bring 1 new bag home also so drama, they all go your room see you do 'opening ceremony' for your new bag? hahahaha! You are making me feel thankful that my in-laws are much older and dont really care what I buy/bring home...sometimes I order stuff from overseas and they arrive in big boxes etc, they also nv ask..just put the parcels in the room. Plus my BIL &amp; SIL (hb's bro and SIL)'s age gap with me also quite big...so they dont kpo abt such stuff too. My only qualms with my inlaws are the level of hygiene and cleanliness in the hse..I guess different family different issues. Nvm, just smile &amp; nod and hide in the room! hahaha
3rd trimester already lesser sleep liaos..plus you still have work and study, more xiong! Get your hb to give you a good massage every night, shld help with the cramps.
Xuan n food4love: if you want to set ur baby cot or playpen earlier, put an angbao with money even amount n place in the cot. This is to tell "other" that this bed is occupy by our baby.
Hi mummies,

I have been following this thread since a few days ago so that I can catch on what all may mummies been talking about.

I am currently 32th week. And So happy that I am so near my EDD le.

I am with Dr Adrian and just side track a bit, any mom with him too? Is he pro-natural? I wanna talk to him birth plan but he said very simple, natural birth and whether I want epi or not. Then I hasn't touch on with him the breast feeding part. Then he kept asking me to go TMC, and told me scary stories about why he don't want to go Mount A.

I just went Mount A tour and fall in love with Mount A because it is reputable. Anyone choosing Mount A? My doc seem to be famous for discouraging people to go Mount A. And now, my hubby also encouraging me to go TMC since he is scared that whatever the do mentioned will happened. =(

Already so moody due to pregnancy. Now even more moody that I can't choose my fav choice.
My FiL just mentioned abt arranging to go shao mu for Qing Ming. He say i can be excused than my hubby ask me wait in the car -_-

Is it okie to go?
Jc: is yoit family those pang tang type? I would suggest you don't go.. I am sure your ancestors will understand.. Cos they say cemetery belongs to those "yin". So best to avoid.. That's what I heard so far.. Hope it helps.
Evangeline Gabrielle Ong : u mean woody?? he perfer in TMC. if im not wrong TMC is quite near him ba. and if u wana go another hospital to delivery will have extra charge for me.. this is my no.2 with him.. that time he induce me and i stay in TMC everything okai ah. i natural birth also.
where u seeing him? CCK? or SK? he dont like to talk so much one. he;s short n sweet LOL then it depends u wana believe him anot hahaa but BF what to do with him? i tout he only incharge on our body this n that and baby delivers ah. hehe btw u dont like TMC? i felt tmc pricing is quite affordable i quite like the food also hehe

Shirley: recently i went to temple to pray my grandma cus is her death anniversary.. should be okai ba? so far nothing happy but its in a temple lor. but so far i think i havent step in to mandai yet..
XUan: LOL i remember i told my hub i wan a branded bag.. after i give birth.. and my hub actually ask my MIL CAN he buy a LV bag for me leh. OMG.. my hub is a SUPER really TOOT. like wana hai si wo like that.. LOL but that was so long ago le.. i already sold my LV bag liao haha.. but ya in laws really damn funny la... all so kpo.
Xuan, i also heard abt the pantang thing about baby cot. So, I was not allowed to buy baby cot yet. MIL say can only buy after baby is born.
Fabbie: Can called me Eva. My full name very long. Hahaha I visiting him at CCK. Like him because near my house and I am not those kind that ask this and that. As long as baby is fine, I am happy. Plus this baby come unexpected right after my honeymoon so immediately first doc chose him.

Plus I actually concern only when he said he don't do birth plan. Because I read forum, many said birth plan included planning of kind of feeding for nb. Like FM and BF as the doc and nurses will assist with it. But he just told me, birth plan very simple. Go hospital, natural birth. Then my hubby and I just wow and ok. But just the TMC and Mt A choosing part.

Not said I don't like TMC just that read forum and even some mums said they don't like TMC as standard drop from 2009 onward as some gave birth there 2 times and compared so I am a bit concern. Think because I was a nurse before. So care to me, very impt.

Are u going TMC this round too? U choosing which bedded?

Nausea: anyone experience daily nauseaness? I wonder is it because my baby getting biggggg... every day I must vomit after meal. Like 1st trim but worse. At least first trim is only night time. Now one day can vomit more than 3 times until today I can't take it and finally get medication from doc. And my baby now over 2kg. Cross finger that he won't beyond 3.5kg. As I am petite size.
wt81 &amp; meiliew, my EDD is just one day before the 2 of u. I am 4th May. Hope baby is good. Only come out after 1st May. So that father can get 1 week paternity leave. LOL
babysmurf: ah!! I get your hint!! Haiya, no wonder my mom don want to say la. Tsk. If that's the case I think when I discharged then set ba. When baby n myself come Home and they set up the cot, do I have to 'Siam' from the room?
Babysmurf, didn't know set up baby cot also got tradition. As I look at all of your replies, sort of happy I read it. As I got my upcoming baby boy a baby cot from the feb baby fair and the person will set up for me in apr so that when baby arrived, don't need to set up le. But can set up before birth then up the ang bao and where to put it? Then if the person come set up, can I be around to see how they set up? My MIL told me something must avoid mean must avoid during birth if not if baby come up got something wrong, very sad. That what my MIL experienced.
hello eva and meiliew!so qiao our edd is so near! wah eva yr bb is big! mine oni 1.57kg at 31w5d.

babysmurf-di we place a tojen like $2 or $40 below mattress or above mattress in the cot?

my gynae oso discouraged me to go mt a thou i love that pkace! coz of the carpark reno. so in the end i chose tmc. will go mt A for the second bb.
Hi Eva, i think our babies around the same size.. Mine weighs 1.8+kg.. My edd is 09may, and for fear baby may be too big for me cause gynae says for me to go through natural delivery, bb shouldnt exceed 3.5kg, im thinking if i should induce earlier..

I will b delivering at tmc, wonder if we will meet each other at tmc when we deliver, if it is around the same period..
Wt81 and Jcyp, maybe we will meet at TMC. I am a bit sad I most likely can't choose Mt A. But if really no choice, go TMC for this one. Also hope next one can go Mt A. And I think, I over eat. Has been eating and eating till it now ultrasound show 2.2KG

I think induce might not be a first choice as I read many said risk of infection and if cervix didn't open fast enough might end up emergency C-sect. So must ask our babies to cooperation.

Who knows, might even end up next to one another. LOL

So exciting that baby coming soon but seem like never prepare enough things for his arrival.
fabbie : Haven't pregnant, my hubby tell me if really pregnant will buy bag for me. Now pregnant want to deliver, also no see 1 loh. He say he buy a gold pig for me coz he said the bags i have also not using liao..buy another 1 is waste space/money nia
Good morning ladies!
i am getting nervous, not sure if my baby is big enough as i forgot to ask gynae what's my baby's weight the last round when i see him. I can't wait for the next appointment next week to find out. I am supposed to be at week 29 next appointment, what should be the ideal weight ar?

Anyone feeling breathless? I feel that i need so much energy to walk and i always feel that i can't catch my breath after i ate. Not sure is it cos i eat too much ;p for instance, i just told two slices of bread + a cup of oatmeal where i used to skip breakfast before preggy. hahah i eat so much now.

staying with in-laws
I am staying with my in-laws too. I guess cannot be help, there will be issues that me and mil can't agree on. It needs a lot of compromise. I always try to put myself in mil's shoe, then try to tell myself talk to her nicely and hope she see my point too.Keeping finger cross, hopefully there will not be any major argument between her and me after delivery.
Good morning mummies~~

Haha I also told my hubby to buy bag for me as a 'push gift'. Bags are never enough for us, hahaha!

Baby cot
My cot is coming soon. So we put the angbao on the bed/mattress itself or need stuff somewhere beneath or something? How much should be the token?

Sometimes for practical reasons I think very tough to do all these last minute. Imagine if we can only set up the nursery room after delivery wah very rushed and no time lor.
Min: I do feel breathless and asked doc about it. He said is normal because baby growing bigger and taking more space. And I think as pregnant woman, we tends to eat more too because of the calorie we need for baby's growth. hahaha
Morning everyone!

Am interested to find out more abt the details of placing ang bao on baby cot..coz intend to get the delivery person to set up cot. will put up the bedding set etc when we are 2/3weeks away from EDD. honestly, dont know when bb will decide to come out...haha.

Min - I feel breathless too. If I walked just abit faster to catch the bus, I realised I will start breathing v.deeply or even pant after I get on the bus. Even if I carry 1 plastic bag thats slightly heavy, by the time I reach office/home, I will feel faint and dizzy. Not sure if eating sweets will help...but for me, I just need to sit down and rest. haha.
Fabbie: I think temple should be fine.. Just avoid cemetery.. Play safe abit.. Btw,when is your next appt uh? You're seeing gyne for every two weeks alr right? My next scan is when I m week 35. I am week 32 now. Our edd quite close i remember.. Oh ya, you Gt any idea if milkbag Gt expiry date?
juz went to see gynae, baby weighing 1.9kg at almost week 29.. seeing the gynae 2 weeks later...

wanna ask: i recall someone posting on the forum very long ago on regards to the hands free pumping thing. can someone enlightening mi.

i went to taka baby fair to look at the pump yesterday and the guy told mi there will be no more hands free for freestyle...
shirley, i checked the boots milkbag that i buy. Only show production date, no expiry date.

so i think shd be okie bah. the one i bought is produced in Aug 2012.
Rejoy28: hand free bra u mean? I got it as a gift from the medela pump bundle during the last baby fair in feb. I think, maybe they give out finish le?
Rejoy, I think there's this Simple Wishes hands-free bra for attaching the pump. Saw it at Mums &amp; Babes before. Looks good I think I will get to use with PISA.

Eva, which medela bundle you bought? Good offer? That time I missed checking out the Medela pumps at the Expo.
