(2013/04) April 2013

Hfmd no medicine wan .. Just fever medicine .. And make sure ur child hydrated .... Can't eat a meal or too doesn't matter becos of ulcers they can't really eat ... u can even give ice cream if he feels throat sore ... Or just drink warm milk ( not hot) ...

wow.. threads moving fast...

Angela: I just switch from Capella s507 to maclaren xt for my ger.. she is now 10kg already.. can't carry long.. but sometimes she just refused to sit in it.

apple: my ger 14mth.

ya.. marina sq got baby fair coming up... I kiasu.. start sourcing for breastpump already.. buying 2nd hand one though.. I have gave away my #1 clothings from 0-9mth.. now got to ask my fren to keep it till I know the gender... in case I need it back..
apple: I agree that it is best to meet up with HR and your boss face to face to understand why the sudden change in position for you. I find it so unfair that they change without giving you a valid reason. =(
Haiz now with little one in our stomach we can't think of changing job until after maternity ... Hv any of u think of down grading in order to spend more time with kids?
apple: guess you have to bear with it till ur baby is out! trust me, local boss can be very mean. got job better than jobless now. hai..
piyo: Me too! I started with Capella S507 then now using Maclaren XT. My gal also initally don't like to sit in it, but nowadays when she's tired and she knows she doesn't have a choice, she will guai guai sleep in it.

I think the Maclaren XT should be suitable for new borns? I don't want to buy a new pram/stroller for the new baby.
divein, the med in anus will help with? nauseousness or constipation?

I've already "downgraded" for my #1. Dunno if can ask to work from home, there's so much to do. Feel bad for taking leave too.
I Hv something to share ... My girl didn't ask me to carry her because she knows I gt no strength ... If u really can't take he weight anymore u can try and tell ur children that mummy Hv no more strength as u r already a big boy/ girl ... My URL understands she wil guai guai walk by herself even if she tired ...
It's for nausea vomiting lah haha

Huh downgrade alrdy still gt so much to do ar ....

Downgrade in same company/trade?
Divein: I also hope my girl will guai guai. The problem is, because hubby and I bring our gal back home after work, so by the time we reach our carpark, she's asleep, so no choice I have to carry her home from carpark. If she's not asleep I'll ask her to walk and she'll comply.
My job required me to fly almost once a mth, 3 to one week away. When I told my boss I m preggy she nv say anything.. Don knw if she still want me to fly or nt. haiz.. Worry this is going to affect my performance.
Even when BB is born, don't know if I m able to leave him or her for one week mah too..
Divein: The scan picture very small, will go back and have a look.

Zenn: I will look at the 4 corners on my next visit. My doc gave us a scan print out for the 2 visits I had so far.

ggchua: Maybe you should find sometime after you cool down to work out, maybe you stay with ur parents on certain wkdays so that you don't get so tired when you work. But I believe husband and wife should not be separated too long. Sometimes it is more 'efficient' by hearing another person to say out the same thing instead of you. It happens to both my husband and myself. It's more convincing when my friends told me the same thing rather than my hubby. Have to cool down first. Maybe after you have better slp and appetite, you can have a good talk with your hubby. Cheer up!

apple_gal: I am a bit blurred after hearing your situation. Sorry for my blurness! Usually when I have unhappiness at work, I complained to my hubby and sometimes when he's patient, he will explain in a different perspective on a more real and realist world out there. But sometimes, he just shut my mouth by saying I complained too much. I haven't told my boss yet about my pregnancy but I hope my ah moh boss will be nice to me. My colleague had an unfortunate delivery last yr (her bb died of complications a few days after born) and he was very understanding to her, even till now that some of us think he showed favourism.
Angela: yes, I am still waiting for their arrangement of meeting.

ggchua: Cooling down now, but i really no mood to work here.
I used to enjoy business trips after #1 I just drag to go ...

With #2 I think I really dun Hv the mood to travel ...
Yeah, I also heard that ang mo bosses will be better. Sigh, I am also having problems with my job. Boss is leaving and asked me to join him at the new firm. The prospects there are not bad. They have given me the terms and conditions liao but haven't sign contract yet. Neither have I tendered at my current firm. When I told my boss I'm preggie, he says not a problem for him but asked me to tell the HR people in the new firm. I asked him to do it for me since he is in a better position to persuade them.

Today my MS is very bad. Feel like puking now. I went to buy sour plums and kept popping them just now and it doesn't seem to work. Sianz. =(
apple_gal: But I think my ang moh boss was not as nice to my ang moh colleague, or maybe my ang moh colleague asked a bit more. She not happy when he asked her some work stuff when she came to visit us with her baby. I also don't know why, but the colleague with the unfortunate case was quite an ambitious one and can talk very well, produce little but can impress one. And I am the work hard, happy go lucky. I think my boss will be nice to me but of coz treatment will not be as good as the other one.

It starts to rain again, when I about to knock off, troublesome to walk with umbrellas.

All mtbs, pls walk carefully as the floor is wet.
Divein - I think I will behave like u too.. Can't bear to leave Bb right. Haiz mayb I should ask my boss to demote me after I give birth..
bb burger: thanks for the advise

apple: i think SMEs really very cannot make it. my first company was an SME and always sack peopl during maternity. second company is a MNC current company is a Jap company, and all of them are nice people.
Kept feeling very nauseous
can feel the acid coming up my throat, v depressing.

agree that local SME sucks. my hb used to work for a SME. once I was hospitalized and he took a few days off to accompany me. after that, boss told him he should start to look for new job. zzz luckily he's in an MNC now, better benefits, better payout, better environment and more flexible.
Really envy some of u hav good boss...
All along my boss is lady boss & hav kids, but how come they don't understand our situation especially when we want to hav bb....
this cause me very stress & no choice i choose to resign.... I work hard , put all my effort to complete my increasing work load ...be part of her assistant , secretary but the this is the ending...
I pray hard now that I can find a good company, understanding boss & colleague ...
If sisters here got good lobang , hope can share....
We all here must be jia you to be a good mother & good employee .... Hee.... ;)
Hi snoopy
U just resigned?
Perhaps take this chance rest awhile ..

Yeah I also envy u guys who Hv gd bosses at least 1 less thing to worry ...
Divein, I stop working when my 1st Ivf start in June but fail ...
I think rest is enough for me now... Thinking to 'Chiong' again ... ( look for job) cos really spend a lot when start Ivf ..
Really worry will get rubbish job..
Morning ladies! Yest scan was ok. my bb is 0.56cm Lol..so tiny..
i could hear faint heartbeat =)

Glad to be able to share my joy with u all!

I already put on 2 kg!! OMG!! Hubby says it has nothing to do with the pregnancy -__-
angela: XT can use for newborn.. so dun need to buy again.. i'm waiting for my ger to learn to walk.. she now still needs to hold on to our hands to walk.. once she knows how to walk and run... less carrying liao...

zenn: i fart alot also..

Rach: 2 kg ok la.. i still have 8kg leftover from my #1.. and now... got to put on again.. dunno this time how many kg...
Angela why your MIL like that?? I feel angry for u mann..BZD plus alot of small actions.

Snoopy u tender already? Otherwise if can hang in there just try to..? Now u concieve is thru IVF??
Rach, I feel your excitement! 2kg is nothing and your hubby doesn't know what we are going thru' so whether the weight gain is related to the pregnancy or not, it doesn't matter. It's better to gain than to lose. I may have asked u this before, but how many weeks are u now? I'm having preggo brain. Very forgetful :p
Good morning, mummies..

Shirelle: It is normal, during my no 1, i have very serious MS, which hate coffee smell, cooking smell, perfume, maggi mee etc
Congrats Rach. My scan is this Friday after last 2 weeks.
I also put on 1kg but my tummy look as if 3-4 months preggy. I don't eat as much as before, but still put on weigh.
Snoppy: I agree with divein, i also trying looking for jobs, but if pregnant it will be more difficult to find one company that can accept you.
Thank u all!
Oceanblue, as of today im 7 weeks. But bb size is about 6wk5D..slightly smaller. You??

Zenn how many weeks?

2kg is ok? I was thinking chamm..7 weeks only i put on 2kg..Plus we cant exercise now..feel so nua..
Angela: I feel for you, as i think we have the same type of MIL which can't communicate. I remember when my gal give birth not long ago, i brought some romper from gap, my MIL will complain, why buy this type of clothes, you should buy like mine, Yours not good, mine better. Everytime she will complain on what we brought. If we brought 2 packets of pamper, she will ask, why buy so many packet, buy one will do, if needed then buy. 1 packet of pamper finish in 1 week time, i do not want to make a trouble to go and buy again, furthermore is offer. She just dun care whether we save the money or not.

I have a conflict with her when my gal is with high fever, i wanted to bring my gal to kkh, but my mil insist to bring to normal GP. I told my hb just go ahead and bring my gal to kkh, my mil heard it, she slam the door and shout to us, in the case dun ask her to take care my girl. If i have a chance, i will not live with my MIL.
I m 8w2d. My tcm said ppl can tell I m preggy now. I was like only 8 weeks can tell, or she mean I have become fat. Lol.
Zenn zenn
I am 8 wk 1 day .. When is ur edd?
Yday mine was brought fwd to 6 apr due to bb size .. Nt sure is it always changing
Morning all. Grats Rachel, weight gain is gd.

Zenn, I put on 0.5kg since last visit, but my tummy is so huge now from all the bloating and constipation. Haiz...

Snoopy, why not take rest now and lf job after baby is 6mths? I have been hving so bad Ms and spotting,kept having to take mc /leave. V stressful !
Applegal, if you bought only one packet ya MIL will say why buy only 1 why dont buy more? It's like that..whatever u do she can find smth else to say..Ive heard so many MIL stories but fortunately my MIL hasnt done that cuz this is my first time..
Rach, I think I'm 6W6D today according to my own calculation. Coz' I think I conceived around CD16.

Is anyone experiencing drastic body temp changes? Like very hot now then suddenly feel very cold? Or feel cold easily? I've been feeling cold easily the last few days. Now, office temp is 25deg cel and I'm wearing a jacket that I usually wear if I go overseas during autumn.
Rach: I would think maybe yes, everything we do, she will say. I dun want to cut my gal hair short, she keep saying that we as a parent so bad, treat our gal like a doll. If anything that we did does not go her way, she will say all kind of things.
Thx Shirelle.. is there smth u did that caused the spotting? Eg u've been walking alot?

Ocean, I don't have that body temp change feeling..or maybe i didnt realise. Could be the weather change..esp when its raining, office tend to be colder.

I have a planned 2d1n Batam trip end Sept. Its just a relax chill (non massage) girls trip..Should I still go?
Hihi Ocean_Blue,

Me too.....I'm wearing jacket everyday and everywhere I go...I even cover my legs with those thick shawl in the office otherwise i feel damn cold... I read from internet one of the signs of having a boy is having cold feet, not sure how accurate!


I'm 7W5D as of today, EDD 13 April 2013...can I know your baby size? Mine is 1.27cm...abit worried that baby is not getting enough nutrients le..
