(2013/05) May 2013

Hi all, I am due 6 May. Have been reading silently. Warded yst due to cramps and contractions. Given ventolin drip and steroid jabs to mature baby lungs.

Please take no risk and check with ur gynae if u have cramps or contractions.

Irene: Ya lor... So confusing, many told me Mt A is good. But those first time used TMC told me not bad too. But forum like said unti TMC cmi. =S So I am so confused.

Joanne: I also experiencing numbness but only when I was at work but now I am on HL so rest at home but this morning it got worse, not all my finger's joints feel numb until I can't sleep and I called for my hubby to wake up. =.=" but massage also like no use.

JC & fool4love: My hubby and I don't drive to hospital. The issue is the doctor lor. Because the doc drive. We so feel like telling him to cab and we pay for it. LOL

Babysmurf: Okay. Might as well set up while at hospital. Then baby come home got new bed. Hahaha Thanks! =)

babbiee: is it? My hubby want me to choose 1 bedded as he wanna sleep overnight. But if TMC can do that, then I might as well go TMC then stick with 4 bedded as my booking for Mt A is 2 bedded. But I heard of stories of upgrading. Cross finger, if I ended up in TMC, I will choose 4 bedded and pray for my little one to come out on a busy delivery day! LOL My hubby is asking my baby to come out on labor day. sure crowded if baby listens.

I also not pantang over things to do and not to do but then, many people who never pantang before told me when come to baby must pantang because they see certain things on baby. And they related it to things they do during pregnancy. So I start becoming pantang.

Doctor: hahaha he also always said see baby's heartbeat, baby normal. When heard that I am happy. Even if he never really take weight for me but I didn't gain much too. But my baby gain half of what I gain. =.=" My next appt is on 25th Mar morning. Heehee

Hub's leave: I think I saw someone mentioned here that can write in and inform the ministry that our EDD is in May but baby come out slightly earlier. My EDD is 4th May. But some scan start to show last week of Apr as my EDD due to the growth of baby. Maybe can call in and ask MOM? I did called them once to check on HL issue.

Milk bag: Where to buy nanny brand milk bag? Been reading about milk bags as my first child, and I hasn't buy any milk bags. Plus I am determined to make bf-ing works as I got friends and SIL that bf with abundant of milk until 4-5 years.
xeviouss: how do you tell whether got cramps or contractions? I been having a bit of cramps but feel like stomachache too? How's your baby doing now? Contractions stop?
pinktulip: baby shower are usually hold before bb is born. its for the mother usually.

after baby borned, should be call full month celebration. in chinese we called it MAN YUE.
i dunno whether do malays celebrate that?

in HK, they do not celebrate full month, they celebrate only when bb is 100 days old.
shirley: hope u are fine. just try not to move too much.

milkbags: i believe 2-3 years shouldnt be the issue. for 1st time mummies, 3 boxes should be sufficient for a start.
rejoy: i am here! miss my long and loh soh posting??
been reading la, but dont like to use hp to reply lor.
anyway nothing to say also.

contractions under control, but now i got this LS prob la...
can go up to 5x per day...dunno why..
2K: haha... juz wondering hw are you lah.... so long didn see you posting....

glad that your contractions under control... take care...
they just mentioned your nick and you suddenly appeared!
LS is it becoz of the medication? try to take porridge and light meals first lor.
Morning ladies...

Shirley: hope you are feeling better...

Sharp jabs:
have been experiencing sharp jabs at the side of my tummy recently... Any mummies experience that as well?

i dont think it's contraction cos it's at the side, but dont know whether it's baby's kick or wat bcos it's usually a acute sharp jab which disappears very fast...
thanks mummies...hehe
trying to wash the bb stuff 1st lor. but my cupboard only coming next week, so wash already no space put.

still need to wash the big items like my maxi cosi and the swing bed cushion.

worried79: hehe...i just sneezed u dunno meh...LOL.
dunno leh...i noticed somewhere in 3rd trim i be like that. maybe too much rubbish stored inside.
Morning ladies~~

2ks you are back! Wondering where you go also haha.

Taking salbutamol (like ventolin) to control, but got side effects like muscle cramps and trembling hands.

And I'm still figuring how to differentiate is it contractions or baby moving. Tummy expanding fast also, skin feel so tight.
Take care and hope that bb will guai guai…

I had 1 box (25pcs/box) nanny milk bag bought in 2011 left over from my previous bf and 2 boxes (40/box) Boots milkbags. Should be enough for a start. My plan is use bottles to store 1st then excess put in milkbags. Meanwhile, had asked my friend to look out for me if she is going Thailand, if dun have I can just buy from the Nanny milkbag seller here.

I did not go thru any bf consultation with our gynae previously. I mainly consult Mt A lactation consultants and nurses there. Even, I have bf problems after discharge, I will call up Mt lactation consultants for help.

My new wardrobe came last Sat and I thot I could start moving #1 clothes from toyogo drawers to new wardrobe and wash bb clothes and occupy the toyogo drawers. But the delivery guys missed out delivery of the shelving panels. Have to wait for this coming Sat for them to deliver the panels. Once all are up, will start my bb stuff washing project. Meanwhile, my playful #1 enjoyed playing in the empty wardrobe with the lower hanging bar side. Kept hanging herself holding on the bar.
fool4love: Our EDD quite close mine is 8-May also at Mt A. =)

Eva: Yes Massaging does not help at all even when my hubby helps me to messaging or my prenatal massage. The numbness is getting worse during the 3rd trimester.
Contractions: I been having like cramp pain and constipation feeling on and off the past 1-2 weeks but gone after a few moments. So should be quite okay?

Milk bags: Can introduce the nanny milkbag seller? As I am keen to buy in case need to use after delivery. Need to EBM for confinement nanny for night feeds.

Griny: I don't think our gynae will talk much about bf-ing. Though Mt A said they will teach and just called for helps when need too. But I already got a consultant from mumsfairy. Because attended her course, she gave me contact number and ask me to consult her when in needs.

Joanne: Yes, true! I was whining to my hubby because too numb. Prenatal massage help a while but next day come back again. Hope its goes off soon.
Eva: so good lor.. ya hub wana sleep overnight with u. my hub WONT lor.. i say im scare he will give all sorts of excuses.. no leave la.. tired la.. blah blah blah.. ah forget it. he stay with me also waste leave..i must scream n shout n angry then he willing.. so in the end i say forget it. sighs. some things pantan abit ok la. too much i cannot take it. cause leads to worried n think more.

woody say v fast bb head bb heartbeat..then measure done! lol i see the screen like 3 sec sia lol

wah. u gals so fast have cramps and contractions on around same edd with me.. im so scare now sia.. u gals take care ya! cross fingers with u all.

ok great so my hub wont be pressure on me giving birth before may haha thanks for the advice n link!
mi too starting to hv more intensive braxton hicks like tightening and hardening of 1 side of the tummy. gynae nv prescribe me medic. say its norm leh. worried its contractions
Fabbie, I quite surprised he wanna stay. Because he just changed a new job, might not even be able to go check up with me from mid apr onward. So I cried, whined and angry for a while as I thought he changed job at wrong moment sia. Then paternity leave wise also not confirmed though company said high chance let him claim first. So I thought stay 2 bedded or 4 bedded. Not so scary. LOL Save money also. Delivery charges nowadays not cheap also. Keep rising.

Ya lor, hahaha woody like machine gun. I only like huh then finish and next moment see the print out scan for actual weight and size of baby. LOL
i ebvy you will ls. I am the other way round. constipated sia...

I experienced the same thing as you for my no 1. It got worst after delivery till cl dun allow me to carry baby in case i drop it. subsequently i inform my gynae abt it. then gynae give me a jab and i recovered from it the very next day.
You can view her site here. The seller is called Elaine, you can sms her or email her. Her response is very fast. milkstoragebags.blogspot.com

Eva, Fabbie,
I tell my hubby not to stay lor… I think if he stay he oso cannot rest well. So might as well go home rest and he will need to set up cot and settle other things at home. Anyway I dun intend to take 1 bedder. I just stay in hospital a while dun need spend so much money in hospital.
griny, same here... m taking 2 bedder. hubby wld come to the hop in the morning and go hm n rest at night... he acc in the hop also no use... hop gt nurse, if ned juz, press one button... hee hee....
for my #1, i m glad that my hb stayed wif me. the c-sec was terrible. so at least he is there to help in case i need anything. this time round, he voluntered to stay again, but i told him i would rather he go back and look after my #1. I dun feel good just leaving my boy alone with my in-laws for those few days.
Griny, true, agree with you. I also don't wanna spend the extra money. Wanna spend more on baby. Plus don't think hospital very nice place to stay too.
im also constipated..was advised by gynae to take fybogel..

how does contractions feel like? unbearable pain?

asking for opinion, during confinment, those who have CL, will you latch on at night, or let the CL feed on the ebm? im thinking if latch on, then i will not have the rest that i need, but thought it might be good to latch on for the 1st month...
Joanne, tsm
I think I experienced that wrist pain/ numbness of hand during my 2nd pregnancy. Gynae gave me a cream to apply. I also shared with him that I had taken some coconut drink. He suggested not too much as it could be too cooling. Have you taken any cooling stuff lately?

I recall i had that pain when baby was 1-2 months old. Maybe due to carrying baby? But it will go away after some time.

Eva, griny
I do wish my hubby won't stay with me in the hospital too! I'd prefer a 2-bedder but he always insists to stay in as a lodger. Dunno why he enjoys staying with me so much. This is the 3rd pregnancy & I think I'll be fine alone actually.

Good to know u're fine.
For Malays/Muslims, there's a litle thanksgiving ceremony also, similar to Man Yue lah. Actually I'd rather do away with it but my hb's family is quite traditional. My MIL already "sounded" to hold it at her new place as a housewarming event too. Sigh. Both my 2 kids also had the event held at MIL's place, coz my mom is the kind who doesn't believe in all these things.
To me, contractions pain start out as menstrual cramps. Do you have menstrual cramps? It will come every 15 mins or so in the beginning, then later it will become more frequent. When u're about to give birth, it will be every 1 minute or every few seconds. I guess the pain is unbearable lah, but women have survived the pains since the beginnings of time, so maybe it's bearable after all. Hahaha. The pain goes away when you've delivered the baby. It's amazing. *but it comes back when u're breastfeeding to contract the womb*
jcyp, I engaged my CL from PEM, they suggested EBM so that CL will help feed while we rest then they rest like 2-3 hrs in day/afternoon time. But if scared nipple confusion/poor milk supply, then latching is the best. I also thought 1st mth latch can help with supply but maybe discuss with CL? I am waiting to see my CL then ask her about it.

pinktulip, sometimes, husbands are so weird de. Like at home I stick to him, he said I sticky and "possessive" then suddenly when come to hospital stay, he suddenly wanna stay.

Contactions: Mine can have pain, like mensus cramps. But then after a moment, it goes away then come back at a later time. Sometimes like tightening of stomach. Don't know it is the baby moving as can see he move while it happened.

Just asking, anyone used cloth diapers or planning too? How to wash new cloth diapers? Need to stay washing baby clothes but first timer. Don't know what to use to wash.
i getting 1-bedder. NUH only 1 / 4 / 8. Hubby say alone at home also don't do what. I tell him, hopefully i just stay 1 night lah. So no need for him to stay over, waste $$ nia. i think need to pay additional just for meals/pillow/blanket or something.
HELLO AND MORNING MOMMIES!! FINALLY FINISHED MY CRAP ASSIGNMENT FOR THIS WEEK. Still got some more thou =( but at least I can rest for this week for now...! so tired!! =( my poor baby have to stay up till late night with me. and he kicks n kicks...like I neglected him loh.

2Ks: WELCOME back!! I was thinking how come so long didn't see your posting also! Hope u are feeling better.

I've been feeling on off pain down there as I've mention on FB. Sian. cannot squat. like down there got tear sia! Mommies told me it's pelvic pain. Ask me do exercise but still pain leh. even sit down position not right also a bit pain =(

Baby movement: baby boy getting SUPER active lately. dono is it bcos he has grown bigger! so the movement can be easily felt now. But as he grows, I everywhere pain sia!! lower abdominal pain, hand pain, leg pain, down there pain *cries*
JC: not possible stay 1 night leh.. usually C-Sect, ve to stay 3 nights. natural 2 nights..

can your hubby juz sneak in without paying for the additional?

tt is what my fren hubby did but they stay at TMC... he doesn pay for anything extra...
Xuan: I also feel pain everywhere, esp lower back, leg and down there sng sng. Then now I have abit of cough, I cough only, my left-side stomach pain like having stitch. haiz.

babbiee: My gyane also chop chop for scanning. Nowadays, scan less than 5 mins done. They really earn big bucks!
Eva: my no.1 my hub always accompany me go check up.. no.2 so far check up. less than 5 times.. i got used to it. but infect quite sad cus u see all the couple like going in together lor.. but seriously think about it. go see doc adrian less than 5 mins in the room if hub need to take leave to see him. i think is not worth la. waste leave. might as well take leave when bb is out. but of cuss will be sad lor. see everyone couple couple then u alone.

TMC room i heard they have only 1 ROOM which is 4 bedded so usually is always full de. hehe if my hub initiative say wana stay i will be happy! but i will ask him not to stay cuss waste leave. rather ask him to stay at home. but at least the thoughts counts mah! but he don't even have lor. sianz. like what the other mummies say. stay with me also no point haha i see u.. u see me. nurse taking care of baby no use. might as well ren ren. save money get 4 bedded room can liao. anyway we wont stay in hospital so long 2days at least? i forget liao.

xuan LOL me too my baby very active also.. aiyo.. wana sleep also cannot.. and yes my below also very pain.. duno how many weeks liao i start is pain.. Zzz
mommies, hw mani braxton hicks per hr is considered serious? and i duno hw to count oso?

mine is not pain but really stiff hardening of tummy at 1 pt and within few seconds go away.
Eva : im planning to use cloth diaper. Im going to hand wash with bb detergent for the first time and use washing machine to wash again for the second time nearer to edd.

Contraction : how exactly does it feel like? Im having mild menses like cramps, but nt regular.. maybe once or twice a day, is this contraction? I didn't feel any tightening yet except when bb moves. Tightening during contraction is the whole tummy tightens or can be some part of tummy only?
wah how scary if im having contraction but i totally have no idea.. >.<
fabbie: ya lor. sad sad when couples come together but then, my hubby off day is mostly on mon so I always pick mon go, save leave but changed job le then mon no more off. Wow, only 1 room, I better hope it is fully book because I just book the tour to TMC. Wanna save as much as possible. Heehee

vicvic: what kind of bb detergent is good? I was told not to use any kind of bb detergent as might cause wax on the cloth diaper.
eva : really? i thought bb detergent is suppose to be better for bb. I'm using tollyjoy's now. first time wash definitely have to use detergent to make sure it is clean.. maybe second wash you can omit detergent and just put in washing machine for it to spin.
i think some guys r like that one. but as long as he treats u and your girls well, its ok lah. we just give and take lor. sometimes my hb also like, everything must wait for me to say one. so once in awhile when he have the initiative to do things, i really appreciate. like nowadays, he will offer to do some ironing for me and help me prepare my #1's school bag.

i will be at TMC too. think alone should be fine hor? just press bell for anything. but i really hope my wound will recover faster this time round, and bb will not have jaundice, then can go back earlier. but c-sec i think at least 3-4 days rite?
Eva: haha ya.. just book 4 bedded when the times come if ya using TMC. i don think im going to use cloth diaper hahaha my no.1 i plan to use cloth diaper.. then hor when reach home we decided to use diapers liao. cus she poo n pee so much. especially when baby cry aiyo. u just wana faster wipe n put her in the pamper can liao LOL no time to fold diaper LOL thats for me la haha
fabbie: don sad sad. my appointment always on saturday. my hubby working on sat half day. So at times I also go myself. If not is family members accompany me. but go in awhile nia. Like many of u mention, go in 10mins max. scan scan then come out already. I go home jus show my hubby the photo lo. but he is sad thou, cos he said he missed out his live movement.

cloth diaper: im also using. My MIL wants it. haha. she so free to wash lo. LOL! since she want I buy give her lo. hahaha. she taking care bb what.
my hubby only acc mi twice for my this preggy, the first time, confirm preggy and during details scan. the rest of all the visits, i go by myself...feel abit sad sometimes, bt then no pt asking him to take leave, drive mi there, ve to pay for carpark somemore...

at first MIL also wanna cloth diaper for no 1, after tt she changes her mind, where gt time to wash. the NB baby need to change at least 10+ cloth diapers or more every day since they poo and pee so much... at least those throw diaper need to change if she poos, if she pees only, still can wear. But cloth diaper ve to change more often.
vicvic: oh, i mean don' anyhow use any kind of BB detergent. heard got one kind of bb detergent that can use. just for cloth diapers.

cloth diapers: I brought those modern one. with inserts. also no time to fold. LOL those modern one like disposable diapers. but is the washing. wonder can normal bb detergent be used.
I will be using cloth diapers also, those one size modern type. Need to use cloth-diaper safe detergent so the material won't have build-up and be able to absorb.

First few weeks will use disposables then after that see if can start using the cloth diapers.
You all so good, explore cloth diapers!
I think the detergent u are referring to is Napisan. I tried using cloth diapers last time. U can try coolababy. It's quite cheap. I bought it at only $10 per piece last time. Nice colours too.

I get slight back ache now also, that's why I would appreciate a seat on the mrt these days.
Maybe the weight infront is getting heavy. That's why we get that ache.

RE: hubbies &amp; check ups.
For #1, my hb accompanied almost everytime.
For #2, my hb accompanied sometimes.
for #3, I've not had company for even a single time! Actually I also prefer going alone. After that I'm free to do whatever I wish. HAHA.

Re; Hubbies staying in 1-bedder.
I also feel like not so nice to sneak hubby in right. Like illegal immigrant like that. haha. For parkway east last time i remember lodger is about $50 per person. Still OK lah. Can pay for 1-bedder, should be able to pay $50. Hehe.
But Eva,
newborn poop can be quite difficult to get off. It's small &amp; many, like mustard seed. and it has a yellow tinge to it. Maybe for first few days,when baby still excretes meconium, use disposables. Later on can consider cloth diapers. U can also use a nappy liner (disposable). Just line it so there's not so much scrubbing to be done when it comes to washing the cloth dipes.
Eva, I bought Country Save detergent. Bumwear website highly recommended. I use for our clothing so far it cleans very well. Highly efficient type so need 1 scoop can le.
Thanks Chiro. I brought my diapers from bumwear but that time I super forgetful, never ask about the detergent. Anyway, how many pieces of diapers u brought? Am thinking should I buy more as I brought 6 diapers only.

hubby also not staying overnight with me. i choose 2 bedded cause Gleneagle only have 1 bedded and 2 bedded if have 4 bedded i sure choose 4 bedded. since only stay there for a few days only. no point spending so much. I rather used the money for some other things like travel.. hee hee.... thou the chances of travelling after bb is born is almost = impossible. Anyway from no 1 experience, i will be too drowsy to realise that he's around. maybe because i took GA for my c-sec. so was sleeping most of the time. doesnt matter whether he's around or not at night. :p
