(2013/05) May 2013

Irene : i apply le but also 40 ahead of me

Ikoi : i duno the exact details..only heard frm my ex boss this colleague need to go and sew when she is pregnant. Where and how i duno le

What happen if no infant care available? Is MFS the only one i. Jurong west?

iko: LOL my hub that time also give up for my no.1. say go see doc also like that.. he will say everything is NORMAL. LOL

Vi: Boots u try before?
Wah I really pray I have chance to use milk bags this time round! For my #1, I only had enough milk to store for the next few feeds so only used bottles to store in fridge. Fortunately I didn't buy any milk bags but my seniors gave me lansinoh bags which I still keep.

Btw, if we do produce enough to store in freezer, do we practice FIFO rule or LIFO? Seems more sensible to use LIFO since nutrients will be lost when BM is stored for too long. Then keep the older ones as spare when supply is running low or after going back to work? But then again, the make-up of our BM will change as baby grows, so feeding him at 4 months milk that was pumped 3 months ago might not be that suitable too? Really need more knowledge on this since I didn't get to store frozen milk last time haha.

Back to the SAHM topic, actually I do feel that for most of us, we can afford to stay home and survived on single income + savings for few years but have to make adjustments to our life and whether we can accept it. Like me, though stopping work would mean cutting our annual household income by a lot, I do have enough savings not to work for a few years cos my hb & are quite low maintenance as compared to our peers making abt the same amt. It's just that I most likely cannot get back the same pay and progress anymore. So really, for my case, I honestly feel guilty abt it tt I'm not able to make the sacrifice. Also, my hb earns less so it makes me all the more obliged to continue working in a way. But if u ask the child, the child will def still benefit more from mummy taking care of him/her then losing that few hundred thousands when the household already have enough to meet needs. I'm still deliberating about this big decision. Will see how it goes...for now i still like my job, but will reconsider after bb is out.
Bkkk, i signed the disclaimer for all three pregnancies with gordon lim. I dont think too much abt it cos its really true that prenatal scans can only pick up so much. We cant blame gynae if later the bb really got something v wrong. Alot of childhood problems get picked up only at new born screening or much later in life. Eg childhood blindness, absence of thyroid gland, hearing abnormalities etc.
Re: sewing down there
I read in several books that sewing is a remedy for women with a condition known as incompetent cervix. The cervical muscles are much weaker than norm and may allow the pregnancy sac to drop out. So the gynae will recommend to stitch abit to prevent that from happening. Guess it sounds more painful and gruesome than it really is.
SAHM topic: l agree that it is a lifestyle issue. However, i also realise it is not so easy to just say "i wana cut back" my lifestyle spending. Things that i find i have a problem cutting back for instance:
' parents allowance - esp parents who are disabled, not working. They totally depend on us.
' condo maintenance fee - u can say, dont stay in the condo lah. Possible. But its crazy tough decision to give up.
' children's expensive sch fees - kids also have very good friends in school who motivate them to go to school everyday. Changing the environment to anther sch is disruptive to their emotional well being also affects their learning. Sometimes the teacher is really good. This is invaluable.
' car - it is very expensive so why drive?? Once u have experienced the convenience of a car... Its v v painful to give it up. Esp if someone in the family is in the sales line n needs the car.
morning ladies...

SAHM issue:
i do agree that it's up to each individual to decide the lifestyle that they want... But having a kid means sacrifices... I guess there's different thresholds of sacrifices that one can make...

I guess a lot of people hope to stay in the private apt, drive a nice comfy car and send their kids to good school... But sometimes, managing one's expectations is important too...

Some colleagues mentioned that they are doing everything they can to give their kids a headstart, and this include enrolling their kids in enrichment classes like learning labs, doing PV and shifting houses to locations which they can barely afford just to be within 1 km of their "choice" school...

some friends of mine survived on monthly income of about 4k with 2 kids... and kids are doing well and learning well...

I guess ultimately, it's really about the sacrifices that one is willing to make... No more fancy clothes/bags/shoes/holidays...
Hi all
went for my detailed scan yesterday, all is fine and confirmed having another boy...
Bbkk, pl help to update? Thanks much
Vi: 4000baht is almost $160+sg leh. have to join orders from mummies here if you want. but then i know is there is a limit of milkbags that u can ship in from the web order.

captain piglet: wah...what is FIFO and LIFO? lol..
new term for me.
actually for me, i practice 1st in 1st out. cos for BM that u freezed more than a month rite? there will be a fishy smell and baby might reject at a later part. so what i usually do is, the 1st month i will freeze it. then 2nd month, i will practice 1st in 1st out. means i will give baby daily 1 packet of frozen ebm, while i store 1 packet used 1 packet. in this way, my ebm is deferred per day...and also my baby is ok with drinking ebm, no reject. and also no fishy smell. cos the milk 1st in 1st out mah.
u get what i meant?
of cos i waste the milkbags la...but then to me, nothing is more precious than ebm...

i strictly trusted bm for my case, cos it really works on my 2 boys...its not short term benefits, its long term benefits.
Chiro: My gf has low placenta too for her 2nd preggy and she bleed almost everyday, it is like eating to her already, went to the doc and he says nothing can be done. She is also given bed rest for abt 1 mth initially, now she is already in her 6 going to 7mths... Jia you... take care... drink more water and rest, rest, rest...

this is my 2nd preggy, i still do not have those like wanna drop out feeling but maybe cause the first one is C-Sec?

Chiro: Take care, feeling giddy and faint is very dangerous. I always feel abit giddy also... think juz ve to rest more...
2K: i also practise first in, first out, think that work out better... bt then again, i do not have alot alot of BM, just slight more than enough to feed my baby girl, so usually my ebm dun get store for more than 1.5mths.

i agree that it is long term benefits, i feel that when my girl is drinking bm, her immune system is better, she dun get sick or ve fever after injection but now on FM, she is sick whenever she has injection. dun nod is if i think too much.. haha...
rejoy: natural birth is more hurting than c sec. its something to do with the uterus i think. for c-sec not likely will feel something wanna drop out feeling.
but i know c sec pain can be more painful than natural.

never mind, try harder for this round. 1st month is the crucial part. u can always still give your #1 the ebm when u have it.
during #2 time, i have extra so i gave my elder the expressed bm also...sometimes i even gave him the frozen bm. not wasted at all.
i have a separate chest freezer for the storage of my ebm. i work really hard during the 1st month.

to me its true on the benefits. its not a short term thingy u know. some mummies will think hey my bb is still sick leh, what bm facts not true lor. its not short term thingy. u have to see, bm babies recovery rate is much faster. and then at a later part, they are stronger, immune system better

once babies are about 6 months old, they normally will fall sick cos they are breaking away from mummy immune systema and building their own immunity. thus do expect babies to fall sick when they reach 6 months or so. this is my doctor told me one...true for my both babies
C sec the recovery too long le. my colleague tell me after 1 year although the wound is close up, she still cannot do too vigourous action.

my hubby tell me ownself 'bao zhong' if end up have to C-sec. He scare he faint inside.

talking about lifestyle, my hubby told me yesterday one of his staff got 6 kids, 1 maid and wife is SAHM. he is non-chinese lah...i think their expectation also not very high

a colleague of mine is chinese, 2 kids + maid + SAHM... Kids still young... he lamented "that's why i must watch my spending...
First in first out
last in first out
JC: Not sure abt that, cause i practically do what i do before preggy after 6mths. i dun do much exercise though... :0

there are 2 types of C-sec, epidural or GA. for Epi, ur hubby can be inside the theater room wif you but GA, cannot, so unless u c-sec take epi, or else, ur hubby wun faint inside... hee...(he is so funny)
can i ask if any mummies have schedule c-sect. do you still do the swap below to test for bacteria or is it only for natural?

i did the test when having no 1 cause didn expect to go for C sec, just wondering if schedule C-sec, still need to do the test anot.
fabbie: yes...for my both deliveries, i didnt take epidural. 1st one labour was 5 hours plus, but i got take the pethidine.
2nd one totally nothing except laughing gas. but hor...the contraction of the uterus after 2nd one is slightly painful. nurse keep asking to take painkillers. i took cos i was having fever & flu after delivery too.
Mummies, noted on the gender update. Will upload once my pc is recovered.

2ks, is it true that second birth labour will be much faster?
bbkk: yes! happened to most of my friends too...
your 1st one is induce or natural water bag burst?

my 2nd labour took me 2 hours.
my waterbags leaks at 1.30am, admit hospital 2am, 3.55am bb out...
very fast.
aiyo..i cannot imagine the pain for child birth.
i duno my tolerance is how much also. The thought of Epidural jab is already scary.
2ks - 2 hours!?!!?!? if my #2 can be half of my #1 labour time i can laugh already... 1st one was 17 hours... induced, so that's why longer... i'm hoping #2 i can go natural, experience contractions or waterbag burst then go hospital that kind...
worried 79, the 2nd baby can go through natural birth even if the 1st one is c sec. I have friends 1st if C sec, 2nd natural. I ask my gynae before and he also confirm it. but depending on why did you c sec for the 1st one as well, the doc might suggest c sec for the 2nd.
Babymaine, actually not true that induced will be longer leh,
I think up to individual. I am thinking to induce this time round cos scared I natural wait for water bag break , my labour longer than first one.
I got to ask my gynae about my birth plan.
JC: labour pain is the most painful thingy that i had gone thru...the pain really cannot be described. the after pain is also suffering...
shit...i started to panic now...lol

worried79: i heard some gynaes do...if 1st one c-sec, 2nd one can try VBAC. i heard so...but if 2nd one c-sec, 3rd one must c-sec also. and c-sec only can have 3 births...thats what i heard.

babymaine: ya 2 hours...i was stunned too..cos i was breathing the laughing gas mah...then everything went so slowly u know...i tot my labour is vvvvv long, end up when everything over, hey only 2 hours??? lol

waterbag burst is good...i like it...lol. minus the messiness.
my waterbag leaks when i was at home, otw to tmc it broke and water gushing out kind...lucky i got my towels...and i was wheeled up to the delivery room in a wheelchair..
but all wet from bottom down...quite a mess lor
bbkk: try without induce should be ok...so u react good to induce...
my waterbag leaks hor...i still got time to bath, blow my hair...but i got into a speeding car to tmc after that la...
my hub took 20 mins to reach tmc from sbw...
bbkk, 2ks - speaking about birth plan... i wanna ask my gyne for mirror (so i can see the birth process, since this might be the last one) and i wanna request to cut the umbilical cord (1st one hubby cut)... do u think it's possible?? i wanna try non- induction if possible... mine induce cos water level low... the moment induce, my waterbag burst on it's own into the pee tray... i was peeing halfway, then i felt gush of uncontrollable water...
bbkk: if given a choice again...i dont mind waterbag burst or leaks...its sort of speed up the whole thingy u know.
my 1st one, gynae break the waterbag manually...i dont like the feeling, i can feel the hook in to break it and then have to wait for dilation.

for this 2nd one broke itself, when i was admitted. i already dilated 4-5cm. very fast. then i can skip the whatever enema inserted. just straight change into gown walk to delivery room myself...
Babymaine, lol.... Tie plastic bag?!?! Hahaha ya I think I no need bath Liao... I rem dr broke my water bag and my labour just too fast too furious. If break at home die Liao...
My house to glenE quite near still ok.. Lol
cannot imagine, don't want to imagine.
mine will be induced one. So, hopefully can prepared for it bah.

eh..can i ask? before we admit to hospital, do we need to shave below or the nurse will do it?
babymaine: i think abit hard unless u on epidural? cos the pain and the contraction, such a mess how to still see the birth??
cut cord i think maybe still possible..
but hor...i tell u after the bb out, i prob die of exhaustion already...lol.
let hub cut bah...its a special thingy to the daddy lor..
but my hub said it look like kueh chap.
JC: some mummies prefer to go for brazalian wax. but i have mummies that went end up down there allergic and itchy.

the nurse will shave for u...dont worry they dont shave botak la. its a quick one...
bbkk - near still ok... i wanna feel that kind of adrenaline rush when waterbag burst... then everybody gan cheong spider... mwahahaha.... i'm weird... cos 1st one never get to experience that...

2ks - epidural doesn't work for me... cos i'm allergic to medicine... so i took it for #1, it was money flushed into toilet bowl... ZERO pain relief... so it was as good as no epidural... i almost died... then i had high blood pressure... so high until i hyperventilate, put on oxygen... my mum and hubby came in and cry until... cos my face was so pale, like going to die that kind... luckily they managed to bring my BP down, arbo i think i would have died... i wanna cut leh cos never cut before... haha... but we'll see... i think i'll be too overwhelmed with emotions i'll be balling my eyes out... lol...
babymaine: my hub still remind me to bath before going hospital lor when my waterbag leaks..
its a funny feeling but i really prefer that then manually burst it.

oh...before that one week earlier i already drop my mucus plug...so i know delivery is soon
Ahhh. Everything sounds so scary for a first time mummy like me. Sounds like we got to be dig here and there by the doctor and nurse =x *freak out!*
dian tang : did you receive the schedule for the antenatal class? i was lookng thru my junk mail than i found it..haha..
JC - depends on where you give birth... for KKH they don't... i shave myself... but shave by feeling, cos cannot see anything... lol...

2ks - same!!! my mucus plug dropped in the middle of the night... but NOTHING happened... only more contractions... then few days later go check up, suddenly doc tell me induce tomorrow... wah... i chiong to eat crab, eat seafood, play mahjong, drink coke, then nua all the way till induction time... slowly bathe... do mask... sleep...
xuan: when the time comes, it will all turn natural...i treat it as a process...just get it done and over...LOL
think too much also no use...
now just focus on preparation for bb arrival la..
buy things, shopping etc.

not digging la...just insert fingers in to check dilation...just abit uncomfortable but very fast de, maybe 30 secs
have you all started shopping yet?? so far i only bought some button down tops, long pants, mittens, socks, 2 rompers, 3 pjs, rocker, nb pampers... then ordering the cleansers, desitin cream online... thinking of getting breast pump spare parts after CNY...
babymaine: i so far only bought the confinement lemongrass shower gel, some wipes when i got the robinsons 25% voucher, then my gf sell me her breastpads, desitin cream, 4 packs of nb diapers, a new changing mat. think thats all.
nothing much for baby until after my detailed scan.

are u using medela? if yes, this tanlengleng is clearing her spree medela items in WTS. go take a look. its cheaper than BP
Yah, hope BB be good fast fast "pop" out when it's time.

Nope. Haven't done any shopping yet. anyone got lobang when the next baby fair will be??

I just got a rocker only. Haven't cfm my BB's gender, cannot buy much things. BB not co-operative last week on my 19th week for normal scan
waving to us but when talks about gender, BB cross leg immediately & cover with hands. got to wait till 15 Jan for detailed scan. Ask to open leg wide wide already but still super shy.

BabyMaine: which website did u order your cleansers and cream from? Is it cheaper?
2ks - yes... medela breast pump... oh is it... okok... i go check it out... i'm using the lemongrass shower gel now... that's the only smell i can tahan... i bought the diaper changing station... 2nd hand... then got hand me downs from friends... need to buy new infant car seat... must wait for next baby fair...

the only thing i buy is the rocker.
When my hubby want to buy something, i will say 'aiya don't need to buy yet. No hurry'. than he will say..'the rocker also no use, buy so early for what' Say i double standard.

got Taka fair right? I prob will start looking for those big items first like cot and cupboard.
