(2013/04) April 2013

divein: i think i should move out cause at my own place i can eat better no constipation and sleep so well till i dont wanna wake up! unlike at his place, no appetite etc and even woke up in the middle of the night to vomit.

Ocean_blue and Angela: Thanks for the welcome. Ya I better stop being a worrywart.

ggchua: Sorry to hear about your quarrel. What about your MIL, will she be able to help talk some sense to your hb?
bb burger: hai... to be honest, nothing makes me happy now. i used to smoke, drink and love to eat those "pregnancy cannot eat food" like oysters etc. these are the things that to distress me. now, everything's gone. but i'm not a heavy smoker or drinker la..
If he understand I think it's fine because I read as after the quarrel u move out ... If u haven't explain to him I think u shd .. I always think we shd nt walk away from probs ... Haiz bt my hubby think probs shd be avoided by keeping silent ...
Rach, remember share with us what u see later =)

Pepper 123: from her post, seems like her mil also not very nice to her. Ggchua, r u close to his sibling, maybe easier for 3rd party to talk to him. Close friend also can. Sometimes a second voice helps to cool things off and see things from another view.
Bb_burger I saw the doc scaning machine when he measuring the size of the baby stating 6w4d. Though it may off abit. Basing on my own ovulation records, is quite accurate with only 1 day diff.

Good luck Rach. All the best
ggchua: Maybe it works for me coz I like to eat and I always have good appetite, happy I eat, not happy I also eat. Eating home-cooked home makes me happy too. Maybe you can have someone whom is close to both of you and your hubby to be the middle-man? I think maybe your hubby don't understand why you are so upset at this time as you can't slp and eat well. It all adds up. Have someone whom you can share with and talk to and this person to help both of you.
Talking abt MIL makes me boil .. She told my daughter ah ger if ah mah nvr come and cook for u .. Nobody will and u gt nothing to eat .... X_____X

I only ask her to come during this critical period !! Urghhhh I Hv been taking care of my ger all by myself since she is born!! So angry ... Why must tell children this kind of thing? Make her proud?
Zenn Zenn, really? I am seeing my doc again next Wed, so I will ask him. Is there a place I should take note of the scanning machine that states the baby age?
Ggchua, go out have fun n talk to your close friends. For me I feel better after talking it out. Like someone understand how I feel n encounter similar problem as me. Not been evil that ppl suffer with me, at least I know I'm normal to feel this way.
Rach: Gd luck!

Pepper123: Welcome!

I feel so angry now, just came to know from my HR that my position will change.. Downgrading!
divein: men are like that. they always avoid by keeping slient or drink their life away. not that i'm avoiding our problems, but i was so agitated till my stomach hurts and whole body very weak. its affecting my health. but he wont understand. so moving out is the best choice for us now.

mocca: hmm.. we dont have close friends or neither i'm that close to his sibling. but i closer to his niece and nephew and i miss them so so much!

bb burger: u sound so happy! lol! can feel ur happiness.. i did explained to him but he just refused to listen. refused to let it go into his brain. refused to acknowledge and pretend nothing happen.

divein: honestly, i dont understand why some MIL likes to say those bo liao things to the children. its not good at all. i dont mind she complain to anyone in the whole world but not to the children
mocca: i cant.. i cannot stop crying nor to control my temper. i scare i will scold my friends. im like a bomb now

apple gal: does your company know you are pregnant?
Bb burger, I think different machines have diff display.. My doc's one was in the bottom that show size he measured & est weeks.

Btw I have no u/s printout at all. I have seen my gynae during 5 weeks & 6 weeks. He nv give me leh. Must ask for it issit?
GGchua - I also smoke, drink before I get pregnant. But I do cut down on smoking alot when we are trying for the bb. But my fave pastime is drinking - beer, martell n coffee . Now can only drink milo, water n milk.. Haiz. Gonna miss all these for the nxt 9 mths. From yr postings.. Seem like yr hubby is not ready for a BB?
Apple, how come suddenly downgrade u. Cos preggie? This is not acceptable lo!

Ggchua, hmm then usually when u not happy u keep to self? How about your own family. I agree with maxlene, your hubby seems to be unprepared for this baby. Maybe he don't know how to handle yet so use escape method.
ggchua: Men also have stress when it comes to having a baby - finance and time commitment, loss of freedom. They are not like us, we feel happy to have a life in us. But they can't feel it until they see the baby. Maybe staying apart for the time being is good but not too long, or else the both of you will drift apart. He's probably still upset or clueless now.

I totally understand your feeling. My MIL is same type too. Ai yo, poor boy boy, no one take care of u, babababbababa. She always says sth demotivate me although she doesn't really mean it.
Zenn: You probably gotta ask for you. Where's your gynae? KKH? My gynae will give me every ultrasound scan and give me a book to paste the scans in. Anyway the scans won't last long so it's best to scan them into pdf for momento.
maxlene and mocca: food makes me happy. like sashimi all.. but i cant eat anymore. and my tastebuds seem weird and different now. i also dont know is he ready or not. guess both of us still need time to adapt. everything was okay when its just the both of us.

I just found out my boy boy may be inflected with HFM disease. He has fever from Sat night til Sunday night, yesterday we brought him to doctor, the doctor said air born virus, but today, he lost appetite and even refuses to eat, rashes appeared on hand... later need to bring him to see doctor!!
ggchua: No, company do not know i m pregnant. But our boss is too much lor, change it from purchasing executive to sales support position, but to sales coordinator. I am a degree holder and being 5 years in this company, i get this in return, worse than a new comer.. Now, i m pregnant, and i am force to accept this and cannot find jobs.. Really feel so upset and angry with the management!
Divein: My MIL also one kind. When my gal is still a baby, I like to put those flower headbands for her even though she doesn't really have hair. Then one day she made a comment that made me cry. I was at her place for dinner, then she said in front of everybody, why I put such an ugly headband on my gal's head. I don't see what is the problem so I ignore her. Then she brought out a hello kitty headband with the lace and elastic one and said, "see, this one is so nice. I BUY ONE! not like yours, so ugly." I got fed up I brought my gal into the room and cried whilst feeding her. Then my FIL, BIL and hubby all scold her. Then she purposely say out loud, "ya what, I'm saying the truth. Why should I lie about this kind of thing?"

In the end, she admitted the headband wasn't bought by her but was a gift from my hubby's cousin. Come on lor, why lie about such things? Also, those type of elastic with lace will cut the baby's scalp. She really got no brain one lor.

Anyway I realised that my MIL really love to lie. She once whipped out a hanky with one small rubber piece at the side for the baby to suck. She also say she bought it. When I take a closer look, it was from Air France. She NEVER travel one lor! Obviously it was left over from my SIL and she claimed she bought it.

Can't stand it man!
MH: If you suspect your boy is having HFMD, better for you to stay away too. Ask hubby to take your boy to the clinic instead as we are in a higher risk of contracting it too.

apple: May be good to find out why was there a sudden change in position for you. Even if you can't change the situation now, at least you know the reason.
Angela, your MIL has inferior complex. Don't stoop down to her level. Just ignore her remarks since half the time they aren't true anyway. Good thing your hubby, BIL and FIL scolded her. She must be fuming and thus, made her even more revengeful.
ggchua: I find that 95% of MILs are the same - mean, selfish and brainless.

Like for my upcoming holiday, it was supposed to be a birthday celebration for my gal and just for hubby, my gal and I to have some personal time together. After we have booked accommodation, air tix, everything, she suddenly called my hubby and said she wants to come along. Then my BRILLIANT hubby never reject or let her go, only say he will discuss with me. BTH. If I say no, she knows I don't let her go. If I say yes, I suffer. BTH.
ocean: I used to think that since I'm only DIL I will just take whatever she says. At the most complain to my mum lor. As time goes by, when her comments got worse and the frequency gets more, I told myself I had enough. Nowadays I don't give her face liao. She say something nasty, I talk back at her. Not that I want to be rude, but I just want her to know that I don't like what she says and I am no pushover.
Angela, then let her know that u say no. If u let her go, u will suffer. If u don't let her go, u will also suffer. Any way u will suffer so might as well dont let her go. Let her bitch all she wants. At least u will have a better time w/o her around
Ocean: No, did not reduce my pay. Problem is keep adding my job scope, i already did purchasing, costing, admin, inventory control, stock take, spareparts and now wanted add to do all sales job plus logistics (one of my colleague resign).
Ocean: Too late liao, I said yes. =( I know if I don't let her go, I will suffer more. Coz my hubby used to study in Aus and before she could go there for a holiday after his graduation, my hubby came back to be buddy for his best friend's wedding. For the past 7 years eversince I knew my hubby, she has been TELLING me she regrets not attending her "precious" son's graduation, not being able to visit Aus etc, until I can recite what she says from front to back. So if this time round I say no, I will suffer till the day I die. Anyway I pulled in my FIL to come along so if she is a nuisance, my FIL will "control" her. That was my game plan. Muahahahaahahahah!
apple: Did your boss say it will be a permanent arrangement or just a temporary one? If you feel comfortable, it may be good to let your boss know you are preggie so that she may change the plan for you.
Apple, woah! that's a lot to do! No way to reason and voice your displeasure?

Angela, oh
But, good one to bring in your FIL!
At least there's someone to block her off fr u. haha.
My MIL more classic .. Last yr I plan a family trip wanted to include both my mom and her .. She all along say waste money waste money .. So we go ahead and book our tix and htl for ourselves ... In the end she say she Hv to go because she need to take care of my girl! Wat a reason ... During the trip my girl 100% take care by myself and hubby ...
Apple I think you should take to tour boss about your work load. Don't over work yourself. Even wana downgrade must know the reason. If really unhappy, leave after ml.

Angela, agree! Most mil r not easy to live with. Mine still ask me eat left over food last week despite knowing I'm preggie.
Will boss reduce workload if u r Preggie ...I haven't met sch a gd boss unless its physical tedious stuff ...so Hv to be thick skin and tell u cannot cope but again risking ur appraisal ... During my last preg , even though my target exceeded but I gt no performance bonus
Aiyo MIL all buay zhi tong type ar.. Same happen to me. My hubby want to bring me to cruise this dec as our 1st year anniversary. Upon hearing this, my MIL ask her son to bring her along.. Wtf. She know is our 1st year yet she want go for what.
In the end I tell my hubby I don want go le cos cannot wear bikini since by then I m in the 5th mth le.. Keke.. Very bad hor
lol. I think my FIL is DA champion. For our honeymoon trip, we went to nearby island considering we were both new into the job and couldn't take long leave. FIL suggested to us that can change location to go BKK so can bring grandma along.

Apple, is yours a SME?

Feeling so nauseous all day haiz. Am afraid to have to take no paid leave soon
apple: i dont think you should tell ur boss. cause the possibility of lighten your workload is very low. you should check with your boss first regarding the downgrading then decide on your next move
Divein: Really depends on luck lor. In my previous firm, I told my lady boss early and she asked me not to move anything. She even told me to ask my male boss to shift the things if there is a need to. LOL!
Angela, thanks for your advice.

Later I will bring him to see doctor with my husband and also ask the doctor to check my throat as well, feeling a bit pain.
Go check if ur gyn if u can insert medicine in anus lol my Gyn say very effective hehe

I am trying to apply unpaid .. Can't stand the sudden attacks of headache giddy and nausea making things very inconvenient ...
Angela: HR told me that purchasing will be less due to future plan procurement will be done in shanghai office. But if there is local project i got to do it. Meaning, no different for me. If you wanna to change my job scope but not downgrade, after working for so long. I contribute so much to the company yet get this downgrading in return. It is a permanent arrangement..

ggchua: Ya, i feel hot now lor, feel like throwing the letter at my boss face. But i can't.. I need to think of my hb, my gal and my baby. Hiaz..

Oceanblue: Yes, i told my HR, i am not going for sales training, till they meet with me and offically tell me. I mean they dun even ask i am ok with the new job scope and then just change my job title. This is too much.

Mocca Mama: He know my work load, and dare to say, i must manage well myself.

Shirelle: Yes it is SME and typical singaprean boss, stingy type.
