(2013/05) May 2013

2ks, ok! Will search for it!

How will u be telling #1 that his cot to be given up for #2? I scared shiftin him out now will give him the impression that i am making him give up his bed for #2... My #1 now is 18 mths.. When #2 comes, he will be 23 mths... Haiyo... Sibling headache :p

Shirv.. I painted a wall patch when i was preggy with#1 unknowingly.. Only knew abt it thereafter.. #1 is ok no birthmarks and patches (old folks believe) so if u are ok with it, can go ahead.. But for me since i know cannot i will not do it for #2 ba.... I will get her to paint and move when i deliver and am in hospital..

worried79: MFS = my first skool
ya dr lawrence ang is my gynae. he super fast one la...not everyone will like him.

buba: yes i agree on what MFS does. they practice what learn thru play.
even my #1 goes to the cc hor, they asked us to buy books every yearly. but sometimes i find they over stress the kids.
i also send him for chinese lessons. his ABCS all i taught him de.
i totally agree on u on MFS heart and empathy. they really "bother' about each and every kid. thats what i like. to me, for cc, care is very important. academic can always catch up later.
buba: your #1 K2 class in MFS is how many students in the class? cos i see the branch that mine in, the k2 classroom is quite big. so i am worried that a lot of kids.
Thanks Bbkk. Oh, i wanted to enrol my boy in MFS, our My Little Campus initially. But all said no vacancies liao. so end up, put him in My Star Learners, not cheap too, and he have to take transport to school.

I think my home needs some painting too, but guess I wont do it till bb is out and do it few months thereafter. True, better play safe. I was told not even to shift furnitures in the home when we r around. So, I will always go downstairs for a walk if need to do some shifting at home.
junebunny: i didnt shift him close to my edd period. i told #1 that he is big boy already, so will sleep on bed. then i change the bedsheets to his favourite character then also change new pillow for him, said the pillow too small for him.
so the cot was left empty for a couple of months. so he wont feel like the newborn is taking over his one. he got a new bed mah
Bubu, yes I agreed. They dun teach abc all these, only teach in k1. Luckily I also find time to teach my girl phonics and writing. My girl has been there since when she is 18 months.
So far I still like mfs, they really teaches the kids well.
yah, after i made the call to dr lawrence ang, i did a search and realized some ppl gave negative feedback abt him. but if urgent case, i thot its good that can go to his clinic coz its quite near.

r your #1 sleeping on their own already, or still sleeping with u in your room?
worried79: little campus always full one. MFS usually the vacancies open end year for next year. u have to leave names 1st.

oh star learners...i have a couple of friends kids there too...
they got shut down few times due to HFMD hor..
cos they are big thus spreading of disease is faster.
i find there bit far for me, and if need to pay for bus...i lazy la.
bbkk: mfs teach academic in K1 ma? i hope they does...
i really slack in teaching #1 nowadays. dec holiday he also holiday at hm

worried79: for dr ang. u either like him or hate him lol...
but he is a very experienced doctor who has many patients.
yah, that is what is happening to my boy. he attended school since sep this year, but has been falling sick very very very often, once or twice a month! dun know spent how much on seeing doctor liao. but he adapted quite fast, just cried for first few days only, and now he enjoyed going to school. the bus transport is not cheap too, $120 per month, but their service not bad lah, really takes care of the kids.
2ks, after bubu says hers in k2 dun have. I also not sure leh. Cos i did ask the teacher why nv teach, then she told me they only teach in older class like those in kindergarden..

Have u heard of I-creative learning? Min age is 4yo. I register my girl very very early for next yr. My girl only qualify next yr as she will be 4 by then. Review quite good. My fren 2 kids are there, ever since they started learning English, they can read books at 5yo. And the kids everyday read newspaper..
It is an enrichment class for 1.5hrs.. Min requirement is child must know big and small letters of abc and phonics
Currently my girl is learning abacus, only 3 months into it but she is coping well, so next yr learn English. No choice mfs dun teaches all these.
Bbkk: I just check with my family. They also say best is don't paint. Haix.. She say wanna paint and make the room brighter. By I thought not necessary cos our house will be coming soon in 2014. By the time, baby is born, at most we will be staying there for a year or so. Hopefully she understand my ku xin..

Worried79/junebunny: but nothing happened right? Like when the house is in the process of painting, and you're not in the room or house. There won't be any effect on it right?

Mfs: I was thinking if my mum's can't help, probably will send baby to infant care. 2ks, do you have any idea how much is the fees after subsidy for infant care? The nearest one is amk hub, for my case.
for infant care, $1K+ is before subsidy huh?

i don't think i am painting the room but i need to start packing. i am using the spare room to put all the rubbish. Need to start cleaning and 'airing' it...as the room never open window before 1.
worried79: u know my #1 cc, he was from there since infant period. he also always sick, then hor, the teachers never call and ask how is he one, or get updates about him. then he always have dried mucus on his nose. sometimes already become hard and dried.
i quarrelled with #1 principal previously too. she thinks that my kyler might be autistic, and asked me to bring him see specialist at about 22 months, cos he wasnt talking as much. she even got one period, separated him with his class, cos she thinks he is too active and disrupt the class.

for #2, i decided not to put him at that same school. also just nice got a space for him at mfs. oh my...such a difference. 1stly, the teachers are very involved. absent a day, the teachers sure will call and ask how is he. even got once i send in late, they also called and ask how come havent come. they even noticed that his soles abit yellowish (i myself didnt even noticed that!) and automatic instructed auntie not to add pumpkin and carrot in. their meals are very nicely plan and interesting. and most important, he is home everyday VERY CLEAN. no dried mucus, no dirty clothes. and the teachers will monitor for fever, will not immediately ask me to bring hm. they will feed him one round and cold pack 1st, then they decide. lucky for me, his fever always subside after the paracetamol.
most important is my #2 has this seizure problem. he will have seizure whenever he is agitated. the teachers took care of him very well, all of them know how to handle if he got seizure in school, and very fast call me to update and tell me what causes the seizure in school. never asked me to withdraw cos of this, cos its pretty scary.
the teachers even surf net to find out about this seizure problem, read up on how to handle.
bbkk: never heard of I creative leh. centres where? #1 attends tsien hsia chinese. so far so good. from doesnt speak mandarin to now can read some chinese words and speak chinese.

is abacus good? i see the cc near my place have it too...maybe wanna enrol him. i cant afford too ex and too far. cos my hub always travel, and next year i got to handle 3 kids...so i need those convenient ones. also cost is a major factor too...ask me fork out few hundreds...i think i can die faster.

shirley/jc: go to mcys website. u can find the list and price for each and every centres.
for MFS after $600 subsidy is $671 (include GST). trying to go in the web but cant
oh..$600+ still 'affordable'. I was telling my hubby $1K+..really must eat porridge liao.

like this i better go chop place first. I just need someone to take care during infant timing. By than go to nursery, should be easier le. Can get my neighbour to help or what.
2ks, I-creative got many branches. I choose one close to my house. That one got to book very early, also fully booked. Many people book one yr advance. I booked mine 9 mths advance already no timing slot.
So far my girl has been learning abacus well. Many ppl thinks not neccessary, but I think is mainly creating left and right brain. I at first scared she cannot handle as she only 3yo but surprisingly she is good at it so we continue to let her learn. My abacus fees is $280 for 10 lessons.
I feel if budget wise, I strongly feel to sign up I-creative than abacus lah. Cos primary sch dun use abacus, just more on left and right brain.
I-creative is better than I can read...
U go google icreative.. U see the slot should be fully booked unless u booked one yr advance for ur #2..
Hi ladies!
I've been soooo busy! once in a while I do check the FB page but haven't had the time to sit infront of the PC.

Yes, the kicks are coming in. Once in a while suddenly like got something tickling from inside.

Re: Infantcare.
I don't think i can ever bring myself to place my baby in an infant care

I'm trying my best to save $ so that I can stay at home for a few months after delivering #3.

If your hubby can provide $, it's OK. For me I know for sure I can't depend on hubby. We earn about the same, but he is paying for the car, something i refuse to help him with. I think i have to budget like siao if I quit leh. I'll miss the liberal spending i can do now. and my parents' allowance have to be cut too. Poor thing, maybe i can only give my mom & dad $50 to $100 monthly from $400 a month each.
2ks, my girl no need learn extra Chinese.. Haha cos mfs teaches her Chinese and her Chinese improved alot alot... Teachers says her English very gd Liao so wanna brush up her Chinese so mix her with sone Chinese speaking kids, now everyday speak Chinese to me... Faint...
Shirvin, i was bathing in toilet while hb was painting... Hehe i didnt go into the room coz i afraid the paint smell no good. But i got the odorless nippon paint.. Hehe..
I think the old folks believe that if paint, bb will have birthmark or some patch.. I think u better not paint ba.. Tell ur mil the old folks belief.. She shd be convinced if she asks ard..
Any gender to update?
I actually save the info u gals given to me in my own excel. Just tat my pc spoilt I can't upload the table but generally I am updating it in my own sheet so pls update any info u have, I will upload when my pc is recovered
JC: new branch for MFS very nice one. they got nice new cots with beddings, even side protectors. then they got new chicco rockers, new toys...new cushion.
i ever visited a newly open ifc before. their wash area also nicely done up one.
but u have to be prepared about the falling sick lor.
they will fall sick and diseases spread faster. but they get to build their own immune system faster la.

bbkk: no la...i do not intend to enrol #2 in any classes for now. he is too young. i dont wanna stressed him. let him have his "tong nian" first. furthermore, he is talking and singing and performing quite well so i do not intend to enrol him in any classes for now.
regarding reading, personally i think sooner or later they sure can read...so i am not into reading.
abacus is counting rite...i think its maths to me leh...xin suan rite..
i only intend to register my #1 for takwando classes when he turn 5. only $40 for a term. cheap cheap
So fast all the mommies sharing experiences on their kids' cc...think I better start doing some homework on IFC and nanny options for my baby. Been v.lazy..haha. My FIL kept telling my hb he can take care of the baby..but he's getting old and there's no room for the baby cot/play pen at my FIL's place so we thought better put at IFC or find a nanny.
pinktulip - if not placing in infantcare would you be taking care of your baby yourself?

JC, can go to the infant care to check out the environment first, if you like it then can register to book a slot. My First Skool got several branches maybe can look around.

Painting/Room Arrangement
I would want to prepare my spare room(now is a storeroom for barang barang) for baby, like buying a cupboard etc to put the baby stuff and clothes etc and decorate the room. But MIL insisted my hubby not to shift furniture, no drilling etc in the house now. If wait until give birth then pack the room and prepare like no time and weird right?
bbkk: mine is a girl till detailed scan next month. if suddenly the bird appear i will update u.

aiyo...my #1 cannot speak chinese at all before he goes for chinese class. and starting if he does speak, all chinese with an english accent. like ang moh speak chinese like that.
now he is so much better...he can sing chinese songs. so i prob just continue his class lor
i prepare for the falling sick part. Don't think my mum wan to retire so early and my in law place are not very convenient for me. I have to travel up from jurong E to Tiong Bahru as compared to Jurong E to Boon Lay.

My hubby work near his parents house but i don't trust his driving skills leh alone with BB. hahaha

maybe this sat, i will arrange go to the jurong point branch to @@
2ks, gd gd.. Most importantly the money must be well spent. We see improvement also happy..

I also got problem next year..
My maid contract end early may and I will deliver mid may. By then I dunno if I can let new maid handle newborn while I work. Very sian and scared..
JC: jurong point branch think likely full house rite? one thing have to point to u is, centralized aircon. some building mtce not done regularly one. i will prefer those neighbourhood type. but i heard jurong point mfs is quite big and good la..

bbkk: not renewing ah? any elders to help jaga or not?
Its really very hard pain to see our kids suddenly fall sick so often. before my boy went to cc, he only fall sick like once in awhile. now suddenly fall sick so often. dun know how long it will take for him to be more immune to those viruses....

i would love to be a sahm if i have alot of money, haha. i took one year no pay leave to take care of my boy when he was born. i actually quite enjoyed it, except for the fact that every month, there wont be a fixed amount of money in my bank acc, and will need to ask hb for money..furthermore, with the second one coming, will need more money liao. having a kid nowadays is really expensive...
Bbkk, mine's a boy, not sure if u have updated..

Raising a kid is expensive now.. Be a SAHM, n there will ne no extra income nor extra $ to spend.. Be a working mum, miss out on child's development and spend $ on ifc..
Mine still zz with me. Initially on his own mattress after I preggy he kick Hb out n conquer the bed sigh

Where ur girl doing her abacus ?Which sch? I gotta a Plc for my boy but at ulu pandan , & ard$330 for 10 lessons registration pack $80 yet to pay though

Ur #2 in which cc? Sound gd? Small Cher student ratio?

Ya don't think MFS is 1K plus b4 subsidy since its more of residents' cc . Coz infant subsidy is $600 for ftwm so really alot but pondering as its 1:3 to 1:5 type of ratio. I think MFS ratio very high at ard 1:4 to 1:5 u might wan ask. Jc , if u keen for JP MFS just register n see how. I registered when I had my #1 then they told me longggg waitlist n no hope end up they called me n said have vacancies but then we decided no IFC for #1 so give up. JP MFS if I rem correctly is abt $100-150 higher then those MFS at void deck.

Pink tulip:
Sama here haiz I very bu fang xin type . For #1 I only put him in cc after he knows how to talk at least I know what's gog on initially still get bites here n there n blueblack lor I can't imagine on baby

Actually u just make sure u r not in the room. Eg last wk my Hb do vacuuming n drilling to fix a cupboard we bought, I just make sure door closed n I'm not in tt room. But definitely no shifting of bed is allowed most impt don't shift things in ur master bedroom. Mine he shift the laudry area coz the cupboard is for there .

Ur boy teckwando class do cheap! Tts at cc right? Alot of cc classes for kids fr 5. I'm pondering btw teckwando n wushu
Sorry for the late reply... =X

JC: MFS Jurong point that time my no.1 is 2years old i put her in the waiting list.. till 2 years later then she got space. =) Maybe if u want u can put ya baby in infant care then maybe from there upgrade to playgroup this n that easier.. jurong Point ont not bad la.. quite fan pian. but toddler there like always kana HFMD leh.. till my frd was there before me.. withdraw cus her son kana 2 times. so u must think again. but it depends on heng sway.. my gal N that time her classmate got HFMD my gal also didnt kanan..

Shirley: Yes very sweet n she must kiss 2-3times continuously.. not just 1 time LOL, shirley why in the sudden she want to pain ya room? but if she paint ya room ya not suppose to be there lor..

esther: wah if like that i wish i can faster pop.. cus she everyday going to school crying de! my mum already so frustrated liao. =( and i wanted to fetch her to school i cant wake up hahhaa =X but my mum told me that once she in school she change another person again -____- outside school like so sad dont want to go.. then insidet school so happy le faints..

nlimm: N, K1 and K2 is all 35 students de... infact all is 35 students the max.

VI: hope u get well soon!

junebunny: dont need to buy another babycot. get #1 a small bed can le. from ikea! ^^

buba: your MFS is where de? i heard they only focus on k1 and k2 have enrichment courses this n that.

2ks: yours how many studies??mine is 35! at MFS jurong point. waited 2 years to get in there.

BBK: my #1 sleeps with me de.. i no house yet so she sleeps with me. but if i have my own house i will train to let her sleep alone =)
MFS price almost the same. they have a higher range one called little skoolhouse. that one ifc after subsidy still $1000+

nlimm: #2 is just at a neighbourhood MFS. not very big. ifc max is 10 kids.
but actually its ok for me. i dont mind the 1:3 or 1:5 ratio. actually depends on kids too. if 5 kids, 3 easy to manage only 2 tough, then still managable. but if 1:3 but all 3 kids difficult to manage, = the same. rite?

for the IFC that #2 in, they practice like that, they have 2 shifts, total 4 full time and 1 part time teachers. morning 7am sure got 2 teachers. so some parents send in early, some send in late. the 2nd shift think starts at 8.30/9am, all will arrive, so in between 8.30-9am to 5.30pm it will be full teachers, that is 4 full time teachers.
4 full time teachers against 10 babies, i think its fine. cos not all babies is up and mobile. plus nap time all different de.
so its fine for me.

for #2 toddler class. its max 14 kids. 1:7 for them. its actually have to see the space. if bigger space, can take more kids.
but for MFS works like that in my #2 centre. between 7-8am, they will 'check in' at main bay. main bay have 3-4 teachers plus aunties to attend to those kids who arrive early. then 8am will separate go into individual classroom. then the teachers will separate the class. 1 teacher take 7, the other take 7. but they have an auntie who will help when the kids have food, and they have trainee teachers to assist the smaller kids too.
i think its ok for me, cos in a way they trained the kids to be independent. my #2 can self feed using a spoon, scoop food himself by 18.5 months. which i think its very good.

i am not a kan cheong parent la...i believe my kids have to learn to be independent themselves. i dont have a live in maid...so if anything also mummy mummy...i die faster lor!
nlimm: ya..the taewando is $40 per term...best is just 5 mins walk from my place. i intend to enrol him when he turns 5 lor.
my side dont have wushu otherwise i will take wushu also.
its a tuesday class 8pm. so i think just nice. i can bring myself also....
time and location is very important for me cos i have no help...so everything must plan and see properly
fabbie: my side the mfs...ifc is 1:5 babies. but i remember the teacher told me opening & closing must have 2 teachers at least.

for toddlers is max 14. they have 2 teachers + trainee teachers on some days.

the rest i not sure. i actually wanted to ask K1 kids.
Chiro - i think how much u wanna shift depends on ur threshold. For #1, in order to clear the room i packed up everything within first and second trimester.. Same as u, my room was v messy and was a storeroom. Everyday wake up is pack the room. Come back from work is go and pack also. My target was to finish and stop all packing by third tri. As for the furniture, my furniture and cots were moved in 2-3 weeks before i gave birth.. Hb stayed at home to move the furniture, i went to the car in the carpark to wait. Until everything move finish then i went up.

Basically no movement in master bedroom. All movement in spare room/baby room.
Do you mind sharing how much you have to save to stay at home for 1 year? I only have 5 more months left to save $$! I can cut down on my expenses but how about insurance & stuff? sigh. Stressful leh.

Yup I intend to take care of my kids myself lah. Maybe cut down on child care also. Just attend kindy. Right now my kids attend child care but it's a headache when they are sick. I feel stressed thinking about child care arrangements. Much as i want to be at home with them if they fall ill, i also have work to do in office. But i'd choose kids over work in a heartbeat. That's why I really have to start saving more $$ now.
actually i never save any extras to stay at home. its a sudden decision. i felt that my mil might not be able to cope with my newborn, so decided that i should take no pay leave to take care of my boy. my hb gives me allowances, & for the first few months, coz bb still small, i seldom go out alone, except to go to my munm's place. so, still can survive lah. just have to cut down on unneccessary shopping. i think its more tough on hb, as everything is on him
Actually ah I feel very fed up when I think about childcare & IFC costs.

IFC already about $800 - $1000 cash a month.
If i take care of it myself, I'll save $1000 a month! But of course I won't have $2-$3k nice paycheck monthly. But then after deducting childcare fees, etc, I'm only left with how much monthly. Sigh.
Does your hubby earn more than $8k a month?
If yes i think should be comfortable.

But for simple folks like me, to survive on a single income means less than $3-4k a month for a family of 4. Seriously, how to survive coz still must give allowance for his mom, pay for this & that.....

I'm amazed and respect families who can survive on a single income of $2-$3k a month.
Pinktulip, i think my hubby can't afford to as i am in the same situation as you. Our income is quite on par. If i quit, means we have to survive with a 50% income loss. Plus, now i have to give my mum's allowance and pay for my parents' insurances.
no lah, he earn less than $8k, but enough to survive. during that one year, we seldom go to expensive restaurants lor, just simple meals at normal restaurants when we eat out. and we cut down on unnecessary spending. its tough lor, everything is so expensive, quite difficult to survive on one income, i understand.
pinktulip: i fully agree on your point. govt also stupid one. they asked u all to give birth, yet the cc fees are so bloody high. and adding on the stupid cc, keep increasing money.
then another point, ask mum to go out work, yet the maid so many new rules come out, what off day, what pay increase. damn stupid lor.
for an average family. like i believe alot middle income families are also struggling to survive.

like me, my elder cc fees $540 (up from $440), then younger one IFC $671 previously but now become $321, then next year #3 be in ifc $671 again..
total cc fees is already how much.
not forgetting the diapers medical bills which only go up and up lor.

sometimes i feel really down thinking of all these especially its #3 now. when i know i was pregnant, i dunno to be happy or not...cos it be really tough next year.

every month pay is to distribute out only...
I totally agree.. Govt only tell us give birth more more but i really dun see how any help is being given. Expenses are all so high.. Seriously, they give the money also not enough to help much.. Maid levy high, maid salary high, cc fees high, ifc high, money never enough.. Plus all the long queues at the cc.. Pd fees also high. Everything is all $... Seriously.. How to survive :-(
Nlimm: tried all methods still constipation.. my hubby even say dunno izzit her anus too small n poo too big.. haiz! But now I suspect too much fibre.. cuz we worry she can't poo so keep giving fruits but I din know too much fibre n not enuff fluid will constipate too.. aiyo!

Junebunny: u muz be v slim.. if not How come cannot tell u preggy.. tot 2nd pregnancy tummy more obvious.. Hee!

2K: I feel u.. it's gg be a tough year next year unless hubby finds a higher pay job.. hmmm..
Wahh tts huge for Nursery classes. My boy new cc 2:18 max I'm like Sian aldy. But again not sure if to put him there till K2 coz with #2 coming expenses shot high n if I become sahm worst definitely need tighten my belt tight no waist haha.

Oh I think tt branch don't have class for my boy's age coz he's only 3yrs 2 mths, I'm enrolling him for kindy class for maybe a term or 2 then switch him to kinder. Jurong branch only has kinder up right? Maybe b4 I pay I shd ask if ever I switch branch , will I need pay registration fee again u have any idea ? My boy new cc be at jtc so jurong is definitely more convenient n I can opt for wkday.

Oh so ur #2 also in MFS? The ratio u mentioned for IFC n toddler is gd but the toddler at those mfs branch near me is higher at 1:10 for toddler,1:12 for n1 &1:15 for N2 , diff branches diff ratio ? Community centre classes; errm shall go check out again the last time I ask for 5 n above no class for 3-4.

Pinktulip/ ikuko/ 2ks/Worried79/ paycheck:
Talk abt this now I even more heartpain lor. B4 #1 my paycheck is closed to 10K type mthly then n hb half of mine after #1 down to zero n this Parttime job of mine give me only ard 20% of my last drawn b4 my #1!!! But at least it's for my own spending but it's like drop so much till I grumbled for a yr really heartache then. With #2,n if I'm not gog back ft, I guessed my #1 really need go MFS also aldy n I need coach him myself . If be sahm ,#1 be in kindy if not expenses so high lor.
nlimm: yes...different MFS works differently. cos must see space area. bigger schools can take more kids.
smaller schools take lesser kids..

and yay! MFS just called me and said got space for #1 next february...so excited about it finally.
and the branch for K1 is 1:20 kids.
Nlimm, jurong branch got kindy and kinder. My girl also 3yo join. But min requirement is to able to count and write 1-10 then can go kinder class. The teacher says she can straight go to kinder class. So we skip kindy.
I am not sure about changing need any registration again anot leh.

nlimm & junebunny - thanks for the advice regarding the furniture shifting =)
pinktulip, ikuko - income wise about the same situation. Then got car to support also. If without income from my side I think we cannot enjoy life at all.

Then besides the necessary expenses for baby we will want to buy stuffs, enrolling in activities for baby also. So to ensure a somewhat 'comfortable' life without headache, I think need around 5-6k a month. If no car will have more disposable income.
