(2013/04) April 2013

Good morning mummies!

Here to join you guys!

Im currently at 8 weeks, this is my no 2, edd 3 April. But no ms. And my tire ess comes and goes. Just last week I felt i got my energy back but this week I feel like I haven slept for days. No ms too. Just no appetite. My next scan is in 1 months time. Such a lon wait!

Shirelle: Ya, do have more rest.. I remember i also have spotting during no 1 in 8 weeks. My gynae warn my hb no baby dance. Haha.
Yup yup, come here n vent out your frustration on us =)
I'm sure once u see your bb, ur heart will melt instantly.. All the unhappiness just go away!
Hello Mummies and welcome Melissa.

Shirelle: I too felt very uncomfortable and extremely bloated last evening too and it lasted till night-time before I can I KO and sleep. Not feeling good.

Ggchua, you need to have a good talk with your hb. If face to face is hard. Why don't you write him a email to express all your thoughts. Men sometimes is just a insensitive pig. My hb called me "pui po" and u looked like an auntie now. I admitted I indeed has put on 8kg during fertility treatment. But I will just take it as he is joking and not too bothered by his comments. (thou I felt abit affected) lol.
Melissa: Welcome! Who is your gynae? Suppose first three month, the visit will be 2 weeks a time. One month is too far apart.
Thanks mummies! Nice to chat with you girls!

Apple - my gynae is selina chua. Oh i actually went to see her twice already. The 1st time was too early, only managed to see the sac. Went back again last week and saw little bean with heartbeat hehe. So next can will be the 12 weeks scan.
Welcome Melissa!

Zenn, my hb is worse! My stomach is already showing pretty obvious esp due to all that constipation n bloated,yet he tells me he can't see it! Grrrr!

Angela, yeah! I wonder what fruits we can/can't eat. I can't take apples now, will puke upon eating it damn!
Shirelle: Can take dragonfruit and guava, but in moderation as guava can be cooling. Stay off the del monte bananas as that one is super cooling. Otherwise, apples, pears, peaches are all fine. =)

Yesterday I tried vitagen and it was a breeze this morning. Maybe you can give it a try too?
Melissa: Ic, i think each gynae are differently, during my no 1, my gynae told me 1st 3 month is quite unstable, so the visit will be every 2 weeks, after 12 weeks will be 4 weeks once.
Shirelle, fruits I know so far:
Watermelon, too liang
Payaya, carrot, eat too much yellow skin
Orange, mil say bb will have flam
Coconut too Liang, can only eat when due soon
Big long banana, Liang. Only those Indian short one ok
Pineapple, Google it, best not to eat
Kiwi also can eat and it contains lots of Vit C, which is good for pooping.

Now craving for mashed potatoes and korean instant noodles. *drools*
thanks for the advises from all mtbs!

i've already gave in to him but he refused to give in. anyway, i think me and him should really stop talking for sometime
Ggchua, take time to cool down. Don't think too much ya. ;)

Wow there are loads of fruits can eat/cant eat. I can't take apple pear now, will puke. Guava and dragonfruit dun dare to eat. Omg lol. Tried vitagen and yoghurt but will puke too.

ms blues: (
mocca mama: are we allow to drink honey? lemon honey? from those herbal store... cause i still can taste the blood in my mouth. guess my throat really kena affected very badly. thinking whether drinking lemon honey will helps or not
Ggchua, I haven read up on honey so far. I can't comment on it yet but If you wanna take, I think better buy those good one. Cheap one not nutrition, only got the taste.

I'm tempted to put light make up xos my face look pale nowadays. My colleague ask me why but I haven told them the truth yet. Hai scare the chemical goes inside me.. Any e stay away from makeup too?
ggchua: You can try. When I had my No. 1 my hubby would make manuka honey with a bit of lemon. It helped for a while but after that didn't work.
Angela, I still using my moisturizer everyday too Haha
Ok I will use light makeup but won't apply lip gloss cos always end up eating it haha
morning mtbs..
back from gynae visit.. did first scan see only sac and waterbag.. measured size to be 6w5d liao.. hai.. 3 more weeks to next visit.. hopefully can see blink blink..

apple: my ger also keep wanting to be carry.. shag..

in the past.. I always carry her out in baby carrier when I alone... now wan to bring her out.. cannot use carrier liao.. Sian.. dunno how to go out..
ocean: Thanks for sharing on the makeup! I'll probably switch to a safer brand as I am not sure if ZA is safe or not.

piyo: I am also having problems carrying my gal. She's 11.2kg now and counting, even hubby also says in time to come, I cannot carry her already. How about using a lightweight stroller? May be a better option as we won't be able to carry things.
Good info on the cosmetic ingredients! I have oily skin so tend to use those stuff. I think better check on my face care ingredients soon.
Having dumplings noodle now, just now saw a guy eating laska, Wa so tempted to order. But scare the coconut not fresh, later kana food poisoning. I been panorid hahaa
ocean blue: thanks! but my office here never say lemon honey.. the person said preggies can drink chrysanthemum. is it true?
piyopiyo: How old is your ger? My gal dun wan to sit on the stroller, so it is very difficult for me to bring her out alone. Unless very short distance.
Mocca mama - i heard it at 7 weeks plus. Bb measured 7w4d. Think when i went the 1st time i was only less or going to be 6 weeks.

Daphne - im in my 8 weeks plus le, i went to see my gynae last week. Ya such a long wait! Think it will be 1st trimster scan.
Melissa, congrats! Finally get to see your little heartbeat. Is amazing how they transform in just 2weeks time.
I hope I can see n hear smth by next week too.
Hi mommies! I'm preggie with #1, 5wks I think, will be going to my gynae to confirm next week.

I was excited when first learned about my pregnancy, but now starting to have a bit of doubt whether it's really the right choice. Is it normal to feel some doubt? I feel like a bad mommy...
Welcome and congrats, pepper123!

It's normal to be doubtful and anxious. Just relax and try not to be too pessimistic in your thinking. See what happens when u visit the gynae
I also Hv probs wif hubby and always think why other hubby so nice he not very care abt my 2nd bb
everyday work till past midnight I really dunno wat he doing .. Haiz. . Bt I guess let me past this trimester than see! Too busy puking now :p

It's okay .. Everything moderate can le ... Just came bk from 2nd visit .. I lost 3 kg in 2 weeks. Gyn concern on fast wt lost ask me o bk again 2 wks time zzzz. Bt bb more than triple the length keke.

He see me like that tell me anything also can eat .. Go eat ice cream he said lol as long give u energy ...

As for ms he say if dun improve must put the medicine in anus ....zzzz
pepper123: Welcome! Actually it's normal to feel doubtful at this stage coz we can't see or feel the baby. Once the baby is out, you will feel very different. Enjoy the whole journey as much as you can, as you will begin to miss those kicks and movements after you have delivered. =)
ocean blue and angela: alright alright.. thanks!

divein: can you imagine my husband text me last night asking whats my decision!? hes referring to say good bye or to be together. this morning i texted him to apologise to him for using the wrong way to communicate with him and guess what, he just wanna argue with me
Mocca: Can take a look and see what is there and do some research first. It's best to start buying baby stuff from 2nd tri onwards, especially when you already know the gender so you will buy stuff for boy/girl. Also, I notice that every 3 months there will be a baby fair, so no hurry at all. =)
I understand it's so hurting
sometimes when quarrel the Lang use too harsh let's cool down .. Bt I really dun thk u shd move out

I think bb stuff dun Hv to buy so early start getting our bigger bras bah :p also clothes that allows growth for our stomach butts and some flats .. I think last time Robinson child section gt a baby checklist for newborns ... As long we prepare those by third trimester can Liao ...
Angela, Oh thanks for the trip! First time so kind of blur n kiasu Haha I'm planning to get a lot second hand item from my friends but can't reveal to them yet. So like u say, go see n research first.
Seems like baby fair is same as it fair. Every few months have. That good!

Kimmy, that's good news! I believe you will be in good hands now. Hope you have good news for us next week, mean while take good care of yourself.

ggchua: Cool down, I believe it will take some time for your husband to understand what you are going through. Hope both of you can work things out soon. Do you have something that you do or eat that can make you happy? Maybe it will cool off the upset emotions away. I told my husband last night that the happiest moment for me now is I can eat and drink all I can, no exercise and yet no need to worry about fat, coz I think the big tummy is contributed by the baby. Even though my husband laughed it off at me saying the bb is only 5mm, I still believe my tummy is big due to pregnancy. Stay happy and find ways to make urself happy!

The posts are too long and I don't remember seeing trinity's updates. How are you, trinity? Everything's fine?

By the way, I always see you gals say bb is X wks and X days. But my doc only gave a rough gauge that I was 7 wks last wed when I saw him. Is it normal that the doc is able to tell the exact age of the bb at this stage?
