(2013/05) May 2013

Shirley, JC, pinktulip,
He scanned and showed me internal kidney, organs, heart, brain. All ok, including the blood vessel flow... Measure the length of leg and arm bone, spine, head size etc..
Of all, just never tell me about mouth and fingers n toes.
After scan, I went out then realize he did not inform me about numbers of fingers n toes and cleft... Then I went in again, he told me to remind him next visit. I feel like not detailed leh..
Pinktulip, my detailed scan is done by my gynae at his clinic.. I think he got the machine and is certified to do it.
That's maybe explained why he needs us to sign to protect himself
fabbie: i occassionally will have cramps too when i walk too much or carry my boy too much or do chores...
so i try to rest and relax after that then the cramps will go away.
i think for #2/#3, cramps are more often...
dunno is it loose muscles...lol
Hi mommies,

I'm gonna have my detailed scan on 15 Jan.
mmm, gyane will usually be able to check if baby has cleft lip right?
mine only show the finger nia but i don't think got count. Actually hoh, at first i still can 'understand' the scan but after that she talk so fast, i also cannot catch any ball liao.

my next detail scan i will ask her again
I see. then in a way quite instant updates available too. For me I have to go to PEH to have my detailed scan done. then gynae will discuss the following appointment.

yes. I pray all our babies will be healthy!
Got bleeding yesterday and went TMC 24 hr clinic. The doc in charge said got placenta previa and actually asked me to be admitted immediately. Advised to be on bed rest till delivery.

Just now went to find my gynae, still got bleeding and he said placenta is touching the cervix. But he was more assuring and gave me mc till I see him on next appointment. Need to take hormone pill and medicine to prevent contractions. And complete bed rest at home.

Managed to see gender and it's a baby boy to my surprise, hubby and I keep feeling it's a girl. Been looking at little girls stuff all the while.

Hope the placenta will move up and I pray that all of us will deliver our healthy babies smoothly.
Hi ladies,
Hav been not visiting the forum for the more than a week. Back at work today.

Wa… your hubby bring in so much milkbags! I think must be very gd ba since he bring in so many. Go Thailand buy is cheaper is it?

For me, I dun really look forward to see our gynae… I told him on my previous 2 visits that my blood pressure is low and I fainted once and almost fainted the other time in last Nov. I do get dizzy occasionally. He oso say its normal lo.… Feel that he dun really show much concern. I know his package dun include checking of bp, but my company doc advised me to get my bp checked during gynae visits. Now doing my own blood pressure checking every fortnight by my company nurse instead.

Please rest well and dun move about so much. Take care.
how much does each session cost given you paid by package? Mine is about $65 to $70 per visit (includes BP, consultation, urine test & scanning). I'm surprised your gynae doesn't check BP. Isn't that important? Can tell if a mom is prone to pre-eclampsia too esp towards the end of the pregnancy.

Oh dear, pls take care. R u working? If yes, hope u're on MC.
Chiro, oh dear.. Then u better rest well ya. Is it u keep carrying ur child?
Take care.

I did ask my gynae is it I am going to premature birth cos I feel very heavy at v area. Dr says cos second pregnancy tends to feel lower, say is normal.
chiro: i had a gf who had low placenta. she always have this bleeding problem too.
try not to walk too much...rest awhile walk abit should be okay.
it can be so boring to keep lying down!

griny:ya la...i think he is siao to buy so many milkbags...
i been using boots and nanny brand since #2 time. both never leaks before.
most milkbags are made in thailand so its cheaper there.
but hor...boots milkbags always out of stock there. sometimes u have money also cant buy one. thus i think thats why he bought 2 cartons back
griny: my gynae does a bp check for me upon every visit leh. he thinks its important.

bbkk: i also feel very heavy down there...sometimes like something wanna drop. #3 one lagi jialat.
Thanks ladies. Now at home lying down, surfing on iPad. I agree it's very boring! But bobian.
just now doc insert tool to check specimen then got more brown blood coming out now.

Bbkk - I got no kids yet, then been v careful also, except I need to walk up few storeys of steps to work cos it's a shophouse office. I got surgery before due to mc last year, not sure is that the cause.
How is your gf now?

Griny - fainting is not a small issue leh... Maybe it's lack of iron or something. When u stand up do it slowly cos of the blood pressure.
2ks, ya machiam it is going to break open and something dropping out right.. My gynae says normal for second pregnancy onwards cos all expanded le. He did mentioned that some woman really drop out and sew it back.
I thought I need to bed rest but he assured me no need just dun carry heavy things
Pinktulip, 2K,
U r not the only one who is surprised…. My company doc, nurse and mummy colleagues are surprised too… It was then I realised they all had bp checked during their gynae visits and even their weight taken. I only remember he took my bp once, when he 1st confirmed my pregnancy. I signed up his package during my 1st tri, ~$580 plus like that, include scan, urine test for protein and sugar and prenatal vitamins for every visit. No blood pressure and weight measurement for me. I guess its unlikely that I will get pre-eclampsia ba, since my bp is low but I dunno for those mummies who hav high bp seeing him.

Yes, I do stand up slowly, esp from lying position to standing up. If not I can really feel dizzy….

For my #1, I used Nanny bags and they are really gd, my fav so far. Oso used Lasinsoh, pigeon and Gerbers b4 too. I din try Boots b4. If u still have, can I buy 2 boxes from u to try ? I am interested.
chiro: i think low placenta is not that cause la. cos i have gfs hor...their #1 pregnancies everything normal. but suddenly #2 one low placenta. #1 was all natural birth nothing wrong.

bbkk: its normal cos i think cos the uterus is weak already. stretched... #3 lagi jialat.
griny: PM u already.
i used to use pigeon cos i can get at staff price last time. but then the packing abit cannot store until 300ml. it will leaks. for lasinoh...i gave up...leaks a few times for me. but some ppl still like it.
let me check whether i have another cheapo brand which i bought in thailand...if have, i post sample for u try okay.

eh...my cheapo gynae got take urine test, blood pressure and weight everytime i go visit. i think its a routine
2ks: wah.. if u say like that.. meaning if i wana try no.3 maybe cramps will be get worst.. hur hur hur =( and + old liao.. T____T lol

Chiro: how many weeks are u le?? what u do wor previously? u walk too much? do have more rest and take care ya! ya boy will be fine as i heard if u rest enff ya placenta will move up. If the doc advice u to bed rest till delivery wah like tat how u work? but also good la.. baby more impt. but even stop bleed have a few weeks to rest.. watch drama will kill ya bordem. if not watch running man! very funny one hehe

griny: ya doc is same with me is it? woody? i cant remember im having short term memory >.< if yes he always everything normal one de la.. faints.. but when he say normal.. is really normal. i did told him about dizzy this and that he ask me to eat sweet. bp is the one taht wrap in ya arms and pump one right? he did do that for me leh..
mine take BP every visit.

I have this ex-colleague. She pregnant must go and sew one. Really pei fu her, somemore 3 kids.

Take care chiro. Lot of bed rest!

fainting could be low blood sugar too.
replied u liao.....

Yes, same one... Ya... Everything he say its normal... Told him abt my bp, fainting and dizziness but I only told me to rest more, din check bp, din ask me eat sweet. Yes check bp is the wrap arm and pump one.
then just stay healthy and hopefully your BP will also remain OK lah

My mom had high BP for her 3rd pregnancy coz she always got mad at the slightest thing. So I am also conscious and try to not to get too emotionally affected by small things.

Lucky got ipad hor? Just rest and surf lor.

sew what? sew baby clothes?
pinktulip: my boys at hm always make my blood boil leh...
how to keep cool...very difficult...
big boy also like that, small boys also like that...
ipan : sew the below but the exact details i don't know what is it like. Only heard from my ex boss that if don't sew, the bb might drop or something.
ahaha that's true but don't let it eat you up. You know what I mean? I felt that I had less patience when I was in my 1st trimester. But now I've become less impatient (keyword : less impatient, not more patient). I just want to enjoy their chidhood as much.

SERIOUSLY? Omg. first time i heard about this!
Fabbie - if count from last menses its 19 weeks, just now i see from ultrasound scan it says 20 weeks but always got change one.
I din do much leh, at most go shopping but will rest often and bags also hubby carry. Housework also he settles de. My last checkup gynae got said placenta a bit low but no bleeding until yesterday. I'm not sure is it cos climbing stairs to office. My BFF also asked me watch running man haha.

Griny maybe u can try drinking Longan red tea to nourish blood and replenish iron.

2ks - understand not easy to have few kids at home especially boys. but try keep cool kk, emotions will really affect bb.

Do take care! just rest in bed ba...

Anger management:
i was so agitated in a meeting that day that i could feel my ears turn red hot. haha! then i keep telling myself to calm down...

BP measure:
my gynae doesnt do the BP measure for me too. As i have thalessemia, i think my BP tends to be lower... So no point also... But he did give me iron pills..
Sew after birth I heard b4, sew during preg, its my 1st time. Can't imagine going thru pain for below 2 times for a pregnancy.

I quite optimistic... He dun measure, so I monitor myself at my company clinic, at least my company nurse will look after me.

My #1 oso always up to no gd, and very stubborn... Sometimes I just close 1 eye but I will make myself clear to her. If she throw tantrum, I will just ignore her. Too tired to be bothered too much.
Take care Chiro and rest well, dont work!

2K, Griny,
I also love the Boots milkbag and used it for #1 but found out recently that the bags are not meant for freezing. Had some issues with leakage for #1 but it was minimal so not sure if there are other factors to watch out for. No issue with using that for fridge only though.

Going to try Nanny at the advice of another friend..

Griny, I also had fainting spells and once fainted when I was out. Luckily was with helper and #1. My gynae says will need to increase iron intake. Mb can check with your gynae too?

Pinktulip, your gynae charges sounds reasonable. Mine charges $175 per visit for consultation, scan and urine test. Vits not included and package from 4th month onwards is $1500.
Longan red dates tea sounds like a gd idea. Like it a lot at the start of the confinement, but drink until sian toward the end. But I dun mind drinking it occasionally.

i am thalessemia alpha minor too, but my bp is lower than my normal non preg days.Company doc say normally bp will rise a bit when preg.
griny: my #2 now is terror stage lor..he bite his kor kor that day lor...
scold him also no use...shout also no use..
sometimes i just let him throw his tantrums also...

how about check with the gynae on the bp taking? you said u mind about it...must voice out.

jialing: how can milkbags not meant for freezing..think u get info wrong elsewhere. anyway most milkbags are all made in thailand...
and even thai mothers are all siao Boots brands..
how come i know...cos my hub is 1/4 thai and his relatives mostly all use boots too.
i been using boots &amp; nanny for so long, not one leaks before for me in my case. unless i drop that bag.
i encounter leaking from pigeon and lasinoh the most often.
and oh...i packed 300ml per packet..sometimes 310-320ml max.
Pinktulip, your doctor seems to charge u quite reasonably. I just signed my package on 29/12/2012 at $700. Was at week 19. Doctor only ask me to go back for detailed scan on 15 Jan (another miserable 3 weeks before I can see my Baby again
) The package incl. consultation, scan and urine test. Usually height, weight and BP are tested. Initial BP for me was real high! So, I think BP is pretty important to take note of as what my doctor said.

I was told by the staff there that I can bring down the invoice on the day I deliver and pass the receipt to the hospital to claim back Medisave $450 for the $700 package.

Anyone heard of this?
how much is this boot milkbag?
beside this, what else to get from BKK?

this time go will get all the baby stuff!
Jialing &amp; Xuan
Yes i think my gynae is one of the more reasonable ones around. In fact I think it's even cheaper to go with him than to go for KKH private esp if you chose a high level consultant.

I have never figured out that claiming thing, but yes, collect your receipts &amp; u can use them to offset the total bill through medisave.

when I went 5-6 yrs ago, I went to this place called Bobae Tower. It's like a wholesale centre. They sell clothes by the bulk - maybe by the dozen. I wasn't pregnant then but my pregnant couple friend really had an awesome time shopping for baby items.
JC: u can get nanny brand too. cos boots milkbags always out of stock in bkk. if you got go siam paragon supermarket can get another brand called tantunam or something. its rolled up type. that one is the cheapest that i can find.
u can go supermarket buy those baby home wear sets.
some can be like $2-3 bucks per set. tshirts for boys for home wear can be like $2 per pc.
maternity underwear u can get it cheap over there too.
nursing bras so far i no buy, cos thailand cutting is very small, dont suits me.
clothing i find so so la..cos if u get from spree, some gap/old navy can be cheaper and nicer there.
unless u really walk inside inside...some carters, osh kosh can be quite cheap. but its those roadside stalls.
otherwise if u want wood toys (alot of imitation kumon toys but quality good)
u can go during daytime to jawarat (chinatown). there alot of wholesale stuff, quite cheap.
i bought alot of wooden toys, hair clips also have. stuff for goody bags also have.
jialing: that is not thai website. and the packing is different u know. boots milkbags in thailand is made in thailand.
anyway, i been using it for the past 2 years...no problem at all..my friends are all using it too.
so i will continue using it la..

pinktulip: bobae tower hor...must really buy in bulk lor...somemore the designs there is quite outdated nowadays. not nice de.
really ah now bobae outdated? haha then like that better just to buy in the streets.

Many things are made in thailand anyway. Might as well buy from there. Once imported into Sg so expensive.

Even diapers are made in thailand! mamy poko! But of course, a bit too much to lug the diapers back in luggage hehe.
pinktulip: ya...outdated already. i went think 1 year ago. no update lor.
haha...i compared the price of the diaper &amp; wipes before. buy in sg more worth la...

oh and JC: if u want special wipes case, can get mamy poko wipe case there also..
but not very nice la...i find. but sg dont have mah.
u can get boots nursing pads also...but hor..the boxes bulky la...but that item also always OOS one
aiyo i submitted my application for MFS for 2013.
All the centre in jurong have like 40-50ea in waiting list liao.

Really very kua zhang....
I'm a first time mummy. Anybody has recommendation for strollers?

I prefer those with adjustable handles. (can face front and back). Been seeing you all talking about this milkbags. If we were to get it in Singapore, how much does it cost?
Happy New Year Everyone!

Haven't been logging in here for a while as I've been busy due to changes at work. Just started work at a new department in a totally different office today. Basically it's a different company with different culture. Heard from colleague that work here is more taxing =( luckily got internet access else super sianz...

Did my detailed scan on boxing day. All's well and confirmed is a gal. Very happy cos #1 is a boy and i've bought quite a bit of girl stuff already LOL.

Bbkk: please help to update my bb gender. thanks!

JC: there's a new MFS opening just below my block (681A). new center got better chance. the other existing center very hard to get in. the one at JP, I think I queue 2 years ago till now also no news.
Chiro: lots of bed rest , no squating or bending And avoid carrying heavy things. I also have bleeding in my week 16 and was hosp that time . Take care !
griny: got leh.. today i go.. he ask me to sit down and he check my bp le.. but not every visit he check my bp..well the day when i get to see him i already name him as Mr Normal. LOL

2ks: really ah.. u didnt jab epi?? i think this time i will jab if i induce.

Chiro: wah then u better get more rest.. till doc say OKAI then u go back to work. =) my hub cousin also placenta low.. then went for bed rest for 1 month + then everything okai le. do rest well ya!!

Xuan: for me im into macleran.. more stable. if u want to face front n back one u get combi. but its not stable. is very lightweight. so must be very careful. =)

milkbags: for my no.1 i use lansinoh milkbags.. anyone still got any good n cheap receommend?? other than lansinoh??
Just Did my detailed scan n confirmed it's a girl!!

Chiro: take care!! Rest well..

Fabbie/griny : mine also mdm normal.. everything is normal.. lazy toqqns her further.. make me sound like idiot..

Jc: Sorry I dun get it.. Why must sew during pregnancy.. maybe I miss out on sth
