(2013/05) May 2013

I have slight symptoms of reflux at night.

Vicvic i am referring to loose mattress.. The brand is comfi.. Got their pamphlet and had a website www.mymiraclebaby.com.sg
You can go surf and take a look. They claim is breathes bld fabric, anti bacteria and anti dustmite.

I'm comptemplating to get this or baby first..
xuan : babysafe can buy from kiddypalace. saw it there before. or any major kids store.

tiny123 : oo i saw this before.. but find it quite ex lei. and it's soft. but good thing is you can wash the mattress.

for mummies having reflux at night, maybe can try slping with head and shoulders slightly elevated. use 2 pillows?

Me wk 28 now. besides morning sickness coming back, something that is troubling me is my hands and fingers.. always get swollen at night and my hands will cramp.. every single night!! T.T water retention is so bad that i can't really bend my fingers. even my colleague is surprised to hear this cuz normally it is their legs and feet that swells. hardly hands. =(
waiwai : ya will buy those as well. how many bedsheets do we need ah? 3 sets min? I'm thinking of buying cloth from spotlight and DIY. hahahaha.
Hi Bbkk,

my nickname is cherrie tan, I can't seems to find small small world in FB too..weird..

Btw recently I experience numbness on e top of my tummy..anyone experience this too? Baby still moving actively though
Vicvic, yr left or right hand hv tis numbness prob? only three fingers or whole hand? sometimes wil hv difficulties to hold pen or chopsticks,right?
Xuan: I am at my 31 weeks. Yes, I do exp nausea but my nausea is still managable type.. So far, haven vomit yet.. You try to take small and frequent meals. I realise if I don't take my meals on time, I will feel even more nausea.. Avoid spicy foods if you have Gt heartburn.
Tsm: both hands.. My fingers will be swollen, so can't really bend or hold anything.. Cant really write also. Then my arm muscle will cramp and it's v painful.
And my ring finger, sometimes after bending, I can't straighten it. Like joint locked.. Must manually straighten it with my another hand.. >.<
Vicvic, in fact i experienced same prob with u, the medical term called Carpal Tunnel Syndrom. My cgh dc arranged me to go for physical therapy treatment but i didnt go coz got urgent thing on the appointment day.
Ladies, if u wanna buy disposable undies to wear for the whole confinement period cos no one to wash, Watson got very good sale now. 2 packets of total 10 cotton ones for $5.90. Me bought XL ones kekekekekkeke
Tsm: you too? I can feel your pain.. I searched online and it's nothing serious. But definitely it is irritating. Make me feel like my hands are useless. My doc suggest injection before, but I rejected. Wanna be as medicine-free as possible during pregnancy. Like abit contradicting hor? Haa.

Anyone considering cloth diapering your newborn? I plan to give it a try using pocket diapers.
Tsm, vicvic, I also haf that occassionally...and the worse thing is, once my shoulders ache, it will spread through the whole arms n hands....very painful at times

Wai wai. Thanks for the info...initially I wanted to get those undies fr mkt...3 for $2...wear n throw...but I guess I will get fr Watson...how is the quality?
Vicvic: which Watson u buy from., that time I went Watson see .no sizing de eh. End up I bought from kiddy palace...mmm..

Sleepy skies: babe she reply me already. She said she placing order tonight
Me bought at the watson at IMM but btw both Watson and guardian having sale... Go take a look bah...

Not sure about quality but cotton ones should be okay bah... I bought huge ones scared that time super pain below
Re: numbness
Am also starting to get cramps for my legs, feet and palms. think massaging these areas before sleeping helps abit.

Re: disposable undies
Don't know if I can fit into the XL size lehs. usually go travelling I already get L size coz of my butt &amp; hips so nw pregnant/post delivery don't know if XL can fit or not. haha. maybe will go kiddy palace, spring maternity take a look. time to start buying the disposable undies and the pads liaos.

Xuan - oh I nv receive any update from the seller so I still wondering if she has ordered anot. yay!! think the carrier can reach within 2wks!!
Mattress also so much yo consider ah? I bought the vermont set at taka fair. The lady say if pee, can just pour warer and let it dry. Hope i didnt hear wrongly

My hubby wan to paint bb room leh...ask me go my mum house for one day. Think is okie? I tell him almost wan to deliver..wait for bb come out than paint also okie mah
Good morning ladies! It is friday, i am so happy, finally can get to rest already. Can't wait for today to be over.

Seems like Taka has quite good cot discount ya? I should go down over the weekend to check it out. By the way, those of you who got it from Taka fair, can they deliver it later? I am not sure if should set the bed ready so early due to dust, etc
vicvic: erm, yar, think babysafe mattress will feel abit warmer as compared to the fibrelux.. fibrelux's kinda like seahorse.. heh heh, hard loh.. I din know tt if kanna urine, can just pour it out wor.. they lady din mention it back then..

Am gg to try cloth diapering this time round, see hw it goes, have alr prep the pocket diapers, then coz forsee tt will have lotsa washing, so bot those mini washing machine online, then if dirty, can just dump in to wash, but too bad, the mini washing machine doesnt have the spin dry function, so guess wash ler, still gotta put into the normal washing machine to dry.. -_-

xuan: we got it fr kiddy palace, forgot the px ler, but ya can chk out kiddy palace, think they got 3 inch or 1.5 inch thickness to choose from.. one for cot and one for playpen..

disposable undies: sometimes it'll be bundled up together with the v wash thgy... so tis free!! heh heh..
xuan: yes thats the bottom spray that i recommended. i think if u get from BP is slightly cheaper than the online. think $22 or something. u check it out.

baby matttress:MFS IFC provides baby cot and baby mattress leh. i dont have to pay any extra. just that every friday i will need to bring the bedsheets back to wash

tsm: i suggested u make a trip to the ifc there 1st to see whether cold or not. for my side ifc, bb sleeping area and play area is separated. the sleeping area is abit cold, so usually i dress bb up in sleep suits or long sleeves when i drop bb in the morning. but as they gets bigger, long pants and long sleeves get into their way as they are learning to crawl and feel. so they might slip.

i give u a listing on what i prepared for ifc later.
yr side the ifc can leave clothes and diapers there or u got to bring everyday. perhaps u can check also. and also check how would they handle the ebm. in milkbags or individual bottles?
oh...baby mattress: last time i let bb sleep on the given free foam mattress when i bought the cot. its lousy to the max! pls dont use foam mattress. cos after awhile u will notice a sink in the foam and its too soft on my opinion.
i been using babysafe latex for my both kids.
i never flip it before and its still in a good condition after 4 years plus. plus i think cos of the holes in the latex, i do feel safe if bb sleeps on the side or what.

vicvic: i feel u...i think i suffer all kinds of stuff for my 1st 2 pregnancies. u prob is suffering a pain in the wrist. its a kindof illness that happened ot preggies. sometimes it comes during pregnancies and sometimes after u give birth. it might or might not go away. but most does, just dunno when. but i believe its in the way when u are doing your daily chores.
i had it after i gave birth to my #1. its spread from my right hand to my left hands as warned by my sinseh. true enough, its so painful that its like i dont have strength to hold things or baby.
there is a kindof injection that can cure it, but whole life can only take 2/3 jabs which i forget.
western medicine sure ask u jab or op la.
because i am bf, i opt out of it and instead i went for acupuncture. 6 courses of acupuncture cures it. sinseh warned that it might be back for subsequent pregnancies, but lucky it didnt.

meanwhile what i can ask u to do is, wear a wrist guard. and then try not to eat cooling stuff. eg, winter melon, sago(like those in bubbletea), long cabbage, green beans...

Hope above helps, at night if u okay, try to keep hands warm, etc, wear gloves
eh....i dont like my bb sleep on any pillows for the 1st month. cos their skull is very soft, and u might notice the shape of the head wont be nice, etc flat head.
thus i only fold nappy and let bb sleep on nappy. then i will also change sides frequently.
Morning everybody! feel sleepy nw coz nt sleep well last nite, wake up for pee at least 4 times during the night!

wai wai: tks for sharing, will go watson lunch time for the disposable undies...

numbness: vicvic, i oso feel my hand is useless, sometimes need take long times jz to issue a cheque, coz my fingers is painful &amp; cant hold the pen. when having a meal oso hv to let my hand rest for a while then continued. i asked gynae for medicine actually but she said it wil recover aft give birth, hopefully!

2Ks: my IFC provide the cot but paid $80 for mattress and $15 for bedsheets. I visited there b4 but forgot whether cold or not le, same same their bb sleeping area and play area is separated.The pic told me to bring everyday, but my office is only 4 floors upstairs from the IFC so I think will put one week clothes &amp; diapers in my office everyweek, then pass to them everyday.
Tq 2ks, wil wait for yr listing.

cooking material/ingredients: wat things that we should prepared for the CL for cooking? Sesame oil/vinegar/cooking oil/oyster oil...., anything else needed for confinement food??? I seldom cook so hv to buy these items nw.
<font color="aa00aa">sleepyskies: I bought my disposable underwear and the long long maternity pads from kiddy palace =) yay! think she busy with her baby now. Anyway she said she will update the thread. So, we just keep track from there lo.

2Ks: order online as in order from her website?

Lower pain at bottom right abdominal: Anyone experiencing slight sharp pain at times on your lower abdominal? near the hip there...not sure is it baby getting heavier, the tummy there no support already. since few days ago been feeling that way =(

Cot Mattress: what type of materials do you all recommend? I've a baby cot already. So, Am probably getting one new mattress...</font>
bbkk: both drinking and tonics.

i bought around 10 packs from eys when they had this 25% discount.
u can refer to this link


i bought:

1. dang gui soup
2. shi quan
3. ba zhen
4. du zhong

these abv are all suitable for confinement. i suggest u mix mix buy.
i intend to get some from fu hua too. roughly about 15 packs.
cos my CL will also make DOM chicken soup, chicken essence, pao sheng.
anyway not enough then buy.

the above amount that i typed earlier is what necessary for basic items.
dang shen have to see what grade u buy also. i always suggested 2nd grade, cos less is more. 2nd grade u just dump 2 sticks in is good enough, rather than u buy skinny type u got to throw more in. and 2nd grade taste nicer.

hope it helps
tsm: u are not supposed to take oyster sauce.
if u want, get vegetarian one. vinegar is not required.
light sauce, and confinement wine.
later part get hub to get old ginger, u prob need 1-2 kg. i think i took 3kg if i am not wrong.
and black sugar for cooking of pig trotters. but if u dont take its fine.

i also have mi zhao. that is for my cl to cook red bean soup. mi zhao with red bean soup is very nice...and most important, its good fo bf mums.
xuan: agapebabies rite. u go bp her thread there. i think she is selling cheaper there than the online store.

the baby is getting bigger so sometimes they are pressing on our nerves. u can try to talk to him then go take a walk and prob bb will shift position. later part hor...u will see waves in yr tummy lor
bbkk: the packet soups is for daily tonics.
then the other items is for the daily red dates drink hor.
2 kinds...dont mix up. thats why we need to spend so much on herbs.

yes...i take tonics daily. different kinds daily. for that 28 days.
<font color="aa00aa">2Ks: got talk to him eh. sometimes he stretch or something, den pressed on my rib cage so painful. Doctor said his legs are a little longer. I always see he making wave here and there. But don't know is it I walk and shop too much lately, he is pressing on my lower abdominal. Always menses cramp that area. but on the right side. And I'm having slight cramps also. My EDD 25 May eh, hope he don't gif me surprise too early =X

Those tonics quite heaty right they said? If everyday drink will nose bleed a not? LOL!!! cos my body is those heaty type eh. WHAHAHAHA!</font>
morning mummies!

vicvic - I will be cloth-diapering my baby using one-size pocket diapers. Newborn period i will be using disposables bah.

Disposable underwear
Must wear the disposables for 1 whole month anot huh? Sounds abit uncomfortable lol.

Any recommended medical hall to get the herbs? Or any medical hall will do?
Bewildered: how many pocket diapers you prepared? I'm thinking to get 10 or 15 to try out.. At night use disposable. If workable then I get more.

2Ks: thanks for the advice. Hope it'll go away after giving birth. If not really v troublesome.

Re: mattress
Went taka fair to buy fibrelux yesterday. Finally, mattress settled! Xuan, if you want fibrelux, can go taka. They have discount. Babysafe I'm not sure.

I realise whenever I am being tortured w morning sickness, I'll crave for sweet stuff. First trimester is like this, now also..

Ahh I'm getting excited abt bb's arrival. Are you ladies feeling so too? Hee hee.
Chiro: I still nt sure abt newborn period lei. Must see bb is big or not. If big, maybe can start pocket diapering straight since they're for 3kg and abv.
Hi mummies!! TGIF!

Went for gynae appointment yesterday. Scheduled it earlier due to a lump above my right groin. And Doctor say i got Hernia.
So sad. Maybe need to go for surgery after giving birth. And now i must stop carrying my son already. But sometimes i'm alone with my boy and hubby overseas so need to carry my #1 at times. Does anyone have darkened veins? I got on my right thigh. Going to buy the maternity stockings to compress it le.

Xuan, you got sharp pains ah? Got to be careful not to exert yourself too much. Did you let Dr Poon know? I can't remember how much i bought my cot mattress for but i bought a normal one from Chinatown shop called Cheong Choon last time for #1, havent bought any new mattress for #2 yet heh. I finally confirmed gender yesterday! Girl!
<font color="aa00aa">Debbie: congrat!!! Girl girl? hehe. he got take photo give u a not?! mmm. what's hernia? Haven't tell Dr Poon eh. Next week then appointment. mmm. the pain on off one...And my heartburn pretty bad lately. keep burp...super er xin =X You better stop carrying all the heavy things as well!!</font>
thanks jill and xuan. Finally can start shopping. lol

Xuan, ya he got take photo of the face and give me.. never take photo of the private part haha. Hernia is like the protrusion of an organ.
vicvic - am feeling the excitement from time to time esp when I step into the bb room. hehe. but hors, I think sometimes I feel more scared (of not knowing what to expect during labour!) than excited. haha. I hope I can relax till delivery man...

Debbie - Congrats on your lil princess!!
<font color="aa00aa">Debbie: same! That day he took photo of his face too! so cute! can see his cheek, chin, nose, lips and eyes! He even put his fist on the cheek. hehe. do you think I can get him to take the photo of the private part on my next appointment if his leg is open?? LOL! That day your girl girl open leg big big?? 3lines can see ah?

Hernia: what! ! protrusion of organ!? sounds scary!! how come so sudden happen. Did he said what causes it...which organ is it that is protruding?

sleepyskies: yaya! me too. mixed feeling hor
Vicvic: i got ard the same number if pocket diapers, but have more inserts..

Mattress: oh yar, forgot sthg, the latex mattress over time seems to disintegrate abit.. Coz when i removed the zip cover to wash, some part'd chip off..

2Ks: chk with ta on sthg,the sheng hua tang if c-sect can take? Searched online or more infor coz first time hearing of this n it seems gd but some webby said if c-sect cant take n some said to take during 1st few days, whereas others said can take up to a wk.. Wh's wh?
Xuan u wan Dr Poon give u evidence of baby gender ah. Yap my girl one Dr say u see that three lines.. its confirm a girl. LOL beats the statement he made at my week 12, say see that part? 90% boy... -__-

Debbie, have fun shopping for her! :D

<font color="aa00aa">jill: wahahahah!! yah lah!! He like always not confident de! I wanna have the photo for 'souvenir' purposes. WAHAHHAHAH! =P Dr Poon keep said I saw smtg since week 12 until I week 27 leh. Then finally he said ah boys to man. But then...LOL!!! Pek Cek. Haha! so I wan evidence! LOL!!!</font>
