(2013/05) May 2013

Hahahah i should ask for evidence too uh.. i bought quite some girl girl stuffs liao. :D Hey week 12 my report still can say 90% boy leh.. but week 26 say confirm girl. !

i heard from my colleague even C-sec also might have some bleeding. Not as much as natural delivery. Must see the skill of the doc
Thx 2Ks, tis to clear out what inside the tummy?

Jc: yar, will still have lochia too... But mine for #1 cleared up in like 2 wks, then the massage lady said tt it'll follow the usual af.. Coz my af's scanty and clear up v fast, so she said lochia will not be much too.. Nt sure hw true...
Hi gal,

I went vivo today. Happen to know mother care @ harbourfront having sale. Brought the swaddle sleeping bag @ $24.95. 50% off. Retail: $49.90. So I got some romper at 30% off. And brought stroller. Pls check it up. Sale till 10 mar 2013.
Oh,i thought coz tis like what the massage lady said, tt my lochia cleared fast coz of my history of scanty af.. Din know tt for natural, d lochia'd be more.. :p Thx for the info!

Then think i dun buy d sheng hua tang yet, shall wait until aft delivery to see if i can mge natural or still c-sect..
Hock kwa's having promo of buy 3 boxes of those pre-packed soup ingredients at 20% off,gd buy or common promo?if such promos r avail regularly,then maybe will hold off buying first coz no place to keep in the fridge too..

For post natal massage,i used to engage mdm mas,think she used to ptr with another lady,forgot her name ler.. But i find tt the binding's nt v tight,nice pax but the supposedly hot cream tt she applied on my tummy,i cant feel anythg.. In fact,i can have the binder on the whole day without being uncomfy etc..
I havent book yet..such massage is it just good to have or must have?

Can feel my energy low ..within these few weeks must buy finish the essential.
Hi all

Staying with my in-laws. This morning, my hubbs just mentioned to her that need to get everything ready by 1st week of April. Since i'm due early May. And she STILL seem reluctant.

She says no need to wash all the baby clothes. Just wash some can already....
I want to wash more so that baby can have different clothes to wear...

Need to buy laundry wash for baby too. any recommendation?
I going to wash all..ma fan lah..wash half half..

Really must hand wash ah? Can use machine to wash?
Washing of bb's clothes: erm,i use washing machine to wash wor.. Just tt tt particular load,tis all of bb's stuff nia.. So far still okie leh.. We used those powder type fr pureen..

Devi: for my #1, think we attended 2 weddings, din partake in the morn ceremony but just went for the dinner.. Our belief's tt joyous event shldn't harm somemore those r close frens too.. In fact for bb shower, we went for one back when we were having #1 & still in our 1st trim.. :p
I attended my friend's baby shower few months back too. Shouldn't be a problem, since my in-laws also never stop me from going...
I haf attended a bb shower, and a wedding..one more wedding at the end of this mth....
Shld be ok?

I wash all my nb clothes in batches together wi my own clothes....intend to wwash again nearer to the date using nb laundry.
My mil actually help me to wash too... But she hand wash
Wash baby clothes : I just put the clothes into the washing machine but I use the baby detergent . Already wash 2nd batches. Now left some clothes , nappy cloth and bed sheets Etc .
Wedding dinner: i jz attended a wedding dinner with my dad last week, he said is okay no prob de.

Wash bb clothes: i done total 3 batches of washing, including bb clothes,swaddles,nappy cloth, bed sheets and everythings all settled liao.
All washed by hand.....
I think i just put into laundry bag and wash with machine. If hand wash, duno wash until when -_-

Can i ask..when we go back to checkup after our delivery, do the CL follow with us? Not safe to put her at home rite?
Do we need to let her go out ?
for my checkup after delivery, cl will follow me. cause normally bb appt with pd also on the same day. then CL will carry bb. :p
but the last time i last minute have to go and buy nursing bra so we jus leave bb in the house with cl.
depends on your comfort level with your cl ba.
cause the cl lady is recommended by friend and all her friend used the same cl. so we are bery comfortable with the CL. (knowing she can be trusted)
Devi: Think it is better to ask if your relative mind.

I went to a few eversince m preggy, i dun mind but dun nod if they mind.
Weddings and bb shower,
So far attended 2 bb showers and going to attend 1 wedding this Sunday.

BB clothes,
I took out all the clothes but have not washed them yet. Want to clear my #1 clothes to the new wardrobe 1st, then bb clothes will occupy #1 Toyogo drawers. I hand washed my #1 bb clothes using bb detergent powder, but this time I will just use washing machine. Have to keep an eye on my #1 so cannot stay in toilet for too long.

I would ask my CL to follow. Its oso gd that she comes along, can help you to carry bb or diaper bag. Even after birth, its better for mummies dun carry so many things. Like that will help u ease out your load. I oso left her at home with bb b4 bcos I urgently need to see my gynae that time.
i still thinking of sneaking out to eat good food while i go for checkup. Bring her along, i cannot liao..hhahahah

but nobody at home to watch over her unless i give her 'off' to go walk walk around the area and pick her up later.

how about normal days? will you all let her go out for a break or something?
Wedding dinner I went! But baby 1 month old I reject all to attend. But above 1 month old I went
house warming I reject also.
Girls, when u mention baby shower, do you mean baby's 1st month celebrations?
Coz as far as I know, baby shower refers to a celebration held before baby's born. maybe around 7-8 months like that. they play some games etc with the party participants.
I'm back from gyena! Today 32 weeks my gal weight 1.76kg. Doc say may give birth 1 week earlier since its no.2 which is end of April. Feel so excited! Hehe but I prefer may still!
I depends on you CL. Some CLs will nag but they won't stop you if u insist.

Yes, BB shower is bb full month.

Me will be seeing him this Thurs, mine will be 31 weeks by then. Did u deliver full term the previous time? Just curious, he ask u to book hospital bed liao?
I dun give my CL a break to go out. She did not request. If she finished her things, i just tell her to take a rest or nap. Bcos, she still have to wake up at night to take care of bb.
But that's not the correct term to use, hehe. Baby shower doesn't equal full month celebrations. baby shower refers to the celebration held before baby's even born.
baby clothes:

Aiyo... my mil is saying that it's still early and told me no need to wash all. just wash 2 weeks worth can already.

My hubbs agree. I told hubbs i want to wash more so that i can dress baby up ma! Then he said that i'll be too exhausted during confinement to dress baby up so no need to wash so much...

Getting emo recently bcos of different expectations between my mil/hubbs and myself.
baby clothes: My MIL said so too.. im guessing she will only want to start them say 1-2 weeks before i deliver? Haha how to pack my maternity hospital bag then uh? :p

Cheer up Fool4Love.. our emotions tend to be up and down, tears will roll down faster than usual. Chill okay!
I dunno its not the correct term. My friends and I always refer bb shower = full month celebrations.
Jill: Same lo! i was wondering how to pack my bag...

Then my hubbs say "aiya, it will only take 1 day to wash and dry ma"

We bought the baby detergent yest. And then my hubbs showed it to my mil. and she made a passing remark that in her days, there wasnt these kind of things...

How arh? My emo really up and down le...

Somemore facing a prima donna at work...
griny: yeah i deliver 40 weeks induce natural de.. he didn't ask me to book hospital bed leh.. i tout usually u go there then book isn't it? LOL

fool4love: not only u emo ah.. im also.. im quite sensitive infect is very sensitive towards hub n mil. my due date is 6th may.. and hub birthday is on 5th may.. they can say like oh buy 4D 5513. cus baby will be out that date which is my hub birthday. im like thinking please leh. don't purposely ask baby to come out that day just because is hub birthday.. is so damn irritating one lor!! my no.1 also like that.. that time my gynea say i can choose SAT, SUN or Monday to give birth.. Monday is the date my doc give me. so i would stick to that. my MIL can tell me CHOOSE weekend better then all the relatives can visit. please lor cus of people to visit i must change my gal's birthday? don't be topid la. really don't understand why people could think till like that. think about it more du lan. Hahaha
Fool4love... : I encounter similar situation i supposed ure staying with your in laws? Okay just make sure using all these detergent(baby safe) and cleanser(baby safe) are agreed upon with your hubby. If not, convince him. I gathered that these do not be used after baby is little older(2-3 years), strong enough with own immunity. We are caught up abit in our sandwich generation where our parents do not use them during their days and now so many new introductions which differs from theirs. Of cos we just want the best for our babies, isnt it? dont directly talk to them personally. Let ur Hubby be the communicator. For those that i will be packing into bag. I think i will take them out and inform MIL that i will handwash these first since i am packing in the bag prepartion. I have trouble storing things and hand me downs as i do not have my own place yet. (still waiting for BTO). :D
One mountain cannot keep 2 tigers. one of my colleague was just posting on facebook as her MIL from China come over to stay with her. She say she rather cut down her maternity leave and come back. Lesser time at home = wont so pek chek.

my MIL hand-wash clothes 1. She use bleach and wash the grandson clothes - all sparkling white. Sometimes she see my hubby shirt/collar like yellowish, she will ask him to change and let her wash. Than i am like -_-...maybe she don't mean anything lah but indirectly shoot me.

that's why i don't like people to do things for me. I rather xin ku and do myself, cannot blame other people. my MIL got offer to wash those hand me down. than i say no need, we do ourselve.
Babbie, how excited... Maybe u will be the first few to give birth. 1.76kg is good.
My last sat appt at 30wks bb at 1.36kg. Gynae commented slightly below avg. but ask me dun worry.

Today started to wash second batch of bb clothing. I still have one more batch to go. I wash those newborn to 6 months clothing altogether.
fabbie-our due date is juz 1 day apart!mine on 5 may. but my bb oni weighs 1.57kg at w315d scan. hope she will put on more weight.

yeah its definitely nt easy to stay with in laws! esp mil! we machibe wash bb clothes too dun wan to rely on mil scare later she complain.
Washing bb clothes:

I have not started washing! I will put in the laundry bag and put in washing machine. I am using Kodomo washing detergent and softener for my #1, so will continue to use for #2 as well.

babbiee: I also prefer May bb
I went to see gynae on Sat- bb is week 32, weighs 1.9kg. 2 weeks later at week 34, I will be going back to see him again, for CTG.
so many updates here!

gynae asked me to choose a date for my c-sec, 2, 4 or 5th May...Was thinking of 4th May, Sat, hopefully can go home by Monday or Tuesday.

U gals buy how many packs of nb pampers? Can't remember when need to change to size S??

Ya. me staying with in-laws while waiting for BTO too. My mil is going away for a holiday towards end of March and she said that to wait for her to get back before we start on anything.

Luckily my hubbs told her that it will be too late cos i'm due early May ma! Then who knows whether baby decides to come out early... then it will really be in a mad rush...

JC: Bleach arh? Issit safe? I also want to do everything myself. but my Mil will insist on doing all the stuff for me.... A lot of my friends say that i should feel blessed to have such a helpful mil. But thing is: sometimes she just does things different... And her hygiene standards are definitely very different from mine...

I also have a lot of more bulky hand-me-downs which i am able to move it in as yet due to space constraints...

I think i'm getting emo cos i want to provide the baby things that i feel i can provide... but due to numerous constraints, i am unable to do that...
fool4love -- No choice lah... Close one eye barh. I understand how you feel.. :D Totally... I experienced space constraints too. My FIL quite costs savy type.. so certain things i prefer to go through hubby to justify to them. Those not needed then of cos we close one eye and let them do it. Maybe u can pick out 1-2 sets that u wana wash first. The rest leave it to her when she is back. U can help her out and having bonding wiht ur MIL too. get your hubby involved to help. In such times i really do hope to have shelter on my own so i can decide to take those hand me downs rather than questioning if we have space or not. Haiz. But got to understand too.. 5 ppl under one roof, my sis in law room almost become our store room le. Anyways yes be happy and yes look on bright side be positive about how nice ur MIL is helping. some dont even care! We need to count our blessings! Jiayou!

Thanks for the encouragement... Everytime i come back with a bag, she will just comment "buy things again arh?" Then we will just say "oh, it's hand me downs la..."

I feel that as the edd gets closer, i get more emo lo... Cos i just feel that a lot of things are not prepared...

When we came back from the baby fair, i was secretly happy that she wasnt at home... Cos this means that i can 'sneak' all my purchases in the storeroom and she cant comment anything about it... I do know that her comments mean no harm, but just feel awkward and conscious about her comments lo
Fool4Love, no worries! cos i experience same thing! Haha the scenario u gave.. i experience. I will reply.. FREE ONE! MUST TAKE! hahahha.... I feel paiseh too.. like done something critical. hahaa. But actually we daughter in laws are trying to make the situation calm as calm as possible. :D Lunch time!
JC: lol ya coll post on FB her Hub is not in a FB meh? if not he see liao confirm very angry with ya cool cuss bad mouthing his mum LOL

BBK: ah.. i want may baby!! LOL my doc didn't tell me say good or bad leh.. but i guess its normal ba? lol but i still need to wait for 3 weeks again then see him..

wt81: eat more! lol i cannot stop eating one leh.. sighs.. i feel like a pig..

charliebrown: wah ya bb must be quite chubby huh hehehe

worried: when ya bb cut getting bigger than buy S size. LOL

fool4love: if im u.. i rather fight for it.. than being emo. LOL at least when u got what u want. u will feel better hehe jia you! if not just go n sleep and rest dont think about anything. u will be fine le.. usually if im damn piss i will just give a dulan face. cus i really cannot stand pple climbing over my head.. is like u respect me i will respect u lor. so dont emo la.. ya.. hugs hugs
i stay with my inlaws too. Hubby only child. Normally, i wld let my huuby does ALL the talking to his parents, i feel that it wld lesser the conflict. But general m one of those more blessed one cause my MIL n PIL are really super nice ppl. But due to different upbringing and ideals, there are still time that there are some conflicts.

For eg: i went to the last motherhood fair with her last year. m buying alot of diapers to keep stock cause it is very worth buying. she comments that dun buy so many, house gt no space to put, mind you, we are staying in a HDB executive flat, with only FIL, MIL, Hubby, myself and my no. 1. we have 4 rooms and 1 store room. Telling me no space to put?? super pissed me off, i go back n complaint non stop to hubby.

Helping fren to sell, she overstock.

Anybody interested in Huggies S size diapers. selling 2 for S$22. She got 6 packs. Collection at either Tanjong Pagar or Bishan.

Thank you
