(2013/04) April 2013

I still have another 30 mins
Mocca: LOL! Ya! I don't know why I just need to eat and eat and eat! My No. 1 wasn't like that at all! OMG! I think this time I can gain 30kg liao!!!!
Oceanblue: Yar havent been doing anything much cause was on MC last week cause of spotting. Never do housework too. Feel so bad that my MIL is doing everything for me now.

Angela: Ok. Was thinking if I delay moving house, have to do so for half a year so it's a bit too long to leave the house empty. Plus having to take care of the baby, i think it's better to move and settle down before giving birth.
Agreed! The most important is to keep ourselves upbeat and stay relaxed. Later on still can lose all the preggie weight (that is if I still have the luck this time).
envy all mummies who managed to shed off 1st preg weight. i had excess baggage of 5kg from 1st preg. hopefully this round, wun put on too much weight.

i find latching bb during 1st month most difficult as they dun know how to suck well. i gave up latching after a few days and just keep pumping and give ebm. then i re-latched bb at 3rd month and viola, bb become super sucker and my best fren to clear all lumps!

don't have to worry no milk. there are many supplements which you can take to increase milk supply, malay boobs massage to stimulate milk production, etc.

khimmy, hope Dr loh can give you answers! he is very very experienced and has 'magic hands'! i used to see him for my 1st tri for my #1 and also did a lap with him before i had my #1. but dr loh very direct and not good with comforting words thou! all the best!
<font color="119911">snoopy...my gynae is dr. Yvoone soong at TMC...next wek will see dr. Loh. I'm sure will have certain risk especially if the sacs doesn't swim to inner uterus...

What i can do now is rest more and pray really hard</font>
wa, envious. I got another 30 minutes to go

Divein, I have a lot of shoes! Really hope won't expand again, else I will look so unproportionate!

I've been cabbing to work and home lately, and buying so much food to try (and throw up). wastage!
any mummies here have watery stools? I'm having watery stools and keep farting... nv have it during 1st trim for #1.

I'm having cramps at tum tum area now.. dunno izzit stomach pain to go toilet or other cramps...
piyo, I have v bad constipation. Have not had any bowel movement for a week
But will still get cramps.

So sad, just vomited before my dinner, all the bubbles and stomach acid
Shirelle, are u taking anything for your constipation? Don't let it develop into piles. It'll be real bad. Take care.

Piyo, I had watery stools for abt 1-2 weeks abt 2-3 weeks ago. It stopped on its own. Now, I'm constipated to the point my left side (above my waist) hurts. Left side is where the big intestine is.
Shirelle, if you have constipation, it's best to get med from doc. Don't gek hor coz it will be very painful and scared later will affect the baby. I am also starting to have some constipation problem. Yesterday drank a bottle of vitagen and today everything cleared out. Felt total bliss.
Good morning to all mtbs.

i went to see a psychiatrist yesterday as i suspects that im having prenatal depression

had a big fight with my husband and have moved back to my own place. the emotions are killing me.

not only that, my morning sickness getting worst. vomit with blood.

feeling so...
Anyone also having ultra sensitive nose? I used to love my Ralph Romance perfume, now I can't even stand it. I want to vomit whenever I pass by those perfume counters or if someone walk past me and has very strong shampoo smell, I also want to faint. =(
<font color="119911">good morning mummies...

I have some medicine that prescribe by my gynae when i am having #1 to cure constipation...let me know if you want it..i can post to you as i din take it now....dun wan to waste it as it will end up go into the bin...It's to mix in water and drink it type..orange flavor.</font>
<font color="119911">ggchua..

Stay strong...must always speak out...if you would like to have a talk or complaint...i am happy to lent you my ears...</font>
ggchua: It's normal to feel very emotional at this juncture. Take this period of time to chill and calm down. When you and your hubby have chilled out, talk to him and let him know your emotions. Ask him for support. First time dads are like that. I was also always crying and screaming at my hubby when I was expecting my No. 1. Over time, he realised that it's not easy for us to be expecting, then he became more caring and understanding.

You can always vent your frustration here. We can lend you our ears anytime. =)
ggchua: You may want to visit your gynae and get a jab if oral med for vomitting doesn't work. I was also vomitting until very jialat, with blood and all that. Once I jab, I felt so much better immediately. Please do see your gynae about it and don't wait anymore.
kimmy: thanks! actually ive used the wrong way to communicate with my husband. wanna talk to him now but i couldnt bring myself to it cause i know i'm still very unhappy with the way he treat me these few days. went out drinking till mid of the night. suddenly text me and asked me whats my decision. seems like hes so eager to leave me or whatsoever..
angela: i just feel like crying whenever i think of my husband. hai... my gynae didnt give me any medication for vomitting. i must ask from him already

Me too. Me more sensitive to those fd aromas &amp; taste.Even those strong flavored fd i also cant take it, i can even smelt d oil tat they used to deep fry d fd. So nwadays im been eating v light &amp; soupy.
ggchua, I also was pissed with my hubby for a period of time cos he is not been proactive and supportive to start a family. I was on the verge of divorce cos i was frustrated by his hackcare attitude.
So i didnt talk to him for some time, cool it off and complain to my married friends. they also had similar issue but nobody shared cos dont wana spread the ugly things ma.
After listening, i know im not alone and i need to have a serious talk with him. Let him understand my frustration n y i keep getting angry. He also tell me his feelings. from there, we compromise n try work it out.
I know sometimes our men just make us so pissed till u feel like walking out of his life. But if we just give up now, is it worth it?
Take time to cool off n talk to ppl ard u, u may be surprised that couple who appeared like very loving has their prob too! u r not alone =)
GGchua: Stay calm and happy. At this period, we are the most sensitive and emomotional woman.. I remember i always easily falling into tears when my hb raise a bit voice over the phone, i thought he scold me..
I agree with Mocca. Marriage is never a bed of roses. Ask any couple and they will tell you they have their problems too. Men are like that. They are most of the time selfish and think of themselves only, but trust me, fatherhood will change them. After my No. 1, he helps out a lot at home and he tries his very best at everything (even though he still screws up from time to time). Men will take centuries to change coz they have always been so sheltered by their beloved mums. If we show them a bit of TLC, they will soften and be more caring towards us.
Morning all! Got spotting haiz! Took a day off.

Ggchua, *pats* you can always vent yourfrustrations here.
Most men are v insensitive and bad at expressing themselves
gotta take the soft approach when speaking to them like what Trinity advised previously. My hb will just ignore me and won't even call back or msg if we had a tiff! Urghhh.

Vomiting with blood sounds really bad, pls see ur gynae and ask him to prescribe u med to help!

Angela,mummypooh, same. I m having probs with deodorant smell even zzz
Kimmy, Angela, I'm trying prune juice. Haiz. hope it works.

I have meds for constipation but can't stand the taste of it now.
shirelle, prune juice works best for me for constipation. If your still doesnt work, may need to ask gynac for some medic.

rest well! try not to move too much, especially with spotting.

angela: aiyo so good. I duno isit just today, maybe i try eat kaya again tml hahaa

im already thinking waht to have for lunch later. just had a custard bun hehee
Apple, I should be 9 weeks and 2 days since last visit. was some discrepancy in the size of the embryo and gestational weeks during first visit.

Angela, ya. Del monte. I drank 2 cups last night lol. But threw out some, dunno how much was absorbed haha.

Dunno if it's me or outside v v v hazy. Yesterday evening it was terrible.
