(2013/05) May 2013

Good morning mummies!

Back from long hiatus... Happy new year to all! 2013 is a year for us to look forward to! We are halfway there now.. Jia you!

Just a question.. When should we start to stock up on baby stuff?
Congrats JC!!
I'm seeing my gynae on Thursday...really hope can find out the gender then so I can buy more bb clothes! haha

Rach - I think can start buying abit le? My frens told me their frens who are due later than me already bought plenty of stuff liaos. haha. But I think things like steriliser, pumps etc better dont buy too early coz electronics if dont use for awhile might have problems.
Morning all mummies!! One more day to brand new year..

Jc: congrats on your boy!!!

Rach: I just started getting those mini stuffs like clothes ! Nappies during baby fair. Is this your #1? For myself, I just slowly buy them and surveying them on the quality and pricing.. So by the time, when due date is nearer, I will have lessertthings to buy and take note of. Since now sec tri still Gt energy to shop..
MIA for quite some time. i was on leave from the 24th Onwards, today, first day of work. :0

JC: Congrats....

Insurance: I also bought the Prufirst Gift for my daughter.

Happy New Year to all the mummies.. see you next year...
Hi mummies,
Congrats to those who know the gender alr. My detail scan is on thursday, hoping to know too. Hb wants bb girl so we'll see

I haven't bought insurance also, under prudential. Thinking just the medical later, 28 days after bb born if i'm not wrong..
Hi mummies,

I have a Avent Steam Sterilizer for sale, only used less than 5 times as nanny prefer to boil water n sterile the bottles.

Please PM me if interested .

Thanks all. Happiest is my hubby lah..although he say boy ger no diff but i know he prefer boy one.

Dian tang : 2d is those normal scan right? Is like the oscar scan but more detail..they never check for the gender..is we ask for at the end

Debbie : ya no 1.
mummies... I'm ordering stuff from drugstore.com and carters/ Oshkosh... anyone wants to tag along? exchange rate will be 1 USD = 1.3 SGD... 1st payment will be on goods ordered... 2nd payment will be when shipping value is received... either self collect sengkang, changi, tampines... or I can arrange courier... may mummies only... I'm gonna place order this weekend... mustela now going at buy 2 get 1 free...
JC: oh I see , I thought of doing 3d scan instead . Think our package cannot do 3d . The PA told me bef need to ask for the gender cos the sonographer will not tell u unless asked.
3d must pay extra ? I dont think i wan to spend the money. Haha..as long the readings are normal, i okie le
morning mummies!

Anybody interested in BOOTS milkbags?? I have almost a carton to clear...my dear hubby bought me 2 cartons of milkbags from thailand...
he must be thinking i am a COW

selling at $10 per box of 40pcs.
self collect at sembawang or raffles place.
top up $0.80 for normal postage.
morning all, just wondering if anyone is doing gelish nails for CNY? Thought of doing, but not sure if it is safe..
hmm..i think i am not doing. I am not so sure whether the infra light is safe a not but i do see alot of pregnant woman do it.
2KS... u using boots too?? i also have 1 carton left over from last pregnancy... i'm asking my auntie to help me buy when she goes BKK during CNY... i love Boots... actually u should keep... dun sell now... use super fast de leh...
babymaine: yes...i am using boots and nanny brand milkbags.
2 cartons leh...means 12 x 2 x 40 = 960 packs leh!
i dont think i have that much of milk la...
and i still have about 8 boxes left previously...
so definitely enough
Good morning ladies!

Happy New Year!

I'm going for my check up tomorrow but no detailed scan. Only a blood test. Is that what they called the Triple T test?

First day of work today.
Very sian for me.
Really no motivation to work liao. Just going to work to earn a living.

May i know how much it costs a month for an MPV?
My hubby drives an SUV and it's about $1k a month. Actually I'm not happy with paying so much for the car, but since hubby is paying, I try not to make too much noise. He always says I'm not grateful, complaining about high cost of car when it has ferried the family here & there.

Re : high cost of living
nlimm, captain_piglet, 2KS
Sometimes I also feel it's our choice to live a lifestyle that's high cost. I mean, if we step back to think, it's quite ridiculous that we're paying $600+ a month for childcare right? There are cheaper options out there, but since we want better ones, we have to pay more. If not, I'm sure lower-income families can afford to pay about $135 for cheaper childcare? Just gotta bear with the higher teacher-child ration lor.

Then there's insurance for kids etc. How to pay if moms don't work.

But 2Ks, I agree with you, everytime salary come in, it's to clear bills. But if we don't work, how to clear right?
pinktulip: my gf hub drives a stream and his monthly slightly less than 1k. about $900+.
seriously i ever tot of PAP u know. but then nobody at hm to fetch and bring the kids leh...so cc is a better choice for me.
but then if u dont work hor. then how to have the working mothers subsidy leh...sigh...

but on the other end, MCYS is also stupid. increasing the teacher:student ratio now even for cc. so doesnt make a difference la.

but then what to do...we cant change the facts now...accept it and move on..sigh
U very funny leh, so direct haha.
Actually PCF also got childcare. But I think the teacher ratio is rather big. My cousin in law pays about $150 or less for full day childcare. She says it's the cheapest she could find.

Yup I guess if we don't work, the kids can't go childcare. Just go for kindy lor. That should be only about $130-$150 a month?
pinktulip: are u referring to sparkletots? not very cheap also leh. but the teachers there really standard not so good leh. heard the turnover quite high.
my gf kids hor...the china teachers can tell the kids "空条” leh...
eh...we called them 冷气 isnt it.

but i saw some PCF hor..they got 8am to 3pm classes...
which i find it not bad leh...like really into study for kindy...
no nap, no waste time then can go hm and nap on own comfy bed
Happy 2013 to all mommies!
1st day at work after a string of holidays, festive celebrations...very sians...especially when I am getting a new (female) boss today. But I agree, we work just for the money...at the end of the day, its what and who we go home to that counts. So hang in there everyone!

I have been v.lazy to source for cc or ifc for baby. Is it still too late to start now? Dont really know where to start lehs. Maybe I shld sms my neighbour's aunty who works as a nanny...
ipanbaby : my hubby also say i ungrateful. When he say 'every month so much $$ go to car' than i say 'don't drive loh'. Than he will ask me go think 'who is the 1 who pick me when i go out with friends, send to and fro from work and etc'. haha..but i also help out in the road tax, insurance and season parking leh.

I think is a balance lah. If one only earn $1K, cannot be spending $800 on the car.

I have a colleague who buy a car and basically park at her house everyday because it is too expensive to drive to work. Sometimes when we go out after work, she will say 'oh i go home and take car so that i can send you all there and back' but only hear, no even smell the exhaust gas. End up is my hubby have to drive her home each time.
BabyMaine, 2Ks
Really? Wah, then how come my cousin in law says she pays so little? I remember it's below $200+. I was surprised also. I'll ask her again. But anyway she has also stopped work recently to care for her kids. I so envy her coz she has the option of becoming a SAHM.

Haha! Hey whatever your hubby says is what mine does too. I agree lah, he sends me to work sometimes, offers to fetch me. We have comfort of our own car & my hubby has also been generous in offering to send & fetch us anywhere. But it can also be done with a cheaper car right? hhaha.

I also pay season parking. $250 to $270 for 3 months right. It's all about the $$...want comfort, want convenience, pay lor.....

I guess if there's someone who can help send her home, why would she want to trouble herself right? But must give and take also lah. If we go lunch also, my colleague drives but we will offer to pay for carpark or next time buy lunch, she dont pay lor. Then pple not so fed up.
ya loh..my hubby say 'want comfort than must pay loh.

actually i am glad we didn't go for the 'buy small car than change big car' mentality when we bought the car 3 years ago. Now the COE so high, how to change and my hubby and i are not those small size type.
Hello mummies.

Good morning to a brand new year.

Have been following the posts but no time to post. Congrats on mummies who have found out the gender.

Moving elder out of the cot: during my preg with #2, elder was shifted to his own room to slp on his own 1mth before I deliver. But before that he was having his noon nap in his room for at least a few months, this is to let him famlirize his own room so that when we officially move him he'll not be scared. Now #2 will be moving to #1 room, so training on him napping on bed will start soon as he's still slping in yao lan.
Hello mummies.

Good morning to a brand new year.

Have been following the posts but no time to post. Congrats on mummies who have found out the gender.

Moving elder out of the cot: during my preg with #2, elder was shifted to his own room to slp on his own 1mth before I deliver. But before that he was having his noon nap in his room for at least a few months, this is to let him famlirize his own room so that when we officially move him he'll not be scared. Now #2 will be moving to #1 room, so training on him napping on bed will start soon as he's still slping in yao lan.
Can I check mummies here, did u gals sign anything for detailed scan?
Cos I did my detailed scan last sat and need to sign.

MamiB, we same gynae, did u sign?
hmmm...For mummies info hor..
now TMC got this new tagging system.
one hand still used those hospital tags to tag mummy arms and baby legs. then the other wrist got a small squarish tag.
my sister told me, if bb is near to u, it will beep to alert u.
jC, ya I tot no need to sign. Cos few yr back for my #1 at Nuh I also never sign.
Now I got to sign at my gynae clinic stated that it is not 100% accurate. Certain chromo abnormality cannot be detected... I thought detailed scan must be detailed right...this raise my question.
bbkk : For mine, the doc scan from head to bottom - make sure the body parts are there, kidney, head size, photos of the heart which she said is very important.

i think internal defects will not be able to detect..maybe they want to protect themselves from this.
Happy new year to all!!! Finally we can get to our baby is coming it this year may instead next year may which sound so long.. Ok.. Abit lame.. Pardon me.

Bbkk: I also did sign. And you're right, its abt not 100%cmf all these.. This is my #1.. So I don't know if we need to sign previously not. But since nurse ask me and hubby to sign den we just sign.. You went for your scan alr right? Did you sign up with the package as well?
Awww, hugs. Are you working in a finance-related field? Hope it will be over soon
Take care of your health k, try not to be too stressed up over this.

I guess they don't want to take responsibility over anything, so they just make us sign.
I've yet to go for my detailed scan. can't recall signing anything so not sure if i'll be asked to sign this time round.

Hihi gals~ Happy New year!! 4 more months we all can pop pop pop!! i just came back from my gynea visit.. and Gynea told me that my gal detail scan is normal! results are good! and they have some pictures of my little gal. and one of it have a her face. wah.....

Recently i stated that im having cramps.. and so ask gynea.. and he say is normal again as usual.. just that tell me do things do slowly.. dont too fast or whatever.. sometimes may due to cramps lor.. so will take noted and see how.. this month seems so fast! my next visit will be 28th Jan! ^^ cant wait..
